as a general rule of thumb as Monk I believe you're looking at crit > det >, Blaster was no match for my fists of fury >_>
So I need materia advice. Gonna try to get my monk to join a static and want to know how to allocate the materia slots for my current gear (all 220 midan / 230 lore gear except for latest relic monk weapon). All 16 slots are empty
Here are all the important stats:
Accuracy: 717
Critical Hit Rate: 765
Determination: 619
Skill Speed: 528
Got enough Mhachi matter to get nine grade V materia. And I do have some grade IV materia stored (crit, det, sk speed) with my retainers. I know I should definitely increase my DET (and possibly my CRIT), but I do have concern about my current skill speed.
Any ideas?
Your accuracy is more than fine with the pieces you currently have, and you'll want to put materia onto gear where you can fit them. If you have a piece with max crit on it already, for example, you can only meld det/ss/acc onto it.
So it's really more a matter of what pieces do you have, which pieces are going to be viable for a long time versus a short time, and then you adjust from there. If you have the Lore Fists for example have 114 crit and 80 ss, and you're likely gonna have those for a while. So you can meld two det 5's into them to get +24 det on the weapon.
Materia melds are nice but not super duper ultra important, and even a handful of suboptimal IV melds aren't a big deal since you can knock them out with mutamix later if needed.