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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| The Midas Touch


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Best I can tell the dummies are super lenient. If they aren't different, it's not even 1k DPS to beat the A4S one so eh.

Edit: ~1360 for the SMN one it looks like, so pretty low all things considered.

Guessing it's 1310 bare minimum. 1307 was a failure and 1311 was a clear for me.

By the way, Angary found out that if you have all your abilities put on cooldown by Stone, Sky, Sea, you can zone out and zone back in to reset your cooldowns.


Ran around summoning various dummies on various jobs and harassing Krael. Can confirm the following:

- Each job gets its own dummy. This is for both huge differences (MNK vs MCH), and tiny ones (MCH vs BRD, the A4S dummies have a like 2k HP difference. Also WHM dummy slightly harder than AST dummy.)

--MCH A4S Dummy was 212,160 HP. A5S dummy has 231,520 HP. A8S has 275,480. So A5S is a 100DPS jump over 4, and 8 is a 246 DPS jump over 5. It's hard to draw real raid conclusions from any of this--three minute fight DPS doesn't translate well to raid DPS, so none of the targets here are likely to be real-world numbers.

-- The Sephirot EX dummies appear to be identical with the A4S dummies. So either Sep's DPS check is crazy, the A4S dummies are low, or weird things. But same HP down to the digit on DRG and MCH.


Crystal Bearer
Sephirot Extreme's DPS check seems to be fairly lenient having gotten time in the last phase today. The main adds DPS check before he kills you with Limit Break is fairly simple.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Ran around summoning various dummies on various jobs and harassing Krael. Can confirm the following:

- Each job gets its own dummy. This is for both huge differences (MNK vs MCH), and tiny ones (MCH vs BRD, the A4S dummies have a like 2k HP difference. Also WHM dummy slightly harder than AST dummy.)

--MCH A4S Dummy was 212,160 HP. A5S dummy has 231,520 HP. A8S has 275,480. So A5S is a 100DPS jump over 4, and 8 is a 246 DPS jump over 5. It's hard to draw real raid conclusions from any of this--three minute fight DPS doesn't translate well to raid DPS, so none of the targets here are likely to be real-world numbers.

-- The Sephirot EX dummies appear to be identical with the A4S dummies. So either Sep's DPS check is crazy, the A4S dummies are low, or weird things. But same HP down to the digit on DRG and MCH.
That's the problem I have now.

On one hand I learned some new things about SMN that I want to test tomorrow on a longer parse to see if it's better than what I usually do. So they're good for actually teaching in the sense that they give you an arbitrary goal to hit. If you don't hit it then you should reexamine your playstyle, gear, etc. As for whether or not they're meaningful in any way for raids... not so sure.


The WHM dummy seems kinda pointless. Where am I ever going to be wasting that much MP doing DPS, for that long? I guess it's a nice hypothetical or something but... I dunno

I really like Krile. Her VA is great.

It really threw me off the first time I heard her. Voice didn't seem to fit the potato body.

Buuut I'm starting to like it.


If anything it was me harassing people as I went around asking random strangers what their trial was. Science tho, science. If anyone else has numbers I wouldn't mind seeing them, just to see the "hierarchy" that SE develops with.

For example; We also learned that, to the surprise of literally everyone, DPS expectations go WAR > DRK > PLD. In the case of Thordan EX the dummy test is roughly 780, 726, 699 dps needed respectively. Who would of thought.

If you don't hit it then you should reexamine your playstyle, gear, etc. As for whether or not they're meaningful in any way for raids... not so sure.
That's really all they need to be I think, a goal and way for players to test themselves or improve without needing a parser.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
That's really all they need to be I think, a goal and way for players to test themselves or improve without needing a parser.

If that was the plan then mission accomplished. I'm definitely a fan of them.


Kinda tired to type much tonight, but I will just say that this patch has been pretty great. Love pretty much everything I have messed with that was added.


My only complaint about SSS, aside from the frame rate on PS4, is that you can't just do it from the duty finder. Kind of a drag going all the way to Idyllshire and then the Hinterlands, just to use it once. Or at the very least, it's a pain that you can't do another challenge without backing out and rejoining again
Only did Main story quests today and the two new dungeons Antitower and Amdapor Hard mode. Loved antitower but Amdapor was a bit disappointing. Fully expected Diabolos to appear somewhere but eh. I did a trial roulette tonight and got Sephirot...... and it went horrible. I didn't even want to do it until tomorrow. SE love to troll, lol. Can't wait to try Midas tomorrow and Sephirot for real. Sephirot fight is probably my worst nightmare.... given how much I hate Titan.


Only did Main story quests today and the two new dungeons Antitower and Amdapor Hard mode. Loved antitower but Amdapor was a bit disappointing. Fully expected Diabolos to appear somewhere but eh. I did a trial roulette tonight and got Sephirot...... and it went horrible. I didn't even want to do it until tomorrow. SE love to troll, lol. Can't wait to try Midas tomorrow and Sephirot for real. Sephirot fight is probably my worst nightmare.... given how much I hate Titan.
Diabolos is doing Void Ark stuff, he wouldn't be in Lost City. The whole point of it was it's the dungeon after Diabolos left.
I haven't been this engaged with the main story of XIV since Before the Fall. They really outdid themselves this time.
The friendly battle with Raubahn is probably my favorite solo encounter in the game now.
Diabolos is doing Void Ark stuff, he wouldn't be in Lost City. The whole point of it was it's the dungeon after Diabolos left.

I did figure he was going to be the major boss of the void ark series eventually, yeah. I expected a tease that showed how he got out of Amdapor though. Not that it matters but I felt the dungeon was pretty bland overall. I'm still wondering what they are doing with Ferdiad, tbh.


What's the suggested order for Alex Midas gear for each week?
I still need 2 item levels to even be able to go, but would rather take advice than mess this up.


Got up to A8 tonight. The whole ride was fantastic, I absolutely enjoy Midas more than Gordias when it comes to first impressions. I spent an hour on A8 with some people from my FC, and we couldn't get it down. I was pretty happy with the difficulty cause this will get some of the less experienced members to get some good practice and improve on their skills. When I realized that there was no way were going to beat it with some many repeated deaths and the fight wasn't going to let us get away with it, I was definitely amped.
I feel like they completely failed with the last boss of antitower though. It was an attempt to show how many people actually know the fight from FFIV but then SE ruins it by making the generic HW boss theme override it. They should have kept the whole Calcabrina theme or at least had a remix going.


Meanwhile, on the catch up train:











Man it feels good to fight alongside GAF and a duty finder party with a can do attitude / willing to learn.


The 2 new dungeons are super easy but have awesome enviroments/mobs and so nice and 'relaxing' music. Like them much.


Finished the new Main storyline quests.

Those new emotes are fucking amazing. Love them! As for the story itself....

Huge improvement. Minfillia is probably gone for good and still useless as ever but it was still nice to see her in some form. I actually really liked the grand melee and the climax to Nidhogg's advent. Nice tease of the WOD at the end as well. The mask at the end looked very similar to the mask in Gods of Eld. Same thing?

New story content is done already? @.@;


Sometimes this game's economy pisses me off. So I can't buy a grade 1 cloth prism without paying a jacked up price? And every seller is trying to sell their prisms in stacks. Fuck them all!


I'll just keep watching from afar--just a stranger on the outside looking in...

1.5 more levels to Swiftcast and then I'm DONE with Thaumaturge. Going to take CON to 15 to unlock SCH, then SCH to 34 to unlock Eye For an Eye. After that, I'll choose between WHM and SCH. Sucks that I have to choose between the two when I just want to play Astrologian....


Neo Member
Could somebody explain to me why parry is considered a garbage stat on tanks?

Just started paladin.
It essentially does nothing, especially compared to much better secondary stats (crit rate, determination, skill speed). I don't have the numbers to hand, but essentially putting points into parry gives very little return (i.e. you still rarely parry anything) whereas points in the other stats give fairly significant bonuses.

In other news, someone did some gifs of all the new /vpose and /bstance emotes (male & female)

These are unlocked through the MSQ in 3.2. They're awesome (except SCH/SMN and maybe BRD)


Neo Member
Has anyone pre-ordered a soundtrack cd from the store before? If so, do you have any idea how they handle shipping notifications? I have the Heavensward soundtrack on pre-order (EU) but despite being released today my order just shows as "Pre-order confirmed". I want my awesome music now ;_;


Darkness no more
Not really liking Orchestrion a lot. They tried to make it sound like an old jukebox rather then just something that plays music when you enter your house. The sound is directional, so if the right side of your character is towards the box you only hear sound through the right side of your headphones. It's very distracting moving around the house and the sound keeps changing what ear you hear it through. They also made the sound quality pretty poor. They already have high quality tracks recorded obviously, so it's like they had someone spend development time to make it worse.


Both dungeons were easy. But, the atmosphere, bosses, and music were both really cool. I like how the Amdapor city hard music is basically Amdapor city: Piano collections. Also they get a huge amount of credit from me for bringing back one of my favorite fights from the 16-bit FF days in Antitower.
Why is Sephirot's 2nd phase theme so god damn good? Love how the music always feels like it matches the tempo of the battles you're during.

She is the hand that rocks the cradle
The wind that breaks the bough and leaves you to die!
And then she leaves you to die!
And then she leaves you to die...

Still haven't beaten it though due to people getting confused and dying when he does that orb attack or getting blown off.
HM Lost City is just as pretty as before but the bosses were zzzzzz. Antitower had the more interesting ones, especially the last one. So glad they kept the same sort of music for that boss, it's still just as creepy as it was in FFIV.

Guess I'll take a stab at Alex Midas tonight or just try and unlock some of those new master crafter books, that is quite a few scrips needed for them
Both dungeons were easy. But, the atmosphere, bosses, and music were both really cool. I like how the Amdapor city hard music is basically Amdapor city: Piano collections. Also they get a huge amount of credit from me for bringing back one of my favorite fights from the 16-bit FF days in Antitower.

Yeah, I honestly felt Antitower was very easy. Didn't even wipe once and neither in Amdapor Hard mode. I honestly expected to wipe but I guess people figured out the mechanics very easily. At least the mechanics were interesting though! I think the Calcabrina fight could do with the whole theme even when the Calca and brina fuse. That fight should be fun with A PLD, WHM, MNK, and DRG, if you know what I mean :)
The str tank salt is real.

The queue time to get in Anti tower was like 15 min, on day one. I know a large chunk of players took the day off or no job/school whatever cleared it within minutes of launch but that was no excuse for the queue to be this long. I was under the impression tanks all across the servers ragequit after seeing the damage nerf for themselves.

Unless the thirst for Alex is that big.


I only beat Seph hard, but the second phase is a huge pain as a BLM. I love long periods of time where I can use 1 spell if I'm lucky.


The queue time to get in Anti tower was like 15 min, on day one. I know a large chunk of players took the day off or no job/school whatever cleared it within minutes of launch but that was no excuse for the queue to be this long. I was under the impression tanks all across the servers ragequit after seeing the damage nerf for themselves.

Unless the thirst for Alex is that big.

I am not complaining, means even shorter queues for me and my new tank :p


Crystal Bearer
I only beat Seph hard, but the second phase is a huge pain as a BLM. I love long periods of time where I can use 1 spell if I'm lucky.
It sucks as bow mage too but once you know the boss rotation you can plan ahead since he doesn't do anything random.

Fight is also extremely lenient. We cleared with 2-3 people dead in the final phase both times we did it.


Not really liking Orchestrion a lot. They tried to make it sound like an old jukebox rather then just something that plays music when you enter your house. The sound is directional, so if the right side of your character is towards the box you only hear sound through the right side of your headphones. It's very distracting moving around the house and the sound keeps changing what ear you hear it through. They also made the sound quality pretty poor. They already have high quality tracks recorded obviously, so it's like they had someone spend development time to make it worse.
Yeah, it's interesting that they tried that but I agree it's ultimately distracting. I have to think of a way to optimize its positioning within our house to minimize that because it's going to drive me crazy when I'm running around.


I'm pretty happy with the training dummies so far. I'd still like to see an in-game metric for either clearing each one or something like your best time for clearing them. Also once HP totals for all of the dummies are compiled like Angary is kind of doing (for science) it'll be a very good metric I think for at the very least rotation purposes.
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