The other option--and I realize this may sound crazy but go with me on this for a second--is to see if you can find some likeminded people and try casual raiding, because that's the only thing that elevates the gear treadmill beyond building numbers to build numbers. The grinding is considerably more tolerable if you're doing it in service of something actually fun.
As much as it sucks that the game keeps pushing content that heavily favors the static system (and I still think tying Seph EX into progression was a mistake in their part), there is a lot to be said for doing actually challenging things with a reliable group of people you don't want to slap (or... Do want to slap and enjoy doing so between pulls, if that's what floats your boat.) Raiding only has to be as serious, time-consuming, and pressure filled as you want it to be, and while it took us way too long to actually kill Sephirot I actually had fun on the days we just wiped for hours. The end goal of those days was to get the weapons, but the actual process and fight was fun for its own sake. This works less well with random people in PF.
It's also why Gordias being terrible was so bad for the game; a lot of people hit the point where running the treadmill itself is no longer rewarding enough, and making the raid process unfun for people left the game with basically nothing.