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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| The Midas Touch

Still no word from this new group. RIP I guess. If I hear nothing by the time I can transfer again, will just come back and I don't know, beg for 1 page carries or something. So depressed about this, want to keep playing but just no chance to play what I want to. Please YoshiP add more content, make less than 8 person raids, or just make the game easier so more people raid or something. This really sucks.

Or maybe people just don't want to raid with me and I should quit.
Or maybe people just don't want to raid with me and I should quit.

*Pats* I feel the exact same way sometimes. There's no fun raiding with randoms and that's mainly why finding a static is not on my priority list right now. When I was in my fc with my friends, we never did raiding either or high level content besides the odd coil here and there. I can't just force them to get interested in raiding and put their lives on hold and that's why raiding is so demanding. I've given up on raiding entirely, I think. I'm happy with my relic and maybe joining a raiding party or 2 on the pf to learn alex savage. Clearing savage is something I would like to work at but it won't happen on a casual server like mine.


Still no word from this new group. RIP I guess. If I hear nothing by the time I can transfer again, will just come back and I don't know, beg for 1 page carries or something. So depressed about this, want to keep playing but just no chance to play what I want to. Please YoshiP add more content, make less than 8 person raids, or just make the game easier so more people raid or something. This really sucks.

Or maybe people just don't want to raid with me and I should quit.

Are they ignoring you when you try to whisper them or something? Sounds like super jerks.
Alex Savage seemed to have reduced the number of willing raiders by a large number. Know plenty of good players who just quit the game in general after that raid tier, even those who managed to beat A3S and A4S.


Alex Savage seemed to have reduced the number of willing raiders by a large number. Know plenty of good players who just quit the game in general after that raid tier, even those who managed to beat A3S and A4S.

It's also been a really long time since the game came out so I'm sure fatigue or boredom is a factor too.

I know for myself I've significantly cut down on my hours logged in and actually doing something and it's partly because there's just nothing interesting to do outside of the raid.

Maybe I could camp the Idyllshire ledge...


that being said , i can see a large uptick in players since 3.2 came out .

Before that you had a decent amount of people in Limsa during prime time .

now the place is packed to the gills with players all day.
It's also been a really long time since the game came out so I'm sure fatigue or boredom is a factor too.

I know for myself I've significantly cut down on my hours logged in and actually doing something and it's partly because there's just nothing interesting to do outside of the raid.

Maybe I could camp the Idyllshire ledge...

Yes there is that game fatigue as well. Outside of raid, I really don't want to do much except cap lore and...yup.


Playing through the Heavensward MSQ for the first time (very late, I know).

I just hit 60 and arrived in Idyllshire for the first time. I'm guessing I still have a way to go to finish the MSQ...should I switch jobs so as not to waste all this quest XP? My next highest is only like 35, so it would take quite awhile to get up to the 55/56 to continue questing =/


Playing through the Heavensward MSQ for the first time (very late, I know).

I just hit 60 and arrived in Idyllshire for the first time. I'm guessing I still have a way to go to finish the MSQ...should I switch jobs so as not to waste all this quest XP? My next highest is only like 35, so it would take quite awhile to get up to the 55/56 to continue questing =/

Probably not worth it, since the MSQ unlocks some other stuff for your level 60.


Playing through the Heavensward MSQ for the first time (very late, I know).

I just hit 60 and arrived in Idyllshire for the first time. I'm guessing I still have a way to go to finish the MSQ...should I switch jobs so as not to waste all this quest XP? My next highest is only like 35, so it would take quite awhile to get up to the 55/56 to continue questing =/

I wouldn't. Just focus on finishing the MSQ, in my opinion. That way you can start to do end-game stuff. Plenty of time to level alt jobs later.


Gotta love Joye, she has a way with words. And yeah, speaking of textures, have to say that that shot, whilst cool, was not the best idea. Ouch.


Pixely textures are the most deadly weapon though.


Still no word from this new group. RIP I guess. If I hear nothing by the time I can transfer again, will just come back and I don't know, beg for 1 page carries or something. So depressed about this, want to keep playing but just no chance to play what I want to. Please YoshiP add more content, make less than 8 person raids, or just make the game easier so more people raid or something. This really sucks.

Or maybe people just don't want to raid with me and I should quit.

Soapy is ready for some Midas lewt.


Got this tonight


Really nice for a Dark Knight weapon. Sells for a couple of million but I only paid... 300k or so. Super cooool. Shame the Bard one looks kinda horrible.
So looks like I can return after reset, so hopefully can just rejoin like normal and get everyone back on the friends list. Think this is the last server transfer I'm doing for this character. Unless GAF moves servers or there is a server merger. I'll just level up my Alts on the biggest servers and and try pugging on them if need be to do stuff, but yea transferring stinks without knowing people.

Looks like Sunday/Monday end of week traps until I can find a new group on Ultros.
Finally got my ilvl on my SCH to 220 after I abandoned AST because I grew tired of the fact healing feels much more difficult than as a SCH, plus I've grown to enjoy dpsing while healing as well.

Too bad I have to put this game on the back burner when DSIII comes out, I was leveling my WHM to 60 and having fun again.


Anyone available to invite my brother (Ardela Qustrais) back into the FC after being away for a couple months (he's already applied ingame). Was also wondering if my nephew, first time mmo player can get an invite too (Kilia Siegfried).


So looks like I can return after reset, so hopefully can just rejoin like normal and get everyone back on the friends list. Think this is the last server transfer I'm doing for this character. Unless GAF moves servers or there is a server merger. I'll just level up my Alts on the biggest servers and and try pugging on them if need be to do stuff, but yea transferring stinks without knowing people.

Looks like Sunday/Monday end of week traps until I can find a new group on Ultros.

Did they just not answer any of your tells when they were online or something? I'm sorry that things didn't go as planned.
Did they just not answer any of your tells when they were online or something? I'm sorry that things didn't go as planned.

They weren't online at all through the weekend, period, including the supposed raid time on Sunday we agreed to.

I e-mailed them asking if I had their names right (they were because their characters were on the Lodestone and matched the info I was given) and that I had transferred, but no reply. I messaged their FC leader (the two names I was given were in the same FC, so I figured might as well try that) but got no reply. I mean, I wasn't expecting any details from the FC leader since I don't know if they were in the static. Just maybe they could get in touch with one of their members.

I'm going to assume they found somebody else and just didn't want to tell me/ignored me. I probably shouldn't have transferred until I got another e-mail confirmation before hand that we were good to go, but the last message was me saying I would transfer Saturday, and who should I contact in-game when I arrived at Gilgamesh to get setup with their static LS and FC. I also feel a bit bad because a guy on Adamantoise made an alt to speak to me on Ultros before my transfer to ask if I'd help his group, they were on Swindler progression, but he was very nice and sounded like a nice group. But after this experience, as I said above, I'm staying on Ultros since being on a server with nothing to do BUT you know a lot of people (ie you can be social at least) is way better than being on a server with noting to do but you don't know anybody.

Anyway, with no responses from them, I then threw up a PF for like 5-6 hours and AFKed asking for a group to see if maybe somebody else would be interested while I waited, or maybe somebody in their static that I didn't know about might see it and reply. No luck.

So I ran some Sephirot EX PFs and as it is known, the pug quality in general on Gilgamesh is no different than anywhere else, there just is a lot more people active at all times in general. So no clears, lots of wipes to stupid stuff because somebody obviously didn't know the fight mechanics of a part they claimed to have known.

After that, did some PVP matches hoping to run into Poci or Kiri, no luck. Listened to some cat girl shout about giving ERP lessons and grading you on your ERP performance. Got up on the perch spot I like and idled with my Thordan mount, got a few tells about it, but otherwise I mostly logged on to my alts and played on them a bit while watching Netflix/reading stuff online.


Turns out my group is going to have to replace our MNK. If you're a MNK, NIN, WHM or AST (in this order of preference, I'm willing to switch to NIN but my group would prefer it if I kept healing), hit me up. We raid from 8 to 11 UK time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays. We're on Ragnarok.
Turns out my group is going to have to replace our MNK. If you're a MNK, NIN, WHM or AST (in this order of preference, I'm willing to switch to NIN but my group would prefer it if I kept healing), hit me up. We raid from 8 to 11 UK time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays. We're on Ragnarok.

PMing you!


Anyone available to invite my brother (Ardela Qustrais) back into the FC after being away for a couple months (he's already applied ingame). Was also wondering if my nephew, first time mmo player can get an invite too (Kilia Siegfried).

Just have them follow the same steps outlined in the OP, and someone will invite them into the FC eventually.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Still no word from this new group. RIP I guess. If I hear nothing by the time I can transfer again, will just come back and I don't know, beg for 1 page carries or something. So depressed about this, want to keep playing but just no chance to play what I want to. Please YoshiP add more content, make less than 8 person raids, or just make the game easier so more people raid or something. This really sucks.

Or maybe people just don't want to raid with me and I should quit.

Is raiding as a concept even all that popular anymore? I'm sure folks here are more into it, but that's a very small cohort of people in the first place. Then there's the folks who have been playing MMORPGs for a decade or more before FFXIV and have done so many raids that the whole idea is becoming more and more old hat for a growing number of people. I'm starting to feel that a sizable number of people are just moving away from raids all together now.

I know I'm in that camp nowadays. I'd been raiding all through WoW up to the end of Cataclysm, but after that just didn't feel like doing it anymore. I can see why people enjoy it, but after doing it for years and years, on a core level a lot of it just feels samey after a while, and not even the loot treadmill keeps me going (Really, if I want that now, I just play Diablo).

Serious raiders today may have to look at the possibility that the thing they like most about MMORPGs is fading into the mist.
I enjoy raiding but I may need to find a group that runs 2 hours a day on raid day. Doing 3 hours on raid day was a lot easier when I got to do it before going to work


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Grats on the clear. Any caster stuff drop?

I'm not convinced caster gear made it into the loot pool yet.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
It's impressively dead late night these days. Most servers I've been on see quite a dip after 11pm but the last while has been really bad. Almost tempted to transfer to Tonberry or an oceanic server just so I can actually see people out and about when I tend to play. =S


Also when does Krael get to choose the music for your clear videos again? Angary's musical taste is lacking.
OH YEAH. I uploaded this Sunday but forgot to post it anywhere. I don't actually pick all the music though, just take requests from group (and Bara once for some reason) and then fill in any left over time.

Every song you like is clearly my choice of course, and all bad songs are groups.

Serious raiders today may have to look at the possibility that the thing they like most about MMORPGs is fading into the mist.
People have been saying this for years and years, but hardcore raids have never been super popular. Even at the height of WoW when it was ones of the biggest games out there the actual % of subscribers who cleared the highest tier of content was low. The most popular raids are always on the more casual end of the spectrum, and MMOs with zero endgame content like that period do not tend to do well.

So after having to replace 3 separate people, missing entire weeks of raid and a super clutch kill at the end of the last pull of a lockout... we finally cleared A6S.


Crystal Bearer

My condolences on the gloves.

Thanks and congrats to you guys on yours the other day.

(At least you can dye the gloves I guess?)

Grats on the clear. Any caster stuff drop?

I'm not convinced caster gear made it into the loot pool yet.

We ended up one-chesting since the guy we brought in to replace our old DRG cleared on Sunday helping out another group. It wasn't really a big deal since he was able to use that experience and clear with us last night so... we only got the aiming gloves. Been seeing a lot of aiming repeats in A5S too though...


Unconfirmed Member
People have been saying this for years and years, but hardcore raids have never been super popular. Even at the height of WoW when it was ones of the biggest games out there the actual % of subscribers who cleared the highest tier of content was low. The most popular raids are always on the more casual end of the spectrum, and MMOs with zero endgame content like that period do not tend to do well.

Guild Wars 2 seemed to do okay until the expansion where it actually DID introduce raids, but yeah wasn't it like 1% did Naxx in its heyday?


does anyone remember the name of the gear set you get upon completion of your class quest ?

The i 50 gear is the artifact armor but what is the Ilvl 90 gear originally called ?


Guild Wars 2 seemed to do okay until the expansion where it actually DID introduce raids, but yeah wasn't it like 1% did Naxx in its heyday?
I guess it'd be more accurate to say subscription based MMOs? It's not as big a deal for other types since if you run out of content you can just come back later with no real investment outside of the initial purchase.

does anyone remember the name of the gear set you get upon completion of your class quest ?

The i 50 gear is the artifact armor but what is the Ilvl 90 gear originally called ?
Originally? Myth gear since it came from mythology tomes, it was also popularly called AF2 before the actual AF2 came out in HW.

If you sold/turned in/whatever the gear I think you can still get it from the antique gear tokens in the 2.4 50s dungeons, not sure if they removed that as a source when they decided to add it to the class quests.


Unconfirmed Member
I guess it'd be more accurate to say subscription based MMOs? It's not as big a deal for other types since if you run out of content you can just come back later with no real investment outside of the initial purchase.

Yeah that's fair. The only sub games I can think of that didn't have raiding as a big focus were the pvp ones, and those have died out anyway.
Back on Ultros again. Going to try looking for a group again but also try to setup PFs to get weekly clears via people who already cleared + alts for A6S at least (hope this doesn't sound elitist, I would have had this cleared nearly 4 weeks ago if not for the group disbanding, so I just want my damn clear so get over that mental hurdle). Then maybe doing at least doing some learning on A7S with people still on it + cleared people with the understanding no clear allowed to prevent people in other groups from getting clears ahead of their groups (and causing drama). Goal is to just learn and get to last phase. Once there, will have to wait for people to clear for the week or alts.

One thing I do want to say, I know some people were entertaining the idea of an Alt Group. Please understand if you're not coming on a job you can play at a high level, ie you're just coming for fun but you have your mains so no big deal if you don't clear, that is 100% not what I'm looking for. I would ask please come on main job you specialize in so we could actually clear the stuff and should clear it quickly because you already have cleared X turns, and it would be extra practice for turns you currently are on possibly.


Even at the height of WoW when it was ones of the biggest games out there the actual % of subscribers who cleared the highest tier of content was low. The most popular raids are always on the more casual end of the spectrum, and MMOs with zero endgame content like that period do not tend to do well.

What was the % of subs who cleared BCoB - FCoB?

I'd say bring back coil's level of difficulty for future raids. The current barrier of entry for savage is just too high for an average casual/mid-core player.

And while I've enjoyed progression thus far, I'm not sure if I can endure another tier of unrelenting encounters.

Speaking of content outside raiding, SE should implement meaningful dungeons like what WoW is attempting to do in Legion's mythic dungeons.

Dungeons with challenge modes (Trash mobs buffing allies upon death, tanks generating lesser threat, players taking constant DoT, etc.) should serve as an efficient way to engage players of all skill levels.

Coupled with exclusive mounts or skins as rewards, the longevity of these 4man content can be significantly increased too.
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