Alright, got to level 6 on my first play session. Bed time now.
I can def get into this, I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying it! It's taking some getting used to, especially the map ha.
The map(s) in this game don't seem very intuitive at all, never thought I'd have trouble navigating a game before but this one gave me headaches at first. I've since kinda sorta gotten the hang of it, but there's too many clicks/buttons or steps needed to figure out where I'm supposed to go half the time. I'm actually positive I'm doing something wrong, or just not used to the gamepad aspect of controlling the game effeciently yet. Is there any way to set a way point on the map? I JUST noticed the Aethernet crystals towards the end of my session as well, these help a ton in navigating now.
Other than that, so far the game seems super solid. Graphics are pretty clean, audio is fantastic! Except it did feel awkward going back to silent mime quest givers for the majority of quests. Would it kill them to at least give them generic greetings/sayings when you interact with them?
Anyone have any good tips for a beginner? I'm mostly doing story missions, unless I need to level up for the next one then I'll do side stuff. What about settings on PS4, any that I should look into to make the game control better or QoL stuff. Lemme know