Oh look, a raid group that talks a lot during raid:
Why haven't I heard of these guys before...
Oh look, a raid group that talks a lot during raid:
That stealth Minfillia panty shot.
Someone over there in Japan is proud of themselves, I'm sure.
I don't know if you know this buddy, but we met one of them at FanFest.
Zhexos said:Thank you for the continued feedback regarding the ability to glamour one-handed conjurer and thaumaturge's weapons over two-handed ones. As we've mentioned in the past, the dev. team continues to look into this.
Before that, however, I wanted to let you all know that we're planning to introduce two-handed versions of popular conjurer and thaumaturge's weapons for content which currently reward one-handed versions. Their new designs will be based on their one-handed versions.
Please note that when this is introduced the one-handed versions will no longer appear as a reward from the actual content; however, players will be able to exchange their weapons for the opposite version.
The dev. team is currently working on this and aiming for release in Patch 3.2. After you give these new two-handed versions a swing, let us know how you feel about them!
Patch 3.2 main visual:
The name of this patch was "Return of the Waifu" right?
Just learned that tanks will be using the VIT stat as their primary stat starting in 3.2. Does this mean a damage nerf for WAR? Ugh. My WAR is geared with mostly strength accessories. It's as if they're taking away the one bit of customization that the game permits - DPS WAR or Tank WAR.
I'm not happy about this![]()
DPS WAR or Tank WAR.
I think they're giving VIT some kind of damage modifier as well.
Nobody actually knows what is going to happen to tank damage. We do know the stat change is largely motivated by the tank accessory situation being fundamentally unfair to tanks--fending accessories were borderline useless day one, everyone would fight over slaying accessories, and expensive melds were generally an expectation for 'serious' tanks. Changing damage to scale to VIT more than STR will let tanks use tank accessories safely. Nobody's privy to how the math will work out, but there's no reason to assume pushing DPS won't be possible anymore.
Hmm. Thanks for talking me off the ledge. I guess we'll see what the change really means.
Either way I now have to grind tomes for new i200 VIT accessories![]()
Hmm, not saying pushing dps won't be possible and correct me if I'm missing something but if both Str and Vit will affect damage wouldn't that mean that tank dps will inevitably go down because accessories don't have both stas? It could be minor if Str weights really low or if Str+Vit>Current Str, but I doubt it.
what are the best disciplines for crafting for a medium armor wearing DPS? Aside from leartherworking.
there are so many, I can't choose.
The name of this patch was "Return of the Waifu" right?
Okay, time to generate some conversation.
So, what new Job could they introduce that'd get you the most hyped?
What new Job would disappoint you the most?
Minfilia does nothing for me. She also has a pitiful amount of fan art compared to Y'shtola and PC Mi'qotes and lalafells.
I think the Heavens Ward Elezens have more fanart than Minfilia.
Time Mage and Time Mage.
/bowMinfilia, the only one in Eorzea to perform the miracle of being barefoot.
Depends what you mean by medium. Rogue, Archer and Pugilist use Weaver, Leatherworker and Goldsmith stuff mainly (with leatherworker also making some Pugilist weapons), with a small scattering of some Armourer reciples.
CorrectWe all know that Yda is the real queen anyway.
It will depend how much it weights, yeah, assuming it's some combo of the two to equal 1 attack power.Hmm, not saying pushing dps won't be possible and correct me if I'm missing something but if both Str and Vit will affect damage wouldn't that mean that tank dps will inevitably go down because accessories don't have both stas? It could be minor if Str weights really low or if Str+Vit>Current Str, but I doubt it.
If you want to craft efficiently, or even touch the highest level stuff at cap, you will need to level pretty much all of them at some point due to cross class skills. There's no traditional system where certain classes all only wearing a type from one crafter either, leatherworker even makes some heavy armor tank stuffwhat are the best disciplines for crafting for a medium armor wearing DPS? Aside from leartherworking.
there are so many, I can't choose.
Minfilia, the only one in Eorzea to perform the miracle of being barefoot.
You know better than to post scans.
Lightning actually does stuff though.So minfillia is the new lightning?
So minfillia is the new lightning?
Y'know I don't really care for any of these goobers as far as I'm concerned it's just me and Alfie saving the realm while these bastards just show up to give me pointless errands.The name of this patch was "Return of the Waifu" right?
You know better than to post scans.
Since we're here and there's nothing to talk about anyway (ohohoho). Can you explain to me like I'm five why GAF doesn't allow scans?
Also, Frumix should have gotten out his mspaint skills.
Since we're here and there's nothing to talk about anyway (ohohoho). Can you explain to me like I'm five why GAF doesn't allow scans?
Also, Frumix should have gotten out his mspaint skills.
Okay, time to generate some conversation.
So, what new Job could they introduce that'd get you the most hyped?
What new Job would disappoint you the most?
something something copyright laws. something something money
Printed media is technically copyrighted mateiral.
They are just trying to build a community.something something copyright laws. something something money
Hasn't YoshiP already heavily implied it will be a tank? Something about it being the tank job for HW but they used DRK instead because they didn't want to do another Eastern class so soon to NIN?Least Hyped: Samurai... if they somehow screw it up or make it a tank.
Get out.When The mentor System comes out can we call it the Senpai system ?
You go with himI'm just waiting for minfillia to star in a loui vuitton ad. She's the true goddess
Honestly, I want Red Made for melee/caster hybrid, (Maybe have some sort stance dance in there that changes their attacks from one to the other,) and Samurai for Tank. The later I'll admit is namely because Samurai are traditionally heavily armored and look rather tanky.
So...a melee with different main stat?To make all ranged eat their shoes with jealousy it shall be an INT melee caster with no castbars.
INT melee caster with no castbars.