Huh, I figured that Sohr Khai and Hullbreaker Isle (Hard) would be added to Expert Roulette giving a chance of four different dungeons when selecting that. Instead, those two alone are the new Expert Roulette and The Antitower and The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) have been moved to Level 60 Dungeons instead.
Also no Mhachi Matter from Void Ark anymore, boo. That was a super-easy 500k a week right there. It's been moved to Weeping City of Mhach instead, which will probably still be easy but not as easy.
Wow, and they added NPC Materia Melders. You just need gil and the materia you want to meld, don't need a catalyst. Advanced melding isn't included though.
Edit: Holy shit! "Players can now hide quests from their duty list"