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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| The Midas Touch

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
New outfit as well I think.


They hinted at it in Duty Commenced.

New dress looks nice. I could see MCH using it to go for a bit of a Bonnie and Clyde look.
I don't even really know good Tataru actually is. I mean she was useless and annoying in the HW story when you think about it.

Come to think of it, are there actually any good story/NPC Lalafells at all? I'm thinking hard and I can't think of any. They're either useless or villains in the story. Which fits everything we know about Lalafells.
Nanamo. I admit she is hopelessly idealistic, but she isn't evil or useless.

You are correct that most Lalafells have been evil though, I blame that on Ul'Dah for that place is a shithole.


knights of the rounds ex weapons for pld, drg and monk from jp pr blog site

What is going on with the dragoon weapons in this game? Is it too much to ask for them to release weapons that actually look like weapons and not weird props?


Unconfirmed Member
What is going on with the dragoon weapons in this game? Is it too much to ask for them to release weapons that actually look like weapons and not weird props?

At least we got the Halberd from levelling dungeons. They're not going to change it when a bunch of people actually like stuff like the Longinus.



Hoping for i205 and a stealth WD buff on BRD/MCH i210. i200 is 67WD, i210 is 68 WD. They'd have to do something.

(Knowing SE they'll just nerf the ranged i200s to 66WD.)


I don't think they'll do upgrade system with their new token system.

If they do an upgrade system on primal ex weapons, it would come after the fact. So in that example, it would be a 195 weapon now and would have an upgrade item released in a later patch for 205 (around relic time?)


If they do an upgrade system on primal ex weapons, it would come after the fact. So in that example, it would be a 195 weapon now and would have an upgrade item released in a later patch for 205 (around relic time?)

If it's i195, ugh, another Bismarck EX.


If it's i195, ugh, another Bismarck EX.

It depends what their plan is for the relic. This weapon is going to be kind of awkward since we're getting the relic quest in a month or so. How important do they want to keep the 210 weapons, how much incentive do they want people to feel to do the relic, etc.

I'd expect the reactor EX weapon to be ilvl 200 with improved itemization (where possible) over the current eso weapons. Relic will come in at 205 so that people still feel like it's an upgrade (If they plan to release relic at 210, which I am skeptical on, then they will probably release reactor EX weapon at ilvl 205).


I'd expect the reactor EX weapon to be ilvl 200 with improved itemization (where possible) over the current eso weapons. Relic will come in at 205 so that people still feel like it's an upgrade (If they plan to release relic at 210, which I am skeptical on, then they will probably release reactor EX weapon at ilvl 205).

Based on when relic's hitting, I'm expecting i210 relics. IIRC, they generally had relics caught up to raid weapons for the back half of the catchup patch; if we'd gotten relics in 3.1 I'd have expected i205 with an i210 step in 3.15. I could also see them adding gobdip to the Void Ark upgrade materials in 3.15.


They really need to make raid gear 20 levels ahead of currency gear for the gear treadmill so they have no issues making mid-tier gear between them and not to invalidate them so quickly.

Also tune fights for the currency gear so when you get enough raid gear you can pass gear checks. To balance the current tuning of savage.


This will do wonders to the tuning /s

Aside from making most ex primals and stuff like that balls easy for raiders (which is fine), I don't see how it would affect tuning in any way. Each turn/floor would require a few weeks of gear from the previous turn so that most group members are always chilling in some ilvl 230ish, in this case, from the previous floor before they beat the new one. That's still how it's intended now (whether they succeeded in tuning correctly is up to your own debate :p)


At least we got the Halberd from levelling dungeons. They're not going to change it when a bunch of people actually like stuff like the Longinus.


Yeah the halberd is good and I also like the law weapon which has an eastern flavour.

Speaking of which I saw a really nice BLM staff in the Library but do I really have the stomach to farm for it? Hmmm...


With the exception of A4S, this is pretty much how savage is right now?

It's not that for the majority of players. Take your "I'm so great" hat off and realize that the gear is only adequate if most players are doing optimal rotations and are able to keep that up during mechanic panic.

They need to create a system that allows lower tier of players a chance at over-gearing before next patch cycle by spending more times in earlier content, while higher tiers of players are able to clear once they are able to get the adequate gear to make checks.


Are there actually groups that have been hard-walled at A3S enrage for an extended period of time? Everything I've seen and heard from various groups has been mechanics causing wipes, I haven't seen/heard anyone reporting consistently reaching enrage and being unable to clear the final few percent.

If the actual group DPS requirements themselves are a severe stumbling block that A2S and eso can't overcome for the majority of people making it to enrage, that's one thing, but every group I know of that has seen enrage reliably has gone on to clear after a few weeks.


Because the groups not getting to 4th phase to get to enrage are failing DPS checks in earlier phases like hand of pain, add phase, or gaol in 4th phase. And yes, I understand, not a DPS check for some groups, but your perspective is skewed on what kind of DPS groups are outputting out there.

It's also about allowing overgear eventually. A2S and eso doesn't allow overgearing for most groups.


Because the groups not getting to 4th phase to get to enrage are failing DPS checks in earlier phases like hand of pain, add phase, or gaol in 4th phase. And yes, I understand, not a DPS check for some groups, but your perspective is skewed on what kind of DPS groups are outputting out there.

It's also about allowing overgear eventually. A2S and eso doesn't allow overgearing for most groups.

Those are rarely the mechanics that I hear about when I hear groups are getting their shit kicked in. It's usually the over abundance of debuff passing, plus/minus, blue balls, tethers, etc. happening all at once. I guess hand jail gives a few issues here and there?


Maybe because the groups that couldn't get past those quit already?

We still struggle with hand of pain every so often due to trying to optimize DPS in that phase by keeping dots up on both hands.


See, aside from the second Liquid Gaol, I'm not sure those work as scary DPS checks. Not because lol skewed view, just because of the numbers.

Napkin mathing out Hand of Pain, it's four percent of the boss' four million HP over 26 seconds. Around 6200 raid DPS? So in the neighborhood of Faust, and if you're doing A3S you were capable of sustaining Faust level damage for two minutes without any Savage drops. This is a much shorter burst phase. This isn't "not a check for some groups", it's if you're making it to HoP your group is capable of pushing the numbers required. They had to do something close to get there, in worse gear.

I still think adds is a coordination check, not a DPS check--are things getting slowed? Are people dogpiling on one thing instead of spreading out? Everything blows up so fast it's more or less impossible to actually rotation in that section. It's still IMO the most hectic and stressful part of the fight specifically because you can't rotation through it, but it's also a DPS valley--like, looking at clear charts in FFLogs you can identify adds because it's usually this low flat section lower than anything else in the fight.

First gaol should be getting LB'd; if it's not then yeah that's a pretty decent late fight DPS check... But another one I don't know of people consistently and cleanly getting to it without being able to kill it.

Most of the problems I'm familiar with in general are just the struggle actually cleanly getting through the P4 mechanics; the enrage check is mostly severe because of how harshly you're punished for mechanics failures.

I dunno, A3S is hard compared to what comes before but at current gearing it's mostly the amount of coordination and planning required than just raw rotation. We still blow up to HoP occasionally, too--overzealous AOE over single target, somebody switching late, fucking Garuda, I forget to Wildfire because I'm really good at video games, whatever. I don't expect that to go away until everyone overgears the fight to the point of trivializing it.


I still do think those checks are high due to the amount of damage you need to also output there for the overall enrage, but all your points are valid.

Except to get back to my original point, the whole point of over-gearing is to cover mistakes in mechanics, co-ordination, deaths, etc. So if you had a i200, i210, and i220 situation, you could eventually over-gear things like a DPS having a debuff or dieing. Any of those mistakes now are a DPS check wipe now.


The problem is that A3 should be the final encounter of the raid cycle, not the next to last one. The incentive to clear it to be done with the raid content versus clear it to run into a brick wall of A4 is not super enticing to many people. A3 is pretty tightly tuned but it's also pretty relaxed at this stage where if you have mechanics down you can clear it with a death or two. I don't see a super huge problem really.

And I would advise to not worry about optimizing dps in Hand of Pain since it's like 15-20 seconds long and your dps is either gonna be good enough to get <=68% going into add phase or it won't be. Equal Concentration dot uptime isn't going to change a whole hell of a lot.

I do agree with iammeiam that you don't see people stuck unable to get the last few percentages of enrage consistently. Usually there are ways to optimize the fight that are being overlooked or mechanics being done poorly. It's not a gear issue at that point, but a player issue. I hate to be a douchecanoe, but if people consider Equal Concentration and add phase dps checks, especially at this time of the gear cycle, they have larger issues than gearing for sure.


Because the groups not getting to 4th phase to get to enrage are failing DPS checks in earlier phases like hand of pain, add phase, or gaol in 4th phase. And yes, I understand, not a DPS check for some groups, but your perspective is skewed on what kind of DPS groups are outputting out there.

So ... why is the answer "We need more levels of gear" and not "What are we as players doing wrong?" I'd like for raid gear to be even better, sure why not, it's a nice carrot to think of. You can chalk it up to my "I'm so great" hatting but my first thought to being walled is about the execution, not gear. Waiting for gear (or echo, nerfs, etc.) to remove execution gaps just means the problem comes up again the next tier of raiding until the problem comes up again. A3S does not require perfection. Not by any stretch of the imagination. There's room for self-improvement so why hope for being able to opt out of that?

As for the DPS checks pre-enrage ... it depends? Hand of Pain itself isn't a DPS check, it's a 4% burst phase. If you're failing it consistently and it's blocking later fight progress, that's when you just cut back on some AoE to at least make it out of there smoothly. Max damage there is only relevant to beating enrage and it's going to be this iffy thing a lot of times due to all the AoE. Adds aren't a DPS check either, more of a target splitting / coordination thing. The biggest problem in that phase is usually too many people focusing on the same adds rather than raw damage out.

End of the day, A3S is one of my favorite fights in the game so far and I'm going to be sad when we end up not getting another like it. It's more mechanics intensive than anything else and the DPS check to beat it at this point is a lot more relaxed than early progression.

Except to get back to my original point, the whole point of over-gearing is to cover mistakes in mechanics, co-ordination, deaths, etc. So if you had a i200, i210, and i220 situation, you could eventually over-gear things like a DPS having a debuff or dieing. Any of those mistakes now are a DPS check wipe now.

I want to say our first clear had a death. If not, we've had something go wrong basically every pull since our first clear. Up to and including an entire duration of Damage Down in the final phase. I'd contest we're already at that point since the fight seems like it was geared around i195-ish and an Eso Weapon mostly?


But it's all about the balancing for people.

1) You tune fights so they require perfect execution to clear at minimal gear.
2) Then it requires optimal / great execution at better gear.
3) Then it requires good execution at current patch cycle over-gear.
4) Then it requires basic execution at next patch cycle over-gear.

Currently the game is basically at #2 with this fight's tuning and best gearing you can do pre-A3S clear. They are missing the #3 from the current tuning.


Suffering From Success
End of the day, A3S is one of the may favorite fights in the game so far and I'm going to be sad when we end up not getting another like it. It's more mechanics intensive than anything else and the DPS check to beat it at this point is a lot more relaxed than early progression.

Must be the Stockholm syndrome. I have this with T9.


Isn't Void Ark upgrade items and the above i200 predicted primal weapons and relic #3?

I want to say our first clear had a death. If not, we've had something go wrong basically every pull since our first clear. Up to and including an entire duration of Damage Down in the final phase.

It didn't. Our second clear had me die during the final Cascade, Rez into Ferrofluid and then immediately die again to surprise Splashes so out of commission for basically the last 5-7%. Third clear had me die to first splashes. Most recent clear had me get Damage Down, Makoto die, and nobody use the last LB3. The gear carry was strong that night.

But technically all of those happened after our first DPS twine so aren't really relevant to first clear discussions.


I was gone from the game so long I didn't even notice that the 3.1 patch trailer was out until now.

I'll probably give this another month.


This is where we'll have to disagree I guess. I'd say #2 is currently "good", not optimal, execution. The overgear is where you get into basic and then after that is potato.

Put another way, using the FFLogs metrics since that's been the thing recently here, the difference between 95 / 75 / 50 / 25 / potato percentiles and gearing to move up tiers. My main point I guess is if doing more is possible, why not try to improve to get there? The resources are out there and then it's a case of learning and practicing it.

Must be the Stockholm syndrome. I have this with T9.

I dunno, I'm legitimately looking forward to it on the alts. I like being frustrated with fights and the parts of the fight that were legitimately difficult were a lot of fun to go through. I never really had a problem with A3S itself as a fight outside of Hand of Pain making me sad as a Summoner to cripple half my kit during early learning. Doing it again with clear experience probably won't be the same but I'll also be a Bard probably so there's that.

Isn't Void Ark upgrade items and the above i200 predicted primal weapons and relic #3?

And the Island Exploration Aetherial gear for min/max secondaries of Crit/Det everywhere.

It didn't. Our second clear had me die during the final Cascade, Rez into Ferrofluid and then immediately die again to surprise Splashes so out of commission for basically the last 5-7%. Third clear had me die to first splashes. Most recent clear had me get Damage Down, Makoto die, and nobody use the last LB3. The gear carry was strong that night.

But technically all of those happened after our first DPS twine so aren't really relevant to first clear discussions.

Oh, so then we just forgot how the fight works after that. Right. One day we'll relearn how to do the fight, it'll be fine.

Twine and I think a hat. It was like the only time we got a hat that wasn't the Aiming one, anyway.
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