I bet you're already at level cap in the butt mmo!
I bet you're already at level cap in the butt mmo!
There is a vested interest in raid groups to "skip phases"...So logically there is no interest in doing the raid. Just give raiders the gear
I've been kicked a few times for using logic... Most recent one was...[when the tank asked] why I have a piece of Vitality Jewelry on my BLM
Healing A1 actually gets really dull after a while /o\
Heh, it's been a while since this was asked in the OT, huh...
With the way the game currently is, Strength is technically always the best choice (more damage and enmity generation). But really, just go with what you're more comfortable with.
Why go to reddit when we can skip the middleman and go to our friends, the OF!
I hope we all learned something today.
you used to blink+shotgun didin't you
I was more looking at the global picture , basically :
Should a tank go into strength and add more DPS on the boss while tanking
Should a tank . well , Tank better by tossing everything in Vit to make him more robuster and make the healers job not as stressful at the cost of lower DPS ?
I like to imagine they were doing ravana EX and the BLM was wearing a vit earring and is defending his "logic"
It helps him survive the DF ilvl requirement check
Why go to reddit when we can skip the middleman and go to our friends, the OF!
I hope we all learned something today.
Where are the links???
this has sent me on a journey through OF looking for things. I can feel my brain melting.
In response to Angery. I never said the Chinese group wasn't impressive. However I was seeing a lot of, "What's wrong with American, Japanese, EU groups, etc," as well as people using this to say, "See, tanks and healers don't need to DPS to clear A3S/A4S, all our DPS players are just bad," or some nonsense like that.
Where are the links???
this has sent me on a journey through OF looking for things. I can feel my brain melting.
Yeah just mentioning OF without sharing is poor form Scything D: Edit: I TOOK TOO LONG FOR THIS POST TO MAKE SENSE
The whole "why did it take NA/JP so long?" side of the argument is basically just really dumb people since it ignores that A) Elysium had a vastly different fight (and, by association, no idea how much time Lucrezia spent also doing Nisi) and B) Solving a fight takes a lot of time. Most of progression isn't killing it, it's figuring out what to even do to kill it.
I don't get the tanks/healers don't need to DPS side of it though. They're pushing it pretty hard but it's not that much better than our current numbers and, more important, still a vast improvement over i210 full VIT Tanks not doing damage. If anything it's a bigger indicator that tanks not trying to push some damage above tank stance things isn't going to accomplish goals.
Oh, there's a contingent of people out there that absolutely hate that tank/healer DPS is a thing, and use any and all opportunities to argue against it.
Without ranting, I will say that I am not particular fond of this contingent. Mostly due to the obnoxiousness factor, but also because a lot of their arguments sound kiiiinda ill informed.
Yes, I too read reddit (and, well, this thread) and know. I more just mean I don't see how anything in this i190 clear shows that tank/healer output isn't needed. +20 ilvl isn't making up all the damage.
Why did it take JP so long? I mean we all know they live in the servers and get 0 ping and have yoship feed them strats. Maybe jp gamers aren't gods amongst men in ffxiv like I was told to believe. Time to start worshipping those chinese raiders and hope they carry me through that final tier of raiding
Yoshi-P actively sabotaged them this time.
I'm going to be honest I'm lazy nowadays and just look at https://twitter.com/ff14forums_txt
Who cares about balance! Just do it, it sounds like a cool idea!
He heard that I would have to be a lalafell for a week if they failed.
He heard that I would have to be a lalafell for a week if they failed.
I'm committing treason and rooting for china next time.
Aren't they like two patches behind? :V
Aren't they like two patches behind? :V
Should a tank . well , Tank better by tossing everything in Vit to make him more robuster and make the healers job not as stressful at the cost of lower DPS ?
Oh my god. Had the worst tank during my expert roulette
Didn't use tanking stance once in the entire instance. Which okay, if you're good enough to keep it all together, then fine. I'll deal with it. But I died four times because I grabbed agro while healing him. Didn't even have to use Holy. Then you have his pulls. He'd grab one set of enemies, kinda just wait there for a few seconds until his health dropped below half, then start running off to the next mob before I'm able to do anything. I had to waste Bene and Tetras because of this. Oh and at the final boss he runs in blindly while my MP is almost empty, and one of our DPS is disconnecting. It took forever to three man because he was taking a truckload of damage and I couldn't stop healing to DPS.
We eventually get there and beat the damn thing and he has the nerve to call everyone's DPS "shit" before leaving.
//rant rant rant
Street Fighter V static in February![]()
That's a misconception. With the way the game currently is, at least. A tank having less vit does not make it more stressful to heal them. As long as you don't die, you still take the same amount of damage and the healer would heal the same amount. You need just enough Vit to comfortably survive, anything above would be nerfing yourself. ...which is the whole reason why the devs are talking about changes to tanks it in 3.2
My reasoning was as follows :
Tank A spend all his points into VIT while Tank B put's them all into Strength.
Tank A : 1500 HP
Tank B : 1000 HP .
Both tanks take the same attack which does 500 damage .
In this scenario Tank A could eat that attack again and live before the healer has to heal him whereas Tank B would die if he got hit again and not healed before hand .
In a party that has Tank A the healer would be more comfortable to first cure /raise another member before refocusing on the tank whereas the healer in the party that has Tank B would not have that luxury .
This is how i picture it in my head why VIT would be better then strength .
You're welcome. Glad you enjoyed your time here, hope you get back to full health soon. Drop in the thread from time to time!This is kind of a dumb sentimental post, but I need to get this off my chest.
This summer I got really sick. I could barely focus on anything and I barely left my house except to get food once a week. The GAF Free Company was my only outlet for socializing back then. I stayed pretty sick until November. It got so bad to where I couldn't get out of bed for weeks at a time. I couldn't pay enough attention to even play the game, so I'd level up gatherers and do some dailies. I was a pretty bad player, but you guys still ran EXDR with me and helped me get through old primals.
I'm not as sick as I used to be, but because of said long-term illness I'm now homeless and living with friends. I'm not sure when I will have a subscription again as I'm waiting for SSI benefits to kick in. My lawyer says it could take up to ten months. Maybe I'll see ya'll then?
I just wanted to drop by and tell you how grateful I am for the community that we have, and that I'm lucky to have been part of it. You gave me something to live for when I was at the end of my rope. Everyone was always really supportive and nice to me. I really appreciate it.
Til next time. ~BB
Again not sure how you think trolling works but...you tell me how I taunt Galen without Savage gear.
There is totally a use for it. :|
I mean the 320 stuff is useful for killing oryx on hard mode? so... *shrug*...?Oryx is fun but you beat it once and it's good and then Oryx Heroic exists and then there's nothing else to do afterwards because nothing exists that uses the gear you get from it
But interesting things are the best part.Haven't actually done any of the, y'know, interesting things. Raid may be fun but mostly just want to grind Trials or something idk.
Again not sure how you think trolling works but...
But interesting things are the best part.
Guys, can you help me with this?
I got the game with the SE Humble Bundle. There's about a week of play left on my account. If I buy the game on steam, will I get 30 more days added to my account?
Guys, can you help me with this?
I got the game with the SE Humble Bundle. There's about a week of play left on my account. If I buy the game on steam, will I get 30 more days added to my account?
Guys, can you help me with this?
I got the game with the SE Humble Bundle. There's about a week of play left on my account. If I buy the game on steam, will I get 30 more days added to my account?
That would actually hurt more, yes.So you're saying we should've let it hit the ground after all?
Lol same. I usually only play that with people I know if i can help it, much to the chagrin of some of my other friends who are more pug happy than I.I am very bad at doing things with random people is what it comes down to.
Guys, can you help me with this?
I got the game with the SE Humble Bundle. There's about a week of play left on my account. If I buy the game on steam, will I get 30 more days added to my account?
That would actually hurt more, yes.
Lol same. I usually only play that with people I know if i can help it, much to the chagrin of some of my other friends who are more pug happy than I.
This is kind of a dumb sentimental post, but I need to get this off my chest.
This summer I got really sick. I could barely focus on anything and I barely left my house except to get food once a week. The GAF Free Company was my only outlet for socializing back then. I stayed pretty sick until November. It got so bad to where I couldn't get out of bed for weeks at a time. I couldn't pay enough attention to even play the game, so I'd level up gatherers and do some dailies. I was a pretty bad player, but you guys still ran EXDR with me and helped me get through old primals.
I'm not as sick as I used to be, but because of said long-term illness I'm now homeless and living with friends. I'm not sure when I will have a subscription again as I'm waiting for SSI benefits to kick in. My lawyer says it could take up to ten months. Maybe I'll see ya'll then?
I just wanted to drop by and tell you how grateful I am for the community that we have, and that I'm lucky to have been part of it. You gave me something to live for when I was at the end of my rope. Everyone was always really supportive and nice to me. I really appreciate it.
Til next time. ~BB
If the fight had heavier/steadier damage then your picture would work! But right now the game isn't really designed like that. Extra hp doesn't hurt, and on some fights HP past the minimum needed to survive undoubtedly makes healer job less stressful, but generally it's not something you aim for anymore. Because of this, most people will spec 30 STR. If you do end up needing more VIT, you can use vit accessories (or melded).This is how i picture it in my head why VIT would be better then strength .
Normally I don't like wasting gear, but if it's for a good cause, like trolling Galen or feeding starving floors - I am willing to support this movement.This is just the precursor trolling. I'm the only one with 60 BRD, and everyone is actually probably sadistic enough to just let it hit the ground next drop. It's the troll before the troll.