dude you think i play for the final fantasy? psh
I mean... kind of...
dude you think i play for the final fantasy? psh
Ya know, I don't mind the Hildebrand stuff, but I DO mind seeing a bunch of naked dancing men doing poses all the time.. Gets a bit grating after a few months.
You can't equip 2 upgraded esoteric rings, right?
I agree. I don't think I've seen more than 2 parties recruiting for it, but usually it's 0-1, even during the weekend.I really wish they would put Thordan EX in DF soon I'd really like to try it and get some experience. There is never anyone around who wants to do it![]()
Just an FYI, since I have almost nothing to do in the game right now anyway. I am probably gonna try to throw a Thordan party together sometime this week, to try to get a few people through.
To elaborate on that first sentence, there are things I could be doing, (leveling other classes, gathering crafting etc.) However, I would just assume take things a little easy til 3.2 anyway. Knowing when to pull back a bit is an important part of not burning yourself out. <_<
What server are you on?
He is on Ultros.
On another note : am i correct that all skill points should go to INT for BLM?
So this is my first month playing since the month HW came out, been having a blast finishing the story and whatnot. I played Ravana for the first time in months...did they nerf that fight or something? Way easier than I remembered it
I'm really enjoying NIN, the mudra mechanic feels fresh even by MMO standards. Definitely a huge step up over ROG which was frankly a little boring.
"It's not an exploit. It's not a bug. It's not a hack. It's an oversight--and it's been in the game since Heavensward launched.
People use controller all the way up to savage, you'll be fine.I'm getting very comfortable using the controller for this. How viable is it for end-game? Do I need to strictly use a kb/M for the more difficult content.
I've matched with up those two before.Hi Gaf
I'm super interested to figure out how that exactly works. I do love the indignant comments though.tl;dr: BLM abuses the stutter-step cast mechanic by some means to give himself ridiculously short cast times. Posts logs on fflogs anyway.
I mean, that's pretty much it but you're level 10 and everything changes as you level. Eventually there are stacks of Astral/Umbral and the rotation changes a ton until you hit 50 and then you throw that more or less out the window as well once you hit 60, it seems.so just to see if i got the concept of BLM down right remember i am only a lvl 10 THM now :
I open with thunder then blast enemy with Fire to get Astral fire buff .
Keep using fire until low on mp then use Transpose to Umbral ice and keep using ice 1 to refil MP bar then transpose back to Astral fire and continue fire , repeat
I just need this question answered cause it's been bugging me. The music that was playing in the 3.2 trailer during The Feast and Hall of Novice what is that a remix too? It sounds familiar but I can't place my finger on it.
I just need this question answered cause it's been bugging me. The music that was playing in the 3.2 trailer during The Feast and Hall of Novice what is that a remix too? It sounds familiar but I can't place my finger on it.
It's a remix of the FATE theme that plays for the big boss FATEs, called Hard to Miss.
Every time I get it in trial roulette this is never the case. And there's usually only 1 or 2 new people.Story mode ravana? They didn't nerf it, just more people actually knowing what to do.
One of the great unsung musical heroes of the game. At first it was personally overshadowed by the super boss FATE theme but I've come to appreciate Hard to Miss a lot also.
Well they're not wrong.This is pretty fantastic:
The comments are kind of cesspit, but someone dug up a video of the method that was being used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpEiNB_vpmo
tl;dr: BLM abuses the stutter-step cast mechanic by some means to give himself ridiculously short cast times. Posts logs on fflogs anyway.
(Personal übermensch highlight from the comments:
"It's not an exploit. It's not a bug. It's not a hack. It's an oversight--and it's been in the game since Heavensward launched.
It's been publicly mentioned in-game and on Reddit before, and no, this BLM isn't the first or the only. This practice is widespread in top-end statics, especially Japanese ones, and so it should come as no surprise that they don't want you scrutinizing their logs and accusing them of exploiting.
One of the problems with the FF14 community is that you're all followers. You all follow one strategy for every boss fight, you all use one parser, you all copy the same DPS "rotations"--even when those strategies, parsers, and rotations are wrong or inefficient. Knowing that 99% of the FF14 playerbase just copies what's already been done, it shouldn't come as a surprise that certain mechanics are never taken advantage of by the majority of players.")
Well they're not wrong.
Is there a Heavensward soundtrack anywhere? Can it be bought individually?
He's also saying that it's not BLM-exclusive but gives no elaboration, so he's probably full of shit.Eh, there are better situations to give a "wake up, sheeple!" speech than some guy apparently finding a way to game the system and give himself impossibly short cast times.
It's interesting from a how-the-game-works perspective and I'm curious to see how it's done, but at the same time I'd be surprised if it was anything other than exploiting something not actually meant to happen. He claims it's been around for a while and you can see it in other world-first videos, but it's never apparently been used to the extent this BLM is (allowing him to get 15-20% more casts in to a fight.) Which, if true, probably means that before its impact was negligible but now this guy's drawn attention to it. Question is if whatever it is is something they can patch out easily.
This is because nobody knows. Or if they know, they aren't telling.I don't get the black mage exploit at all. What exactly does it involve? I feel that link isn't really telling me anything comprehensible.
It's a job I thought I would hate and at the end of the day I think it's my favorite tank to play as.DRK is so fun to level.
I don't get the black mage exploit at all. What exactly does it involve? I feel that link isn't really telling me anything comprehensible.
I don't get the black mage exploit at all. What exactly does it involve? I feel that link isn't really telling me anything comprehensible.
Best guess of what he's actually doing is force-cancelling their cast prior to it completing. Basically, due to the way the game works, the last portion of the cast bar will complete no matter what. This allows for casters to move in the last .25 - .5s of their cast bar and complete their cast. The biggest difference here, though, is his casts complete instantly at that point rather than finishing that last little buffered cast bar. FFLogs of it indicate an actually faster cast and not the buffered full timer as well so it's kind of weird if it's that.
Basically: Casting faster than intended based off his stats and buffs.
As much as I'm enjoying the game, got to say the music is very forgettable.
Sakimoto would been amazing for this game as his compositions are long with tons of layers, they don't get on your nerves after listening to them for long periods. Plus they have this epic feel, FFXII can attest to that.
As much as I'm enjoying the game, got to say the music is very forgettable.
Sakimoto would been amazing for this game as his compositions are long with tons of layers, they don't get on your nerves after listening to them for long periods. Plus they have this epic feel, FFXII can attest to that.
FFXIV has a similar upgrading system in the way of overmelding materia, but that largely only applies to groups going for world/server first and crafters/gatherers.Got to say after the last few days I vastly prefer FFXIV's relatively pain free way of getting better gear versus B&S's.
FFXIV has a similar upgrading system in the way of overmelding materia, but that largely only applies to groups going for world/server first and crafters/gatherers.