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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| The Midas Touch


Unconfirmed Member
Mhachi Matter has been added to the item rewards received upon completing the Void Ark and can be obtained once a week.
By speaking with Smacklix in Idyllshire (X:7.6 Y:4.8), players can trade their Mhachi Matter for any Materia of their choice.

I don't apologise for anything Galen.



Those poor Chocobos having to wear all that crap because their master wanted to play dress up .


Ultimate Kettle Outdoor Furnishing Unlike other kettles of legend, it cannot turn water to ale, nor is it bottomless. But it can boil water for tea in a count of sixty.
※One per estate only.

Ultimate Kettle Zenith Outdoor Furnishing It can boil water for a quality blend of tea in a count of thirty. And it glows with a strange light. Everyone knows that strangely glowing objects are likely made of legends.
※One per estate only.

Ultimate Kettle Nexus Outdoor Furnishing A true kettle of legend that shines with such brilliance that it is said even gods would beg for a sip of its contents. It can boil water for a premium blend of tea in a count of five.
※One per estate only.

{That's interesting.}


Edit: Congrats Rai

Aside from some TP cost reductions, MCH buffs seem to be Gauss Round and the big one:

Duration has been increased from 15 seconds to 20 seconds.
The detrimental effects dealt by Rook Autoturret and Bishop Autoturret have been adjusted as follows:
Rook Autoturret's increased physical damage effect has been increased from 5% to 10%.
Bishop Autoturret's increased magic damage effect has been increased from 5% to 10%.

Which I suspect is going to make physical Hypercharge OP as hell. +10% physical damage with about 22% uptime. Even Magic Hypercharge is semi respectable now.

I await somebody mathing this out, but I'm pretty sure this is a big goddamned deal.


Suffering From Success
I decided to switch to MCH before it was confirmed cool
Napkin math seems to suggest that 28-30 seconds of phys buff every 2 minutes is possibly a better option even with one caster but not sure how it plays out with tank damage reduced.
They're at least around even now, I'm sure.


Gordian weapons trash out the gate. Yoshida really wants people to forget about A4S.

Also completely invalidated out the gate: All relics day one, within a couple weeks crafted immediately overpowers all Gordian gear, all Eso gear even for non-raiders. They seem to mostly want to reset things every tier so that getting BIS is pointless.

I decided to switch to MCH before it was confirmed cool
Napkin math seems to suggest that 28-30 seconds of phys buff every 2 minutes is possibly a better option even with one caster but not sure how it plays out with tank damage reduced.
They're at least around even now, I'm sure.

Rule of thumb before was one caster and a bard getting two full bars of Foe Req in an encounter was going to pull ahead of phys Hypercharge. A 100% potency increase and a 33% duration increase should be enough to counteract any realistic tank damage hits and still pull decently ahead I think. Plus, in progression, we don't have to sacrifice Hypercharge time for basic regen since Hypercharge doesn't use resources.

Edit: lol

Players will also receive a Midan Gear once per week after completing Alexander - The Burden of the Son.
Midan gears can be exchanged for high-capacity tomestones by speaking with the NPC Sabina in Idyllshire (X:5.8 Y:5.2). High-capacity tomestones are used in the purchase of new weapons.

So the UAT equivalent is in easy. Lolol.

Oh. And the triumphant return of crafting mats to dungeons. Time to sell all your red scrip mats 'cause that market gonna collapse.


You asked for this. I tried to save us from it.

Also looking over preliminary patch notes pls play MCH in Midas. I will buy you more ice cream.
Looks that way. Hypercharge 2 stronk who needs Ninja.

Be sure Glick sees that we may actually get that Gana minion.

Morpho - With blue wings practically glowing, this butterfly feels almost like a spirit. Almost.
It's not a mount, but it's close.

I don't apologise for anything Galen.

Odd things of note:

Only Legs in Alexander Midas Savage Turn 3 The Reckoning.
Belts and Accessories in Savage 1, at least. Head/Feet/Hands all in Turn 2. Odd.

Pretty much all of the itemization is stuff we kind of expected for a while? 245 weapons from Savage are definitely nice, but I dunno. It still looks like Gobdip is from A8S which is like... why? Am I reading that wrong? I don't know why they wouldn't just shove Gobdip in 3 for the final fight into 4.

I guess we just have to wait for Warring Triad the second to poverty carry us with their holy 235 weaponry.
Wow, surprised to see MNK get some love on those notes. Howling fist Potency increases from 170 to 210 isn't something to sneeze at. Demolish Dot gets an increase too!

Loving the adjustments to Machinist, at least we wont run out of TP as fast but it feels like it takes forever to get shots off when under Gauss Barrel. Maybe they should just treat it like Bard so we don't have to reload and just focus on just firing. It's a fantasy game for crying out loud.


Suffering From Success
235 is only so much better than 230 though. If DPS checks are as reduced as they have been implying they are, it's not gonna matter that much
you'll just have to git gud


235 is only so much better than 230 though. If DPS checks are as reduced as they have been implying they are, it's not gonna matter that much
you'll just have to git gud

Over my cold, dead body.

Also Lightning Returns on February 25th!
to the cash shop rip


Loving the adjustments to Machinist, at least we wont run out of TP as fast but it feels like it takes forever to get shots off when under Gauss Barrel. Maybe they should just treat it like Bard so we don't have to reload and just focus on just firing. It's a fantasy game for crying out loud.

Dear god no. That would be so boring.

235 is only so much better than 230 though. If DPS checks are as reduced as they have been implying they are, it's not gonna matter that much
you'll just have to git gud

Yeah, if the DPS requirement took the hit it sounds like it did getting the kill before upgraded weapons should be manageable. Plus with the raid and tome weapon iLevel gap restored, they can make gobdip widely available in 3.35 giving everyone pretty steady weapon progression in catchup waves, which they do so enjoy.


Yeah, if the DPS requirement took the hit it sounds like it did getting the kill before upgraded weapons should be manageable. Plus with the raid and tome weapon iLevel gap restored, they can make gobdip widely available in 3.35 giving everyone pretty steady weapon progression in catchup waves, which they do so enjoy.
The ilevel gap being restored does make gobdip being in AS8 a bit weird though. Getting upgrade item in same place as where you get better weapon already?

Wouldn't it be more hipster to stay bard?
No no, the hipsters are the "I was mch before it was cool" people. The people going MCH now are just straight bandwagoners/FOTM.

It's different!


Alternate option: git gud, Galen

See my previous retort, you chump.

On a serious note, I don't think it's a smart decision enjoyment wise to lock high level weapons all before A8S. If you can clear that shit with 230 weapons why do you even need 240 weapons let alone 245? If they did it just for the eventual upgrade for non-raiders why don't they put the dip in A7 at the very least like they did with I dunno... Second and Final Coil? You had weapons at 100 that upgraded to 110 with HA at 115 and likewise with 120-130-135 and yet we're going to be at a stage where you're gonna get 230 weapons, kill A8S and then you get a 240 weapon and a 245 weapon. Such a waste of a weapon slot just to eventually make it poverty gear. I hope I'm wrong and they toss dip into A7S, like they should.

The ilevel gap being restored does make gobdip being in AS8 a bit weird though. Getting upgrade item in same place as where you get better weapon already?


Neo Member
See my previous retort, you chump.

On a serious note, I don't think it's a smart decision enjoyment wise to lock high level weapons all before A8S. If you can clear that shit with 230 weapons why do you even need 240 weapons let alone 245? If they did it just for the eventual upgrade for non-raiders why don't they put the dip in A7 at the very least like they did with I dunno... Second and Final Coil? You had weapons at 100 that upgraded to 110 with HA at 115 and likewise with 120-130-135 and yet we're going to be at a stage where you're gonna get 230 weapons, kill A8S and then you get a 240 weapon and a 245 weapon. Such a waste of a weapon slot just to eventually make it poverty gear. I hope I'm wrong and they toss dip into A7S, like they should.


I agree, but it does also mean the DPS check for the final fight will have to be tuned around not having an i240 weapon, which should mean your first clear actually increases your future ease of farming by a significant margin. I imagine we'll get peasant dips from void ark part 2 this time too, which will mean in practice it won't matter too much for most people.


The ilevel gap being restored does make gobdip being in AS8 a bit weird though. Getting upgrade item in same place as where you get better weapon already?

The entire gear cycle is kind of jacked, but it makes sense to the extent that it still guarantees you a weapon upgrade every week even if you get Monk fists and two Astrometers in your first three clears with no MNK/AST. As it stands, I think Alena, Bookey and I are the only ones who got main weapon drops in the first eight clears. Qhon couldn't even buy his daggers until week 9 because he needed chest and weapon and neither dropped until then. Dip in the final floor guarantees you still get stronger week-to-week while accumulating pages or waiting for favorable drop RNG.

The crafted change sort of highlights how silly gear progression in the game is becoming overall, given that the only reason to get best anything this point is ego-stroking/afking on the Idyllshire brag ledge. By the time content it's useful in comes out, it'll be replaced with superior crafted/primal stuff.

(Excluding glamour, which the Gordian weapons are good for, and is the true endgame.)


I should get started on my 2-star crafting lessons so I can cover all specialists on Tuesday morning.

Hmm so crafted is the same as Midas normal, both i220?

Save me from Midas farm parties, crafters of GAF! \o/

Same ilvl but remember one of those options has multiple materia slots.


Also new potions incoming. Here's hoping 3x per craft.

I should get started on my 2-star crafting lessons so I can cover all specialists on Tuesday morning.

I need to learn everything. I have no good gear, will only have ARM/BSM/ALC/CUL at 60 by Tuesday and have no idea how to craft. Wat do.


The entire gear cycle is kind of jacked, but it makes sense to the extent that it still guarantees you a weapon upgrade every week even if you get Monk fists and two Astrometers in your first three clears with no MNK/AST. As it stands, I think Alena, Bookey and I are the only ones who got main weapon drops in the first eight clears. Qhon couldn't even buy his daggers until week 9 because he needed chest and weapon and neither dropped until then. Dip in the final floor guarantees you still get stronger week-to-week while accumulating pages or waiting for favorable drop RNG.

The crafted change sort of highlights how silly gear progression in the game is becoming overall, given that the only reason to get best anything this point is ego-stroking/afking on the Idyllshire brag ledge. By the time content it's useful in comes out, it'll be replaced with superior crafted/primal stuff.
Yeah but I mean...you get that with it being in AS7 like how SCOB/FCOB did it? And you actually get real use out of them rather than just placeholder/slightly easier time for fight you already beat.

The best anything being afk loot has always been the case though. The only thing you've ever gotten out of it is unique looking gear or a small boost for when next tier comes about.

Hmm so crafted is the same as Midas normal, both i220?

Save me from Midas farm parties, crafters of GAF! \o/
Sign me up too. I'm sure it'll be cheap and easy to craft, won't require millions of gil per piece or hours of grinding for mats or anything.


Whoah, EXP from Crystal Tower, finally. Too bad it's only bosses it looks like. But it gives me a reason to jump in with a new job.


Not even the generic level 60 crafting gear?

Oh that I have. Left and right side totally unmelded, the 59 offhands, 60 MH. Trying to work out a meld plan to first farm blue scrips for the Master 3 books then try to get at least a week of red crafted scrips in before the patch.

I waited way too long to start doing this, RIP.


PLD kit is still straight garbage. Nice that Oath damage reduction was reduced for but it looks like I'm hanging up my sword and shield with those DRK buffs.


Oh that I have. Left and right side totally unmelded, the 59 offhands, 60 MH. Trying to work out a meld plan to first farm blue scrips for the Master 3 books then try to get at least a week of red crafted scrips in before the patch.

I waited way too long to start doing this, RIP.

Meld those things! Most of it will still be viable for 2-star crafting. The only 2-star gear I have for crafting are the crafted MH/OH and body pieces for everything except ALC and CUL. Every other slot still melded generic set. I've been waiting for an increased supply of grade V crafting materia to make those other pieces.


PLD kit is still straight garbage. Oath potency was reduced for that matter. Looks like I'm hanging up my sword and shield with those DRK buffs.
It's not damage received, it's the penalty on the damage you're inflicting. This is a buff to your damage while tanking in Shield Oath.
Shield Oath - Damage penalty has been reduced from 20% to 15%.

edit: I should probably have refreshed.
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