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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| The Midas Touch


As a reminder that new relic steps can make people very douchey, I just had a tank demanding that a new player skip the intro cutscene in Sastasha HM so that he could start speed running faster. I don't think he realized that he's not going to speed run anyway with a completely new DPS player geared with an i90 weapon and pink accessories.

I gladly took my 30 minutes penalty, I have some crafting to do anyway.
Well, finally completed the main story quests. Imo, the best storyline in a while but I'm ready to leave Ishgard now. On to Ala Mhigo or Garlemald! I really enjoyed the Nidhogg fight! It was a bit tough at first but the party got everything together in the 2nd df run so it was only 10 total wipes. Not that bad for a new trial. Now EX.... on the other hand, I am dreading.

Looks like Warriors of darkness storyline is continuing next patch. Excited

And considering the direction the Roe PLD is looking at in the cutscene... I get a feeling we are going to see an "eyeful" of them. Either way, every epic fight and ending.


Had a less than 1% attempt on Omza. Even with a LB3 from a healer it still went to crap very quickly after. It really sucks when one person can effectively wipe the entire 24 man group. :-./

Beat it yesterday but we almost gave up, as one of the alliances was terrible. Fortunately I was running with a good part of my static and the Alliance B had some people that knew the mechanics. We defeated Ozma with 25 minutes left on the timer and proceeded to one shot the last boss, but man that fight was a mess. Our healer saved us a LOT, I think everyone except the tanks in every alliance died at least twice during the fight, but it really doesn't punish deaths like Ozma do.


And considering the direction the Roe PLD is looking at in the cutscene... I get a feeling we are going to see an "eyeful" of them. Either way, every epic fight and ending.

I haaaaaate that bit (end of 3.3 story spoilers)
"CAST THEM INTO THE ABYSS!!!" Fuck off Aymeric, throwing these super powerful, dangerous dragon eyes off a bridge, on the same side, isn't going to stop anything! WoL should've stepped on his or something, or Alphinaud should've used some magic to seal them. I know it's a plot device for the WoD story but c'mon, it was so stupid. After all of that we're going to throw these off a bridge where at best they are found and devoured by some beast (that then becomes dragon like) and at worst gets found by the Ascians and the WoD and used to try and blow up the world.


I haaaaaate that bit (end of 3.3 story spoilers)
"CAST THEM INTO THE ABYSS!!!" Fuck off Aymeric, throwing these super powerful, dangerous dragon eyes off a bridge, on the same side, isn't going to stop anything! WoL should've stepped on his or something, or Alphinaud should've used some magic to seal them. I know it's a plot device for the WoD story but c'mon, it was so stupid. After all of that we're going to throw these off a bridge where at best they are found and devoured by some beast (that then becomes dragon like) and at worst gets found by the Ascians and the WoD and used to try and blow up the world.

I rolled my eyes at cast them into the abyss but can't believe they actually ran to the same side of the bridge. I always forget how stupid our PC is.


That's cool. Seems like the real time sink for this relic is getting the ~24000 esoterics.
It's most definitely the Esoterics. I have enough crap on my retainers to make 2 relics as far as Crystal Sand is concerned, and there's no way I'm the only one. It's a bit silly that you can only get Umbrite through Esoterics but they had to gate it somehow...


And it's looking more and more like I'll be getting the max amount of esos needed. 9 umbrite in and 27 points, I can already see how this is going.


Yeah, nobody I know has ever got bonus points either. Rate must be quite low. I haven't decided which relic I'll be working on so I'm just hoarding for now.
I feel like i'm still going to be on "Coming Into its Own" until 3.5. Requiring to run alot more content than i typically run is making it so slow for me. I'd rather have a few hard instances to have to do instead of dungeons 24/7 with some stuff on the side here and there


Yeah, nobody I know has ever got bonus points either. Rate must be quite low. I haven't decided which relic I'll be working on so I'm just hoarding for now.

Same. I almost wonder if they are going to release a stealth patch and say the rate of getting 4 or 5 was wrong.
Won't happen, I know. They'll just nerf Ozma instead

I feel like i'm still going to be on "Coming Into its Own" until 3.5. Requiring to run alot more content than i typically run is making it so slow for me. I'd rather have a few hard instances to have to do instead of dungeons 24/7 with some stuff on the side here and there

At least this is another step where you can collect everything without being current. That's been a good change so far.


Yeah, and I think the best thing about it is you never need to be on the job to progress. Running through the same content over and over on a single job back when Nexus was a thing was really painful to me.


I might note, despite a handful of people yelling that, "people should know this already," I did manage to get through Weeping City with about eight minutes to go. Grabbed some loot too, so thankfully by the time I need to do it again more people will have a solid idea what they need to do.

Fun raid, but dang, not being a faceroll makes things kinda tough that first day.
I might note, despite a handful of people yelling that, "people should know this already," I did manage to get through Weeping City with about eight minutes to go. Grabbed some loot too, so thankfully by the time I need to do it again more people will have a solid idea what they need to do.

Fun raid, but dang, not being a faceroll makes things kinda tough that first day.

Rotated though a good 20 people leaving and joining in progress and endured 5 vote abandons before our group finally broke up. I like the difficulty but people need to stop expecting their hands to be held.


So basically the same as the first full GAF run!
I didn't even fully repair, I think I was at like 60% when I went in? and died like 3 times on the first and second boss each and we wiped multiple times on ozma and my gear was still nowhere close to breaking by the time we abandoned.

can't wait to be disappointed everytime the adds in ozma never ever get picked up. you don't even need a tank to pick them up for fuck's sake


now where did my axe run off to ?


What stats do I choose for the WHM relic?
Piety, Spell Speed, Critical and Accuracy are all desirable stats. Determination isn't as bad as some people make it out to be but it's going to scale linearly for all of 3.x so it's getting less and less effective as ilv increases compared to the other stats. Get what you prefer, there are pros and cons for everything.

True answer: outside of Accuracy, secondaries hardly make a noticeable difference for healers that aren't called SCH (and even then...).


Piety, Spell Speed, Critical and Accuracy are all desirable stats. Determination isn't as bad as some people make it to be but it's going to scale linearly for all of 3.x so it's getting less and less effective as ilv increases compared to the other stats. Get what you prefer, there are pros and cons for everything.

True answer: outside of Accuracy, secondaries hardly make a noticeable difference for healers that aren't called SCH (and even then...).

SCH is full acc + crit right? Det hardly worth it? What's the thinking for secondaries on the WAR relic?


SCH is full acc + crit right? Det hardly worth it? What's the thinking for secondaries on the WAR relic?
I'm actually hesitant to go full Accuracy for SCH because I also raid on AST and WHM, and that would make my gearsets too cumbersome to handle in the short run (if/when I'm done with all 3 relics that's my plan though, I'm melding my gear with Accuracy in the meantime). But your assessment is correct and if you only care about SCH, going full Accuracy will make your weapon incredibly future-proof, and crit is a no-brainer. I'd personally rather go PIE than Det if I had to choose. I've been told that Spell Speed was amazing for SCH DPS but the actual research is so shallow I'm not sure what to make of it.

The beauty of it is you can respec to accommodate for an Accuracy cap in the future so the relics are pretty interesting weapons for healers.

I haven't looked into WAR at all so I'll pass on this one, haha.


You know what's fun? Getting your phone stolen with your software token. And the emergency removal password that you have written down and saved is not good........



The end of the story cutscenes and battles from this patch are some of the best not only from this game but from a Final Fantasy game ever, and I say that as a huge fan of the series. Bravo YoshiP and crew.
Weeping city is incredible but unfortunately no clear for me yet because nothing but wipes on Ozma with random PUGS. I'll get it maybe tomorrow but it is a really well designed raid and I'm happy SE is taking that direction. Right now I'm trying to get the healer and blm chests from the ex dungeons. I really love that glam option.
Weeping city is incredible but unfortunately no clear for me yet because nothing but wipes on Ozma with random PUGS. I'll get it maybe tomorrow but it is a really well designed raid and I'm happy SE is taking that direction. Right now I'm trying to get the healer and blm chests from the ex dungeons. I really love that glam option.

I can see why, this fight is hard on PUGs mechanics that we figured out were:


Dice icon above head - Stay Still, or you take heavy damage
Red Triangle icon w/ purple floor aoe = run to the ring part, when there are two, run to opposite sides and then back to your platform for impact.
Ozma turning into triforce = run to circle part to avoid big lazer

There was one bit where the lazers will focus on tank or person with hate, stay on one side, DPS stay on another. And kill cubed adds. We wiped four times before downing it, luckily the last boss is much more forgiving and we beat it in 12 minutes. SE really upped it's game on difficulty this patch. The two new dungeons seem to go slower, or maybe I'm not used to partying with people going in with minimum item level I guess.


Holy hell. I used two healer LB3s at the final boss of Weeping City. Plus the other healer and I must have raised something like 20 people from other alliances (mostly healers who kept dying). Managed to clear with a few minutes left before maintenance. o.o

Also before that we got to phase 5 in Nidhogg ex. Won't take long to clear with my new static, I think. Not exactly grinding it but we're still making nice progress.


Suffering From Success
Maintenance generally ends at 3 a.m. PDT / 10 a.m. GMT.

Nidhogg's Rage is really not that big of a deal.
Seen the whole fight by now, just need people to stop eating fireballs and then we're gucci.
A really fun encounter.


Crazy how little the formula for this game has changed. Still going with the new mark logs for new twine/coat etc.

Loving the retrospective quest journey through the heavensward story. I smashes the early parts of that so it was good to get the refresher.
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