I simply cannot afford any decent materia.
I really dislike that they seem to be catering content for people with loads of gil. Even the relic. Its purpose is so that people have a way of getting a decent weapon if they want to spend the time grinding, over raiding or whatever... Yet here I am on 52/80 with absolutely no way of paying the millions of gil required to get the crafted materials when I inevitably get there.
I have no problems with giving people the option to meld. But I don't believe it's very accessible for the majority of players.
Materia is no longer lost if the meld fails? Okay, that makes it a bit better
No it just means there won't be the annoying process of having to request a meld every time one fails.
They're also opening up routes not dependent on gil to obtain IV and V materia, like beast tribes, Void Ark, and Diadem.
In the end though you could probably just ignore materia and be ok, IMO.