And yet you're also championing in the next breath the idea to take raiding as we know it now and essentially neuter it because it's too restrictive and exclusive.
Yea, if it ends up being a slight bump up from Normal mode instead of the giant spike, and the majority of the player base is satisfied, then yes I do support nerfs.
It absolutely is not a problem. This is the way that raiding goes in MMOs since the dawn of raiding in MMOs. Jayhawk posted a graph showing the same damn trends in WoW that we're seeing in 14. The problem WAS that there was story locked behind that content and Final Fantasy, as a brand, is a story driven experience. That is why we have normal mode now. So that more people can see the story that they are writing with the raids.
I say screw that then. WHY does an MMO HAVE to be like every MMO before it? For years people tried to emulate WoW, and they all failed spectacularly. Just because something is the way everyone else does it or what was popular did it does not meant you have to keep doing it that way. That is why I had such high hopes for Vanilla XIV - I thought it was going to NOT try to be another WoW but somehow be something else. But for the present and the discussion on raiding, WHY must it be the giant spike. Why not the incremental leaps. This is like, the norm in everything? You start off at a level you can handle (don't bite off more than you can chew), and then slowly work your way up the ladder. To me, this feels natural, and I don't see why they don't apply this to raid content. Again, Story/HM mode raid, EX mode raid, and then Savage mode raid. Incremental steps.
The problem lies in that mentality you said. Maybe raiding isn't for everyone. Maybe there is content in the game that is not made for everyone. That. Is. Okay.
That is fine then, but the problem of "what else is there to do" still remains. And in fact, some of these people may be able to make the jump eventually to the highest tier if there were a much better support and development system in place, which I have said could include a better training mode + incremental difficulty tiers. Again, I did not personally complain when Savage arrived in SCoB, it was not for me. But I had other stuff to do to keep me occupied and motivation for it (I keep forgetting to bring up motivation to even raid). With Coil, it was the story and knowing Bahamut was coming and I wanted to see that sucker. I know I said I skipped cutscenes, but I watched the coil stuff. The T12 CG thing was hype as hell. Sorry for the tangent, but better rewards for raiding other than raid caliber gear to make raiding easier would be nice I guess.
I hate this mentality. Partly because I'm one of the people who enjoys the challenge and the journey like Angary said. You're essentially saying fuck me and fuck what I enjoy because Joe Shmoe the sprout can't do it so you can't do it either. We know that Joe there has tons of low skill content he can run like Normal Mode and the 24 Man raids and dungeons and trials, but he wants the one piece of content that you derive entertainment from as well.
Then speak up more and voice your opinion to the devs that there should in general be more mid-tier content. And I hope you believe when I say I don't think the difficulty personally is that much of an issue, it's just I try to see how it affects others after talking with people and seeing other comments. Yea, nerfing the hard content more permanently might not do me personally any good, might even make me want to quit, but then again maybe it wouldn't. Maybe I might be tired of putting in effort and want an easier route because this is just a game and I can get my challenging stuff elsewhere. I mean, yes, I get you can't get "this" specific type of challenge - the group based content - in very many other places, and it's why I said I get it's a bit unfair to suggest penalizing people like you and Angary. But Gordias was a disaster, Midas isn't not better, and you have more and more people asking "can you make this easier" or saying there is a problem with the difficulty of raid, and the #s back it. I want the game to be fun again, and it's no fun seeing my friends leave the server, leave the game, and it finally snaring me up in it's crap where sometimes you are the odd person out and get to see just how little there is to this game when you don't have access to the content you want to do. I want to prevent something like this from happening again, so yea, personal current situation is driving a lot of this because as you feel you are a minority who has to speak up for their stance on the game, I feel just as strongly. Though I wish we could have it both ways (or all ways) so we can all be happy, so I dearly hope SE figures out a way to make all happy somehow. That is truly the best outcome.
Is it? Is it really? I don't feel that. I don't feel that way at all.
I don't want this game to become like Destiny. Destiny is a game where they put out a raid and you sit down to do it, and later that night the raid is over and you did it. Congrats. See you on reset day to do it again. That shit is Midas normal. Cleared in an afternoon. If that was the highest tier of content in this game I would have quit ages ago.[/QUOTE]
You have people saying the game is too hard and wanting something not as hard as Savage but more challenging than Normal mode (and been saying it for months now), and you have some people saying essentially either "git gud" or "not my problem, life is fine in XIV because things are good for me". Also the A6S nerf seemed to touch people off into camps of it was a good choice vs it was a bad choice. I guess I should have clarified I am only speaking about end game content. As far as the normal story progression and leveling, this game has gotten way better and is on the ball with that, I think cross-server PF and something similar to the Trusts in XI is about all they could do more to improve the basic experience.
I haven't played Destiny so I can't address that. I also don't want the only tier to be normal mode. But as I said, it seems like people mostly take the natural step of trying EX primals and it's super easy barrier to access (especially now that they unlocked new ones to DF right away). It's a step up from Normal Alex, but not as challenging as Savage (at least IMO, feel free to disagree). They genuinely feel like they are designed to be cleared faster than Savage, and as I said, designed in such a way that there are more PFs for them, and the community seems to accept them more in terms of jumping in and out as their leisure. But you still have to put in some time to learn it and clear, might take you several lockouts, yes, just like Savage/Coil does for a static, but the difference is it's not as demanding as Savage or Coil mechanically or DPS/Health wise usually. Also you no longer have to clear a previous EX primal to move to the next with the exception of Ramuh? Or did they finally remove that stupid requirement that you had to kill Levi and Moogle Mog? That flexibility I think helps. So I mean Galen, that's what I'm suggesting. Let's start with making a raid tier in between Normal and Savage that is tuned like the EX primal fights. Start there. I've also said I'd be open to no middle raid tier, but new EX primal fights every month. That's less likely to happen, though, than a mid-tier raid difficulty.
And again, on a personal level, I do wish they had some more >8 person "challenging" content. Savage dungeons or a new type of raid boss that you could do more easily (and by easy, I mean the access to it, not the challenge) than Savage. I know I'm saying a lot of different things here, so to make it as simple as I can this is what I really want and am arguing for:
- I want a raid tier between Normal/Savage tuned to the level of EX Primals
- I want >8 person raid content that's a step above Normal
- I would love more EX primals in general, even if they re-hash some mob designs to make it happen
- I want some better rewards from more challenging raids
- I want that cross-server functionality to come as soon as it can
- If none of this can happen, then I'd prefer to have Savage mode tuned a bit easier, still harder than Normal, but maybe closer to EX Primal level as a start and go from there
A lot of what you've said you want out of raid content is something where you can drop in, perform a predetermined set of steps within your realm of responsibility, and clear. You're less interested in the messy parts of interaction or changing things up in a non-standard way to accommodate specific group or player strengths and weaknesses or occasionally losing a day or a week because schedules clash or losing a few weeks because you have to sub somebody in and that takes time. I have no objections to content like that existing (and given enough time this is what raid turns into anyway), but I don't want to lose the content we do have now that encourages team play and knowing how the people you run with will excel or fall short, because that's fun to me. I'm not trying to crowd you out out of elitism, I just want to defend the tiny part of the game that's still fun for me.
That's actually not true. I know 4 different strategies for Vortexer now that I've seen, and I've had no issue learning those 4 ways. In fact, I believe in the past, I've said to my old group a lot that I wanted to run with other people to SEE other strategies and actually gain a full/better understanding of the fight to actually address the situation from an informed perspective. This then would allow me to slip into any group and follow their method pretty easily because I know what's fundamentally going on. This also makes me better equipped to jump into help groups and make suggestions or better explain mechanics when people are solely relying on a "most popular method". And yea, the LS I was in, we tried to devise what were called "pug" strats to try to make it as easy for people to just do the mechanics correctly to get people clears, because clears = confidence, and then maybe people will go in more, actually learn the fight a bit more as they farm it, and maybe come to that self realization that playing more and running more in general (aka practice) and running with different people could greatly benefit you and they take a step on becoming a better player and better for our community. That was part of the goal, but sadly other shit killed that off, a part of the raid scene that needs to be obliterated from existence or just all exported to Gilgamesh and lock them there with a key and call it a day. People who only give a shit about themselves and bragging about shit and through their actions they hurt a lot of people, but they just don't care.
Anyway, what I think I might not be making clear lately is that I wish the raid scene on NA servers was more like the so-called JP servers, where people form groups via PF to have whoever is available at that time and at that phase of a fight, and jump in for a lockout or two to try to make progression. There is no promise it will work out, but it's the lower barrier of entry concept I like - more flexibility with your life. I do have the time to put in and wipe and learn as you said, it's just the set schedule part is becoming a bit more challenging. So if a PF group didn't work out on Tuesday night for say, A7S progression, no obligation to continue with that. Next night, you find another group doing the same thing, try them out. It sounds like these PF groups do try to keep some of the same people around through the progression of that turn, but people come and go as they please, the only expectations are that you try hard, you are legitimately at the phase described int he PF, and you contribute to the discussion to figure out how to tackle what's causing issues. All without the need for the same 8 people 3-5 times a week on set times. It's basically like uh, free lance raiding. I get that some of you raid because you like the 7 people you are with and don't want constant change. That's fine! But another way exists, and I wish NA servers adopted it more. So since it's not happening, I guess my only option was to ask SE to see if they could do something to encourage that, or at least make it easier for that to exist. And right now, the trend of people moving to Gilgamesh or whatever server in the hopes of "easy clears" and "promised land" is hurting that possibility a lot. Because everyone is impatient and wants a quick clear so they can wave their eCred around.
I forgot to address this earlier in full, when I was talking about "you don't want to go back and do progression and actually wipe and learn" -- that's super f-ing unfair. You don't know how much time I put into A6S. It was raiding for like 3-4 hours almost EVERY SINGLE DAY with a shit ton of wipes for hours on end and lots and lots of discussion and home work and research to smooth out the issues. I was legit was raiding 20+ hours a week. And I was HAPPY! I don't want to get into arguments over how much time = you should clear something, but to me, the time put into that fight by all of us was, to me, a very serious and grueling effort by all. It does not mean we deserved a clear, but also don't suggest or imply that all I want is to cut corners and shit. You're dead wrong and that offends me the most of anything. I am just refusing to settle for less than where I feel I should be, and judging by numerous PFs on other servers AND redidt recruitment AND the OF, a lot of other raiders don't want to go to far back from where they are. And I tried two different groups who were roughly on Brawler progression, and it was just not working out for me - lack of motivation (plus by the time I joined both these groups as a trial member, my situation was getting the better of me so was a bit depressed overall).
Yes, it's my issue, but it's not unreasonable IMO because I busted my ass learning that damn fight. And now that I've cleared it and that is off my shoulders, I will gladly go back and help others because I won't be worried about getting that first clear to shake the demons. I am always open to helping others when I can, but I also need to fulfill my personal needs too, which is I favor a more aggressive raid mentality (I know this smacks in the face of a lot of what I said today, but I did say I actually do enjoy slightly harder content in this game). If I'm getting my needs met, I then want to pay it back to the community and hopefully let others benefit. I just feel so shitty right now sitting around doing nothing, falling further out of favor with this game, and seeing how only a short time ago I was in a better place and how fast it turned for the worst. I truly just want to end this crap and also find a way from preventing it from happening again to me or anyone else. Because it sucks balls.