124! 124! Shadewalker will save us. 1000 dps PLD, go!
Looking back at Tiops' scenario, the WAR stealing hate back during shock therapy spams shouldn't be an issue if he's picking up the chimera add or the big add during the pig phase. The tank swaps happen before adds pop. The WAR is using a combo or two on the add. If he's managing to catch you in hate, I am guessing your group's strategy has the PLD using GCDs on the chimera, while the WAR is using GCDs on the boss. Of course the WAR is going to catch up on enmity in that scenario.
Yea, our scenario was the last one you described. Not nearly optimal, it was our second or third week raiding, but it made me aware of aggro issues in some cases.
Fixed the problem when we let the boss with the WAR until the end of the Shock Therapies. I switched to SwO after getting decent aggro from the Chimera and proceeded to DPS the boss until the Boost.After that, we swapped again.
I've been checking some discussions on the Official Forums, and it's kinda divisive how to handle the tank roles properly. Usually I MT and pull the boss, but there are some talks about letting the WAR pull, as he can get a crapload of enmity without losing much DPS as the PLD would, then proceding to swap right after the WAR opener so he can proceed to do his fflogs DPS as an OT.
There is also the notion that PLD should never be MT in the current state of the jobs (opinion of the Warrior's lord and savior Xenosys Vex), but that would require the WAR to play like a fucking DPS and put a lot of weight on the healers.