I will demand concessions when everything turns out exactly as I think it would.
Do we expect the same thing? Because it's going to be 220 for normal, 230 for lore gear, 240 for savage.
Maybe, maybe 215 for normal, 220 for lore, 230 for savage.
I will demand concessions when everything turns out exactly as I think it would.
Do we expect the same thing? Because it's going to be 220 for normal, 230 for lore gear, 240 for savage.
Maybe, maybe 215 for normal, 220 for lore, 230 for savage.
It's kind of insane how rapidly ilvl inflation has happened in this game considering it's only like two years old.
It's kind of insane how rapidly ilvl inflation has happened in this game considering it's only like two years old.
Well, they way they worded that makes it pretty clear they they're talking about end-game content in general, not Alex Savage specifically. I mean, according to that statement, "we calculate zero damage for tanks and healers, or the damage a tank would put out doing their basic enmity rotation."
Let's get right into it - we've seen many posts from readers relating to end-game content. When you go through development, how do you decide how to set the difficulty? For example, the amount of DPS required for each particular content.
Yoshida: When we make battle content, first we determine a minimum assumed item level required to clear. Then, we determine the total amount of party damage required to clear, taking a minimal amount of damage from tanks and healers into account during this calculation.
What do you mean by minimal?
Yoshida: Basically it's the damage from tank auto-attacks and the basic skill rotation used in order to maintain hate. We add this to the party damage needed. However, we often use zero in the calculation for damage required from healers. In other words, we only take into account the amount of damage necessary to perform as a tank or a healer and we don't take them into account as actively participating in attacking. For the clear assumption on DPS, we calculate the 100% value for the item level and we reduce that by 10 to 15 percent for the amount required to clear.
But it's often actually the case that healers do participate in attacking.
Yoshida: Well, the calculations are based on the item level assumed during development.
Ah, and that's different from the minimum item level required to try the content.
Yoshida: Yes. So if you try to clear it at a lower item level, it will be necessary for tanks and healers to participate in attacking. The difference in skill levels for DPS players will be a factor. If you're below the 85 to 90 percent damage assumption, you'll have to fill in the gap with DPS from tanks and healers. If the DPS work together and think about total party damage, it may also help to break through.
So healers may need to participate in the attack if there wouldn't otherwise be enough. Well, even if there is, healers may also attack just to provide a margin.
Yoshida: Yeah. Especially in Savage because it is difficult to deal damage while handling the mechanics I think there is some opportunity there
Now that said, yeah the fact that they didn't carefully test Alex Savage does mean that we cannot assume the strategies people adopted and such were intentional. It's very much possible that they simply tuned the fights higher then they intended, and that healers and tanks needing to maximize DPS to clear wasn't intentional.
I mean, that seems a bit unlikely to me, but its very plausible.
Given current max dps metas and just general game history, I am surprised more people don't not-switch. Seems like every time there is a debuff fight the first instinct is to see how far you can push it, wonder why not here. DRK cooldowns in particular are so perfect for that fight as no swap MT, can have something up for every thing and just dps nearly full time. I don't know what voodoo stuff Rin does with the dolls, but way back when we'd get extra dolls or even quarantine's he seemed to survive most of the time I thought.
Nothing else in the game, including EX Primals, requires anything approaching 85% of potential performance on DPS at appropriate gear levels.
There's basically no way to read this interview and not think they mean Savage:
Nothing else in the game, including EX Primals, requires anything approaching 85% of potential performance on DPS at appropriate gear levels.
A4S at release was straight up broken using any kind of tuning they've claimed to use and the Nisi strat. Like, there's a sad level of sense in the reveal that they didn't test the back half of Savage, because the fights we got don't align with the things they outline when people directly ask them about Savage.
Alex savage was meant to be cleared at ilvl 230 obviously![]()
Day 1 of 3.2, WolvenOne queues up to do their weekly A4S clear.
"One or more party members are new to this duty. A bonus will be awarded for swift completion of objectives."
Alex savage was meant to be cleared at ilvl 230 obviously![]()
Day 1 of 3.2, WolvenOne queues up to do their weekly A4S clear.
"One or more party members are new to this duty. A bonus will be awarded for swift completion of objectives."
Your future EB isn't ever going to be your EB thoW-who wants to do the Valentine's Day event with me cause my future EB isn't playing at the moment. (´・ω・`)
I would be surprised if any of this came to pass.225:Sephirot Extreme Weapon
230: Crafted gear
245: Midas Savage Weapon
235: Zurvan Weapons
I still argue the grind is still pretty off and people grinded that garbage out for it to be quickly replaced by the next EX Primal drop in a few weeks. At least people were able to get their A4S clears with the weapons before they became totally useless.And yes, the Relic needed to be added waaaaaaaaay earlier. 210 is fine, and the grind isn't, DRAMATICALLY off, but the timing was horrible.
Speaking of future EBs, who are you doing the Valentine's quest with?Your future EB isn't ever going to be your EB tho
You are forever alone
The relic was always set to be useless. I enjoyed the wiggling Yoshida had to do the previous live letter when explaining how it's not a massive time waste.
Had we made the item level of the weapons from The Burden of the Father (Savage) 215, we could have possibly reduced the time it takes make an item level 210 Anima weapon.
In regards to everyones concerns about the lifespan of Anima weapons, we will be making adjustments in Patch 3.2, and there will be updates to Anima weapons in Patch 3.25 and Patch 3.3.
Sigh, wai you gotta be like that.
And yes, the Relic needed to be added waaaaaaaaay earlier. 210 is fine, and the grind isn't, DRAMATICALLY off, but the timing was horrible.
Fucking knew Adder's been coming up.3nd month in a row in top 3 /o/
Okay well I concede the point of it being useful now, though frankly if I stuck with the Thordan thing it wouldn't really matter, we clear with 205 anyway.
Sephirot weapons will definitely be over 210 which instantly makes them better on the account of WD. So day 1 of 3.2 it's gonna be outdated unless you get some terrible deal on secondaries (but MCH isn't gonna worry about that).
Aesthetics I suppose is a matter of preference. Majestas is pretty cool. Gandiva is tacky but it grew on me. Most others aren't special or just outright awful. There's plenty of better looking weapons... in Aery, in T9... Some in PVP, some in Ravana. Eh.
They didn't even imply that there will be a customizing stats phase!
Is it even possible to have a "well designed" grind?
a grind is a grind and nobody likes grinding right?
I will laugh if tome weapons are somehow 220 and not a WD over 215 though.
Unless Sephirot is only ilvl 215 and then we can laugh at BRDs and MCHs.
Your weird need to state that the grind is okay and perfectly fine is ... well, weird. It's okay that it's a bad grind. Doing it casually over the course of nearly two months doesn't somehow make it good or well designed.
Nah, for Reasons we got 1 WD from 200->205 and 0 WD from 205->210, so we'll get one from 210->215.
I will laugh if tome weapons are somehow 220 and not a WD over 215 though.
Gonna have to be +1 anyway. And most 210 MCH weapons are awful. The only one that's better than Heavensfire is Gordian which is... A4! Personally I won't even have enough pages before the patch to buy it.
grats on your SSPD i215 weapon to make the Tome weapon look better
Eighty might have been acceptable had they released this grind back in 3.0.
Just ask in FC chat, quick and painless. I had a spooky ghost help me with mine, which made the cutscenes bout 1000x better.W-who wants to do the Valentine's Day event with me cause my future EB isn't playing at the moment. (´・ω・`)
Again, what they're asking people to do in terms of activities isn't unreasonable, but the combination of timing and the grind being just a bit too big made it more poorly received then it would've been otherwise.
I guess the weird thing is that's the entirety of the complaint? It's a lot of stuff to do at a bad time in the patch cycle. If it was alongside the early parts of the expansion, especially with the i170, i200 steps, then it could have been a weapon that was relevant at specific notable spots from 3.0 to now and the grind could have been fewer total items but with other ways to artificially gate it if they really cared about it being done too early real time wise. Then when they want to nerf it, just remove whatever gates were in place and it paces better.
Instead we basically just got "go do a lot of chores."
Wow I'm so glad all the 3.x Primals so far don't have ring out mechanics.
I've seen people falling off in Bismarck to an add's line AOE. Because standing by the edge while getting stunned is clearly the safest place to be!
I thought that the add pushback AoE was only a NM thing? I've seen a ton of people get sent flying by that in NM, but I don't remember anyone getting sent flying by adds in the extreme version.
Now, that blasted weather pattern mechanic on the other hand.
Yeah, you get pushed back. Why would they remove that in Extreme?
Not to the same extent at Titan at least. Ravana has a gate that'll prevent you from getting knocked off too easily, and Bismark has maybe two mechanics I can think of that have a decent chance of ringing someone out, one of which is merely standing on him too long, which is easily avoided after you become aware of it. Finally Thordon doesn't have a ring out mechanic, he just has a damage tick wall.
Nothing compared to Titan, where even very miner lag could result in you being sent flying off in bizarre directions.
Just adding stuff to be redeemable with Bis and Ravana tokens would have been totally fine too. Or just making a weekly quest that has you go through Bis and Ravana and nets you one token.That said, it's possible they didn't have the budgets to make two additional new trials for 3.1 or whatnot. Still, it probably would have been better received.
....that's the point? And the weather mechanic is in normal too. People just ignore it because it's not as bad.Because you'd be dealing with that at the same time as the weather mechanic?
....that's the point? And the weather mechanic is in normal too. People just ignore it because it's not as bad.
"Titan EX has the hardest ring out mechanics!"
Lists lag
Bismark EX (and Leviathan EX) has just as many ring out moves as Titan EX. Ravana gates aren't permanent and you also have to have one up to do Pillar of Heaven. And yeah, Thordan EX is just a death wall but still there to force or increase chance of deaths on Dragoon dive, Warrior's Unmovable Faith, and Gaze frenzy.
Thordan EX's death wall has no place in this discussion. A ring out mechanic specifically means the body is out of the fight and the player can't be revived back in.
Fine, but that's still 2/3 primal fights.