Just shoot the fucking Steam Bit okay
I'm sure Steam Bit-kun and Autoturret-chan are secretly making out while I'm not watching, that's why my feeds are so high.
Just shoot the fucking Steam Bit okay
The most annoying part was my realization literal months in that breaking the legs does change their models. Just, you know, at the top. Where you'll basically never look because nothing goes on up there and all the visual stuff you pay attention to is on the floor. Also I don't think there's animation on the parts falling off. They just poof?
SE pls. You knew we were going to be forever killing legs. Make it dramatic. Those legs post-breakage should look like The Terminator with his skin off. The fight should be pumping constant feedback that you are, indeed, progressing given that leg phase lasts for all time. When you finally get to fight the Manipulator, it should be because you've basically wrecked his body and he has no choice. As is it just seems like he made the inexplicable decision to pop out of his fortress instead of just waiting for you to get bored and go away.
(I know, I know. Official explanation is something something legs breaking lowers him into range or something. I have a flipping gun and he doesn't lower that much.)
Just shoot the fucking Steam Bit okay
I feel like "tight-ish" in i200+ With some in full i210 is still "insane" in everyoneisi190.
It's pretty much exactly this. There's a lot of group synergy stuff they make full use of that a lot of groups don't, or don't as precisely as they do here. Triple melee + MCH is a gain you won't see in most groups that don't know the fights beforehand (or are statics formed to address entire unknown tiers), because occasionally fights have aspects that require magic damage (see: T11.) They do the "soak hydrothermal damage on leg 1 so you can LB2 leg 3" thing that Qhon wanted to do and we kept telling him no; it's more DPS but also an extra healing thing to deal with and by the time we finally got to A4S we were geared enough to not need it. Their buff syncing across the party seems to be pretty solid. Their healers put in massive work with almost no MP for most of the fight with a lot of heals landing pretty much exactly when they're needed, and I'd bet every single Mantra use had a ton of thought behind it. And they seem to genuinely just execute their jobs better. They seem to know why certain strategies work, they don't just follow a guide and do what the guide says, which is the trap I think a lot of us fall into.
I dunno. I never make it through a run without a decent number of relatively small mistakes that, over time, pile up. I assume anybody who didn't make those, or consistently made less, would automatically do 10-20% more damage all things being equal. A lot is made of "how did they even do the damage?", but I'm still more floored in some respects by what their healers managed to do.
I just want to add that in general this is the case of room for improvement and all that. Everybody makes mistakes, even some of the world first pushes have their room for improvement on their very clears. Simply how it goes. As for the DPS check in A4S, the big one that stumped Elysium were the dolls. They actually killed them all, alongside doing Nisi properly, which added several hundred DPS needed to beat the enrage timer alongside the cancer that is Nisi. Lucrezia showing they could be skipped and how to cheese Nisi led to a bunch of clears all with 20-30s ahead of enrage at that gear level.
But the biggest thing in this particular case is it's pretty significant they had a Monk over any caster here. Not that a caster is bad for the fight but that the fight is a training dummy for one person typically and Monk will do the best at that. Their baseline damage will be better than either caster would add to this fight, especially due to BLM scaling being more tightly linked to their gear/SSPD break points. I may regret these words when some JP or something group does it but this was most likely only doable with this job arrangement. It's about as optimized as you can get damage wise short of figuring out how to AST/SCH it when under geared.
Beyond that, they just milked everything they could. They skipped the doll everybody kills which saves nearly 100ish DPS overall, their tanks and healers both did a better than early clears for damage, and their timing caught Carnage at the right time to give them nearly 10 extra seconds of DPSing. They're an existing group that I believe had practiced the comp before hand and figured out their approach in the past few weeks leading up to the China server launch of Savage.
Yoshi is very protective of his lore.They should get rid of grand companies and just assign everyone a random color for PVP. That would probably speed up these shitty queue times a lot.
And here I didn't think she could get any worse.she's a lalafell now
ok, so as far as I am concerned I reached the end of my journey in FF. I have no interest in weeks of grinding for shiny new weapons so I can then grind some more
The story was pretty cool of HW, the Knights fight was super flashy and I loved it.
Also holy crap Thancred looks like a bad ass now and not the baby face pimp he was.
I see they are giving the Scions a fresh look, they better not change Minfilia, she was already perfect.
But so, the guy from the intro was a bad guy?
Urianger is a traitor? and was thet Alphinau's sister the one that saw the meeting between the asian and uriangera
Yea and the other guy are somewhere leading an army!
So many questions, give it to me!!!!!
but we have to wait![]()
While composition and strategy are definitely large part, you can't really underestimate the skill aspect. These guys are essentially putting out numbers close to the theoretical limit of their job/gear level. Most people do not, in any way, match these guys in their skill of "pressing their buttons".Oh right, so there is more to it than individual job performance. I was wonder how the hell these guys are pressing their buttons that makes them do so well.
While composition and strategy are definitely large part, you can't really underestimate the skill aspect. These guys are essentially putting out numbers close to the theoretical limit of their job/gear level. Most people do not, in any way, match these guys in their skill of "pressing their buttons".
It'll be really interesting assuming China gets the second Savage Wing at the same time as us if they can land a world first.
Oh yeah, I'm forgetting they wouldn't have 3.1 yet.Well, first wing was what, a week ago? I'm honestly not sure but it sounds like it was recent. I'd be pretty surprised if they got the second wing at the same time.
You can make each of the logs display specific things under character configuration. IE: I have 4 total, one for say/map/shout/party, one for battle stuff, one for free company and then one for linkshells.I have a question regarding the chat box. I usually see people in the company chatting with each other ([FC] <Your Name> something something.) If I type in the chat box will others in the company automatically read what I wrote? Is there a way to filter out FC conversations when I'm on a Duty?
Been playing Destiny for that.
So it's just like FFXIV?!Still fun to me.
even if I suck
So it's just like FFXIV?!
You can make each of the logs display specific things under character configuration. IE: I have 4 total, one for say/map/shout/party, one for battle stuff, one for free company and then one for linkshells.
You'd only send messages to the FC if you typed /fc.
You make me want to get destiny for ps4.Still fun to me.
even if I suck
You make me want to get destiny for ps4.
I just can't do that grind again...
You make me want to get destiny for ps4.
I just can't do that grind again...
I can't imagine, who would play a game like that.OryxAlexander is fun but you beat it once and it's good and thenOryx HeroicAlexander Savage exists and then there's nothing else to do afterwards because nothing exists that uses the gear you get from it
You should of let the game UI continue bugging out, let it hit the floor. Now that's a taunt screenshot.you tell me how I taunt Galen without Savage gear.
There is totally a use for it. :|
I might note that the ilvl190 gear appears to be a bit misleading. I mean yes, that is roughly the parties ilvl. However they're also using the most ideal party compositions for each turn, which compensates for the ilvls somewhat. Additionally, it sounds like they went through HQ Drac pots like water, which again compensates for the gear level somewhat, and is something most people aren't willing to do outside of bleeding edge progression groups.
I don't get it.
On the other hand, this is amusing:
I'm pretty disappointed by that entire exchange between you and Angary(?). You're supposed to have to have those kinds of pointless nonsense arguments here in the OT, not on reddit! I barely read there, what are you doing.
This is why this thread has gone down the path of shame, with it's civ 5 and butt mmos. No good drama anymore and reddit stealing our crappy arguments. What's next, they take our dead game jokes? Where will it end.
So since this still seems to be a highly contested point I guess I'll ask here:
Warrior tank.
Put all points in strength or VIT?
Everyone and there mother seems to have a different opinion this so I am curious what you think.
Tried A1 Savage today. We got them to 3% after a couple of attempts with random people. Had to leave after that though. Was actually really fun healing that over say... normal mode.
Might actually try and get my clear there. Same with A2S if it's not horrible.
Still fun to me.
even if I suck
So since this still seems to be a highly contested point I guess I'll ask here:
Warrior tank.
Put all points in strength or VIT?
Everyone and there mother seems to have a different opinion this so I am curious what you think.
Do the points even matter? I mean at end game. I swear the difference is negligible. Accessories matter much more
you used to blink+shotgun didin't you
I'm pretty disappointed by that entire exchange between you and Angary(?). You're supposed to have to have those kinds of pointless nonsense arguments here in the OT, not on reddit! I barely read there, what are you doing.
This is why this thread has gone down the path of shame, with it's civ 5 and butt mmos. No good drama anymore and reddit stealing our crappy arguments. What's next, they take our dead game jokes? Where will it end.
I don't know who it was, and it's not as if the argument lasted long. Was more a disagreement on terms if I recall correctly. Besides, I don't even like drama, and sometimes the OTs desire for it can be a bit draining.
Wave One was "Impossible because <list of made up reasons>, musta been nerfed."
Wave two is the current "I guess it's possible, but in light of <common sense things most of us assumed going in> it's not AS big a deal." Bonus points to salty Reddit mod for changing the article flair as part of this.
Wave three comes when somebody in NA/JP/EU does it and people can respond with "See? Not a big deal, tons of people can do it!"
I'm pretty disappointed by that entire exchange between you and Angary(?). You're supposed to have to have those kinds of pointless nonsense arguments here in the OT, not on reddit! I barely read there, what are you doing.
This is why this thread has gone down the path of shame, with it's civ 5 and butt mmos. No good drama anymore and reddit stealing our crappy arguments. What's next, they take our dead game jokes? Where will it end.
We need to automatically pull WolvenOne's reddit posts and post them here to revive the OT!