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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| The Midas Touch


Season 1 of The Feast won't start with the patch 3.25 hitting next week, but ~2 weeks later because they're tweaking some stuff.

Anima Relic will include a step where you can design steps yourself. "Like Alexandrite", but you won't have to collect Alexandrite again. Also, that step won't have anything to do with materia.

Patch 3.3 will have treasure maps which unlock "Treasure Hunt Dungeon" entrances.


Some screens,

Void Ark part 2




New mount 'dendelion'


OMG please please ,someone do a server transfer to Cerberus so they can slap me senseless .

I have been doing Fates all morning and then took a break .
To break the repetitiveness i decided to pop a dungeon .
I roll stone vigil .
I hit the first enemy and i instantly knew i fucked up .

Popping in the menu confirmed my massive fuck up.

I was running around that entire dungeon doing as little as 100 damage And that was with Raging strikes enabled .

Luckily i was grouped by a group of friendly not caring Germans but i wanted to crawl in a corner and cry nonetheless .
Japan gets the cool stuff, why can't we? I want that cactuar lamp badly, among other things. Second part of Void Ark is looking great at least.


Some screens,
I was actually just saying they should make a chair version of the pomtrees. This is good enough.

And yeah, new wing of the 24 man looks ace. The question is if it's time travel or if there's just a remnant of Mhachi civilization inside the void. Or if it was just the Allagans all along, cause that sure looks like Allagan technology. :p

Oh huh, they're adding something called a treasure hunt dungeon.


Oh hey, they're finally adding that platoon thing and a new GC rank in 3.4.

Q: In a previous Letter LIVE, you mentioned a type of content where you could make your own platoon, but I was curious about the progress of this.

A: This is content that has had some hardships during the planning stage, but we are planning to add this in Patch 3.4. However, I cannot make any promises right now as to whether we will be able to add dungeons that you can bring your platoon to at the same time. Though, we will be unlocking the second lieutenant rank for grand companies at that time.

In regards to companies, we will be adding new items that can be purchased from grand companies in Patch 3.3.

Also stuff about the PSO2 crossover
Q: A collaboration event with Phantasy Star Online 2 has been announced in Japan, but are there any information for collaboration on FFXIV side?

A: We haven’t decided on this yet. In order to maintain FFXIV’s graphic quality, we’re required to decide on the overall dev. schedule for the long term, and for this reason plans for collaboration needs to be made after this.

The quality for Phantasy Star Online 2s version of Odin was pretty great, so we want to return with something great on our side as well.


Reading a summary. They showed new anima weapons? For White Mage and Dark Knight, specifically? Anyone get a shot? o:


So White Fat Chocobo and Housemaids attire comes from a 7/11 promotion in Japan where you have to buy soda? If there isn't a Doritos and Mountain Dew equivalent US promotion I will be sad. I'll get fat for my fat chcocobo!!


Fenrir will be able to fly in 3.3.
He doesn’t know what it will look like but he told the dev team he wants Fenrir to freeze the ground beneath him as he rides over it. Basically like Freeze. Also Tank mounts will fly in 3.3.


Plus an increase to MGP earnings. I'm halfway to Fenrir right now. Seems kinda weird to make the tank mounts fly. I mean, I like it. I want my eventual panther to fly but I don't see how outside of "magic". Like I can buy Fenrir freezing the air he runs on because he does ice stuff in his fight (and I expect the Primal Ponies to do similar things if they ever fly).

EDIT: Also seems like they want to bring the soda promotion to other regions. If it shows up in the UK might be the first ever one of these I give a fuck about. You know, outside of things like Tazos in packets of crisps. Also they said they might release the region exclusive clothing items on the mogshop if the demand is there and I really want them.


After a year out I decided to get Heavensward the other day and started yesterday. As a DRG/WAR I wasn't sure what class to pick. Part of me was more curious as to the change in a Dragoon's rotation and style more than the changes to Warrior but I ultimately chose the latter if only for the que times.

I'm level 54 now and about to fight my first Primal. What I will say is thus far Heavensward's main content is so much better than anything that came before that it's unreal. I've done few if ajy of the annoying quests that plagued the main game and 2.0-55. It actually feels like you're going on an FF adventure. Instead of the old being sent different places at different times to do the odd thing, it now feels like your progressing on a journey and evwn half have party members. Not only do you regularly interact with them (and they with each other), but one of my favourite parts was when you did a dungeon in Halatali with Alphinaud and Yugiri. Kind of makes me want an alternative single player veraion of the game!

I like the new music and scenery. It's much more fun to explore. The game seems to have a greater sense of purpose and pacing instead of having constant lulls with the occasional spike of actual content. However the only realy thing that annoys me is needing to find the Aether currents to fly. That's absolutely doing my head in. They should have just made them main and side quest rewards and not require you to go find them on the field. Constantly pressing the compass got old fast and then you get closer only to know you need to be high up and now you need to walk all the way around. I've actually given up because I can't be bothered.


After a year out I decided to get Heavensward the other day and started yesterday. As a DRG/WAR I wasn't sure what class to pick. Part of me was more curious as to the change in a Dragoon's rotation and style more than the changes to Warrior but I ultimately chose the latter if only for the que times.

I'm level 54 now and about to fight my first Primal. What I will say is thus far Heavensward's main content is so much better than anything that came before that it's unreal. I've done few if ajy of the annoying quests that plagued the main game and 2.0-55. It actually feels like you're going on an FF adventure. Instead of the old being sent different places at different times to do the odd thing, it now feels like your progressing on a journey and evwn half have party members. Not only do you regularly interact with them (and they with each other), but one of my favourite parts was when you did a dungeon in Halatali with Alphinaud and Yugiri. Kind of makes me want an alternative single player veraion of the game!

I like the new music and scenery. It's much more fun to explore. The game seems to have a greater sense of purpose and pacing instead of having constant lulls with the occasional spike of actual content. However the only realy thing that annoys me is needing to find the Aether currents to fly. That's absolutely doing my head in. They should have just made them main and side quest rewards and not require you to go find them on the field. Constantly pressing the compass got old fast and then you get closer only to know you need to be high up and now you need to walk all the way around. I've actually given up because I can't be bothered.

I used this spreadsheet to find the aether currents. I never bothered with the compass. The only thing to watch out for now is that the recent patch improved the map to include a Z co-ordinate which this spreadsheet doesn't have, but it should still be helpful.


I've been wanting a dandelion mount ever since stepping into moghome. :O

Most people on 7 say it's easier than 6.
I haven't looked at 7 yet but it feels like more in the line of a straight dps check than the previous few, which would make it feel much more simple. Gear checks appear to be tuned lower this time around, to the surprise of no one.

Seems like they are considering nerfs pretty fast...guess they don't want to see more damage to raiding like what AS3 did?
Without any doubt in my mind.


I used this spreadsheet to find the aether currents. I never bothered with the compass. The only thing to watch out for now is that the recent patch improved the map to include a Z co-ordinate which this spreadsheet doesn't have, but it should still be helpful.
Oh cool that works. Thanks. I still don't think I'm going to bother with them for now though. I'll wait till I hit 60 or something and it'll be something to do when I need to wait for queues.


Crystal Bearer
You raid everyday for 3 hours??!?

Factor in people not logging in on time and a break in between lockouts and it's less. We don't really do weekends either so honestly it's not *that* much.

That said our DRG decided to stay after all so luckily we can just keep going.
If people are bored then people are bored. I'm talking about the rumblings I've seen that A6S is some kind of wall (its not) and it'll be even less of one in two weeks.

Man, people whining about the current tier already and tome weapons aren't even available. Amazing.


YoshiP said:
Q: Was the pace in which Alexander: Midas (Savage) was cleared quicker than the development team had anticipated? Or was it slower? I feel like the difficulty really jumped up quite a bit in the second area.

A: In regards to those competing for world first, they cleared it according to our expectations.

Compared to Gordias, we eased up the DPS check for Midas, and due to the fact that groups are challenging this raid with a low item level, there are many people melding materia in order to boost their DPS. However, the health checks for Midas were severe, so melding grade 5 materia would be a safe bet.

We’re aware that everyone is having difficulties with the Cuff of the Son (Savage), and we’re concerned about the difficulty between the Cuff of the Son (Savage) and the Arm of the Son (Savage).

The Cuff of the Son has the four bosses you have to fight in a row, but it’s likely that the increase in difficulty for this is because each of the bosses has their own mechanics and the damage they deal is high. While I can’t make any promises at the moment, we’re currently looking into adjusting the damage in the Cuff of the Son (Savage).

So yea, Asami, looks like even the devs are noticing what's up. Pride/ego can be kicked to the curb for all I care, I knew a week in exactly what was up with A6S. It's not exactly the group killer A3S is, but it's the next best thing. And it is a whole turn sooner in the cycle. Knowing how much the game suffered (and raiding in general) in Gordias, and Midas being a response to prevent a repeat, it would behoove them to do something sooner rather than later to lessen the burden. You can complain "casuals ruining" the game all you want, but what's the point if only a handful of people ever clear the shit? If the rest get bored/frustrated, they walk away, and you have no subscribers to support your game.

There probably have been several games/devs/vocal minority fans that felt the hardcore appeal they loved was best for the game/community. Sure they all ended up like this gem:


Nearly putting the game/community on the brink of death. Which is what will happen if they don't get this raid stuff figured out going forward. First turn easiest, each turn slightly more challenging, last turn hardest. They got it right in First and Final coil, close in Second (can argue T8 should have been before T7). Interested to see if they take action like they suggest they might, and when it might happen. 3.3 will be too late IMO, but that's just me.
Posting this again since need to fish rising

does anyone have an up-to-date fishing guide for XIV?

I want to play again and go back to fishing since personal circumstances removed the possibility of raiding recently.

I guess for context the last time I fished was just before red scrips came out. Was planning on getting the crafted gathering gear then going for red scrips.

Was wondering if that's the right way to do it or is there a better use of my fishing time?


Factor in people not logging in on time and a break in between lockouts and it's less. We don't really do weekends either so honestly it's not *that* much.

I dunno, 10-15 hours a week spread out over a week is still almost part-time job-levels of commitment (which may be the basic level of commitment needed for progression content, I get; I just wish I had the time to dedicate to raiding like I did two years ago).


Suffering From Success
No idea how that is working, so can't comment. Current setup I have is just fine though, so wouldn't really use this I think.

Double-tap R1/R2, then the command.
Not sure why it's actually taking them this long to implement, seems a simple enough crutch.



"We'll get around to fixing Parry sometime after 3.4. When we increase the iLVL. Maybe. If we get around to it. Don't worry about it."

*3.4 hits*

"We've decided that Parry is fine as it is. Here is parry on every slot for the new gear to prove it. Get used to it. Eat all the parry, it's good for you."


It's like YoshiP randomly noticed an old email from 2014 with a bunch of issues with the game and decided to address those issues this live letter. Parry needs rework! Materia requirements for crafting/gathering too much! MND/PIE party buff split between healers probably not the best idea! FATE timers for beast dailies need changes!


Oh cool that works. Thanks. I still don't think I'm going to bother with them for now though. I'll wait till I hit 60 or something and it'll be something to do when I need to wait for queues.

I did most of them as I was exploring each new area when I got to it and honestly it's not too bad. Some you can't do until a certain story point anyway (off the top of my head, I know there are some in Sea Of Clouds in the top half of the map that you can't reach until later) but I'd say it's worthwhile doing it sooner rather than later if you happen to be in the area. Flying makes things so much more convenient.


Unconfirmed Member
Posting this again since need to fish rising

I guess for context the last time I fished was just before red scrips came out. Was planning on getting the crafted gathering gear then going for red scrips.

Was wondering if that's the right way to do it or is there a better use of my fishing time?

I don't think there's any new fishing gear except the crappy red scrip accessories, so that should be still the key.


Suffering From Success
It sounds so clunky, I'm not sure how I feel about it.

What isn't clunky about CHB? I looked at a video of a world-class MCH playing with a gamepad and I was like "This is some Stepmania right here"

It's like YoshiP randomly noticed an old email from 2014 with a bunch of issues with the game and decided to address those issues this live letter. Parry needs rework! Materia requirements for crafting/gathering too much! MND/PIE party buff split between healers probably not the best idea! FATE timers for beast dailies need changes!

My favorite were the questions where they responded with "Give us feedback if you want this". YOU ALREADY HAVE FEEDBACK. That's why people are asking in the first place!


The idea of talking A6S nerfs before lore weapon week is pretty ridiculous--Slap 10 more iLevels on all your DPS weapons and it drastically changes the fight. 6 is also exactly the fight everyone who was complaining about the scary awful A3S DPS check asked for. The DPS check isn't that bad and is going to be even less of a deal in two weeks, and everything else is just the mechanics heavy encounter people claimed to want over DPS checks, with all the autowipe mechanics people missed from SCoB.

A6S isn't 3, and if it kills the raid community it's because the game itself outside of raiding is underwhelming these days. It makes me incredibly curious how the community will react to 8, which from what I've seen in large parts is a more evil version of 6. 6's biggest sin seems to be that it's not the pushover 2 was; instead of ezmode ezmode GIANT WALL TERRIBLE FIGHT, Midas seems to be ezmode MECHANICS CHECK DPS CHECK MECHANICS AND GEAR AND SLIGHT DPS CHECK; seems more of a curve than Gordias.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
if they ease up on the materia melding requirements I might actually start using the system! The fact that you need to keep up your crafting discipline level relative equal to the armor/weapon's level is ridiculous especially for someone like me that doesn't bother much with crafting/gathering. You have to level up the discipline pretty much on par with your class/job level, and it's not just one discipline we are talkng about, it's at the very least 2 crafting disciplines depending on the class you are using, for PLD it'd be 1. armorer 2. blacksmith.

oh and I forgot you need carbonized matter, too. Only possible via mining or logging. Yeah too much of a hassle for players that aren't in the end-game yet.


The idea of talking A6S nerfs before lore weapon week is pretty ridiculous--Slap 10 more iLevels on all your DPS weapons and it drastically changes the fight. 6 is also exactly the fight everyone who was complaining about the scary awful A3S DPS check asked for. The DPS check isn't that bad and is going to be even less of a deal in two weeks, and everything else is just the mechanics heavy encounter people claimed to want over DPS checks, with all the autowipe mechanics people missed from SCoB.

A6S isn't 3, and if it kills the raid community it's because the game itself outside of raiding is underwhelming these days. It makes me incredibly curious how the community will react to 8, which from what I've seen in large parts is a more evil version of 6. 6's biggest sin seems to be that it's not the pushover 2 was; instead of ezmode ezmode GIANT WALL TERRIBLE FIGHT, Midas seems to be ezmode MECHANICS CHECK DPS CHECK MECHANICS AND GEAR AND SLIGHT DPS CHECK; seems more of a curve than Gordias.

Increased weapon damage, increased main stat, and increased vitality from the i230 weapons... This will lead to fewer mechanics being dealt with per robot, timings that make the tank debuffs drop, and providing more time for recoveries. Then possible nerfs on top of this?!
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