Having max HP while doing Str specced DPS should ease some of the complaints from the vocal minority, but I just am very curious how the healing/tanking meta will end up working out in 3.2.
They really just need to increase the amount of damage done to more proportionally match the damage/tank hp ratio we saw in coil. HW gave us a crap load more vit but bosses damage just did not scale to the same degree. AS1 doom laser thing is like the only move that actually takes a significant chunk of HP, and it's spaced out over a minute apart. That's just not enough damage happening. I simply should not be able to main tank the final fight of the tier the way I do now. Our clear yesterday I had a Grit uptime of 8.64%! Freaking Battle Litany had 10.49%!
I'm sure if you search you can find a clear of T13 with tank in 4 STR/1 crafted and only using tank stance for 9% of it, but it will probably be some pro top omega 1% group not a scrubs like us.
Well, for Savage both tanks going full Vit would make the DPS checks a lot hairier, even if both tanks had otherwise sound DPS rotations. Going full vit they roughly lose a third their DPS (according to calc other people have put out), so together that's a pretty darn substantial DPS loss.
So, yeah I think the devs were fully aware that tanks would be equipping at least a few slaying accessories for Alexander Savage, and weighted the fights accordingly. What I don't think they were expecting, was that mixing and matching Vit/Str accessories would become so common place, not to mention that crafted accessories would still be a thing after they went out of they only put in 150 crafted accessories in the expansion. I think all this stuff finally got their attention and made them realize that the accessory/main-stat situation with Tanks was kinda weird. I don't think it's really about tank DPS at all, because clearly they don't have a problem with it being a thing.
I am fairly confident they didn't balance fights based on tanks wearing STR gear, just based off everything they have said regarding how they balance fights. They've doubled down just recently that fights are designed with healers not DPSing, tanks only contributing damage from auto attacks/basic threat combos, and then taking potential damage from DPS (at correct ilevel) and removing 10-15%. Healer/Tank dps is supposed to help you push earlier before you hit that ilevel mark, so including STR tanks in calculations would be counter productive. But I'm also convinced they just didn't properly estimate the amount of damage possible by players vs what they wanted as check, possibly because of their super new brilliant way to test fights
All that said, it's definitely not about tanks doing too much dps, the first time they brought it up it was about tanks being penalized because they have to get crafted gear or obtain loot they cannot even need on. I think that is really all this is about in the end, if any dps loss happens it will be because they couldn't get the math perfect to what they wanted. STR tanks have always been a thing but it's never been as popular as it is now, nor did it ever feel like a requirement to push content. The pressure from the playerbase for a change is the only reason this is happening, they've known the situation was dumb before. They just let it go because it didn't effect enough people, really only the most hardcore raiders.
Or who knows, maybe they really did never notice until now. I do get the distinct impression sometimes that the developers live in a very well fortified bubble and it takes awhile before real player, well, playstyles actually penetrate that thing. You've seen it with several classes "nah guys war/mch/brd/drg/ast/etc are fine guys, players just aren't used to them or playing them right" --> fastforward several months later "we have noticed that war/mch/brd/drg/ast/etc are underperforming, here is a buff". (My favorite excuse is still WAR's explanation later, that they weren't too weak, PLD was just too strong. That's the same fucking thing)