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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| The Midas Touch

Don't mean to break the discussion but I finally got my horns. They make a nice WAR glam. Prey online spawned right before I logged off also. Nice to have people notify me because otherwise I would miss these things.


The only thing I've ever seen happen during that was the healers pulling them because of heals going out but that's about it.

Yeah, that's what I meant. I've been on the bad end of that a few times! As a tank though, you've got plenty of time to establish hate on those guys when they spawn. Even with my Australian latency it didn't seem like a big deal. Dunno!

Slight related: Is flash any worse than unleash? I know the latter deals damage, but for enmity generation are both equal?


I don't bird farm. I don't find much fun in repeatedly doing something easy for shiny prizes. The whole point of a tier of content above normal mode is, in theory, a challenge. The game challenges me to get better, I get to spend time thinking about what I'm doing. I don't find loot piñata mode fun. This is what raiding in this game has always been. Yes it shuts out people without groups. Yes, it shuts out people that don't want to try. Yes, it sucks that there's not more content for everyone.

If things are made easier, I want more thought in it than blanket nerfs to hit an imaginary goal. I spent most of Gordias saying people claiming it was just the DPS checks were wrong, and the mechanics were a challenge. People insisted, no, it's the DPS reqs. They deliver a fight with lighter DPS checks but just as many mechanics, it's still a problem. I think what people actually want needs to be a better dialogue than just nerfing blindly.

Because people who wanted to clear at original difficulty lost out? They stealth nerfed. They didn't nerf to address pain points, they blanket nerfed a fight out of the blue. That A6S was nerfed is one thing, but how it was done and the way they chose to do it was bad business.

I have never written people off as pleb trash. Many of the people pro-nerf folks in Alexander were the 'git gud, you don't need raid gear if you're not a hardcore raider!' people in coil. I resent being thrown on that side solely because I want more thought than blind nerfs. It is aggravating to have anything other than "make it easier for me to get loot" viewed as elitist. I want the game to encourage people to get better, not just lower the bar. It fails at it, and the nerfs continue it that way.

"the majority of raiders" don't have a consensus. It's divided. It needs a bigger discussion than SURPRISE! NERFS!

You got to clear it first and get gear before nerf so you can help other players get gear, one day I would love to do savage why? So I can clear other content faster like extremes and expert roulette.
I'll probably never raid seriously again due to my newly discovered condition because of the stress it brings but maaaan you guys are making me not miss it very much anyway! I miss you all though, hope you're having fun. I'll come visit whenever the patch comes out to do the story and stuff. Maybe farm new void ark depending idk. ♥

I guess there's no date on patch?


Neo Member
Hey FFXIV GAF, looking to return to the game and could use some advice regarding server selection.

I'm currently on Coeurl, but in between the time I last played and now I'm currently stationed overseas and the latency doesn't seem to be very good at all. So I'm looking to transfer over to a different server for the ~Year or so that I'll be out here. I'm in the Horn of Africa right now, is there a notable EU GAF community on one of the servers? And are all of the EU servers based in the same physical location, or might some of them be better for me to choose than others?
Hey FFXIV GAF, looking to return to the game and could use some advice regarding server selection.

I'm currently on Coeurl, but in between the time I last played and now I'm currently stationed overseas and the latency doesn't seem to be very good at all. So I'm looking to transfer over to a different server for the ~Year or so that I'll be out here. I'm in the Horn of Africa right now, is there a notable EU GAF community on one of the servers? And are all of the EU servers based in the same physical location, or might some of them be better for me to choose than others?

There isn't one but Ragnarok or Cerberus are good choices to go if you're gonna play with EU.


I'm a pugilist, level 17, having a ton of fun but don't really know what I'm doing. I've never played any sort of MMO before and it's kind of overwhelming. Still really enjoying myself though.

All that matters is you are having fun. Also, you might want to refer to this. It's a good list of progression from level 1 to 50, including sidequests for things you can miss like the ability to dye clothes and access to the Golden Saucer. Really helpful page.


I'm a pugilist, level 17, having a ton of fun but don't really know what I'm doing. I've never played any sort of MMO before and it's kind of overwhelming. Still really enjoying myself though.
That feeling is part of what makes MMOs great.

Grappling with an entirely new world and learning its rules and quirks...

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask here or in the FC chat in-game.


Holy shit. Being a white mage in the chimera fight when people aren't dodging shit. This fucking dark knight was intentionally just being a complete shit.


Holy shit. Being a white mage in the chimera fight when people aren't dodging shit. This fucking dark knight was intentionally just being a complete shit.

the healer motto :

There’s a time to take damage,
There’s a time to deal it,
There’s a time to ignore all else
and do your best to heal it
Then there’s a time to laugh while they all BURN"


Holy shit. Being a white mage in the chimera fight when people aren't dodging shit. This fucking dark knight was intentionally just being a complete shit.

Do you love cleansing that ice dot? I love cleansing that ice dot. And Paralysis. Oh that fight is so wonderful.
Heh, I see one of you somehow name squatted my name on Ultros. That was a super small window. Since it's a cat girl I would think it was you Galen, you were bummed you missed the chance last time :p

Also, to any one I have been rude to in the last few weeks, here or in game, I am sorry. It's no excuse, but my depression was getting the better of me. No hard feelings?



I was just posting random numbers officer, honest


I'd like to think hard feelings basically begin and end with whatever argument. It sounds meme but it's just a video game soo...


Are they just going after people on fflogs or something?

From context and general GM policy, it sounds like he copy pasted parse numbers into some form of in-game chat, and somebody reported him for it.

In general, GMs only intervene when something can be proven to have happened via review of data inside the game. Anything outside the game can be faked/isn't their responsibility. It's why you get banned/suspended for selling your house in PF, but people post on the FFXIV Housing Market subreddit without fear, or why it's important to get the terms of any PF loot agreement or sale conditions in in-game chat instead of discussed via Mumble or whatever. Not in game, they won't act because it could be faked/photoshopped.

It seems mostly the old "you can parse as long as you never talk about it" thing, with the helpful reminder that people who don't even really care that much can get you in trouble if they feel like it.
I was just posting random numbers officer, honest

That seems...rather much? Maybe they posted DPS #s in shout/say in a very public place? There was no mention of harassment, so don't think it was using DPS #s to shame somebody. I do like "How can you even prove people are using parsers" remark. Anyway, remember kids, asking for DPS #s is a serious crime. It's no joke.


Unconfirmed Member
Heh, I see one of you somehow name squatted my name on Ultros. That was a super small window. Since it's a cat girl I would think it was you Galen, you were bummed you missed the chance last time :p

Also, to any one I have been rude to in the last few weeks, here or in game, I am sorry. It's no excuse, but my depression was getting the better of me. No hard feelings?

I want to claim it was me but no-one would believe I made a catgirl. I could barely be bothered to camp Gryvan's name when I played constantly.


Suffering From Success
The screenshot with the built-in DPS data is the most interesting thing in that thread.
I guess we just can never understand the Japanese spirit.
I don't know what is worse, GM's that can't grammar or GM's that just send back "We understand that your time is valuable and appreciate your efforts to report and explain your concerns" By the way, I'm okay with parsing if the person is not being a dick about dps numbers. There are bad parsers and good parsers.


That awesome feeling when Duty Roulette: Trials gives you Cape Westwind and you have 60 Esoterics for 15 seconds of stabbing.


Heh, I see one of you somehow name squatted my name on Ultros. That was a super small window. Since it's a cat girl I would think it was you Galen, you were bummed you missed the chance last time :p

Also, to any one I have been rude to in the last few weeks, here or in game, I am sorry. It's no excuse, but my depression was getting the better of me. No hard feelings?

Nope! Wasn't me. I thought it was you. I didn't even know you left until Emma told me while I was trying to sleep. Right back at you with no hard feelings at all, though. Everything is water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned, personally.


Heh, I see one of you somehow name squatted my name on Ultros. That was a super small window. Since it's a cat girl I would think it was you Galen, you were bummed you missed the chance last time :p

If you told Trap that you were leaving just minutes before you logged off then there is a possibility it was someone in there...
If you told Trap that you were leaving just minutes before you logged off then there is a possibility it was someone in there...

I wasn't in trap LS at the time (left when I left GAF a few days ago).

Only reason I could think Qhon is the hour it happened, but I don't think Qhon was on, least not on either character I know of...

So that would only leave somebody in Idyllshire who heard me shout Goodbye, or somebody legit randomly made the character.

I mean, I changed my alt anyway and joined another FC on Ultros to play remain social, but if this Behemoth group works out I'll be staying on Behemoth. It's also pretty active so it's nice.

Nope! Wasn't me. I thought it was you. I didn't even know you left until Emma told me while I was trying to sleep. Right back at you with no hard feelings at all, though. Everything is water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned, personally.


Sometimes I wish I could be in your Harem Galen...jk!


Is it wrong that i let someone die after they aggro'd a monster i put to sleep?

cause i don't feel bad about it.


The best part is "why can't i sheathe my weapon in here".

Yup. Why can't they sheathe their weapon? It's a jail, you'd think they'd be forced to. Unless there is some ever present danger what with it being a jail. Maybe some old grizzled gil seller might shank you?


[8:38]You have left the sanctuary.
[8:38](Jun Chan) 'ello
[8:39](Jun Chan) Installing Barrier_Protocol(Stoneskine.2);
[8:39](Jun Chan) Please stand by...
[8:39](Jun Chan) Progress [■■ ]
[8:39](Jun Chan) Progress [■■■■ ]
[8:39](Jun Chan) Progress [■■■■■■ ]
[8:39](Jun Chan) Progress [■■■■■■■■■■]
[8:39](Jun Chan) Installation successfully completed. Please restart your computer.
[8:39]The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) has begun.


rip rip rip

It's pretty cool.

GW2 raiding sort of reintroduces the tanking, healing, and DPS roles again, but the gear / trait customization allows enough flexibility for most of the classes to fulfill at least two of the three roles. The fight mechanics are pretty fun without being super challenging. FFXIV is still way more involved, imo.

Since there's no power curve past ascended (which has been available for years), you basically raid for hats and accessories with new stat combinations.


[8:38]You have left the sanctuary.
[8:38](Jun Chan) 'ello
[8:39](Jun Chan) Installing Barrier_Protocol(Stoneskine.2);
[8:39](Jun Chan) Please stand by...
[8:39](Jun Chan) Progress [■■ ]
[8:39](Jun Chan) Progress [■■■■ ]
[8:39](Jun Chan) Progress [■■■■■■ ]
[8:39](Jun Chan) Progress [■■■■■■■■■■]
[8:39](Jun Chan) Installation successfully completed. Please restart your computer.
[8:39]The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) has begun.

I might just have to copy this...


What's Ozma?

The annoying superboss in Final Fantasy IX. Even once you've done the steps that make it so you can hurt him with physical attacks (and he's no longer absorbing Shadow attacks), it's still a damn pain. He doesn't waste turns using moves that will do nothing to your party (for example, he has Lvl 5 death but won't use it if you dont have someone it will work on) and any time you target him, his ATB instantly fills up, executing his turn before yours.


Oh god please screw that boss.... ugh it was terrible!

Well, it could be a fun fight, but I don't beleive they can replicate the cheese snk boss feeling. What inputs would Ozma read?
Only thing I could think of is limit breaks, but that would depend on the content (they wouldn't do that in 24 man content... well that's what I'd like to believe).
Someone mentioned in a reddit thread since Ozma is part of the next step in the Voidiark stuff that it will probably not have a skill set worthy of its reputation because of its location within "faceroll" content.
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