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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| The Midas Touch


Good choice. My Chocobo was a tank first, but did a terrible job at it and wasn't very useful. After changing it to a healer, much more of the world content became more easily soloable.

Yeah, I'm already having an easier time. Before this, I had half it's points in DPS and the other half in healing.


Yeah, I'm already having an easier time. Before this, I had half it's points in DPS and the other half in healing.
Don't forget to change the first time after you log in. It resets to default when you log out, but stays the same until then, even if you withdraw it.


Welp, for the first time ever in this game, I have witnessed an Astrologian using cure instead of benefic. No idea why anyone would cross class cure but I thought it was pretty hilarious. This same guy was also using lightspeed to dps and never used his cards. He wasn't a newbie at all as he had the new emotes but it was very shocking.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Game ruined tab-targeting MMOs for me now. Can't play them without a controller. It's so comfortable.

I didn't know you could press and hold L1 and use up/down in dpad to circle through the emnity list. So much easier now! Specially during big Fates where there are shitload of NPCs.

I haven't purchased the expansion but how long does it take to power through all the story to get to end game
If all you do are story quests it should take about two weeks maybe less. That's playing 3 to 4 hours per day. But it's easy to get distracted with other stuff in the game.


Neo Member
Welp, for the first time ever in this game, I have witnessed an Astrologian using cure instead of benefic. No idea why anyone would cross class cure but I thought it was pretty hilarious. This same guy was also using lightspeed to dps and never used his cards. He wasn't a newbie at all as he had the new emotes but it was very shocking.

"Wait, this isn't a white mage?"

Got myself hunting for a new static this week. The most fun part of raids :\


The controller play is pretty amazing. It only begins to get rough when you PvP or, most likely, sometime in the future when more skills are added. Some jobs are already close to running out of space, though I don't think any are quite there yet with just PvE skills outside of maybe SCH/SMN? (if you count pet abilities) At some point however they are going to have to do something about that.

One thing I'd like to see them do is for combo skills to change based on their step, so you can have a single button that changes skill being used. It'd be a bit trickier for combos with multiple branches, but there's no real reason for say a step 2 like Spinning Slash and it's only step 3 possibility Power Slash having separate buttons.

For the record I have avenged Angary and didn't let our Seph gun hit the floor. I hope I made you proud, senpai.
Poor floor, he could be dual wielding guns now and you've robbed him of it.


I'm so completely unmotivated in trying to clear Seph Ex. I've been to phase 3 while healing but meh. Not really seeing the point this time around. In 6 weeks the weapons will be irrelevant and at least IMO, they're ugly as sin and not good for glamour. There's no title for beating it, nor is there any cool barding or whatever (right?) like Thordan. It's not like I'm doing Savage progression so I don't need an i220 stop gap weapon either.

I guess there's the chance of that blue bird mount thing, but the drop rates on those seem hilariously low. Ran into someone yesterday who had cleared Bismarck Ex almost 200 times and had only seen one


I'm so completely unmotivated in trying to clear Seph Ex. I've been to phase 3 while healing but meh. Not really seeing the point this time around. In 6 weeks the weapons will be irrelevant and at least IMO, they're ugly as sin and not good for glamour. There's no title for beating it, nor is there any cool barding or whatever (right?) like Thordan. It's not like I'm doing Savage progression so I don't need an i220 stop gap weapon either.
Why do anything in this game then, every piece of gear you get will become invalidated. Midas gear will be invalidated by Tome. If you're not doing whatever the newest hard content is gear is largely pointless to begin with if you want to talk about relevancy.

At least Serapah is fun. I can see not wanting to farm it 10x but not even one clear? Would some random title really suddenly entice you?

I have been surpassed. When's the ceremonial passing of the turret?
The ceremony was cancelled due to the turret being cleaved on the way to the proceedings. Please understand.


Why do anything in this game then, every piece of gear you get will become invalidated. Midas gear will be invalidated by Tome. If you're not doing whatever the newest hard content is gear is largely pointless to begin with if you want to talk about relevancy.

At least Serapah is fun. I can see not wanting to farm it 10x but not even one clear? Would some random title really suddenly entice you?
This fact is not lost on me.

I guess I'm just at the stage in this game where I'm questioning whether the grind is worth it. I like having something to work towards... but we've just spent the last few months trying to get i210 and now we're just going to be doing the same thing up to i240 or whatever. Just so we can hit the next wave of content and start the process all over again. Hmm.

Would a title entice me? Not really. I never used Thordan and I cleared that some 30 times or whatever. But I guess I just need something else to motivate me


Sounds like you're just burnt out on the game, might be time to move on and maybe check back later. The grind is really only worth as much as you make it worth, but unfortunately if you are not interested in the grind there's not a ton to do in the game long term.


Suffering From Success
The change where they unlock the full map of the area in ARR zones actually robbed new players of a bit of free EXP.
Previously you used to get a small bonus each time you unlocked a new part of an area and then a bigger bonus when you've seen them all, now you just get the latter.
May sound like a trivial thing but in higher levels it adds up.


This fact is not lost on me.

I guess I'm just at the stage in this game where I'm questioning whether the grind is worth it. I like having something to work towards... but we've just spent the last few months trying to get i210 and now we're just going to be doing the same thing up to i240 or whatever. Just so we can hit the next wave of content and start the process all over again. Hmm.

Would a title entice me? Not really. I never used Thordan and I cleared that some 30 times or whatever. But I guess I just need something else to motivate me

Well if the act of doing the content itself is no longer enjoyable to you and all that's left is the gear treadmill then, yeah, probably would be best to take a break as suggested. I've made my peace for now with probably not having these Ex weapons when they are relevant but I still plan to do the fights at some point because, well, that's the meat of the game really isn't it?


The other option--and I realize this may sound crazy but go with me on this for a second--is to see if you can find some likeminded people and try casual raiding, because that's the only thing that elevates the gear treadmill beyond building numbers to build numbers. The grinding is considerably more tolerable if you're doing it in service of something actually fun.

As much as it sucks that the game keeps pushing content that heavily favors the static system (and I still think tying Seph EX into progression was a mistake in their part), there is a lot to be said for doing actually challenging things with a reliable group of people you don't want to slap (or... Do want to slap and enjoy doing so between pulls, if that's what floats your boat.) Raiding only has to be as serious, time-consuming, and pressure filled as you want it to be, and while it took us way too long to actually kill Sephirot I actually had fun on the days we just wiped for hours. The end goal of those days was to get the weapons, but the actual process and fight was fun for its own sake. This works less well with random people in PF.

It's also why Gordias being terrible was so bad for the game; a lot of people hit the point where running the treadmill itself is no longer rewarding enough, and making the raid process unfun for people left the game with basically nothing.


As much as it sucks that the game keeps pushing content that heavily favors the static system (and I still think tying Seph EX into progression was a mistake in their part), there is a lot to be said for doing actually challenging things with a reliable group of people you don't want to slap (or... Do want to slap and enjoy doing so between pulls, if that's what floats your boat.) Raiding only has to be as serious, time-consuming, and pressure filled as you want it to be, and while it took us way too long to actually kill Sephirot I actually had fun on the days we just wiped for hours. The end goal of those days was to get the weapons, but the actual process and fight was fun for its own sake. This works less well with random people in PF.

I still haven't found that raid group of like-minded people that like to ERP and spank each other in between pulls.
Is the GAF FC planning on doing any group content? I wasn't able to run A5-A8 due to some GPU issues during the week and was just curious before I decide to DF it later this evening.


Is the GAF FC planning on doing any group content? I wasn't able to run A5-A8 due to some GPU issues during the week and was just curious before I decide to DF it later this evening.

Usually it's just kind of an ask and go type deal. Friday afternoon/evenings also tend to become help nights since a lot of people are on. Also, tomorrow is a new lockout so a bunch of people will be trying to get their A5-A8 items which means a lot of interest if you ask.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
The other option--and I realize this may sound crazy but go with me on this for a second--is to see if you can find some likeminded people and try casual raiding, because that's the only thing that elevates the gear treadmill beyond building numbers to build numbers. The grinding is considerably more tolerable if you're doing it in service of something actually fun.
Bingo. I don't hang out on the GAF mumble that often but when I do, and we're doing stuff together, it's definitely more fun that way.

In general it can be hard to find a group of people to raid with that are like minded (currently in the process of trying to do this myself) but is worth a shot RandomRosso if you're still interested in the game at all. Doesn't hurt to take a break either.
Usually it's just kind of an ask and go type deal. Friday afternoon/evenings also tend to become help nights since a lot of people are on. Also, tomorrow is a new lockout so a bunch of people will be trying to get their A5-A8 items which means a lot of interest if you ask.

Sounds like a plan. Hopefully I can get my A5-A8 items tonight before lockout.


I have been surpassed. When's the ceremonial passing of the turret?
Maybe when I learn how to have more than one decent wildfire in a fight.

Can I also say that if any MCH or BRD out there hasn't gotten to LB3 on Seph, you totally should. It's the best.

I guess I'm just at the stage in this game where I'm questioning whether the grind is worth it. I like having something to work towards... but we've just spent the last few months trying to get i210 and now we're just going to be doing the same thing up to i240 or whatever. Just so we can hit the next wave of content and start the process all over again. Hmm.
I'm gonna parrot what others have said before me. You probably aren't having fun with the game anymore. It happens to everyone at one point or another. Don't lose sight of the real reason we all play games in the first place. Loot. I mean fun. It's to have fun. If you aren't having fun everything is way more annoying and troublesome. Take some time off and come back to it, maybe.
I really hate that they let you go through dungeons in the main quest. I want my damn mount already...

Edit: Also, how do you find a guild ? The chat is dead. Haven't seen anyone posting something, am I in the wrong channel or so?


Maybe when I learn how to have more than one decent wildfire in a fight.

Can I also say that if any MCH or BRD out there hasn't gotten to LB3 on Seph, you totally should. It's the best.
Make sure to especially do it during the adds phase for his ultimate. THE LIFE OF THE PARTY IS IN MY HANDS


The other option--and I realize this may sound crazy but go with me on this for a second--is to see if you can find some likeminded people and try casual raiding, because that's the only thing that elevates the gear treadmill beyond building numbers to build numbers. The grinding is considerably more tolerable if you're doing it in service of something actually fun.

On that note, my group is looking for 2 new dps for our (semi-casual) group. We're planning on running on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays from 9:30-11:00 eastern. We have a Bard and BLM, so we're either gonna need 2 melee or a melee and a SMN. So if you are on Ultros and are interested, you can PM me on here or message Tomo Takino in-game.


Maybe when I learn how to have more than one decent wildfire in a fight.

Seph makes up for the pinball section of "of COURSE nothing procs" by giving you three good (~9-12k) Wildfire spots in the fight--opener, phase transition, final phase rotation restart. Since it's untargetable fight dead time you can do the opener buff prepop as the rotation starts, try to time it that you're hitting Raging during the Yesod flash/move, and then ramp up to the mobile portion of the opener by the time you need to be in position for the first color AOE.

The entire rest of the fight and the piddly midfires only exist to bridge those three wildfires.

I also fight Makoto for LB during wipes. Taking as many of those bastards with me as I can.
When your FC does goes raiding but you can never join because they don't want ASTs and have two other healers who are on way more than you that both play the roles they prefer.

Feels bad.
When your FC does goes raiding but you can never join because they don't want ASTs and have two other healers who are on way more than you that both play the roles they prefer.

Feels bad.

Fuck that noise. As an Ast main, I would leave and tell them off for not playing the class correctly. That's pretty much how I feel when somebody in a seph ex party tells me to go SCH. Really, mate?


I've been a long-time proponent of take the player, not the job. Granted this has led to hilarious disaster group runs in the past, but hey.

Is sort of interesting in that Rai was noting in FC chat last week that Noct sect AST's AOE healing power actually made WHM/AST pretty solid for Seph. Final phase also seems pretty workable in damage to avoid most of the GCD crunch issues that have plagued AST in the past so all in all it doesn't seem like a terrible fight for them.

On the bright side, given that 3.0 was the patch of DRK and 3.2 started the MCH bandwagon, AST should be awesome in 3.4!


Yeah, we're running AST/WHM in our group. Going back into Seph EX tonight. Just haven't been able to run it that much since we were doing Midas first to get the lockout out of the way, and it's not like you needed new weapons to beat it.


Yeeeah, nothing in Seph EX seems tuned to the point of caring too much on which jobs are there. A lot of physical damage so PLD is technically better but it doesn't warp the healing response so it's relatively moot; arguably, AST has a really good kit for final phase big hits but it's mostly just "everyone gets hit a lot in bursts please be excited" so all the healers do it too so also a moot point.

As far as Midas Savage goes, there's been AST clears for A5S and A6S and nothing really seems to indicate those A6S AST clears are switching for A7S.
For the last 3 months of playing I haven't touched a dungeon or even a DOW class except for farming some leather... but my carpenter is level 50 and the weaver is making good progress.
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