So ends Alex Midas Savage (for now at least, maybe longer, who knows). Think I'm also getting close to that point you get to with your MMO experience where it clicks that "why are you still playing this, it's the same shit over and over" and "do you really, really want to go through this long haul/grind another time?".
I was wondering (and thinking of posting in the other OT) how viable is it now to play through FF XI if you just want to experience the story? Like don't care about doing any end game raid stuff or that nonsense, just play through to the ending credits. Or is even doing that going to be ridiculous?
That clicked with me like months ago.
The leveling in XI seemed rough still even with double XP when I was playing during the event. But I didn't know all the ins and outs of the leveling experience so maybe I was doing stuff wrong.