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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| The Midas Touch

Critical Elk

Neo Member
3 players commendations in this dungeon run with a pug


DF loves Haukke Manor, though, for 3 days straight that's the dungeon it has given me in the leveling bracket.

So for PLD: Big shield, or small round shield? I know one has higger BS and the other higher BR, but I wonder which stat is more beneficial in the long run, I'm guessing BR, since it'll make block proc more often and that's less damage sustained in the long run.

Disclaimer: I am not a (real) pld.

Most of the time this isn't a choice you get to make, since the endgame shields are usually the balanced ones.

Though given the choice, definitely go with bs. The only attacks you *need* to block are tankbusters, and sheltron is usually always up.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Disclaimer: I am not a (real) pld.

Most of the time this isn't a choice you get to make, since the endgame shields are usually the balanced ones.

Though given the choice, definitely go with bs. The only attacks you *need* to block are tankbusters, and sheltron is usually always up.

I see, got it. Thanks!
Probably late to the party but I knew it would be a really long time before I get all my friends together to do the Bismarck and ravana ex fights since some won't be on until summer so I said screw it and used the duty finder. Just cleared both fights an hour ago and they are incredibly fun, especially Ravana. I had a lot of people in df fail to understand swords and prey but I eventually cleared and it was super fun. I may farm the birds sometime but I really just want the purple one, tbh. I'm going to work at thordan ex and Seph ex eventually.


Shields at endgame are simple vertical progression.
Whatever you have now > Sephirot > Lore > Upgraded Lore > Midas Savage

I'd like to say you have some choice in the matter, but you really never do. Down the line we'll probably have
Sephirot > Lore > Upgraded Lore = Relic > Midas Savage (or the relic can equal Savage but we'll see)

Relics are usually the only time you have choice in what to put on a shield and even then they only last as long as the off patch.


Probably late to the party but I knew it would be a really long time before I get all my friends together to do the Bismarck and ravana ex fights since some won't be on until summer so I said screw it and used the duty finder. Just cleared both fights an hour ago and they are incredibly fun, especially Ravana. I had a lot of people in df fail to understand swords and prey but I eventually cleared and it was super fun. I may farm the birds sometime but I really just want the purple one, tbh. I'm going to work at thordan ex and Seph ex eventually.
This was a problem with PF groups for it too, even though it's insanely simple. Hell, in Bismarck, when people could finally get past the snakes, they had trouble understanding the weather phases, despite people making macros specifically for the different phases.


Unconfirmed Member
Shields at endgame are simple vertical progression.
Whatever you have now > Sephirot > Lore > Upgraded Lore > Midas Savage

I'd like to say you have some choice in the matter, but you really never do. Down the line we'll probably have
Sephirot > Lore > Upgraded Lore = Relic > Midas Savage (or the relic can equal Savage but we'll see)

Relics are usually the only time you have choice in what to put on a shield and even then they only last as long as the off patch.

Studyguy, I'm not sure if it was you or someone else, but someone here said to pass the ARR relic quest. Go for the HW relic. I just wanted to confirm this. Thanks.
I've been getting random DCs immediately when the game tries to begin the loading process, whether it's dying and releasing to restart an instance (A6S), entering the FC house, teleporting, leaving an instance....it sucks and it's happening too often now.


I've been getting random DCs immediately when the game tries to begin the loading process, whether it's dying and releasing to restart an instance (A6S), entering the FC house, teleporting, leaving an instance....it sucks and it's happening too often now.
I had this happen with the DX11 client constantly, so I'd try switching it off and see if it changes. It sucks, because I really want to use the DX11 client because it's so pretty.
{I'm interested.}

It was sluice -> protean wave. The main one I was referring to anyway. I kept pointing out that someone was doing it wrong and killing me and it ended up causing arguments and the rest is history.

I don't pretend that I don't vocalise stuff in a less than pleasant way at times, but I was 100% right about that. Same goes for a lot of other mechanics tbh, but that was the most annoying. People just didn't want to accept they were fucking up and tried to hide from it. I can be a dick, but I also won't hide from my own mistakes if I make them.
*joins sephirot ex learning party*

Everything goes good until phase 2 and we wipe, woo. Everyone rage quits and a guy boots me from the party for telling him he was doing a mechanic wrong. Ah, it is just another annoying day on Lamia. You know, if you SPECIFY it is a LEARNING PARTY, I expect a learning party, not a fuckfest, excuse my language. Also... please grow some balls and accept mistakes can happen, jesus. At this rate I won't ever clear this fight, lol.


I think my SS is stacked too high. If I Invigorate at 550TP or thereabouts I end up hitting a bottleneck at around 28 seconds left where I have less than 100TP and Invigorate is still on CD for another 10 seconds.

I've attempted incorporating Tornado Kick into my normal rotation but it doesn't seem worth the loss of GL3. Maybe during PB it's alright, but it breaks attack momentum otherwise.

Yeah it sounds like you're suffering from skillspeed problems if you're running out before you can pull off a second invigorate. I think Tornado Kick can be a minor DPS boost if paired with perfect balance and done right, but PB will be on cooldown from your opener no? It's generally not a done thing anyway as its better to save PB to regain stacks after downtime.


8 man The Feast is a complete mess lol. Since everyone naturally gravitates around the center area it feels really small for 16 people.


Still levequests. If you don't want to tear your hair out with Heavensward levequests and their billion ingredients per synth, find yourself an easy recipe and grind it out. There's at least one for every crafting class. I think I did 51-60 on Ishgardian Muffin as CUL back when 3.0 came out.


All this talk about Sephirot.
And I'm back here, wondering why I can't get a decent group for basic Burden of the Son and still haven't cleared Shiva EX.



What dropped



Crystal Bearer

What dropped

A weapon to surpass Metal Gear
a gun and DRG armor.

Also confirmed, no mount but you get a Faust minion.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Yeah, I've been doing Ixal dailies and grinding levequests. Guess I'll stick with that.


If queue times for The Feast remain this fast, 200 wins for the mount will be quick and getting weekly lore tomes will be no problem.


If queue times for The Feast remain this fast, 200 wins for the mount will be quick and getting weekly lore tomes will be no problem.

A few people have already reached Diamond.


Naturally it's Tea Pan.

A few people have already reached Diamond.


Naturally it's Tea Pan.


good to see tea pan back. I remember practicing against him multiple times and failing due to how good his smn was. Wonder where kirito is.


good to see tea pan back. I remember practicing against him multiple times and failing due to how good his smn was. Wonder where kirito is.

Kirito is still around. He changed his name to Kiri Hirato, or something similar. He also transferred to Gilgamesh with Tea Pan.


yea I saw poci had switched as well. Rip ultros flames premade then

Tea Pan has been stealing everyone from Primal.

It is nice to see this much interest in the Den, but unfortunately there won't be any seasonal rewards for party rankings, only solo. So rip light party Feast :<


At least Tea and Mona still representing the Twin Adders. Due to Astraea, I would be dragged along for their skirmishes with twink 30 and 40 gear.


I'm finding Feast to be rather underwhelming content wise. It's pretty much standard deathmatch and the approach to every fight is the same.


I'm finding Feast to be rather underwhelming content wise. It's pretty much standard deathmatch and the approach to every fight is the same.

I don't mind feast as long as the party knows what they are doing. A bad healer means you have a bad run and a tank who can't keep the healer busy really hurts as well.I've been doing it all morning so far and I haven't been having much luck with the parties although as a ninja it's pretty easy to finish in the top 2 pretty consistently. Although there has been quote a few people clearly not trying or standing around for easy tomes and marks.


I don't mind feast as long as the party knows what they are doing. A bad healer means you have a bad run and a tank who can't keep the healer busy really hurts as well.I've been doing it all morning so far and I haven't been having much luck with the parties although as a ninja it's pretty easy to finish in the top 2 pretty consistently. Although there has been quote a few people clearly not trying or standing around for easy tomes and marks.

So what do you have to do to be a good healer in this? I'd like to try it but I have no idea what I'm doing and as a healer would probably just get slaughtered.
*joins sephirot ex learning party*

Everything goes good until phase 2 and we wipe, woo. Everyone rage quits and a guy boots me from the party for telling him he was doing a mechanic wrong. Ah, it is just another annoying day on Lamia. You know, if you SPECIFY it is a LEARNING PARTY, I expect a learning party, not a fuckfest, excuse my language. Also... please grow some balls and accept mistakes can happen, jesus. At this rate I won't ever clear this fight, lol.

Maybe I'm exaggerating, but ever since I moved here there are a ton of big babies on this server. Even on Midgar, there would be multiple wipes before disbanding on things like Ultima's Bane or even Titan Ex (old content yes, but people still hate these despite how easy it is now). I've already have a blacklist of people to avoid, it used to be just gilsellers. I've learn to accept wipes are going to happen, it's folly to expect perfection every single time. We're humans and we make mistakes, though some don't want to take responsibility for making the mistake.

Quick rant: Off topic, but there is a reason I refuse to join statics this day and age of MMOs. I don't care about raids much, I'll complete it on my time and no one else's. I did that back in XI and had to sacrifice a chunk of my social life. Now, I'm rapidly reaching middle age, have more important responsibilities. If people are going to get mad at me for not being able to make it due to I dunno... work overtime, or family crisis... they can go f*** themselves. It's a damn game, some people take way too seriously.


So what do you have to do to be a good healer in this? I'd like to try it but I have no idea what I'm doing and as a healer would probably just get slaughtered.

Basically just keep the heals up. I mean the tank on the other team if they know what they're doing will go for you and keep you occupied by interrupting you or stunning you but healer is generally pretty over powered in PVP imo. DPS will usually prioritize ranged either BLM, SMN or Brd because they're easier to kill and often wander from the healer being left open.

Usually Ninja,Monk and Dragoon are left alone. This is at least the way it seems to go in the matches I've been running. Usually if the healer goes down then people pile on these dps.

As a healer you need to balance being in the mix and making sure everyone is healed vs not getting killed. I find a lot healers use the walls to their advantage and often some healers kite spamming heals on themeselves if the other team is all piling on the healer (bad move imo).

Honestly don't avoid it because it's pretty fun and honestly win or lose you still get a reward lol.


Quick rant: Off topic, but there is a reason I refuse to join statics this day and age of MMOs. I don't care about raids much, I'll complete it on my time and no one else's. I did that back in XI and had to sacrifice a chunk of my social life. Now, I'm rapidly reaching middle age, have more important responsibilities. If people are going to get mad at me for not being able to make it due to I dunno... work overtime, or family crisis... they can go f*** themselves. It's a damn game, some people take way too seriously.

This seems to be less an inevitable thing about statics and more a thing about statics with jerks in them. Life happens, and is more important, and nothing about being in a static precludes that. It's just about respecting one another's time. if your schedule doesn't allow for consistent set raid times, or Life is Happening once a week, then yeah it's probably not a great fit, but the occasional Real Life detour is pretty much a given and any group of people who doesn't get that is probably also not going to be fun to wipe for hours with. Of course, if you don't enjoy the raiding itself it's still not worth it but eh.
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