blahblahblahblahblahblahblah Moving Cleaner Shot jumps are 20% more satisfying with a feather.
Redownloading the game. Is the new dungeon( I know one is a HM) tied to the story at all? Asking because I'd have to go through 3.1 stuff first.
I really like Lightning's bow. Probably gonna buy it at the 2.10:
The stress of learning the new mechanics probably hampered their ability.Was doing Sephirot EX last night and my healer (one of them is super new) was having mad trouble keeping up with the healing. Is the healing check in Sephirot really that bad? My whole party seemed like they were getting rocked and I can't really tell as a tank as the only thing that really hurts is the tankbuster for me.
I really like Lightning's bow. Probably gonna buy it at the 2.10:
The stress of learning the new mechanics probably hampered their ability.
Elysium killed A6S finally.
Serah's bow! It's pretty cool but be warned it doesn't have a quiver, which means it just kind of floats behind the character's back. Random example. different armor effects how obvious that is.
Elysium killed A6S finally.
Looking at our last wipe last night, Tiferet (the big AOE in phase one) happens 11 times before we push. In that 11 casts, it manages to hit for a raid total of 500k damage which seems pretty nuts. He also likes to do a lot of hard-hitting things in a row to the raid (in the span of 8 seconds I get hit with Ratzon for ~4.8k followed by two Tiferets for ~6.4k each during the circle section and immediately after) which means a lot of active AOE healing.
I think it's just a lot more raid-wide damage really fast, really early in the fight, so an adjustment period seems pretty normal while learning the timings.
Final phase seems more mechanics less raw damage but I just DPS things and have faith.
Yeah, the stomps go out pretty often throughout the entire first phase and that deals a lot of damage, god forbid anyone accidentally steps in one of the bubbles and gets a vuln debuff before the stack markers go out.
Yeah, we made it through the entire first phase but we struggled with the bubble + swipe + circles bit because we were too focused on not overlapping the circles and not paying attention to moving behind the swipe.INTO THE POOP, OUT OF THE POOP, FUCK I STEPPED IN THE POOP, OH FUCK HE TURNED AROUND NOOOOOOO
Hopefully it's a bug and not just terribly designed.Elysium's pic also shows a tomestone.
So I expect to kill it week 8 when we've all gotten our pity Normal tomestones.
Also it sounds like Miunih's complaining the fight is bugged? God bless world firsters for beta testing these fights.
for tank what is more important as a stat : block rate or block strength ?
Hopefully it's a bug and not just terribly designed.
No there's a bug where you just die around 7 minutes.
We threw away so many pulls.
Either that or there's something incredibly dumb as a mechanic, but 99% sure it's a bug, can't say specifics unfortunately.
The rest of the fight is REALLY fun!
Speaking of Savage, I totally expect there to be multiple hearts and even more indy boulders in 7, and I bet the knockback is cast way more in 8. And the twister is back
All I know is in the XIVDB status effects list for 3.2, at some pointhoping they get it right this time.Nisi is back, and it is pissed.
Knew it. KNEW IT.
Im assuming that's the part with the blue AoEs that knock everyone around. What can you do as a BLM during that part? Swiftcast once and Scathe like a madman?When pinball starts, I focus a lot less on dps and a lot more on having faith![]()
Im assuming that's the part with the blue AoEs that knock everyone around. What can you do as a BLM during that part? Swiftcast once and Scathe like a madman?
for tank what is more important as a stat : block rate or block strength ?
Im assuming that's the part with the blue AoEs that knock everyone around. What can you do as a BLM during that part? Swiftcast once and Scathe like a madman?
All-in-all the pinball stuff is 9 seconds (5s between first two, 4s between last two) so you're not missing a whole lot. I assume enter Blizzard at first Pillar of Mercy and just coast it until the last one and Swiftcast during restarting rotation and/or save for after markers go out.
Everyone's voting for the potato idol and not Nashu's sister.
Picking a non-Paladin Tank.
With Bulwark and Sheltron, you can make the argument for Block Strength over chance. The problem is you won't even really have a choice since they're all balanced Kite Shield archetypes at end game anyway. So it's pretty much a non-concern outside of niche scenarios dependent on the tier (and this isn't one of those tiers).
Reddit Post said:
Layla from that Elysium static hasn't even cleared Sephirot normal, and they're all rocking i210 weapons. This is the 1% Bernie Sanders talked about.
I guess I have to gear up ARM this weekend for this.
I Will be curious to see if EM are all sporting Seph weapons in the next few days. 6 to 7 seems to be where the dummy DPS expectations increase (the gap from 5 to 6 seems to be generally a little over half the jump from 6 to 7.)
So it's under for us mere mortals to gear up with tome weapons first, but will EM just go straight i210 throughout or opt for the WD jump?
Little Ladies Day event is amazing for all the right reasons and multiple wrong ones. You heard it here first (or maybe not)
I've missed like legit 3 events by now iirc out of sheer lack of interest.
Saying this one is interesting is setting a low bar but is it actually INTERESTING or is it just more interesting than talking to an NPC and getting another item to throw in my armoire?
It's cute but I thought the reward getting was pretty bad. You have to run back and forth delivering an item for a repeatable quest a minimum six times if you want all the unique items.
The last time there was a semi interesting event was that Halloween one where you got glamoured as key NPCs and did that parade thing down the uldah street.