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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| The Midas Touch


Suffering From Success
Empyreal Arrow on Bard feels so out of place. The timing is just... wrong. Seems to clip into my GCD. It's not just me, right? Can't tell if it's my latency. The more I play, the more I'm getting frustrated WM mechanics.

I'm considering trying Machinist instead. Already have a Seph weapon ready for that. Hmmm. Even BLM could be interesting for the big DPS.

I've done a 180 on MCH and BRD (and got called out on this by my senpai something hardcore) but MCH has its clunky aspects as well.

Wildfire occasionally becomes a catch-22 where if you go for it, the enemy will die/jump before the ability actually goes off, but if you don't, they will take longer to kill instead.
Gauss Barrel isn't always a mathematical increase over standard ability+autoattacks which suggest some awkward stance dancing for marginal DPS increase.

And Empyreal being off-cooldown like that is worth putting up with for the goodness that is Iron Jaws. And barraged Empyreal
not as cool as 13000 wildfire


To not lose Deeps on blm, should you use firestarter/thundercloud as soon as your previous cast launches or do I wait until it actually hits?
To not lose Deeps on blm, should you use firestarter/thundercloud as soon as your previous cast launches or do I wait until it actually hits?

Not sure what exactly you mean but you should always be casting. Don't wait for procs (unless you're fishing for a Firestarter by weaving an OGCD in between), keep doing your rotation normally and use them only if it fits the situation. Thundercloud can be a loss depending on how much you clip the dot and you risk losing Enochian. It's all situational.
I'm posting this here in-case those in-game didn't catch the mention (or weren't on and you're suddenly curious as to where I've been). No, I didn't trip and fall down a well somewhere on the outskirts of Limsa Lominsa. No, I'm not at the bottom of the ocean with an anchor fastened securely to my waist. I've decided to leave the world of FFXIV behind me, as the current slate of content (and raiding, in general) no longer holds much interest for me. Therefore, I had no choice but to cancel my subscription. :(

I'm not sure many people even know who I am or not (Makoto Narukami), as the last several months I've been a relative ghost when it came to logging on (mostly due to my dis-interest in the game). If I crossed paths with you and left a positive impression, I would like to thank you for giving me the privilege of getting to know you. If I had the adverse affect, I'm sorry that I upset you and I'd like to correct this mistake by welcoming you to my cryp---I mean, estate room in the Free Company housing, equipped with soundproof walls and no windows. We'll talk it over and come to some sort of an understanding.

I've been with GAF since the release of FFXIV those many years back and, shockingly, have been part of the same static across those many years. While a few members of my static did fall off/switch out over time (I will always miss you guys), the bulk remained throughout which is both surprising and pleasing to see. As for the GAF Free Company as a whole, I've had the opportunity to talk with many of you great people, so thanks to you all (current, or should I say, past static included) for the memories I will undoubtedly never forget.

Onward and outward to greater things, but the battles/encounters I've experienced (as well as the people I've played/interacted with) in FFXIV will be forever remembered by me.

So to everyone still playing this game, thank you for everything and best of luck to you all.

I don't play anymore really except to get the story content and other casual stuff but it'll suck to see you go nonetheless. Farewell, my robot friend. I'm sure I'll see you somewhere, someday.


To not lose Deeps on blm, should you use firestarter/thundercloud as soon as your previous cast launches or do I wait until it actually hits?

Never wait for hits to happen. Also, always prioritize enochian and fire IVs. If using a proc is going to cause you to cast less than 4 fire IVs in a rotation or cause you to lose enochain then you'll have to live with watching that proc disappear.
Never wait for hits to happen. Also, always prioritize enochian and fire IVs. If using a proc is going to cause you to cast less than 4 fire IVs in a rotation or cause you to lose enochain then you'll have to live with watching that proc disappear.

Don't forget Astral Fire.

People have actually recommended that, yes, you should stand in the fire (pop Mana Wall/Mana Ward) if you have the health to take it and if the healer can cover you.
I'm posting this here in-case those in-game didn't catch the mention (or weren't on and you're suddenly curious as to where I've been). No, I didn't trip and fall down a well somewhere on the outskirts of Limsa Lominsa. No, I'm not at the bottom of the ocean with an anchor fastened securely to my waist. I've decided to leave the world of FFXIV behind me, as the current slate of content (and raiding, in general) no longer holds much interest for me. Therefore, I had no choice but to cancel my subscription. :(

I'm not sure many people even know who I am or not (Makoto Narukami), as the last several months I've been a relative ghost when it came to logging on (mostly due to my dis-interest in the game). If I crossed paths with you and left a positive impression, I would like to thank you for giving me the privilege of getting to know you. If I had the adverse affect, I'm sorry that I upset you and I'd like to correct this mistake by welcoming you to my cryp---I mean, estate room in the Free Company housing, equipped with soundproof walls and no windows. We'll talk it over and come to some sort of an understanding.

I've been with GAF since the release of FFXIV those many years back and, shockingly, have been part of the same static across those many years. While a few members of my static did fall off/switch out over time (I will always miss you guys), the bulk remained throughout which is both surprising and pleasing to see. As for the GAF Free Company as a whole, I've had the opportunity to talk with many of you great people, so thanks to you all (current, or should I say, past static included) for the memories I will undoubtedly never forget.

Onward and outward to greater things, but the battles/encounters I've experienced (as well as the people I've played/interacted with) in FFXIV will be forever remembered by me.

So to everyone still playing this game, thank you for everything and best of luck to you all.

I completely understand where you are coming from as someone that has also lost a great amount of interest in the game and stopped raiding. I'm a long-time FFXI player and huge fan of the Final Fantasy universe. I have been following and playing this game since the release of 1.0, including the nearly 2 1/2 years since ARR launched. If not for the great GAF community, I would probably be moving on myself. Personally, I have a lot invested here and there are still some great things about the game and community so I will stick it out and see how things pan out in the future but I can't say that I'm feeling that optimistic about it.

It's always sad to see long time community members leaving but it was a pleasure having you in the Free Company and representing GAF. Good luck in your future endeavors, Makato!


Crystal Bearer
It's sad to see that even Midas couldn't boost the Ultros raid scene much. Been a lot of people quitting lately and groups reshuffling as a result.


Don't forget Astral Fire.

People have actually recommended that, yes, you should stand in the fire (pop Mana Wall/Mana Ward) if you have the health to take it and if the healer can cover you.

Quit black mage if you are ever losing astral fire. That goes without saying, especially with the new change, the only valid excuse is lag spikes.


Speaking for myself, the actual raiding I still enjoy, it's the tome grind that's annoying. Going to 2 dungeons on ex roulette was a big mistake. I've literally gotten Amdapor HM every time I've done the roulette this patch, no joke. I only got Antitower when I did it for story and to help a friend who needed to clear it for story. I used to do frontline roulette and seize for tomes which I enjoyed, but it's hard to get those queues to pop. I have no interest in Feast, people got way too salty in there after about day 2.


It's sad to see that even Midas couldn't boost the Ultros raid scene much. Been a lot of people quitting lately and groups reshuffling as a result.

I mean people leave. it happens. The problem is that there's no one who left in 3.0 or as a result of 3.0 that have really come back yet. You won't see people coming back in droves, I feel, until 4.0. It's really up to the team to make 4.0 something that retains players better than 3.0 has. It could be a turning point for this game in terms of its longevity.


Speaking for myself, the actual raiding I still enjoy, it's the tome grind that's annoying. Going to 2 dungeons on ex roulette was a big mistake. I've literally gotten Amdapor HM every time I've done the roulette this patch, no joke. I only got Antitower when I did it for story and to help a friend who needed to clear it for story. I used to do frontline roulette and seize for tomes which I enjoyed, but it's hard to get those queues to pop. I have no interest in Feast, people got way too salty in there after about day 2.
Well 8man feast is whatever who cares it's unranked and gives the same amount of tomes
I mean people leave. it happens. The problem is that there's no one who left in 3.0 or as a result of 3.0 that have really come back yet. You won't see people coming back in droves, I feel, until 4.0. It's really up to the team to make 4.0 something that retains players better than 3.0 has. It could be a turning point for this game in terms of its longevity.

For me, 4.0 is definitely the decider for the game's future. It could have Samurai, too... mmm, Samurai.


For me, 4.0 is definitely the decider for the game's future. It could have Samurai, too... mmm, Samurai.

As a PS4 controller player, I think they should consider ability-squishing.

As a WHM, certain abilities like Stone 1, 2, 3, etc. could be condensed into just Stone, which would automatically scale depending on your level (e.g. if you level lock for a low-level FATE).

Voila, you've reduced three buttons to one.

Just something I'd appreciate in the future.
My scholar hit level 60 today, and all I want to do is pick a new class and start grinding levels again. I'll probably do some sligt gear-up but the leveling but is what I enjoy the most. Anyone feel the same way?


Darkness no more
Waiting for frontlines roulette to pop

I mean people leave. it happens. The problem is that there's no one who left in 3.0 or as a result of 3.0 that have really come back yet. You won't see people coming back in droves, I feel, until 4.0. It's really up to the team to make 4.0 something that retains players better than 3.0 has. It could be a turning point for this game in terms of its longevity.

It feels like more and more veterans are leaving still, but we're only getting newcomers joining up rather than veteran players returning from an absence. Like most MMOs, once you take that fist big break, it's very hard to get back in again. Even if you do, it's not the same sometimes. This is the ultimate fate/cycle of all MMOs (and online games). Veterans leave, the rate increases over time, and the rate of newcomers declines too to the point where the incoming < departing. The spiral of death for an MMO which usually isn't recoverable (even WoW is in this phase now, and while expansions give a temporary boost, it's still overall on a downward path that doesn't seem like they'll be able to break). It's just how all MMOs end. I kinda believe XIV has hit that. Obviously this doesn't have to have any serious impact on XIV's service -- XI is still going after all -- so safe to say XIV will be around till probably 5.0 at least, likely beyond that. However, servers will truly be dead sometime after 4.0's "boost" ends IMO, around 4.1 or 4.3 I wouldn't be surprised to see server merges.

So while the game may continue largely unaffected, it does mean some veterans interested in end game content get to deal with the pyramid scheme. On Ultros right now, there's a lack of groups doing raid in general, I'd argue it's at its lowest point ever. If your group suffers serious losses, like the one I was in just did a week ago, you're screwed. You have to break up and each on your own try to find a new group, or try to replace a significant amount of members, which can take time (especially on Ultros). It used to be you could find people around your level/progression pretty easily until some point after the A3S blows ups began September/October. Since then, it's been down hill. There has been a slight bump I would say with 3.2, but we're already seeing the decline again as more groups hit A6S. Last raid cycle burnt people out too much I think, including me, and I don't want to sit on a turn forever again. Nor do we want to go backwards too much. Right now you can probably easily find an A5S group, or a group just starting A6S, but anything beyond 2nd robot on Ultros is non-existent. The groups on that are locked, the pool of people cut out from that for various reasons (ie group break ups) can't refill. The're forced to go back to earlier in A6S, and some people (like me), can't deal with that/don't want to waste time on that frustration again.

Obviously, for others, this might not be the experience. But it's been mine. Which is hwy I'm aggressively looking to move servers if I can find the right group. I love GAF, but GAF has been in decline activity wise for some time now. Outside a very few things, most of the activity doesn't interest me. We don't have a large PVP following/focus, the few who care about it are in PVP LS anyway and that's enough. Same with raiding. I think there's what, 1-2 completely all-GAF groups anymore? Not that it matters if everyone is from GAF, but at one point during coil days, GAF had a ton of active raid groups and was pretty interested in raiding in general. That just leaves the social end of it, which is good when it's active, but as a whole Ultros' activity is down, and GAF's social activity is probably at its lowest ever.

So the hard, convincing reasons to stick around on Ultros are fading by the day. I play this game to raid (and make progress, not bang head against wall cuz certain raid members can't learn mechanics after so much time or DPS is too low even after pointing it out). So in regards to actual serious raiding, maybe I am a bit of an elitist and have higher expectations. After running with certain groups, I got a taste of it, I enjoyed it, its what I want. Without it, I just get angry, frustrated, and annoyed at this game. So it's either go find a solution to this, or why am I still bothering to play this game. I can make up excuses for only so long to stick around here and say it will get better, but I think deep down I might have accepted the heyday of Ultros has long since past, and it's never coming back. It's gone to other places. And even deeper down, the appeal of XIV is dwindling, and unless some miracle happens in 4.0 (ie the whole campaign is based around FF IV, the best FF ever or something of equally awesome magnitude), the days ahead of me are definitely fewer than the ones behind me. /endrant


As a PS4 controller player, I think they should consider ability-squishing.

As a WHM, certain abilities like Stone 1, 2, 3, etc. could be condensed into just Stone, which would automatically scale depending on your level (e.g. if you level lock for a low-level FATE).

Voila, you've reduced three buttons to one.

Just something I'd appreciate in the future.

This actually sounds like a good idea


Man, people whining about the current tier already and tome weapons aren't even available. Amazing.

Honestly the biggest problem is people are quitting while saying the current tier is well designed/fun. It's just not fun enough to justify the rest of the game, with the 2.5-3.1 span having made a lot of the shortcomings of the content cycle hard to ignore. I can think of three groups on Ultros in the past month that have had people who made it through A4S and quit this tier just because the game isn't worth it anymore; weapons won't fix that.

4.0's going to have to actually be different and not the same with new paint if it wants to shake anything.


Honestly the biggest problem is people are quitting while saying the current tier is well designed/fun. It's just not fun enough to justify the rest of the game, with the 2.5-3.1 span having made a lot of the shortcomings of the content cycle hard to ignore. I can think of three groups on Ultros in the past month that have had people who made it through A4S and quit this tier just because the game isn't worth it anymore; weapons won't fix that.

4.0's going to have to actually be different and not the same with new paint if it wants to shake anything.

If people are bored then people are bored. I'm talking about the rumblings I've seen that A6S is some kind of wall (its not) and it'll be even less of one in two weeks.


Crystal Bearer
Man, people whining about the current tier already and tome weapons aren't even available. Amazing.

Nah people are just burned out on the game in general. We're about to lose another person who pretty much raid logs as it is but they also have health issues.

So that said... we're looking for a melee DPS for Midas Savage. A5S clear experience preferred but not necessary. Just know your class well and have a good attitude. We typically raid weekdays 9PM EDT-12AM EDT. Sometimes Saturdays. PM me here if you're interested.


Nah people are just burned out on the game in general. We're about to lose another person who pretty much raid logs as it is but they also have health issues.

So that said... we're looking for a melee DPS for Midas Savage. A5S clear experience preferred but not necessary. Just know your class well and have a good attitude. We typically raid weekdays 9PM EDT-12AM EDT. Sometimes Saturdays. PM me here if you're interested.
I saw your PF when you were looking for a DRG last night. I'd apply if I wasn't already in a static. Gl tho


Unconfirmed Member
I'm stuck, GAF, and need your help.

Does anyone know how to unlock The Howling Eye (Hard)?

Thanks so much.

Edit: I found it. Thanks. ^.^


I'm stuck, GAF, and need your help.

Does anyone know how to unlock The Howling Eye (Hard)?

Thanks so much.
Assuming they haven't changed it (they changed a lot of that old stuff over time), after you beat Ifrit HM you can get another quest at Waking Sands I think? Same for Titan after that.


Unconfirmed Member
Assuming they haven't changed it (they changed a lot of that old stuff over time), after you beat Ifrit HM you can get another quest at Waking Sands I think? Same for Titan after that.

I found it. The game usually gives a good explanation of where to go. I gotta stop relying on that.

Thank you. &#128578;
Nah people are just burned out on the game in general. We're about to lose another person who pretty much raid logs as it is but they also have health issues.

So that said... we're looking for a melee DPS for Midas Savage. A5S clear experience preferred but not necessary. Just know your class well and have a good attitude. We typically raid weekdays 9PM EDT-12AM EDT. Sometimes Saturdays. PM me here if you're interested.

i'll join
does anyone have an up-to-date fishing guide for XIV?

I want to play again and go back to fishing since personal circumstances removed the possibility of raiding recently.
Nah people are just burned out on the game in general. We're about to lose another person who pretty much raid logs as it is but they also have health issues.

So that said... we're looking for a melee DPS for Midas Savage. A5S clear experience preferred but not necessary. Just know your class well and have a good attitude. We typically raid weekdays 9PM EDT-12AM EDT. Sometimes Saturdays. PM me here if you're interested.

You raid everyday for 3 hours??!?
So uh does this happen on any other servers or is Lamia just the land of dicks? Basically, I found an S rank mark in central shroud (the snake thingy) Formed a group easily by the pf and waited. We waited maybe 15 mins and then we had a whole crowd of people ready to slay it. Someone pulled after 15 mins and then this guy in shouts was sending death threats to the guy who pulled because he didnt arrive yet. He even said haha "u biitch, I hope you die a horrible death and dont have children" We tried to calm him down but yeah he didn't budge at all. Eventually, he just teleported away saying fuck you all. It was horrible.....

In my defense... I did wait 15 mins. If you were in the area and didnt arrive yet then tough luck, sorry.


So uh does this happen on any other servers or is Lamia just the land of dicks? Basically, I found an S rank mark in central shroud (the snake thingy) Formed a group easily by the pf and waited. We waited maybe 15 mins and then we had a whole crowd of people ready to slay it. Someone pulled after 15 mins and then this guy in shouts was sending death threats to the guy who pulled because he didnt arrive yet. He even said haha "u biitch, I hope you die a horrible death and dont have children" We tried to calm him down but yeah he didn't budge at all. Eventually, he just teleported away saying fuck you all. It was horrible.....

In my defense... I did wait 15 mins. If you were in the area and didnt arrive yet then tough luck, sorry.
No, people don't wait 15 minutes to pull S ranks on other servers. :p

Someone's always late. It happens. They usually get unreasonably mad.

Yet nobody ever shows up for A ranks which spawn significantly more and add up to more than a single S rank. :p
So uh does this happen on any other servers or is Lamia just the land of dicks? Basically, I found an S rank mark in central shroud (the snake thingy) Formed a group easily by the pf and waited. We waited maybe 15 mins and then we had a whole crowd of people ready to slay it. Someone pulled after 15 mins and then this guy in shouts was sending death threats to the guy who pulled because he didnt arrive yet. He even said haha "u biitch, I hope you die a horrible death and dont have children" We tried to calm him down but yeah he didn't budge at all. Eventually, he just teleported away saying fuck you all. It was horrible.....

In my defense... I did wait 15 mins. If you were in the area and didnt arrive yet then tough luck, sorry.

This is why reporting players exist. That person literally sounds like a piece of shit, and they should be told on how not to interact with others by a GM since they lack basic decency.


Unconfirmed Member
No, people don't wait 15 minutes to pull S ranks on other servers. :p

Someone's always late. It happens. They usually get unreasonably mad.

Yet nobody ever shows up for A ranks which spawn significantly more and add up to more than a single S rank. :p

True. I've only come across one S rank in the wild. On the other hand I see A ranks every so often, but no one seems to care.

By the by, that reminds me. Doing an S rank, or a Fate, with 20+ people must do wonders for my PS4 GPU. All those effects going off at once.


True. I've only come across one S rank in the wild. On the other hand I see A ranks every so often, but no one seems to care.

By the by, that reminds me. Doing an S rank, or a Fate, with 20+ people must do wonders for my PS4 GPU. All those effects going off at once.
Well, you can turn off effects entirely for anyone that isn't in your party. Don't remember where in options it is, though.


Party Finder is getting some changes in 3.3 (hopefully).
Being able to choose if you're aiming for the clear/practice/farm, if you're practicing, how far are you, clear achievement check etc.


This is probably really good for the JP playerbase but it's not like they read the PF entries before joining on NA/EU servers anyway.
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