Got an email from Amazon for a code that unlocks 6 exclusive items in XIV, but alas I'm not a user of the game so here ya go FFXIV GAF.
Quote to reveal.
Thanks so much!
Got an email from Amazon for a code that unlocks 6 exclusive items in XIV, but alas I'm not a user of the game so here ya go FFXIV GAF.
Quote to reveal.
This guy knows what's up.
Considering how peeved you get over Japanese translations it might help if you're respectful of other languages tooThat's completely true, but playing a female character I do not care for the other one very much.
Considering how peeved you get over Japanese translations it might help if you're respectful of other languages too
He said in an earlier interview potions also have less of a cooldown while you're inside so I imagine that's why he's saying that specifically.. I'm interested in going into Deep Dungeon on a class other than my main, since it seems like the perfect kind of optional content for messing around like that with the completely separate progression system.Sounds like from this interview the first 50 floors of deep dungeon they are implementing for 3.35 are pretty faceroll. He's saying you don't even need healers. Have to wait until 3.45 or 3.5 for floors 50-200 which is the challenging part
Just saying, if you get so worked up over Japanese, translations or not, then you might as well respect other languages tooIt was not a translation, it was something I said.
How do i get into the FC?you can use a FC chest drop the items than pick them up with the alt or trade them with a friend(bound items won't work)
This guy knows what's up.
Just saying, if you get so worked up over Japanese, translations or not, then you might as well respect other languages too
How do i get into the FC?
Oh my god, the Final Steps boss is done. F' you.Nidhogg
Gotta admit though that last phase got me pumped each time. Including the cutscene that lead into the trial, which was a pretty damn epic battle.
Definitely the highlight of the Heavensward storyline imo. The end of the base expansion was awesome as well but this was a fantastic way to end the storyline.
I'm hoping they have more awesome stuff like this in future patches and the expansion since I feel they are getting better at this, say compared to ARR.
It's pretty clear that since Coil had such low completion numbers that they're funneling the types of things that were cool in Coil into the content most people will be doing.
Even mechanics! See: Towers in Thordan, earthshakers in Sephirot, etc. Hell we've already got stuff from Alex savage making its way into the MSQ since the A5S bomberman bombs are present in Final Steps.
They've got a formula down for "cool" in-engine cutscenes now since 2.55 and HW (along with Hildibrand elevating to new heights with things like the clothesline into DDT) and I'm wondering if since Coil had that CG cutscene after beating T12 we'll be getting a new one in either the final wing of Midas or the storyline left leading up to the next expansion.
Along with cool solo duty things like the end of 3.2.
Chinese-exclusive qi pao is coming to the international client apparently.
This one.
So i finally got the black mage job. The archer class just pales in comparison the black mages aoe nukes.
So, doing main scenario missions, and the majority (or all) of the quests in each new area I came to, almost allowed me to get to 60 alone. Stalled slightly before lvl 57 cap, but I was close.
I've really enjoyed the story line for the expansion. Doesn't hurt that the music is always on point too. I gotta say, I'm surprised at how attached I;ve gotten to Eorzea and my own personal Warrior of Light.Definitely the highlight of the Heavensward storyline imo. The end of the base expansion was awesome as well but this was a fantastic way to end the storyline.
I'm hoping they have more awesome stuff like this in future patches and the expansion since I feel they are getting better at this, say compared to ARR.
I don't know if I did too much before going into it, but I've started doing Heavensward main quests and I'm already half way through level 59 and I've just gotten to Dravania. Hate to think of all the exp I'll be throwing away soon and I have no patience to bring up an alt class to the 50s.
That aside, my god are these english VA changes horrifying.
I've really enjoyed the story line for the expansion. Doesn't hurt that the music is always on point too. I gotta say, I'm surprised at how attached I;ve gotten to Eorzea and my own personal Warrior of Light.
I also like that I'm able to complete a lot of it in SP mode without heavily coordinated groups. Sure, Final Steps took me all this week to finish, but at least it beats never touching it.
The only content I haven't gotten around to doing was the coil of bahamut stuff. I';; check it out some day I suppose.
I'm curious as to whatnow. What's the general opinion on where the next game will be?Yda and Papalymo have been up to, and if Minfilia is just the crystal lady
I'm curious as to whatnow. What's the general opinion on where the next game will be?Yda and Papalymo have been up to, and if Minfilia is just the crystal lady
My bet is that the next expansion will take us to Ala Mhigo and the region of Gyr Abania in the northeast of Eorzea.The Ala Mhigo storyline is one of the longest-running unresolved plot threads in Final Fantasy XIV, since much of 1.0 dealt with it. The very fact that Minfillia herself is the daughter of an Ala Mhigan refugee who was spying on the Empire, and the Path Companion who followed the main character through the original 1.0 storyline was an Ala Mhigan demonstrate how central the story of the Ala Mhigan resistance is to the plot of Final Fantasy XIV. Ishgard was the natural choice for the first expansion, since it was always there in sight at the edge of where players could go, but Ala Mhigo is where the story needs to go in order for the plotlines they have laid down to progress meaningfully.Yda and Paplymo are probably working with the Ala Mhigan resistance against the occupying Imperial army.
So with Square Enix support, should I just call them on Monday, or think they'll answer email faster?
Whelp looks like i won't be using some mounts for this dragon girl. : /
Why not just race change.
I like the look of the character it's just these annoying things. I don't know man...
Haven't you done Midas? Hummelfaust was a thing the first week, this isn't exclusive to Gordias.
Even ADS at ilv60 wasn't exactly faceroll. I'd like more minibosses in general.
Edit: I don't think this is ever going to happen for MSQ though, they need the 400 DPS DRG (like the one I got in Final Steps yesterday) to be able to complete it or they'll simply quit.
I like the look of the character it's just these annoying things. I don't know man...
English VA changes take some getting used to. It was pretty unexpected. Since you probably started after Heavensward came out I guess that means you were getting EXP from all the level 50 quests they added after the base ARR game so you're a lot farther ahead in terms of level compared to people who started Heavensward when it came out.
Speculation point towards Ala Mhigo as the location for the next expansion.currently IIRC.Yda and Papalymo are running with some rebel group
That sounds fine by me. I'm ready to get out of the snow.My bet is that the next expansion will take us to Ala Mhigo and the region of Gyr Abania in the northeast of Eorzea.The Ala Mhigo storyline is one of the longest-running unresolved plot threads in Final Fantasy XIV, since much of 1.0 dealt with it. The very fact that Minfillia herself is the daughter of an Ala Mhigan refugee who was spying on the Empire, and the Path Companion who followed the main character through the original 1.0 storyline was an Ala Mhigan demonstrate how central the story of the Ala Mhigan resistance is to the plot of Final Fantasy XIV. Ishgard was the natural choice for the first expansion, since it was always there in sight at the edge of where players could go, but Ala Mhigo is where the story needs to go in order for the plotlines they have laid down to progress meaningfully.Yda and Paplymo are probably working with the Ala Mhigan resistance against the occupying Imperial army.
I wonder if Nidex is what it felt like running pugs in Gordias savage.WTB competent party. Nidhogg EX has been frustrating.
I wonder if Nidex is what it felt like running pugs in Gordias savage.