Did they just not answer any of your tells when they were online or something? I'm sorry that things didn't go as planned.
They weren't online at all through the weekend, period, including the supposed raid time on Sunday we agreed to.
I e-mailed them asking if I had their names right (they were because their characters were on the Lodestone and matched the info I was given) and that I had transferred, but no reply. I messaged their FC leader (the two names I was given were in the same FC, so I figured might as well try that) but got no reply. I mean, I wasn't expecting any details from the FC leader since I don't know if they were in the static. Just maybe they could get in touch with one of their members.
I'm going to assume they found somebody else and just didn't want to tell me/ignored me. I probably shouldn't have transferred until I got another e-mail confirmation before hand that we were good to go, but the last message was me saying I would transfer Saturday, and who should I contact in-game when I arrived at Gilgamesh to get setup with their static LS and FC. I also feel a bit bad because a guy on Adamantoise made an alt to speak to me on Ultros before my transfer to ask if I'd help his group, they were on Swindler progression, but he was very nice and sounded like a nice group. But after this experience, as I said above, I'm staying on Ultros since being on a server with nothing to do BUT you know a lot of people (ie you can be social at least) is way better than being on a server with noting to do but you don't know anybody.
Anyway, with no responses from them, I then threw up a PF for like 5-6 hours and AFKed asking for a group to see if maybe somebody else would be interested while I waited, or maybe somebody in their static that I didn't know about might see it and reply. No luck.
So I ran some Sephirot EX PFs and as it is known, the pug quality in general on Gilgamesh is no different than anywhere else, there just is a lot more people active at all times in general. So no clears, lots of wipes to stupid stuff because somebody obviously didn't know the fight mechanics of a part they claimed to have known.
After that, did some PVP matches hoping to run into Poci or Kiri, no luck. Listened to some cat girl shout about giving ERP lessons and grading you on your ERP performance. Got up on the perch spot I like and idled with my Thordan mount, got a few tells about it, but otherwise I mostly logged on to my alts and played on them a bit while watching Netflix/reading stuff online.