Got a question though. Whats the next step. I am on the mission to beat Ifrit. When can I unlock mounts? Do I take my archer to 30 and then just get a Bard and level it up. Should I restart different classes. I wanted to play archer to 60 but apparently I need to change into a Bard for endgame. What other class spells do I need for my bard? Are bards even good endgame?
Is there a site similar to wowhead for world of warcraft that has info on everything?
You'll unlock the mount shortly if you are on ifrit, you get the chance after joining a GC in the story, which comes right after Ifrit.
Bard is a job, it's not truly a different class, it's just an enhanced version. You'll have all your archer skills and equipment, but with extra bard skills and free stat upgrade. When you reach 30 with Archer you'll need to level Pugilist to 15, and then the BRD quest unlocks, and it shares level with archer so you can continue from where you were. For other class skills you'll want to get lancer up to 34 for their skills (they are the most important by far, PGL to 15 is good enough, can do 42 later for Mantra for completion sake but it's not required). Don't feel like you have to level Lancer asap after unlocking bard, but you will definitely need those skills at endgame. Invigorate recovers TP and Blood for Blood is an important damage boost, both are from LNC. The other big ones you'll get just from leveling PGL to 15.
There's no downside for leveling other classes too, so feel free to experiment, but if bard is your endgoal then only PGL/LNC share skills. BRDs are important support dps (along with Machinist, that unlocks in Heavensward), so pretty much every group wants at least one of either BRD or MCH. You'll have lowest potential DPS but it's not massive, and your support is again pretty important.
My favorite site for that stuff is
the Garland db. There are other good ones, like
xivdb which follows similar format of wowhead as it's owned by same company.