Soooo... Team China making a splash? What does them clearing in i190 mean for all those who said the fight was tuned too high?
Depends on how sensitive somebody's ego is, probably. The planning and execution that went into that fight is just beyond most of us. 4 gets weird in that the initial gear wall comments came from people trying Nisi strat, which has a higher HP and raid DPS requirement than sac strat used here. The later comments came from us mere mortal midcore raiders who can only speak relative to our own skill sets.
The China MCH is insane levels of better at this game than I will ever be. I'd argue A4S was overturned regarding where the average raider sits (and still is if you do Nisi probably; sac strat is more forgiving now), which is where I'd place myself and where I'd hope Savage would be aiming. It's not overturned in context of what Team China can do, but even then their statement after the fact has a lot of freaking out over how they had no margin for error at all. And they're really, really good.
It also appears they are players from the JP Aegis server who've had 4S down since November. This is still an extremely impressive feat, but it makes a lot more sense knowing this was the challenge version of a fight they knew.
Soooo... Team China making a splash? What does them clearing in i190 mean for all those who said the fight was tuned too high?
I mean, it's not like these guys just learned all that content from scratch in 4 days. Apparently they had all played on JP servers and had cleared since November. It's not unreasonable that really good players who have been clearing a while could clear in sub-par gear when they know the fight inside-out.
Well I don't think it's the time it took them but rather them clearing a fight which everybody has thought to have very, very high DPS barrier with relatively low level gear.
But what are they doing to be so good? Is there really that much headroom to optimise DPS/job skills to bridge the gap between what regular good/competent players can do and what these guys are doing?
But what are they doing to be so good? Is there really that much headroom to optimise DPS/job skills to bridge the gap between what regular good/competent players can do and what these guys are doing? Was it in the prep work?
Whats the logo for the heat of battle buff even meant to be?
I also thought it was a window from a house lol
I like my healers and do not want to give them any more reason to probably want to kill me off.
also, who even has full Alex Normal gear anymore
Seems to be making more sense now after we've been given more to dissect from the clear. I personally didn't have much thought on the matter, but I kind of assumed this was not a new group that just jumped into A4S for the first time when I saw the news (unless their version of the fight was nerfed). Knowing they've had 2 months of clears to practice makes more sense. Not denying the sheer amount of skill/optimization needed for clearing in such low gear, but there are some caveats to consider.
I'm hoping Tomo saying that didn't prompt Kawa and Alena to uninstall and move to BnS already. IT'S SAFE TO COME BACK GUYS, HE DIDNT MEAN IT.
I dunno, most of the outright rejection was "there is no way the fight can be done at that iLevel"/they had to have an easy version/if that is possible why did it take Lucrezia and Elysium so long (possibly the silliest response--they were doing a different fight!)
I do think now that all the data is out people will backpedal to "well they'd cleared it before!", but it's kind of telling that a lot of people reacted initially with the gear making it impossible, not inexperience.
I kind of also assumed from the start they probably had experience so getting confirmation of that wasn't surprising.
I'm hoping Tomo saying that didn't prompt Kawa and Alena to uninstall and move to BnS already. IT'S SAFE TO COME BACK GUYS, HE DIDNT MEAN IT.
Street Fighter V beta is back up. Bookey Ryu and Kawazi Ken Masters have moved on from sparring in Super II Turbo to V.
Playing BNS already and fightcade during queue times rip a4s.
Playing BNS already and fightcade during queue times rip a4s.
Playing BNS already and fightcade during queue times rip a4s.
I already have the mount, the chest, and the gun. early A4S vacation wooooooo!
Oh no this is terrible whatever shall we do.
Some pugs get all the luck.
This comment confuses me.
This comment confuses me.
Getting both of your drops in 5 weeks of clears is somewhat lucky?
Everyone's jumping ship to Blade and Soul. I guess FFXIV needs more baby oil.
I turned on a stream to see what it was like.
It didn't last long.
AND AN AVATAR CHANGE? RIP Kawazi Oazi of the Twin Adders
There's actual PvP, already infinitely better.![]()
I'm hoping Tomo saying that didn't prompt Kawa and Alena to uninstall and move to BnS already. IT'S SAFE TO COME BACK GUYS, HE DIDNT MEAN IT.
I dunno, most of the outright rejection was "there is no way the fight can be done at that iLevel"/they had to have an easy version/if that is possible why did it take Lucrezia and Elysium so long (possibly the silliest response--they were doing a different fight!)
I do think now that all the data is out people will backpedal to "well they'd cleared it before!", but it's kind of telling that a lot of people reacted initially with the gear making it impossible, not inexperience.
I kind of also assumed from the start they probably had experience so getting confirmation of that wasn't surprising.
So in short , i tend to give such talk at the start of a new raid on any content a low amount of attention .
Take me with you to BnS.
thought you would be the 1st person to be on the BnS boat
No PC. :,(
So in short , i tend to give such talk at the start of a new raid on any content a low amount of attention .
What got me to assume it was doable, but only by people who had a lot of experience with the fight, is that if the JP and US best of the best took as long as they did..
A4S is poorly visualized