Whats the new rotation for Dragoon these days.
Just started playing after a year I feel all over the place
sorry for the late reply .
Post heavensward Draggoons at 60 have a new buff called Blood of the dragon which increases the potency of Jump and Spineshatter dive by 30 %.
aside from that there is now a 4th combo skill unlocked after either Full thrust or Chaos thrust that upon use extends your BOTD by 15 seconds .
It also gives access to The draggoons strongest attacks called Gierskogul which is a Line based AOE attack . using this skill drains 10 seconds of the BOTD buff .
In short , you are trying to keep up BOTD indefinitely while also maintaining all of your other buffs .
The current basic DRG rotation looks like this :
Heavy Thrust
Impulse Drive
Chaos Thrust
Fang And Claw / Wheeling Thrust
True Thrust
Vorpal Thrust
Full Thrust
Fang And Claw / Wheeling Thrust
While you are doing this rotation you should try to weave your off-f GCD between those skills :
Leg Sweep: Try to use this skill as much as possible unless the target has to become stunned at a certain time
Jump: This skill needs to be used as much as possible and always try to combine every odd (1, 3, 5,…
Jump with Power Surge.
Spineshatter Dive: This is a good gap closer but if you know that a gap closer is not needed then it is good to use it as often as possible.
Dragonfire Dive: This can be used as a gap closer but it is better to use it as a burst skill during a Blood For Blood or to strike multiple targets.
Life Surge: Only use this for a Full Thrust or either of the 4th combo whenever it is up.
Battle Litany: Try to use this as much as possible as it will benefit the entire party and will line up with most big cooldowns like Raging Strikes. (make sure to use it at a time where you can affect every party member as well as when it is usefull for it's full duration)
Elusive Jump: This is a "difficult" skill to master but it can be used very well to reposition yourself or to use it as a gap closer.
Internal Release: Use it as ofter as you possibly can.
Blood For Blood: Use it as often as you possibly can.
Mercy Stroke: Use it as much as you can whenever a target gets beneath 20% hp!
Do not forget to use Invigorate when you need TP (at 440 TP and less is the most optimal).
guide :