So I decided to turn on the mount music, to see what played when I was using the magitek armor as mount... OMG Terra's theme. Didn't expect that at all, so cooooool.
So I decided to turn on the mount music, to see what played when I was using the magitek armor as mount... OMG Terra's theme. Didn't expect that at all, so cooooool.
Get more and pentameld it onto Eikonic gear and see if you can solo Ramuh EX.This makes 3 elemental V materia through ventures now.
Just kill me.
Why you complaining, thats better than getting fish or some shit. Two more and you gamble, unless you want to now.This makes 3 elemental V materia through ventures now.
Just kill me.
My FC's dedicated all 3 of our airships to finding the island it comes from and RNG keeps refusing to let us discover it.Why does the Zu mount have to be so expensive ; ;
I don't even know how often my FC does Airship voyages lol
Get more and pentameld it onto Eikonic gear and see if you can solo Ramuh EX.
;-; Had a couple of good runs of proc/crit luck on my ritualistic SSS tonight before maint and got that dang a8s dummy to 1% /o\ so close.
The following adjustments have been made to reduce the burst damage of summoner in PvP encounters:
My FC's dedicated all 3 of our airships to finding the island it comes from and RNG keeps refusing to let us discover it.
I don't know what the drop rate's like but it's probably not very good, although there's actually a decent amount of Zus I've seen around on Ultros. Depending on how many stops you make them take per voyage the time for them to come back can be pretty long too, so that's a factor.Now that sucks. If you guys find the island do you know if the drop rate is good?
I'm not even sure if my FC would notify us if they found it because i don't know how airships with us work but that's more my fault because I took a break from the game and came back and haven't really spoken to the FC much xD
I don't know what the drop rate's like but it's probably not very good, although there's actually a decent amount of Zus I've seen around on Ultros. Depending on how many stops you make them take per voyage the time for them to come back can be pretty long too, so that's a factor.
Now that sucks. If you guys find the island do you know if the drop rate is good?
I'm not even sure if my FC would notify us if they found it because i don't know how airships with us work but that's more my fault because I took a break from the game and came back and haven't really spoken to the FC much xD
What am I watching
My FC has 2 airships (that aren't geared that well) dedicated to getting the mount tokens, and we've gotten about roughly 1 iron voyage spoil a week.
Haha.Minfilia being the worst. Even in joke trailers!
Call out buffs in your pull macro? Why?So after tanking for so damned long I'm finally going to go about making a pull macro.
What other buffs should I call out in the macro besides Huton for Ninjas and Coeurl Form for Monks?
So after tanking for so damned long I'm finally going to go about making a pull macro.
What other buffs should I call out in the macro besides Huton for Ninjas and Coeurl Form for Monks?
Call out buffs in your pull macro? Why?
Aw man it took me forever to make one too.
It's alright. I just made one like two weeks ago
Just what happens when you raid with voice chat 99% of the time
So my Ninja can open with Suiton and Trick Attack while under Huton and my Monk can open in Coeurl Form with Demolish into Perfect Balance.
I prefer macros to generally call out seconds to pull, since the respective jobs should know how many seconds of prep time they need (I have three to five seconds of crap to hit before pull; I don't need anybody to tell me to hit specific skills since it changes depending on CDs, just let me know you're pulling in five seconds.)
I will admit preferring to have the NIN run the macro since it's their timer that generally determines when we pull. Otherwise it tends to be the NIN telling the tank to start the macro, or eternity long macros to give NIN prep time. NIN does NIN things after 8/8 ready check, hits macro at appropriate time, it gives 10 second warning, it counts down from 5 to 1.
I prefer macros to generally call out seconds to pull, since the respective jobs should know how many seconds of prep time they need (I have three to five seconds of crap to hit before pull; I don't need anybody to tell me to hit specific skills since it changes depending on CDs, just let me know you're pulling in five seconds.)
I will admit preferring to have the NIN run the macro since it's their timer that generally determines when we pull. Otherwise it tends to be the NIN telling the tank to start the macro, or eternity long macros to give NIN prep time. NIN does NIN things after 8/8 ready check, hits macro at appropriate time, it gives 10 second warning, it counts down from 5 to 1.
Is that something that I as a tank should be pointing out to them? I know absolutely nothing about Ninjas, to be honest. For trials and raids and stuff, I have a 15 second macro with notifications at 15, 10, and then 5-1 seconds. Is that not enough? o:So my Ninja can open with Suiton and Trick Attack while under Huton and my Monk can open in Coeurl Form with Demolish into Perfect Balance.
Is that something that I as a tank should be pointing out to them? I know absolutely nothing about Ninjas, to be honest. For trials and raids and stuff, I have a 15 second macro with notifications at 15, 10, and then 5-1 seconds. Is that not enough? o:
The Heavy Medal change is kind of rough since I feel like I have to play safer much earlier, though I guess it's balanced out with shorter match times.
The Feast makes me hate human players far greater than any PvE content can or ever will. Getting the whm who always says you LOS'd them is the reason you didn't get any heals (even though both of you are literally on the same bridge section) makes me want to go healer just to not get them on my team, but that opens up the chance of getting the MNK who forgot 5 seconds in that we agreed to stun lock and kill the Healer.
So after tanking for so damned long I'm finally going to go about making a pull macro.
What other buffs should I call out in the macro besides Huton for Ninjas and Coeurl Form for Monks?
With the people I play with, you might be surprised. >_>
You still might end up with pug WARs that pull when there are still 4 seconds left in the countdown macro. ok ok ok ok
I'm kind of glad we don't have to wait for ninja huton anymore. (We still have a pull macro.)
You still might end up with pug WARs that pull when there are still 4 seconds left in the countdown macro. ok ok ok ok
OK but the real real reason for lengthy prepull macros is because at least once a week somebody hits Ready and then has to go "WAIT ABORT ABORT ABORT!!!!" and there has to be padding or it's too late and buffs have already been blown and we're going in unprepared.
My FC has 2 airships (that aren't geared that well) dedicated to getting the mount tokens, and we've gotten about roughly 1 iron voyage spoil a week.
Drop rate is good on it. The loot table on the island is small enough that it's pretty common to get the zu item. I think we're doing about 11 trips a week and getting 3 Zu's out of them. We're also trying to get other stuff though, if you optimize all 4 ships just to go after Zu's I think you could hit 20 trips per week.Now that sucks. If you guys find the island do you know if the drop rate is good?
I'm not even sure if my FC would notify us if they found it because i don't know how airships with us work but that's more my fault because I took a break from the game and came back and haven't really spoken to the FC much xD
My group used to have me verbally count down after a ready check.
You know what happens during verbal ready checks.
Then the ninja's like HUTON'S TICKIN BOIS
And as the tank I'm the bad guy in the end because I couldn't stop it
So I'm okay with pull macros because there are no brakes once it starts.
Trains out of the station and we're taking the enemy to pound town with or without your fucking help.
But my cooldowns...We should just agree that if someone body pulls we should wipe and restart. Don't make me do my ritual after the battle starts.
On a mildly related note, I made my static rather uncomfortable by referring Sephirot's slams in his final phase as Pound Town.pound town
You have to learn somehow, and booping you on the nose with a rolled up newspaper clearly isn't working.But my cooldowns...