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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| The Midas Touch


Ran bismark like 30 times yesterday.
1 Bird. Rolled a 20, time to kill myself.

I farmed it for a good few hours on Saturday and Sunday. Rolled a 55 at one point which I knew was a shit roll and would lose, of course there were 3 rolls greater than 80. What really gutted me is I rolled a 6 on the next one that dropped and the guy who won rolled a 55.


Belt is only from chain which only drops in A5.

edit: must remember to refresh before posting

So that this post is not wasted: People of Ultros, I'm still looking for one melee dps for Midas Savage raid group! Dragoons, Ninjas, or Monks, we need you!! Times will be Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday from 9:30-11:00pm eastern time. PM me here or /tell Tomo Takino in game. New raiders are welcome!


I one shot loot all of midas last week, so here's hoping I have the same luck. So far only took me two attempts at 5. Fingers crossed.
I one shot loot all of midas last week, so here's hoping I have the same luck. So far only took me two attempts at 5. Fingers crossed.

I had the exact same luck! I have a feeling I won't be so lucky this week. A7 will still be a pain and I know I got so lucky getting loot the first time there. Last week I took the acc, pedal, crank, and spring. I figured I would take a spring since I'll be capping for the lore chest this week. This week I'll likely take the belt and get the hands/feet. I'm only gonna be gearing my main class and then blm in midas gear.


Ran bismark like 30 times yesterday.
1 Bird. Rolled a 20, time to kill myself.

I farmed it for a good few hours on Saturday and Sunday. Rolled a 55 at one point which I knew was a shit roll and would lose, of course there were 3 rolls greater than 80. What really gutted me is I rolled a 6 on the next one that dropped and the guy who won rolled a 55.

Ran it 50 times on Saturday, saw it drop 5 times. Rolled a 39, 40, 38, 27, 17.
Then ran it another 10 times and saw it drop once, but still haven't gotten. 60 Runs, no luck for myself yet.


YoshiP pls I wan birb


It's ok, we'll eventually learn you unlock the Bennu by losing 500 bird rolls, and you'll have the last laugh.

Where are my "You tried" achievements? Add a title for fucking up a pony/bird roll 100 times. Give me something to adequately show how low I fell by farming WoD so long for that card.


So I came back yesterday after being away for every other day of patch week having a wedding + honeymoon, managed to knock out A5-A8 and Seph NM before reset.

Thoughts: (negative first)

These fights are fucking long.

I kind of don't see us downing these in ~2 minutes like we could A1-A4, even in i240 gear, but maybe I'm just having trouble adopting that future PoV.

The few sources of Materia Grade V are simply a chore to farm to slot up our temporary i220 gear, then progression i230 gear, and then BiS i240 gear.

The game really, really needs some kind of Jewelcrafting-like profession like in WoW and provide the illusion of choice with colored materia slots and some meta surrounding that. Right now it's just saying "congrats on your piece of gear, enjoy some mandatory Diadem."


The fights are more interesting than 3.0's, hands down. And Alexander's story is actually going in a mildly interesting direction. I don't know if this patch is the breath of life the game needed, but it's going to keep me occupied until at least 3.3.


So I came back yesterday after being away for every other day of patch week having a wedding + honeymoon, managed to knock out A5-A8 and Seph NM before reset.


These fights are fucking long.

I kind of don't see us downing these in ~2 minutes like we could A1-A4, even in i240 gear, but maybe I'm just having trouble adopting that future PoV.

The few sources of Materia Grade V are simply a chore to farm to slot up our temporary i220 gear, then progression i230 gear, and then BiS i240 gear.

The game really, really needs some kind of Jewelcrafting-like profession like in WoW and provide the illusion of choice with colored materia slots and some meta surrounding that. Right now it's just saying "congrats on your piece of gear, enjoy some mandatory Diadem."

These fights will definitely be longer because there are mechanics that have to happen. The farming side of me says that kind of sucks but I actually appreciate them for one thing. This is the casual content and it's fairly difficult for what casuals are used to. My issue has always been that the floor of this game is way way to low compared to the ceiling. This might help raise that a bit, will see. I can only hope relic step doesn't require midas farming like the last step.

As for the last point. I guess if you are a cutting edge raider but let's be real. Materia IV can be obtained like candy and for the vast majority Materia IV will be more than enough for anything required as time goes on and lore/midas tokens pile up.


Crystal Bearer
Probably, that's the only reason I've been farming these. I gave no shits about ponies but I'm getting in now for Bennu God.

Seph one probably going to be the biggest pain. Pug groups can't do that fight real well on Ultros yet...


Seph one probably going to be the biggest pain. Pug groups can't do that fight real well on Ultros yet...

No bird drop in our 10 clears :/ RIP

No card for me either

The fight might feel better for pugs once poverty weapons hit in 7 weeks and all of the gear accumulated up to that point but yeah, I'm not holding my breath. Baby steps though, I don't have rav or bis and PF can
farm those no problem so it's still just time and luck for me regardless.
Skip that middle man step when Korra wants to pay off the group.

We have a bird farming static to avoid a repeat of that for now. Though RNG was bad to us last night (no drops). Besides, I have to save the pay off for the one that matters - the final EX Primal drop in case it won't be farmable by most pug groups until it will likely be too late to score that world first Kirin Bird.

Seph one probably going to be the biggest pain. Pug groups can't do that fight real well on Ultros yet...

If you have a static, you can probably convince them to farm it for birds every now and then. But yea, atm with pugs it's not something you should waste time on. However, Thordran is just as big of a pain in the ass if you're pugging. It's the length as much as people still screw up the fight. I mean, even solo healing it now, you only kill him before the ice/tether/meteors phase. Solo tank/heal is not viable farm method do to the RNG required to survive the double melee knights (it pretty much has to have the sword oath target the tank or it's gonna be a wipe). I'm waiting to farm Thordan consistently in about a month when people are more around 230 and you can possibly push to kill during the dive bombs/tether/dragoon jump/rage phase.


We have a bird farming static to avoid a repeat of that for now. Though RNG was bad to us last night (no drops). Besides, I have to save the pay off for the one that matters - the final EX Primal drop in case it won't be farmable by most pug groups until it will likely be too late to score that world first Bennu.


Going to race you for world first. Being Card King wasn't enough.


Where are my "You tried" achievements? Add a title for fucking up a pony/bird roll 100 times. Give me something to adequately show how low I fell by farming WoD so long for that card.

It is sort of weird that they haven't embraced extending content lifespan via achievements more. SCoB Savage proved out that they couldn't design an existing content tier with nothing but achievements as rewards, but it really does seem like they could get away with tossing in achievement unlocks in existing content to give people Other Things to do. Undersized parties and min iLevel sync give them a ton of options.

These fights are fucking long.

I kind of don't see us downing these in ~2 minutes like we could A1-A4, even in i240 gear, but maybe I'm just having trouble adopting that future PoV.

Monday night DF makes them even longer I think. I don't know that any floor will go down as fast as A1, but both 7 and 8 took so long I learned new things about how much could repeat last night.

The few sources of Materia Grade V are simply a chore to farm to slot up our temporary i220 gear, then progression i230 gear, and then BiS i240 gear.

The only 220 thing I'm sticking Vs in at this point is the weapon; I'm leaving a bunch of meld slots free for the moment because I think I might need to meld in ACC after picking up Lore boots next week, but the stuff I do meld is just getting IVs. Anything with potentially less than a month of life in it just isn't worth it to me. For i230 I'll maybe stick Vs in the chest, but since they don't persist through upgrades... Just not convinced it's worth it.

Then again I poverty melded my Kirimu coat back in the day and am mostly picking up crafted gear to make this the last week I need to bother with normal drops. I'm lazy and cheap.


It is sort of weird that they haven't embraced extending content lifespan via achievements more. SCoB Savage proved out that they couldn't design an existing content tier with nothing but achievements as rewards, but it really does seem like they could get away with tossing in achievement unlocks in existing content to give people Other Things to do. Undersized parties and min iLevel sync give them a ton of options.

Monday night DF makes them even longer I think. I don't know that any floor will go down as fast as A1, but both 7 and 8 took so long I learned new things about how much could repeat last night.

The only 220 thing I'm sticking Vs in at this point is the weapon; I'm leaving a bunch of meld slots free for the moment because I think I might need to meld in ACC after picking up Lore boots next week, but the stuff I do meld is just getting IVs. Anything with potentially less than a month of life in it just isn't worth it to me. For i230 I'll maybe stick Vs in the chest, but since they don't persist through upgrades... Just not convinced it's worth it.

Then again I poverty melded my Kirimu coat back in the day and am mostly picking up crafted gear to make this the last week I need to bother with normal drops. I'm lazy and cheap.

I'm definitely doing IV's in i220, but I can see myself finding ways to justify slotting V's in i230 depending on savage progression.

I just think this is a part of the game that could have been fresh and fun if it was supported in 3.0, but squeezing it in mid-expansion just feels wrong.


I've never pony farmed in my life. I joined a Shiva group last night, whistle immediately dropped, I rolled a 99. I feel like a monster.

Only two more dropped in the next few hours ;.;
The worst is when people that go swimming in Leviathan Ex roll on the god damn pony. I hate Levi ex farming for this very reason. Guy rolls a 95 and he fell and I roll a 30. I only do pony farms when I'm very bored for the day and I'm more interested in the birds. EX primals also have some nice glams.


The worst is when people that go swimming in Leviathan Ex roll on the god damn pony. I hate Levi ex farming for this very reason. Guy rolls a 95 and he fell and I roll a 30. I only do pony farms when I'm very bored for the day and I'm more interested in the birds. EX primals also have some nice glams.

Just as annoying when the person who goes swimming in the clouds wins the Bismarck bird. Fuck that.


Unless you're talking serious world-first progression (and based on how Midas is going maybe even if you are), AST's weaknesses aren't a big deal. They have a slightly weaker healing kit than WHM but it's functional enough. Optimization-wise WHM/SCH wins, but almost nothing in this game really needs optimization.

Play it if you want. It's fun. It's functional. Its problems are only evident in situations relevant to only a few.

Besides, this week's outcast job is next patch's flavor of the month.

alright, fuck it. AST is my second class then. I'm good enough to carry.

what are the essential cross skills?


Monday night DF makes them even longer I think. I don't know that any floor will go down as fast as A1, but both 7 and 8 took so long I learned new things about how much could repeat last night.

Man, on A8 I ran to the corner expecting the dodge part to happen again and realized I was being dumb running in place while people kept hitting the boss (and dying to AoEs).
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