Finally looked over the new anima step. No rush for this next anima since no raid group atm. Not like it matters since Lore Weapon will be jus fine. But doing a weekly for five weeks and you get the upgrade should be easy enough + spending esoterics when possible.
Seeing as how hard it is to get into a group right now, I must say I kind of wish there was 4-person raid content to possibly make things more flexible/make more availability. Really sucks not having a group and you mostly play just to raid. Longer this goes on, more likely I am to just unsub until 3.3.
Seeing as how hard it is to get into a group right now, I must say I kind of wish there was 4-person raid content to possibly make things more flexible/make more availability. Really sucks not having a group and you mostly play just to raid. Longer this goes on, more likely I am to just unsub until 3.3.