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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| The Midas Touch


Beat the A1S dummy with 20 seconds to spare on a 203 NIN. Might wait a while before I try the dummies after that.

Cleared A7 and A8 in PUG groups earlier. A8 is so much fun, and the music is fantastic, didn't realize it was a remix and not a completely new track. Don't think I'll get tired of this new bit of content for a while.
Nah, I'm pretty sure Ultros is just bad. I just spent 3 hours wiping to purple and green circles in Sephirot EX, and a diagram was even provided to show the party where they needed to be and it still does not work out.

Well, when you need 10% echo to push Ravana EX during adds part at this point...
I wanted to cry. Ultros isn't even ready for proper bird farming. Let alone a new primal that two groups finally downed right before maintenance (Awaken 1, 2) after being in there for almost two straight days.

I got to run with Galen/Eve/Felix for a bit before our group decided to do a lockout right before maintenance. I like the fight more now that I can go ham on DPS for long stretches in the final phase. Thank you based YoshiP.


I main a White Mage, but I use Bard as my primary DPS. Anywho, I seem to be struggling against the Seph Ex dummy. My ilevel is 205 so I shouldn't have any issues, right? I recorded a clip as reference. Is there something I'm doing terribly wrong with my rotation?


I'm barely clearing with like a second to spare.


If only I had done beastmen dailies today for more materia. Went through many Savage Aim IVs just for my crafted chest piece. I need to make several more pieces for my static in the next day or two.


Figuring this stuff out is fun, though. Lots of actually paying attention to the attack names on damage, trying to figure out who died from what, Final phase is good times and me dying to my own stupidity a lot.
Yeah I am glad we decided to go completely blind. It's not very time efficient but it's a lot more fun to figure everything out. At least when the fight is fun it is. it also some provides some good comedy when we are totally off base and people blow up.

They've done pretty good on all the primals in Heavensward, except maybe Bismark, but Sephriot has the added bonus of actually feeling like one of the old EX primals. He reminds me a lot of Titan EX, and I can't give higher praise than that in terms of design for mid-tier content.
Ravana still GOAT tho because of music
Is it true that our master Soken ripped off a band's music for the Sephirot phase 2 fight? It is all over the internet but reddit is saying he didn't rip them off and such. The OST in Sephirot isn't so bad but probably not my cup of tea either. Heh, I guess it can't be worse than Leviathan.

best part is SAY MY NAME, SAY MY NAME, SEPHIROT! I love the part after it. Very epic but yeah I don't like this kind of music but it has some good parts.


I main a White Mage, but I use Bard as my primary DPS. Anywho, I seem to be struggling against the Seph Ex dummy. My ilevel is 205 so I shouldn't have any issues, right? I recorded a clip as reference. Is there something I'm doing terribly wrong with my rotation?


I'm barely clearing with like a second to spare.

Disclaimer: I haven't Seriously Barded in HW, I mostly just mess around with it since it shares gear with my main class.

Nothing stood out as super glaring to me, just little things? You don't button mash like I do and I think it's costing you a second or two on your buffs at the start but that could just be a skill speed difference.You're Barraging your first EA, which means it can't crit, so there's no reason to pop Internal Release there since all it does is increase Crit chances, and you waste ~2 seconds of buff on an attack that can't crit. You generally want Straight Shot up before your FA/DoTs on opener. You've got a fully buffed Flaming Arrow that's short some crit chance, which is going to hurt. When using your buffs mid-fight you generally want to make the next GCD Iron Jaws, even if your DoTs have forever left on them. Then clip before the buffs fall off to maximize buffed DoT uptime. Things are a little weirder for Internal Release, but for Raging/HE+B4B (don't split HE+B4B, push your next GCD to fit them together. It's weird, but so is bowmage), buff->IJ every time for a couple extra buffed ticks. You also don't seem to use Repelling at all? It's free damage with no hassle if you have a Straighter Shot proc you're not using on anything else, then just stutter step back in in between.

There's a lot more fiddly stuff going on depending on how in-depth you want to get and this gives you all the math ever on bard. There are a couple of popularish openers, Rinchan's Minuet-off oneand Kreitor's double EA one, both illustrated here but fitting everything in under buffs is going to vary wildly with skill speed so whatever works best.

I really didn't see anything glaring, though, and you did beat it no food no pot. The Seph EX dummy is identical to the A4S dummy, so you basically put up what SE considers passable A4S DPS, too.


Skipping the second purple/green circle set is my goal every pull (we're bad and die a lot lololol.) Even when it goes smoothly I'm still holding my breath so I'd rather just not do it.

Figuring this stuff out is fun, though. Lots of actually paying attention to the attack names on damage, trying to figure out who died from what, Final phase is good times and me dying to my own stupidity a lot.

Ultros is bad, we're bad, a good time for all!

Don't get me wrong, figuring mechanics out is fun but when it gets to the point that you're wiping to a basic mechanic that the group has dealt with numerous times and are now wiping to it for 3 hours straight then the fun begins to fade. The diagram was actually made by someone in the party too.


Is it true that our master Soken ripped off a band's music for the Sephirot phase 2 fight? It is all over the internet but reddit is saying he didn't rip them off and such. The OST in Sephirot isn't so bad but probably not my cup of tea either. Heh, I guess it can't be worse than Leviathan.

best part is SAY MY NAME, SAY MY NAME, SEPHIROT! I love the part after it. Very epic but yeah I don't like this kind of music but it has some good parts.

It's similar but it's more "in the style of" than rip off. Like, it sounds like a Powerman 5000 song like how Moggle Mog sounds like "This is Halloween" and Titan sounds like Mad Capsule Markets' "Wardance"

Though, thinking about it, Soken really does like making music that sounds like other music.


Suffering From Success
I main a White Mage, but I use Bard as my primary DPS. Anywho, I seem to be struggling against the Seph Ex dummy. My ilevel is 205 so I shouldn't have any issues, right? I recorded a clip as reference. Is there something I'm doing terribly wrong with my rotation?


I'm barely clearing with like a second to spare.

I kinda wonder about your stats but
Generally you're doing what you're supposed to but there can be some improvements, to the opener in particular.

The first thing to cast (at least after triple Empyreal) should be not the dots, but Straight Shot. Nothing should be cast without Straight Shot up. I also use Iron Jaws right as initial set of buffs falls of, ensuring extra ticks of buffed dots.

Basically it's kinda like RS, HE, B4B -> Bloodletter, Straight Shot, Internal Release -> Windbite, Flaming Arrow -> Venomous Bite, Barrage -> Empyreal Arrow, Sidewinder -> Heavy Shot, (Blunt Arrow/Bloodletter) -> Heavy Shot -> Iron Jaws ->
It requires a certain amount of skill speed to work.

Then, your buff alignment. Around 2 minute mark you reuse Barraged Empyreal Arrow before Raging Strikes was up. You use Blood for Blood 1 to 3 GCDs before Hawk's Eye is up - this is minor at this length but will throw them out of alignment in lengthy fights, you can also repeat the Iron Jaws-as-HE-falls-off trick here.

[Redacted for being dumb in the morning]

Finally, the fight is supposedly tuned for 205 so you're basically what Square Enix says is baseline which usually means just barely geared to pass with them.


B4B should be the first buff to be cast in the opener so that it comes back up in time. For gamepad I just made a mashable macro that has both B4B and HE in it.

B4B's CD is 10 seconds shorter than HE's (80 vs 90), it'll come back up in time hit second just fine (and most people hit HE first for that reason.)

Also as a long-time proponent of the gamepad, I'm gonna disagree with the macro. There's enough button space, and in anything with high incoming damage it's nice to be able to opt out of B4B while still using HE.


Though, thinking about it, Soken really does like making music that sounds like other music.

Uematsu often did this, setting something of a precedent for making music in the series. There's a good portion of his library that's sounds similar to popular songs in various genres, yet the compositions are distinguishably different.

Just a theory of mine, but I think that often comes with a director (or some creative's) suggestions for what kind of music should illustrate an area, scene, battle, etc.

Have heard similar comments about One-Winged Angel compared to Carl Orff's Estuans Interius (Carmina Burana) or Igor Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring. More inspired than straight copying.


Suffering From Success
B4B's CD is 10 seconds shorter than HE's (80 vs 90), it'll come back up in time hit second just fine (and most people hit HE first for that reason.)

Also as a long-time proponent of the gamepad, I'm gonna disagree with the macro. There's enough button space, and in anything with high incoming damage it's nice to be able to opt out of B4B while still using HE.

Uh, I may not have been entirely awake.
Of course, longer cooldowns first.

I'll edit that now.
As for the macro, idk, fair enough, I don't raid on controller.


Nah, I'm pretty sure Ultros is just bad. I just spent 3 hours wiping to purple and green circles in Sephirot EX, and a diagram was even provided to show the party where they needed to be and it still does not work out.
Hey, at least we were getting past that bit, right? Right?

I'm barely clearing with like a second to spare.
A lot of what I noticed has already been pointed out in popping IR before Barrage EA, which is a waste of IR since that attack cannot crit. Straight Shot should be up before your initial dots, and you can wave IR in between them and Iron Jaws them once they're both up and once again before your initial burst wears off. A minor note when opening with Barrage EA, you want to hit Barrage first because it has a 10 second run off and it doesn't matter when in that 10 seconds you hit Barrage, just that you do it. By the time you hit EA Hawk's Eye already ticked off a good six seconds, so you're losing quite a bit of uptime. A lot of that is remedied by holding IR until after Barrage is done, and by hitting Barrage first.

Okay most of what I am going to say revolves around Internal Release. Whenever you pop Internal Release (aside from a few situations) your next GCD should be Iron Jaws. Doesn't matter what your dot timers are at. You spam Heavy Shot, which is fine, but you should be spamming Bloodletter when your gcd is still spinning because if it resets you always always always want Bloodletter to take priority over Heavy Shot. There are a few instances of you sitting on Bloodletter for a GCD when this happens. It's small stuff but it adds up. Near the end you pass up Misery's End for Heavy Shot as well, allowing that to sit unused for another gcd spin. None of this is End of the World type stuff, but it's all stuff to remember going forward in case the situation arises. Misery's End takes the highest priority because it's free 190 potency, and like Bard's third strongest attack behind Sidewinder and EA, so that thing should constantly be rolling on cooldown.

Repelling Shot. Use it. It's your friend. Leaving a ton of damage on the bench for no real reason. It has more potency than Blunt Arrow, so definitely use it.

Then, your buff alignment. Around 2 minute mark you reuse Barraged Empyreal Arrow before Raging Strikes was up.

No real reason to sit on Barrage/B4B/HE to wait another 30ish seconds for Raging to be up. In a three minute parse sure since you only get two casts of it, but in an actual rotation I wouldn't do it. You could end up missing full cooldowns. 80 second cooldown and 90 second cooldowns and a 120 second cooldown. They all line up perfectly at 720 seconds in, but the only thing that should be done in practice is obviously holding B4B to be used with HE/Barrage.


Suffering From Success
No real reason to sit on Barrage/B4B/HE to wait another 30ish seconds for Raging to be up. In a three minute parse sure since you only get two casts of it, but in an actual rotation I wouldn't do it. You could end up missing full cooldowns. 80 second cooldown and 90 second cooldowns and a 120 second cooldown. They all line up perfectly at 720 seconds in, but the only thing that should be done in practice is obviously holding B4B to be used with HE/Barrage.

Well I don't think anybody actually opens with triple Empyreal? Unless you really hate your tank.
For example the way I open Barrage ends up after the 3rd GCD instead of as a part of pre-buffing, which leads to it aligning perfectly with Raging Strikes coming back up.


Whenever you pop Internal Release (aside from a few situations) your next GCD should be Iron Jaws. Doesn't matter what your dot timers are at.

Yes it does, and I linked the math. IR is a special case among buffs because the timer is so short; if you IJ immediately after Raging and then immediately before Raging falls off, you're only clipping one set of DoTs and getting two full duration buffs in return. IR's shorter timer means getting a double IR involves a second clip, clipping your initial refresh, which is another potency hit, so the degree of potency lost in the first clip is directly relevant to the value of performing the first clip.

I feel sort of awkward harping on this since it's such a tiny difference over the course of the fight and over clipping is unlikely to sink you, but it absolutely does matter where your timers are how worthwhile or not IR-> IJ is.


Neo Member
Sephirot Ex is fun as hell. Hopefully clearing it tonight! So much raid-healing though.

I also can't get enough of those new emotes from the MSQ. So good.


FINAL FANTASY XIV Updated (Feb. 24, 25)
FINAL FANTASY XIV was updated at the time below.
* Game clients will update automatically upon launch.

[Date & Time]
Feb. 24, 2016 11:40 p.m. (PST)
Feb 25, 2016 7:40 (GMT)

[Affected Service]

[Update Details]
FINAL FANTASY XIV HotFixes (Feb. 24, 25)

■ New gear is now available for Disciples of the Hand and Disciples of the Land at the Splendors Vender in Idyllshire (X:5.7 Y:7.1). These items require Rowena's tokens (Red Gatherer's Scrips) and Rowena's tokens (Red Crafter's Scrips).

■ The following issues have been addressed:
-An issue wherein your character's appearance may not display correctly to other players upon failing an advanced materia meld.
-An issue wherein the instance servers may shut down under certain conditions.


naoki Yoshida has responded on the forum in regards to the sephirot song.

On phone so I cannot link it.

Edit: thank you tell



Neo Member

Regarding the Music for the 2nd Phase of Containment Bay S1T7

I have read through your comments concerning the BGM for the 2nd phase of the Containment Bay S1T7 battle with Sephirot, and I would like to personally explain how the track was conceived.

As most FINAL FANTASY fans already know, Sephirot (the Fiend) is a legacy boss character who originally appeared in FINAL FANTASY VI. When considering how to portray Sephirot's return in FINAL FANTASY XIV, we decided to pay tribute to FFVI by working VI's "Battle to the Death" track into the Containment Bay S1T7's first phase, while opting to create an FFXIV original for the second.

Building upon the motif of Sephirot as a representation of the World Tree, to create this FINAL FANTASY XIV original track, we further incorporated story-driven themes of death and a warped obsession with life, all while utilizing a musical genre─industrial rock─which we believed would provide substantial emphasis to the message.

Industrial rock is a popular genre that can be further divided into numerous sub-genres. Countless songs from these genres have been released worldwide, and I have been made aware of an allegation regarding similarities between an existing track and the track created for the 2nd phase of Containment Bay S1T7. However, track composer Masayoshi Soken, has also stated to me that he was unaware of the track in question while working on this FINAL FANTASY track.

We hope that you continue to enjoy FINAL FANTASY XIV battle content.

FINAL FANTASY XIV Producer and Director, Naoki Yoshida


Industrial rock is a popular genre that can be further divided into numerous sub-genres. Countless songs from these genres have been released worldwide, and I have been made aware of an allegation regarding similarities between an existing track and the track created for the 2nd phase of Containment Bay S1T7. However, track composer Masayoshi Soken, has also stated to me that he was unaware of the track in question while working on this FINAL FANTASY track.

That's what you get for not playing THPS 2 Soken! :D


Crystal Bearer
Nah, I'm pretty sure Ultros is just bad. I just spent 3 hours wiping to purple and green circles in Sephirot EX, and a diagram was even provided to show the party where they needed to be and it still does not work out.

Awake cleared right before maintenance last night at least... I think. SF still wiping sub 30% though they did get to 1%.
Have figured out that the break point for Brute Justice with the majority of the DF groups I've been with is after it splits apart and two parts start ice skating around the field.


Beat the A5S training dummy after a few attempts this morning. With Seph weapon, it's basically tuned for some lucky procs on BLM (second highest DPS check after MNK).

Edit: With 4 seconds left. This was after a 1% fail and a few attempts were it still had 5-6% left at time.


I hope they fix the issue where all skills are put on cool down if you leave the training area. It's really annoying if you want to have another try.


Crystal Bearer
Have figured out that the break point for Brute Justice with the majority of the DF groups I've been with is after it splits apart and two parts start ice skating around the field.

The last time I tried it in DF the big problem seemed to be stacking in the last phase for the soak mechanic. Not enough people were getting in there so we kept wiping and it was super annoying.
Meh this new crafting/gathering gear is just accessories that give you CP or GP (belt gives control or perception) and they aren't even meldable...


Looking for some insight here:

I only play my PS4 a few hours a week, so with that being said:

- Is this game worth playing in only small spurts?
- Is it still easy to find a party/guild?
- Has SE changed their pricing model for the game at all yet?
- Is there a "campaign" style mode that you can solo through missions to level up?

Sorry for not doing a bunch of research fist, but you guys would probably be able to handle these questions best.


So the new OST is out on iTunes but is anyone album to purchase the full album? Right now it's listed as a partial soundtrack and all the songs are there but you have to buy them one by one at $1.29 a piece which is ridiculous. I'm on the Canadian iTunes is it like this for anyone else? It's also listed under the wrong name if you can't find it

Heavensword: Final Fantasy XIV Original Soundtrack


Looking for some insight here:

I only play my PS4 a few hours a week, so with that being said:

- Is this game worth playing in only small spurts?
- Is it still easy to find a party/guild?
- Has SE changed their pricing model for the game at all yet?
- Is there a "campaign" style mode that you can solo through missions to level up?

Sorry for not doing a bunch of research fist, but you guys would probably be able to handle these questions best.

In order of questions asked:

-Yes. It's very much made to be played in small spurts, especially once you get to endgame. You'll have a lot more fun with it this way, honestly.
-Parties are handled automagically by the server whenever you need them. Guilds are a bit more difficult, but ymmv.
-No. The prices have not changed at all.
-No. Though the majority of the game's main story quests are soloable, there are a decent handful of group dungeons that you need to do in order to progress. Again, the server will handle the matchmaking for these automatically, so you just have to click a button and go.


In order of questions asked:

-Yes. It's very much made to be played in small spurts, especially once you get to endgame. You'll have a lot more fun with it this way, honestly.
-Parties are handled automagically by the server whenever you need them. Guilds are a bit more difficult, but ymmv.
-No. The prices have not changed at all.
-No. Though the majority of the game's main story quests are soloable, there are a decent handful of group dungeons that you need to do in order to progress. Again, the server will handle the matchmaking for these automatically, so you just have to click a button and go.

Thank you for the quick response!!!

for understanding, if I attempt to go into the first mission, it will match-make anyone looking to do that same mission? If nobody else is trying to do it, it will just solo you into it? Kind of how Destiny does the strikes...?


Thank you for the quick response!!!

for understanding, if I attempt to go into the first mission, it will match-make anyone looking to do that same mission? If nobody else is trying to do it, it will just solo you into it? Kind of how Destiny does the strikes...?

They aren't missions but rather are dungeons. A menu will come up and you click a button and it'll automatically search for a party for it. Parties require a certain composition before they're allowed to enter the dungeon using this tool. For your main story dungeons, it's 1 tank, 1 healer, 2 damage dealers. So it's like Destiny's strikes except with mandatory roles. You cannot solo any of these your first time through.

The vast majority of the missions you'll do--which aren't at all like Destiny's missions, are soloable because they're typically just basic quests. Go do <x> and come back to <y> to advance the story.

There are exceptions to this rule, but they're few and far between. You cannot complete the game solo, though.
Finished all of the 3.1 story content and got up to Antitower in 3.2. Antitower has been the most fun so far. Going in blind, these dungeons seem easier than previous entries. There wasn't ever any fear of wiping. The closest thing to a wipe was when I did Antitower with two i170 randoms and that frog mage boss managed to do some massive damage. I had no idea what was going on during certain phases but we just ignored the mechanics and brute forced it.

Looking forward to Amdapor HM and Midas (baby mode). Being able to get Gobdip from Void Ark and buy all this ESO gear dirt cheap is great. I had a geared 210 Ninja (minus weapon) prior to 3.1 but was able to gear up my Dark Knight and switch jobs for the new patch with relative ease thanks to leftover ESO and some tome conversion. After raiding in this game for 2 years, it feels strange to be a filthy casual not caring about Midas Savage but also kind of amazing.


The i180 crafting and gathering items they added today to the red scrip vendors are the same things that have been datamined since Tuesday. They're all shit too.



Will you be discussing today's crafting and gathering changes on stream?

Somebody did the math for NIN stat weights comparing fully-melded crafted gear against upgraded lore gear and savage gear. Depending on the amount of accuracy you need, some crafted pieces can last a while and a few are better than the non-upgraded lore option on the same slot. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XOFf-vEbCEJ3_eTvbQDo8rkGI5b7RbYaGLR69E83ms4/edit#gid=0
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