Was so hoping to beat Alex Savage before 3.2...what a pity.
I want to see them do regulators without dying/Nisi. I'm pretty sure it'd be possible with Thrill and a shield. Add in nerfs or echo shenanigans and the fight will probably be one of the easiest to do.
Except they just said it was getting nerfed, few weeks after patch.
Oh I misread the postWhat? They're saying they're going to nerf it in a few weeks. I don't get the delay at this point. The post I responded to was the first clear indicator we have that it's not a Savage Coil situation.
After the patch is released, you'll be able to strengthen your equipment along any path?
Yoshida: For those who plan for an early clear of Alexander: Midas, I think you'll want to look at the new crafter-produced equipment, completing the normal difficulty of Midas, and doing the extreme Sephirot battle.
In patch 3.2, will the tank adjustments be carried out individually?
Yoshida: No, it's different from that. Each of the three tank jobs has attacking and defensive stances, and the main adjustment will be to return the advantages and disadvantages of switching between stances on the three jobs to level the playing field. In patch 3.2 we changed a number of calculations and made upward adjustments for the jobs that did not reach the assumed numerical values. We did not reduce the numbers for any particular job to balance the tank role jobs.
So it's upward adjustments across the board?
Yoshida: No. Because warrior was originally strong, it's been left alone. It seems there were some rumors and people were sure Fell Cleave would be adjusted, but we didn't make any changes to that.
I've seen those rumors.
Yoshida: Fell Cleave is certainly quite strong, but I don't think it needs to be adjusted for job balance. To even out the jobs this time, our basic policy for the adjustments was that the gaps would be addressed by making upward adjustments.
Tank hype:
Really nothing on MCH/AST buffs. RIP.
Oh, so the interview makes it sound like the guy who used to teleport you out of Idyllshire is the guy who opens up Stone, Sky, Sea. :lol
It just says "warrior" but it'd be cool if they made that guy the quest giver.
So watching that video, is there a way in-game to have ui show you the ability icons for the abilities that aren't part of the GCD so you know when their CD is up? Like in this video at bottom of the screen, man something like that would be nice... Just hoping it's not some 3rd party add-on/plug-in since I'm on ps4 version.
Yeah I fiddled around with the HUD and got what I wanted. Thanks!are you talking about when you are playing on controller? You can set up additional hotbars and position them on your screen and put whatever skills you want to watch CD's for on the hotbars. The settings right now may have all your hotbars that aren't in use invisible which is why you probably don't know. But yes it is possible to do on ps4, I just don't know the exact step by step method. I also believe in the setting you can toggle which hotbars are visible or not
What about the Dragoon? How come that is different?Higher resolution pics:
Still disappointed they went with shared primals instead of 1 each, that could have been really special.RIP Ramuh Caster gear
Also there was an update in that Slycer thread, he said Yoshi has done a 180 on AST's Shuffle and it will no longer give you the same card twice, "as part of an overall adjustment to the job". So that's something to look forward to.
What about the Dragoon? How come that is different?
Guess it doesn't matter anyway. By the time I get these things it'll probably be irrelevant xD
Maybe Ragnarok? It's very mixed but everyone speaks English in some capacity (you'll sometimes read French, Italian, Spanish or even people chatting in transcribed Arabic) and I see new players all the time in the 3 city-states. It's the biggest EU server.Looking at coming back when I get my desktop built and set up. I've currently got a char on Balmung but was thinking about moving or rerolling on an EU server for better ping but wanted advice on which one to go for:
In general I'd prefer: majority English speaking (don't mind some French though), and high-pop/active, especially at lower levels if I reroll. Not bothered about raid progress as I don't plan on doing serious endgame.
I imagine most of y'all play on Ultros but the ping to US servers is really annoying for me.
I'm more interested in the rest of the "overall adjustment to the job", we already knew about Shuffle.Also there was an update in that Slycer thread, he said Yoshi has done a 180 on AST's Shuffle and it will no longer give you the same card twice, "as part of an overall adjustment to the job". So that's something to look forward to.
He says explicitly that a full VIT tank in 3.2 is going to do less damage than a full STR tank at the same item level from 3.15, but they are intentionally doing this to somewhat reduce a tank's maximum damage output relative to DPS jobs.
I'm more interested in the rest of the "overall adjustment to the job", we already knew about Shuffle.
Edit: read the 4gamer interview, it really is non-specific about AST. In addition to Shuffle, they're adjusting its hate generation to avoid stressful situations like after Thordan's Ultimate End (if you've ever healed that on AST you know why) and overall buffing jobs/actions that are not meeting expectations. No nerfs to existing actions.
Yeah, they pretty much say without saying outright that it is Luminiferous Aether's hate component that is going to be adjusted (well, "existing action(s)" if we want to be specific). There's a lot of ways they can tweak that so I wouldn't assume it's necessarily going to remain worse than Shroud of Saints' aggro dump. Currently, it is though!My AST is only 49 but even just a few hours' grinding in Northern Thanalan made me sick of Shuffle. Will that be a change to Luminiferous Aether? Even if they improve the aggro decrease, it won't be as good as a straight up aggro-dump like Sacred Soil though, will it? I've seen a lot of changes on reddit's wishlist and one that stood out to me was making Gravity a pre-50 skill and moving some other abilities around. Being able to AOE earlier would be nice.
It doesn't seem like it'll be that massive of a nerf, he goes on to say that with the new gear/ilevel increase you'll still feel like you're getting stronger. Therefore I assume it's a small nerf that will get made up for in gear fairly quickly. It would of been difficult to balance the STR/VIT so that we neither lost or gained dps so this isn't big surprise to me.He says explicitly that a full VIT tank in 3.2 is going to do less damage than a full STR tank at the same item level from 3.15, but they are intentionally doing this to somewhat reduce a tank's maximum damage output relative to DPS jobs.
I'm gonna clear the story first so I can get to Sephirot then.
They wont modify the DPS offensive power because they think its balanced but they plan on improving the PLD DPS and the differences between tank and DPS stances and the defensive advantages that they offer to the party. Although PLDs DPS will be increased to be close to DRK and WAR, PLD wont be able to equal their DPS completely, because they have much better and easier to use defensive skills.
That implies they left it in the first place.Hello old friend.
Eh. We've been using the PLD/WAR combo for a while. PLD ended up only going Dark Knight on A4S but for Midas it probably won't matter as much.Hello old friend.
He expects Midas to be cleared by the top teams within two weeks(!). Heavy mechanic based fights but with lower dps check. Also specifically says there will be tank switches, and to please pay attention to debuffs.WE ARE DOOMED
Sefirot Extreme will drop weapons, and he is the expected first stop before heading into Savage Midas since they will be useful there.
I wish they'd go back to having Primals drop things other than weapons--It's essentially turned farming out 10 EX Primal kills into a step in raid progression since weapon upgrades are too big to pass up. I guess this puts Sephirot at probably 220? RIP Gordian Weapons and relics in that case; super bizarre to be that protective of i210 weapons to just immediately completely render them pointless on patch. If Sephirot is i220 their decision to withhold gobdip from Void Ark looks even more pointless.
Eh. We've been using the PLD/WAR combo for a while. PLD ended up only going Dark Knight on A4S but for Midas it probably won't matter as much.
By gawd, they actually did it, they actually decided to try something new in fight design.Yoshida: The second half of the battle was starting at the end of that scene. After Sephirot falls off, he becomes huge and uses his ultimate technique. After that, he remains that size for the rest of the fight.
Items to craft High Allagan gear will be in second coil but can be obtained unsynched.
Because of the upgrade to crafted equipment they decided not to put crafted weapons for the new crafted gear because they feared that it would be too strong for the DPS, although graphics and data of the weapons were already made.
In 3.3 there will be a new 1-4 players battle content coming, so no new diadem map.
...Cloud of Darkness?By gawd, they actually did it, they actually decided to try something new in fight design.
I don't think you're looking at A3S DPS checks in the right way. In addition to the overall enrage there's specific Equal Concentration and Hand of Get The Healer Outta There checks that are heavier than everything else in the fight (and the fight doesn't care you have to do them).
Basically, would Living Liquid and The Manipulator have been fun if they were just the same, but with lesser DPS and healing requirements?
There's a very delicate balance to strike in what makes a fun raid encounter.
Useless? Yeah it must be so bad for them, having the best single target DPS and the best melee aoe DPS in the game. With the limit break changes I would not be surprised if we see WAR/DRK/NIN/DRG/MNK/MCH/SCH/WHM being the new "all the dps" set up. If you want to give MNK any utility buffs so it can do more than Dragon Kick, they would need a DPS nerf to go with it.So PLD will still suck and MNK will still be useless.
Not against tank damage nerf but come on now, they are/were not DPS class level DPS. They were, at best, close behind the worst DPS's classes dps. Assuming equal gear/skill/fight circumstance.Everyone except tanks seemed to know this was coming. I don't know why having DPS-class DPS is something that tanks thought was either good for the game's balance or less gloat-worthy than having easily twice as much HP as any other role come 3.2.
Bright side is you wasted Rin's time and not just your's, that sort of balances it out, right?. Also wtf @ the weapon decision. Just specialized into BSM yesterday. Good life choices go.
See the thing is none of the hands are real DPS checks, they are don't be stupid checks. You don't need high DPS for any of them, you need smart DPS. Same way for add phase actually. Hitting a certain number isn't as important as distributing it properly. It's just not enough people seem to know how to plan for burst or save cooldowns. The second gaol is probably the closest thing to a real dps test (assuming you LB the first), and even that one is not excessive.I don't think you're looking at A3S DPS checks in the right way. In addition to the overall enrage there's specific Equal Concentration and Hand of Get The Healer Outta There checks that are heavier than everything else in the fight (and the fight doesn't care you have to do them).
I've been struggling to understand just what is it that makes A3S and A4S so much more impenetrable compared to all the other fights. It probably has to do with density of personal responsibility combined with very small amounts of breathing room but it's weird. If we take Cascade phases for example there's so much going on for every given person but it's not like Cascade sequences made people stuck? Rafflesia could present a lot more brain-scratching moments in progression comparatively but that fight always felt like a joke once you knew what was up. Is it the overall damage levels demanding higher levels of precision?
So, what makes fights by Mitsutoshi Gondai just that much more fun and enjoyable? Is it the dance? It's usually more fanciful, but at the same time easier to process? His fights are usually like puzzles, hard to figure out, easy to perform, but again, A3S doesn't seem that hard to figure out?
I don't even know, man. It could be just the DPS check mentality which doesn't allow people to simply stop and solve the puzzle like you would in Second Coil. I guess if you look at something like Phoenix it is undeniably hella less intense, but there is some really strong DPS check in play there as well?
Living Liquid is fun. Manipulator could not be saved without a fight overall IMHO. You could make it more tolerable if it was less dps or healing needed, just in the sense that it's over easier and you can go do something else, but it would not actually make the fight fun. It's just too long, too static, and too boring.Basically, would Living Liquid and The Manipulator have been fun if they were just the same, but with lesser DPS and healing requirements?
Didn't a lot of people have the same complaints about Coil? I swear that was a thing there too and if it was... I guess not much has changed in that respect?I guess my main point is DPS is the whipping boy for much bigger problems--people don't like pass/fail mechanics that require planning and actually penalize failure.
Bright side is you wasted Rin's time and not just your's, that sort of balances it out, right?
First Midas boss is 3 Melusines
Manip, no. Liquid? Yes. The dance is still fun, imo, and the timing and the synchronization is actually what I like about it. Not doubling a friend with protean, dodge the ball, split for sluice, bait the waves. All great stuff to me.Basically, would Living Liquid and The Manipulator have been fun if they were just the same, but with lesser DPS and healing requirements?
100% yes. It's really the truth of needing a perfect run to get that first kill. When we finally downed A4, I had told another member of our group that we just needed one good run and we would see a kill. Cue wiping to dumb shit for a whole raid night, but then our next one we cleared it on attempt number 3 or 4 when our MT decided to stop eating Fractures by himself (Hi Rae <3). But it's all good since he's bought me ice cream.I guess my main point is DPS is the whipping boy for much bigger problems--people don't like pass/fail mechanics that require planning and actually penalize failure. It's more the lack of being able to fail repeatedly and still clear on that seems to stick with people (see also: the popularity of Thordan. Relaxed DPS check, but more importantly recoverable as all hell. Minimal punishment for most failures.) If Midas punishes failure as harshly, I'm expecting it to go over poorly even if the DPS requirement is lower.
I don't know who that is, but if he was second coil guy then hell no, Second Coil was the worst coil tier and if not for AS4 I'd probably say worse than Gordias. AS4 vs T9 is really all that saves it.
I think the key to making a fun fight is finding a balance of challenging mechanics, but without compromising the "feel" of the fight. If at any point you feel like you are fighting the dance, or even your group, rather than the actual boss I think you failed. This is why I think Final Coil was the epitome of their raid design, or why something like Titan EX is so great. There are mechanics you have to be mindful of, you have to learn a dance, but you are always actively engaged with the boss and it's all very well paced. It either builds on itself or the new mechanics are not obtuse, it's doesn't feel like arbitrary nonsense.
In 3.3 there will be a new 1-4 players battle content coming, so no new diadem map.
I wish they'd go back to having Primals drop things other than weapons--It's essentially turned farming out 10 EX Primal kills into a step in raid progression since weapon upgrades are too big to pass up. I guess this puts Sephirot at probably 220? RIP Gordian Weapons and relics in that case; super bizarre to be that protective of i210 weapons to just immediately completely render them pointless on patch. If Sephirot is i220 their decision to withhold gobdip from Void Ark looks even more pointless.
I don't think you're looking at A3S DPS checks in the right way. In addition to the overall enrage there's specific Equal Concentration and Hand of Get The Healer Outta There checks that are heavier than everything else in the fight (and the fight doesn't care you have to do them).
Useless? Yeah it must be so bad for them, having the best single target DPS and the best melee aoe DPS in the game. With the limit break changes I would not be surprised if we see WAR/DRK/NIN/DRG/MNK/MCH/SCH/WHM being the new "all the dps" set up. If you want to give MNK any utility buffs so it can do more than Dragon Kick, they would need a DPS nerf to go with it.
Bright side is you wasted Rin's time and not just your's, that sort of balances it out, right?
The only thing that really sets savage 3/4 apart from rest of game is that it covers both difficulty grounds rather than just one. The vast vast majority of fights in the game fall into either the DPS check or the mechanic check category, often times just alternating at different points. It's much rarer for it to require both from you the entire time. Add in generally higher DPS requirement, so people could no longer be carried as easily as they were in coil, and the roadblock it caused makes sense for the most part.
Cue wiping to dumb shit for a whole raid night, but then our next one we cleared it on attempt number 3 or 4 when our MT decided to stop eating Fractures by himself (Hi Rae <3). But it's all good since he's bought me ice cream.