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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| The Midas Touch

I'm also a new playear and seem to be constantly ovelrevelled for some reason. I'm level 29 and my current story quest is the one where you have to join a GC.
They buffed EXP per quest after the expansion released. Previously you had to do some sidequests and other activities to get your level up to speed.


Hmm. I was hoping I could 'fix' it.

It seems so much worse in these new dungeons and trials. Almost at the point where I'm tempted to give up trying to do any kind of meaningful dps in instances as a WHM. It's a waste of time and effort and mana when several of my attacks in a row don't hit because lolRNG. What's even the point >.>
It's a lot worse, yeah. For what it's worth, I now have 498 accuracy and only missed once in today's expert roulette (I basically DPS full time so the sample size isn't tiny), and it was an auto-attack. Felt great and I'm not even fully melded yet.

I still don't know whether I'm going to try reaching the caps for Savage, because they're so high I don't think it's even possible to meet the expected cap for A8s without downgrading some gear to crafted i220 down the line. Not to mention I have no idea whether it's even possible to DPS much there so that might be completely wasted.
And you also get the Brand New Ring after the Novice Hall quest.

I'm a returning player myself, never reached end game the first time around either but I can tell I'm a bit over what I need to be just for the fact that I remember the early game and can move around faster.
Also my gripe is that I'm slow in story progression om general as I don't feel like rushing. It's a beautiful game. I love crafting, gathering and going through certain duties. I gained so much EXP and Aetheral loot from Haukke that I can't even. Adore that dungeon to bits. That's mainly the reason I AM so overleveled. :D


On a more practical note I have a question for controller/PS3/4 WHMs - how do you set up your shortcuts/macros? In early game, when you don't have Cure II or it isn't essential (before Qarn basically) I used to have a Cure I macro set for each party member slot (Cure on #2, Cure on #3 and so on) and a single macro for the whole "tt" string for Cure II. It was really fast and I only lost one party member on the account of him not being a very good tank. Now that Cure II is going to be a lot more important and Esuna is already paining me having to list through party members, the whole "cure on slot" thing wouldn't be practical for every single spell as the set switching can be a bit difficult in panic situations. What's your setup and how do you use it to be most effective?


Quick question, to anyone that's done the Vanu Tribe quests..at what level did you start getting more quests? I'm rank 4 and only get three a day. Do these work different than ARR tribes?...cause I could have sworn I was supposed to get more quests by now.


Quick question, to anyone that's done the Vanu Tribe quests..at what level did you start getting more quests? I'm rank 4 and only get three a day. Do these work different than ARR tribes?...cause I could have sworn I was supposed to get more quests by now.
Heavensward Beast Tribes quests scale to your level, so it's only 3 per day with a bonus 3 quests every time you rank up.


It has always been a thing, it's just that the accuracy caps are so easy to reach when you're not a healer it's usually not a concern.


Finished 3.2's MSQ last night.

The tournament was interesting, I definitely expected it to just be clicking on npc's from start to finish, so that was a nice diversion.

The Ishgard story felt so weak, though. Three whole NPC's had dramatic "death scenes" and of course no blows were fatal,
even Nidhogg showing up and spraying blood across a mural
was inconsequential.

What was the scene with the
at the end? I looked away for a second and didn't see who was picking it up or what the significance was.


On a more practical note I have a question for controller/PS3/4 WHMs - how do you set up your shortcuts/macros? In early game, when you don't have Cure II or it isn't essential (before Qarn basically) I used to have a Cure I macro set for each party member slot (Cure on #2, Cure on #3 and so on) and a single macro for the whole "tt" string for Cure II. It was really fast and I only lost one party member on the account of him not being a very good tank. Now that Cure II is going to be a lot more important and Esuna is already paining me having to list through party members, the whole "cure on slot" thing wouldn't be practical for every single spell as the set switching can be a bit difficult in panic situations. What's your setup and how do you use it to be most effective?
This seems like a horrible idea, to be honest. I'd never want to lock myself into macros like that. In my opinion you should learn to scroll through the party list. May take a little adjusting but it's not that difficult. I think everyone here would agree with that. With the sheer amount of abilities you'll have by the time you hit level 60, doing what you are now won't be anywhere near feasible.

Only macros I have as a WHM are one for Virus (notification), Raise/Swiftcast (notification) and a new one for Asylum so it places the bubble at the feet of a targeted member.


Finished 3.2's MSQ last night.

The tournament was interesting, I definitely expected it to just be clicking on npc's from start to finish, so that was a nice diversion.

The Ishgard story felt so weak, though. Three whole NPC's had dramatic "death scenes" and of course no blows were fatal,
even Nidhogg showing up and spraying blood across a mural
was inconsequential.

What was the scene with the
at the end? I looked away for a second and didn't see who was picking it up or what the significance was.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure time!
But seriously, I don't really know. It was meant to be a stinger with no context as of yet, I believe.

As far as the story goes, I was super disappointed with the pacing. We get some monstrous lore drops right at the beginning with
Zodiark being the moon? Bound to the Source by Ten and Three Shards? What?
But instead of talking about it, we have to go help out the idiot elves who are incapable of taking care of themselves.

It was jarring and I genuinely didn't care about anything that happened in Ishgard because of it.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
A5S down.

Only took us 3 lockouts... definitely easier than A1S all in all even with double Faust and definitely a lot more fun.

Glad to hear it sounds like people are having more fun this time around.


Congrats on A5S. It's fun.

But I'm DPS :-(. My accuracy is 566 and I'm missing in dungeons...

Are you missing missing or do you have stuff landing on enemies that have gone invulnerable? I want to say I've "missed" before because I fired off a skill on something that wasn't hittable at the time.

566 for a BLM is like at or over A5S cap and should be fine. For physical frontal it's maybe behind.


Congrats on A5S. It's fun.

Are you missing missing or do you have stuff landing on enemies that have gone invulnerable? I want to say I've "missed" before because I fired off a skill on something that wasn't hittable at the time.

566 for a BLM is like at or over A5S cap and should be fine. For physical frontal it's maybe behind.

Hmmm... it was during a dungeon trash fight so it was just regular goons. I missed a Flare. It definitely said it was a miss in that horrible grey writing. It's happened before as well but I don't remember those deets. I'll try to record it if it happens again.


A5S down.

Only took us 3 lockouts... definitely easier than A1S all in all even with double Faust and definitely a lot more fun.

We did a handful of pulls on Sunday after Seph farming was done and I was surprised we got like halfway through the fight by the end of the night. It's pretty enjoyable though. Grats on the clear and have fun with 6


Crystal Bearer
5/6 don't seem that bad to DF but 7/8 are...not great, to say the least. It doesn't help that everyone and their mother want the legs right now.

You mean DPS wise then, not mechanically? I guess that jives with what they said Midas would be, lot easier on dps check so carrying someone else's load isn't as difficult.

Grats, by the way.

Oh I get it, you're talking about the little blue guy in the corner. Is that the cat?

Thanks! And I'd say it's more forgiving across all jobs really. Less stress on healers and tanks too with a larger focus on just paying attention and knowing when/where to dodge.

Congrats to you and your group!

I see the healing curse followed you. That loot. ;_;

Yeah... x_x well at least we got one DPS item? Seems to be a common drop, that slaying earring.


So, which bard piece should I be buying with lore tomes first?

Been debating that myself since I've got a bunch of crafted gear right now. But looking at it, gloves and boots are pretty good... along with ring, earring and bracelet.


Glad to hear it sounds like people are having more fun this time around.

Yeah I'm glad they listened to feedback properly on this one. Even the wipes are fun!

We did a handful of pulls on Sunday after Seph farming was done and I was surprised we got like halfway through the fight by the end of the night. It's pretty enjoyable though. Grats on the clear and have fun with 6

We did a few joke pulls in 6 last night... REVENGE OF HIGH VOLTAGE. Looks fun though, I'm excited.


Whats the new rotation for Dragoon these days.

Just started playing after a year I feel all over the place

sorry for the late reply .

Post heavensward Draggoons at 60 have a new buff called Blood of the dragon which increases the potency of Jump and Spineshatter dive by 30 %.

aside from that there is now a 4th combo skill unlocked after either Full thrust or Chaos thrust that upon use extends your BOTD by 15 seconds .

It also gives access to The draggoons strongest attacks called Gierskogul which is a Line based AOE attack . using this skill drains 10 seconds of the BOTD buff .

In short , you are trying to keep up BOTD indefinitely while also maintaining all of your other buffs .

The current basic DRG rotation looks like this :

Heavy Thrust
Impulse Drive
Chaos Thrust
Fang And Claw / Wheeling Thrust
True Thrust
Vorpal Thrust
Full Thrust
Fang And Claw / Wheeling Thrust

While you are doing this rotation you should try to weave your off-f GCD between those skills :

Leg Sweep: Try to use this skill as much as possible unless the target has to become stunned at a certain time
Jump: This skill needs to be used as much as possible and always try to combine every odd (1, 3, 5,…) Jump with Power Surge.
Spineshatter Dive: This is a good gap closer but if you know that a gap closer is not needed then it is good to use it as often as possible.
Dragonfire Dive: This can be used as a gap closer but it is better to use it as a burst skill during a Blood For Blood or to strike multiple targets.
Life Surge: Only use this for a Full Thrust or either of the 4th combo whenever it is up.
Battle Litany: Try to use this as much as possible as it will benefit the entire party and will line up with most big cooldowns like Raging Strikes. (make sure to use it at a time where you can affect every party member as well as when it is usefull for it's full duration)
Elusive Jump: This is a "difficult" skill to master but it can be used very well to reposition yourself or to use it as a gap closer.
Internal Release: Use it as ofter as you possibly can.
Blood For Blood: Use it as often as you possibly can.
Mercy Stroke: Use it as much as you can whenever a target gets beneath 20% hp!

Do not forget to use Invigorate when you need TP (at 440 TP and less is the most optimal).

guide : http://angered.guildwork.com/forum/...-heavensward-dragoon-guide-by-rydie-forscythe


hmmm why do I get ~2100 EXP (173%) per monster while my friend gets around ~3600 EXP (173%) per monster when we play the lvl 28 dungeon together?


Unconfirmed Member
Grats on the midas thing!

Dragoon stuff

(Fracture)(Just used it)

The only thing I'll add to the people who actually know what they're talking about is you probably want more skillspeed than just the 590 especially if you have a high latency, if only for quality of life.


The new content they introduced this raid cycle has so much downtime, so TP concerns when using Fracture shouldn't be an issue. 3.2 patch has Fracture as king! Why can't Ninjas use Fracture?


What was the scene with the
at the end? I looked away for a second and didn't see who was picking it up or what the significance was.
If you go back and watch the last scenes in 3.1's MSQ, you'll see this is mentioned there too.
Yda and Papalymo are hiding out in caves with some unnamed group, and they say something like "OK, the white masks aren't going to attack until everyone's in position!" The area looks like Little Ala Mhigo to me, so I think this is some Ala Mhigans planning a strike against the Garleans?

hmmm why do I get ~2100 EXP (173%) per monster while my friend gets around ~3600 EXP (173%) per monster when we play the lvl 28 dungeon together?
If you do a level 28 dungeon (with level 28 enemies) as a level 28 character, you can get an xp bonus via xp chains because you're not fighting enemies that are at a lower level than you. Once you hit level 29 (and are still fighting level 28 enemies) you can no longer get xp chains, so the amount of xp you get from monsters will be lower.


Next xpac is
clearly headed to Ala Migho with maybe some Garlean territory to boot. We'll probably reclaim the lost lands and set a foothold before venturing full into Garlean territory or suddenly getting sidetrack by some other thing.

Everything about this is getting set up.
The new Garlean lead is currently being a dick about Eorzea
Ala Mighans are up to something
Doma has basically been all but ignored

That's pretty much the only thing the story has indicated thus far, the same thing was happening during 2.0's story with Ishgard getting hint after hint. (Back then it was traitors among the nobility)


Unconfirmed Member
Next xpac is
clearly headed to Ala Migho with maybe some Garlean territory to boot. We'll probably reclaim the lost lands and set a foothold before venturing full into Garlean territory or suddenly getting sidetrack by some other thing.

Everything about this is getting set up.
The new Garlean lead is currently being a dick about Eorzea
Ala Mighans are up to something
Doma has basically been all but ignored

That's pretty much the only thing the story has indicated thus far, the same thing was happening during 2.0's story with Ishgard getting hint after hint. (Back then it was traitors among the nobility)

It was always the safe bet anyway- we sorta visited the Sharlayan colony so it was the last of the six city states left and the obvious first strike for the Garlean stuff.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
You people hyping me up with hopes of going to
the moon.
it's too good. They won't do it.
I mean, we're fighting a giant robot surrounded by goblin cheese conspiracies or some crap like that. Who's to say
the big cheese
is out of the question?


Sharlayan stuff just looks like the last vestiges of nothing we'll go into beyond dungeons. The only strong hints of unresolved content we've had are all Ala Mighan or Moon fuckery. They could be linked for all we know, but I don't see Sharlayan being anything but more oh yeah we have another sharlayan dungeon to go poke through in this patch

Unless we have some incredibly quick resolution in the next few patches while ending the dragonsong war, we're going to Ala Mihgo


Done with Midas normal loot, woooooooooo. Now just weekly Brute Justice visits for the Midan gear. Also there is no way we'll last minute fail Felix this week. Missions accomplished.

I mean, we're fighting a giant robot surrounded by goblin cheese conspiracies or some crap like that. Who's to say
the big cheese
is out of the question?

I'm using all my optimism re:the actual MSQ hoping that MASSIVE 3.2 SPOILER
Minfilia stays dead despite the dialogue heavily hinting we should continue to hope
END MASSIVE 3.2 SPOILER, I have none left to spare for the expansion setting.

Also I really need to watch the Midas cutscenes because my vague impression is that we're even worse people than our normal plot levels of awful.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I'm using all my optimism re:the actual MSQ hoping that MASSIVE 3.2 SPOILER
Minfilia stays dead despite the dialogue heavily hinting we should continue to hope
END MASSIVE 3.2 SPOILER, I have none left to spare for the expansion setting.
So you're saying that if you had to choose between MASSIVE 3.2 SPOILER
Minfi staying dead and going to the moon, you'd rather she stayed dead?

Imagine if we got both of those things. That would be like the expansion kicking up the rad level to 11.


They didn't make a new Minfillia model just to have her appear once and that's it.
She's still going to be around, don't kid yourselves. She's not what's her face with the Skrillex hair who everyone forgot or even Horsefart who was at least done more justice than she was in death.

She'll be back before the end of the xpac, either as the voice of the crystal or a physical person, I'd bet money on it


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
They didn't make a new Minfillia model just to have her appear once and that's it.
She's still going to be around, don't kid yourselves.
What if (Again, related to massive 3.2 spoiler)
Lightning came back in her place?


^- to the detriment of any real suspense in the MSQ, IMO.

What if (Again, related to massive 3.2 spoiler)
Lightning came back in her place?

This would still be better than what we're going to get. She can be all sullen and whatever, it beats the idea of (3.2 spoilerssssss)
Minfilia reborn win the power to annoy us directly via Echo. At least we could theoretically take the damned linkpearl off.
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