Yeah, it's just hard to get a group formed and once it's formed to keep them committed. I might have to find a static once this patch hits and go full nerd.I mean, you can do them unsynced with small groups! We've duo'd basically every EX (fuck Mog; Ramuh seems like a nightmare of timing) and T1-T7. Bonus Echo and ilvl may even make T10/T12 doable that way! Get as many that are willing to go and it should be fine, don't need to make it a full group thing.
some day gear and echo will let us kill a supergolem. I believe.
so as someone that hit 60 a couple days ago, I should just wait for this patch to hit before gearing up right? I wanna play but I don't wanna waste my time with lesser tomes since they're fixing the esoterics.
I knew you cared below that tough exterior. Anyway, good to know. Also, time to get hype for card grinding rage! (Probably 20 again I'll guess and I haven't been grinding MGP in months, RIP)
Yeah, it's just hard to get a group formed and once it's formed to keep them committed. I might have to find a static once this patch hits and go full nerd.![]()
You're going to need a certain level of gear to at least get in to the new stuff and get tomes relatively quickly, though. There's a pretty big gap between fresh 60 and able to get in to any of the newish things. You're not going to lose out on too much by waiting, but at the same time you're not going to gain much. Might be worth looking in to doing the first two relic steps to get yourself an i200 weapon? Decent gear bump and won't use your tomes.
thanks for the tip, the relic weapon stuff is the anima quest?
20 is accurate and something about adding them to the packs so your MGP poorness will haunt you.
I'll win a few virminion tournaments and be setMaybe they'll add stuff to platinum packs, I have like 60 in my inventory.
New cards have been added to Gold Triad and Mythril Triad card packs
I wouldn't grind hard for token stuff, but if "gearing up" includes just unlocking everything and going through it, now is still good time. You'll get some gear/tokens just from that, and can save Eso for the lower prices while spending the Law before it goes as someone that hit 60 a couple days ago, I should just wait for this patch to hit before gearing up right? I wanna play but I don't wanna waste my time with lesser tomes since they're fixing the esoterics.
Susan Calloway, the singer behind Answers and Dragonsong, is teasing something FF14 related on Twitter.
Just make it Mecha-Bahamut and have the theme be a metal version of Answers
So she's singing the theme song for Manipulator 2.0?
[3.0] The following items available from Hismena in Idyllshire (X:5 Y:5) have been changed:
The number of Allagan tomestones of esoterics required for the Item Level 200 gear has been reduced.
Item Type Before After
Arms 990 → 490
Gladiator's Arm 695 → 345
Shield 295 → 145
Head 495 → 245
Body 825 → 410
Hands 495 → 245
Waist 375 → 185
Legs 825 → 410
Feet 495 → 245
Accessories 375 → 185
You mean Voltron.
I believe you mean winning gundam
Been going through the 3.2 notes like everyone else here has I'm sure, but if you haven't don't spend those eso's before the update drops:
Smart money should likely be on 4.0 theme song.Susan Calloway, the singer behind Answers and Dragonsong, is teasing something FF14 related on Twitter.
Been going through the 3.2 notes like everyone else here has I'm sure, but if you haven't don't spend those eso's before the update drops:
So, BLM rotations. I Googled guides, but all I find are confusing reddit threads and if there is a FF14 equivalent to Icy-Veins out there, I haven't found it.
When I hit 50 pre-Heavensward, the rotation someone suggested to me was:
Thunder 3, Fire 3, Fire 1 until low on mana, Ice 3, Ice 1 until full of mana, if Thunder didn't proc then repeat from step one, if it did, repeat from step two.
Now I'm 60 and the first guy I asked said:
"Are you trying to do end game Extreme stuff or just casual completion and achievement hunting?
"The latter."
"Then your 50 rotation is fine and 90% of players aren't going to notice anyway. This isn't WoW, after all."
And, indeed, it's been fine and I was complimented in a dungeon the other day. Today however, my last few runs had a number of suggestions about my rotation. Problem is, they were thick with abbreviations and they all seems to think I was playing with a controller.
Short version: Explain the proper way to use enochain and if I should really bother.
Been going through the 3.2 notes like everyone else here has I'm sure, but if you haven't don't spend those eso's before the update drops:
You should bother with Enochian because just having it up gives you +5% damage, and Fire 4 is a huge damage increase over Fire. Your goal should be to be able to cast Fire 4 four times before you have to cast Blizzard 3, without dropping Enochian or Astral Fire III.
The Most Basic Enochian Rotation in The World (without procs or additional abilities):
Fire 3 > Enochian > Fire 4 > Fire 4 > Fire > Fire 4 > Fire 4 > Blizzard 3 > [Thunder if you can cast it, else Blizzard or wait] > Blizzard 4
Fire 3 > Fire 4 > Fire 4 > Fire > Fire 4 > Fire 4 > Blizzard 3 > [Thunder if you can cast it, else Blizzard or wait] > Blizzard 4
Fire 3 > Fire 4 > Fire 4 > Fire > Fire 4 > Fire 4 > Blizzard 3 > [Thunder if you can cast it, else Blizzard or wait] > Enochian will have fallen off and the Enochian skill will be off cooldown, reapply and continue in the spirit of the above.
For the nitty gritty, and more detailed information like good ways to handle procs and make the most of Enochian timers, see the first post here:
It's some heavy reading, but I think a lot of it naturally makes sense the more you practice.
NB: As for the pre-50 rotation, I'd recommend only casting Thunder 3 if you get a proc. There are other tips and tricks as well (e.g. using Thundercloud procs to fish for Firestarters too), but I'm just going to focus on Enochian here since that's what you're asking about.
So, BLM rotations. I Googled guides, but all I find are confusing reddit threads and if there is a FF14 equivalent to Icy-Veins out there, I haven't found it.
When I hit 50 pre-Heavensward, the rotation someone suggested to me was:
Thunder 3, Fire 3, Fire 1 until low on mana, Ice 3, Ice 1 until full of mana, if Thunder didn't proc then repeat from step one, if it did, repeat from step two.
Now I'm 60 and the first guy I asked said:
"Are you trying to do end game Extreme stuff or just casual completion and achievement hunting?
"The latter."
"Then your 50 rotation is fine and 90% of players aren't going to notice anyway. This isn't WoW, after all."
And, indeed, it's been fine and I was complimented in a dungeon the other day. Today however, my last few runs had a number of suggestions about my rotation. Problem is, they were thick with abbreviations and they all seems to think I was playing with a controller.
Short version: Explain the proper way to use enochain and if I should really bother.
Yeah, the rotations are generally simple in practice and then the real technique comes from figuring out how to do it (or adapt it) based on the mechanics in the fight.Outstanding, thank you. That rotation looks simple enough and something I can make a habit after some time with a target dummy. I'll be picking through that forum post as well, thanks for that. In dungeon, the tank kept saying that when I get to 1K mana left, just Flare, Transpose, Ice 3, Enochain, Ice 4, Fire 3, Fire 4 and start my pattern over from there, but I ran into the issue of Transpose not being off cooldown before it was time to use it again.
Outstanding, thank you. That rotation looks simple enough and something I can make a habit after some time with a target dummy. I'll be picking through that forum post as well, thanks for that. In dungeon, the tank kept saying that when I get to 1K mana left, just Flare, Transpose, Ice 3, Enochain, Ice 4, Fire 3, Fire 4 and start my pattern over from there, but I ran into the issue of Transpose not being off cooldown before it was time to use it again.
Seems like Sephirot EX is gonna be a breeze compared to Thordan. The weapon drops are going to be basically useless three weeks into tome grinding when everyone gets their i230 tome weapons.
I mean, they'll last enough for people to hit a wall in Savage where the extra 10 ilvls will push them over that hump.Seems like Sephirot EX is gonna be a breeze compared to Thordan. The weapon drops are going to be basically useless three weeks into tome grinding when everyone gets their i230 tome weapons.
Speaking of BLM rotations , what rotation should one follow Pre HW ? aka before you get the lvl 4 spells and enochian .
Seems like Sephirot EX is gonna be a breeze compared to Thordan. The weapon drops are going to be basically useless three weeks into tome grinding when everyone gets their i230 tome weapons.
Realistically I'll probably just try out all the Stone, Sky, Sea things and quietly weep when it tells me I don't do enough damage to kill A4S.
You hate the game, we know
But here's a critique, since you want one so badly: Sephirot EX should drop a ring or some other i230 piece.
Note that you need to be careful with the timing of Transpose, as Flare applies Astral Fire III when the damage registers and it's possible to Transpose before that.
Capping out on Law would only give you enough eso for like two pieces maybe? If you're ever going to build the relic, it'd be better to spend that law on the unidentified items, since they'd be worth more than law turned into eso.So, for people like me who are still sitting on an ilevel below 170, it seems a good idea would be to grind out Law so I can exchange for a crapload of Esoteric next week and give my ilevel a major boost.
Capping out on Law would only give you enough eso for like two pieces maybe? If you're ever going to build the relic, it'd be better to spend that law on the unidentified items, since they'd be worth more than law turned into eso.
It'd be better to cap out on eso this week (which you'd do in the process anyway) and then get the small amount of eso left you'd need to buy the eso weapon.
I asked this earlier, but my relic is at atma level. Better idea to finish getting it to zeta and trade it in or just grind the fates for the junk I need to make the current stuff?
So, for people like me who are still sitting on an ilevel below 170, it seems a good idea would be to grind out Law so I can exchange for a crapload of Esoteric next week and give my ilevel a major boost.
I've been caught by that before. Nice to see them putting in a fix.
I asked this earlier, but my relic is at atma level. Better idea to finish getting it to zeta and trade it in or just grind the fates for the junk I need to make the current stuff?
Two options:
Go for zeta but don't make it a super huge priority and treat it as busywork that you'll get when you get. Relic grind from there on out happens as it happens.
Go for the new relic right now and don't wait and just try to grind out fate crystals. If it sucks that badly, just go do the zeta busywork and skip the step.
I personally think you will end up spending far more time getting zeta than doing the crystals, but that's just my non scientific guess. It's up to you how you want to spend your time in the game. From Atma, however, you still need to go to Anima, Novus, Nexus, Zeta, Zodiac. That's a lot of steps and a lot of garbage to wade through just to avoid grinding out fates.
I'd just do the fates. I just renewed my sub and it literally only took me a day to get all the crystals. Granted I was up until like 1am but I was actually surprised how fast I got em compared to the old Zodiac fate grind. Then I finished the next part (9 dungeons) the next day.