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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| The Midas Touch


I don't play this game. Please enjoy:



Suffering From Success
I swear if they tie the EU promotion to some retailer limited by country (like their own e-store) or something stupid like Game, I'll riot.


Depends on gear and the fights but good WARs with proper substats do 1200-1300 in average with i230 weapons from my experience.

Even with the nerf?

I'm parsing at like 800 with my i220 DRK or whatever it is >.<

No way you see 1300 in any sort of sustained fight unless they are like 240 and really fucking good.

Our WAR does close to 1200 as OT in A6 and that's without TA and HC. As I said, depends on the fight, most Midas fights have too many swaps and downtime to analyze whole floor OT DPS anyways.

I might just be spoiled by our dps whore WAR too in which case ignore me lol

WAR is special.

Really? I am i125 but was only pulling about 700 dps....there are quite a few tank swaps there that require me to go to tank stance, but still, guess I need to look up a warrior DPS stance rotation.

1300 is way too extreme though...only 2 of the four DPS in my group were doing that. The others were doing from 700-1000. And we were clearing the dps checks just fine.


Really? I am i125 but was only pulling about 700 dps....there are quite a few tank swaps there that require me to go to tank stance, but still, guess I need to look up a warrior DPS stance rotation.

1300 is way too extreme though...only 2 of the four DPS in my group were doing that. The others were doing from 700-1000. And we were clearing the dps checks just fine.

Well you're talking about Nidhogg, not Midas, so the numbers are gonna be different.

There are many tank swaps but you don't always need to go into tank stance for them. Like during Fang and Claw I wouldn't put my tank stance on. Important to know what cooldowns you can roll to try and stay out of tank stance longer.

DPS stance on Warrior appears pretty easy? Keep Storm's Eye up literally all the time and you can alternate Block/Eye or Eye/Path if you wanna be safer I guess? I know the two were pretty close in 2.x and I think it's still the same. Learn the triple or at least double Fell Cleave in Berserk rotation since I think that's where a good chunk of your damage will come from as OT.


I wish you could transfer progress from 1 relic to another. I'm at around 160ish for my monk, but only because my raid leader asked me to get it (assuming we ever start), even though I only play warrior and occasionally dragoon nowadays and would much rather have my war relic.


I wish you could transfer progress from 1 relic to another. I'm at around 160ish for my monk, but only because my raid leader asked me to get it (assuming we ever start), even though I only play warrior and occasionally dragoon nowadays and would much rather have my war relic.

Same here. I had been doing my relic for Machinist but I've mostly lost interest in the class (unless a group I am trying to join will only take a DPS), so it sucks I'd have to start all over.


Darkness no more
I wish you could transfer progress from 1 relic to another. I'm at around 160ish for my monk, but only because my raid leader asked me to get it (assuming we ever start), even though I only play warrior and occasionally dragoon nowadays and would much rather have my war relic.

I grinded out the Bard relic then stopped playing Bard. I wouldn't have minded a 1 time trade in. Eventually I got my AST relic... just a lot slower the second time around.


I'm unsubscribed at the moment, but I did about just over 1000 DPS with the Horde Axe and Midas Gear bar my 240 Lore chest piece and 230 Mhach arms, I don't Raid or do Savage at all so there's plenty of room for improvement in terms of gear anr optimisation. What you have to realise is on Nidhogg as a Warrior off tank there's not that many times you'll be in Defiance since you don't really need it. The times when I might turn it on are as follows

When I pick of one of the two adds that spawn. Don't really need it at first since they don't hit hard until the second stack, it's more to generate and maintain aggro at first. Most groups I was in had the other tank Hollowed/Holmgang/Living Dead the 3rd stack on Falak, so after receiving the 2nd stack on my add (Brobynuy?), I'd switch back to Deliverance since you won't receive anymore big damage. If the DPS is low you can provoke after the other tank eats the 3rd stack and not worry about going into Defiance.

I'll pop Defiance when collecting either tether just to have some more leeway with HP. It's not really needed if you have good healers, but at the same time you're not attacking anything at those points anyway so you may as well help them out a bit and make it easier.

For Fang and Claw I stay Deliverance. After provoking you just ignore the boss and attack the blue tower since he doesn't cleave that phase. I focus target him and just use Vengeance/Foresight when he casts Ala Morn. You can use Thrill of Battle as well if that cuts it close since you won't need it for anything else.

In the last phase the only reason I use Defiance is after tank swaps to maintain aggro from the other tank. If you play with a good tank it's not necessary, but some tanks are a bit slow to realize and turn their own tank stance off quick enough (Played with some PLD's that stayed in Shield and kept using Halone...). You'll get hit by a couple Scarlet Whispers but you can use Vengeance and Convalescence there and they'll be back in time for the next time you need to tank swap if the fight lasts that long

The main thing is getting your 3x Fell Cleaves in during Berserk. The only time in the fight I didn't get them in is the opener since he flies away too quickly. Raw Intuition is only used for an extra Wrath stack during Berserk. It's never needed as a defensive cooldown unless you're main tank.

With better gear and Materia I could have done a lot more damage I think. I'm too cheap and used IV's. And there's probably better ways to do damage. In the end I'm not a Raider so those Warriors that do will probably have a more optimised set up and rotation for Nidhogg.


I'm unsubscribed at the moment, but I did about just over 1000 DPS with the Horde Axe and Midas Gear bar my 240 Lore chest piece and 230 Mhach arms, I don't Raid or do Savage at all so there's plenty of room for improvement in terms of gear anr optimisation. What you have to realise is on Nidhogg as a Warrior off tank there's not that many times you'll be in Defiance since you don't really need it. The times when I might turn it on are as follows

When I pick of one of the two adds that spawn. Don't really need it at first since they don't hit hard until the second stack, it's more to generate and maintain aggro at first. Most groups I was in had the other tank Hollowed/Holmgang/Living Dead the 3rd stack on Falak, so after receiving the 2nd stack on my add (Brobynuy?), I'd switch back to Deliverance since you won't receive anymore big damage. If the DPS is low you can provoke after the other tank eats the 3rd stack and not worry about going into Defiance.

I'll pop Defiance when collecting either tether just to have some more leeway with HP. It's not really needed if you have good healers, but at the same time you're not attacking anything at those points anyway so you may as well help them out a bit and make it easier.

For Fang and Claw I stay Deliverance. After provoking you just ignore the boss and attack the blue tower since he doesn't cleave that phase. I focus target him and just use Vengeance/Foresight when he casts Ala Morn. You can use Thrill of Battle as well if that cuts it close since you won't need it for anything else.

In the last phase the only reason I use Defiance is after tank swaps to maintain aggro from the other tank. If you play with a good tank it's not necessary, but some tanks are a bit slow to realize and turn their own tank stance off quick enough (Played with some PLD's that stayed in Shield and kept using Halone...). You'll get hit by a couple Scarlet Whispers but you can use Vengeance and Convalescence there and they'll be back in time for the next time you need to tank swap if the fight lasts that long

The main thing is getting your 3x Fell Cleaves in during Berserk. The only time in the fight I didn't get them in is the opener since he flies away too quickly. Raw Intuition is only used for an extra Wrath stack during Berserk. It's never needed as a defensive cooldown unless you're main tank.

With better gear and Materia I could have done a lot more damage I think. I'm too cheap and used IV's. And there's probably better ways to do damage. In the end I'm not a Raider so those Warriors that do will probably have a more optimised set up and rotation for Nidhogg.

The only thing is a lot of this assumes the DPS arent going off doing dumb things, the healers can pay attention, and you and your MT are in sync, which I just don't find happening. But thanks, I'll try to apply what I can.

I actually have no materia on at all. I guess I can start there. I am guessing its Vit I want to add?


Hall-o, Galen. Will Taylor be available for some final coil gear carries? My 48 WAR needs some 50 gear.

Man I'm too busy getting day drunk for that shit

The only thing is a lot of this assumes the DPS arent going off doing dumb things, the healers can pay attention, and you and your MT are in sync, which I just don't find happening. But thanks, I'll try to apply what I can.

I actually have no materia on at all. I guess I can start there. I am guessing its Vit I want to add?
It isn't your job to worry about what the DPS are doing or if your healers are paying attention. You're gonna wipe anyway if your healer is afk or whatever. That's a pretty lame excuse. If you plan out the fight beforehand with the MT or whatever you'll be fine. That's why people communicate before you pull, even if it's just calling corners and adds. Everything else he wrote out is independent thinking and taking care of your own job.

You can't meld Vit onto Vit accessories or onto left side gear/weapon because it's always capped. You should be melding strength 5's into your good (240) accessories.
You can't use Vit materias. Use STR on your right side equipment.

For the rest, WAR materia is weird. You want enough skill speed for the Berserk GCD thing and then some crit and Det.


The only thing is a lot of this assumes the DPS arent going off doing dumb things, the healers can pay attention, and you and your MT are in sync, which I just don't find happening. But thanks, I'll try to apply what I can.

I actually have no materia on at all. I guess I can start there. I am guessing its Vit I want to add?
Vit is your main stat so you can't add it. Use Strength on your accessories. IV is +7 I think and V is +15. If you have money to burn use V's if you want otherwise go for IV's. V's are more useful on accessories than left side gear since the difference between IV and V is greater. On left side I used Crit where possible, and then Det if I couldn't. The NPC materia melder will tell you if the stat you are using will apply or if it's already capped so it shouldn't be an issue. There's probably more optimal stat allocations and if you Raid you might need to think about Accuracy caps but I play casually these days so I ignored all that.

Yeah it relies heavily on the rest of the group being good and I know how bad farm parties can be. As for the other tank you don't necessarily need to be in sync or have amazing coordination. Just know beforehand if they'll eat the 3rd stack or want you to Provoke beforehand. Usually whwn I tank swap if the other person is good they'll already dropped their tank stance so I know I don't necessarily need Defiance. But if I see they're still in it when I Voke then I'll use it. The only time they shouls potentially want it during the last phase with the bombs is for the 2 fire breaths, but a lot of tanks keep tank stance up even until Akh Mon is being cast. Just realise who you're playing with and adjust. I'll usually play it safe but if I see the healers or other people are doing their job properly I'll drop Defiance more. Otherwise I'll stay. It's not as if the extra DPS is really necessary. The fight has a very forgiving overall DPS check


Suffering From Success
You shouldn't feel bad about having to compensate for people's mistakes.
Measuring DPS in a situation where you need to pick up for somebody is completely silly.
A raid group I was with in 3.1 refused to even publicize logs in situations where people were training, or where they trialled an new person, effectively introducing an unknown variable.
At the end of the day team synergy is a thing that exists in this game and the only truly objective number you're gonna get is the one you can do on the dummy.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
"The Amazon Video Games Team thanks you for your purchase. As part of the "Final Fantasy XIV Summer DLC Promo," when you spend $19.99 in the Video Games category on Amazon, you are entitled to a promotional code that will grant you six exclusive in-game items for Final Fantazy XIV!"

anyone want a xbox code? first pm gets it

Xbox and FFXIV are not possible in the same sentence...sir.


i dont know what the code is for, but its still available if anyone wants it


Crystal Bearer
Really? I am i125 but was only pulling about 700 dps....there are quite a few tank swaps there that require me to go to tank stance, but still, guess I need to look up a warrior DPS stance rotation.

1300 is way too extreme though...only 2 of the four DPS in my group were doing that. The others were doing from 700-1000. And we were clearing the dps checks just fine.

Time to get good jeels.



I only did like 400 DPS on SCH in A5s tonight, it must mean I'm a pretty bad SCH as that's a bit under the 50th percentile according to FFlogs... Or our WHM simply disconnected like 2 minutes into the fight, died, then managed to log back in when the boss was almost dead, which means someone had to pick up the slack and it certainly wasn't Selene.

Compensating is a thing that happens, looking at your numbers in a vacuum isn't indicative of your value as a raider as much as your ability to read a situation, adapt and contribute to your group's success as best as you can.


It doesn't matter if you can do ridiculously good DPS on a dummy if you don't know your rotation well enough to adapt it to each individual fight anyway. I mean that comes with learning a fight but I've still seen people who can do good DPS on a dummy but can't adapt to doing their rotation in an actual fight. It's probably something the game could be a little bit better at teaching, even a hall of the novice like thing for that kind of stuff would be better than nothing

ps fuk u nidhogg and your double cauterizes always making my initial blood of the dragon wear off even if i don't use geirskogul in my opener


Suffering From Success
Any Paladin or DRK tips for high end materia?

Both just use crit>det on the left side and str on the right side.
However when using tier IV materia a Skill Speed IV is supposedly mathematically better than DET IV because SE didn't change materia numbers despite changes in DET scaling so +9 SkS is better than +6 DET as per Dervy's stat weigh calculations.


I just returned to the game about 5 days ago after not playing since 2.0(to give an idea, I think that I was working on Turn 4 and Blue Gartr had just gotten either World 1st or NA 1st Turn 5 in the first Binding Coil). I have all the ARR casters at 50+ and I'm currently working on getting all of the ARR melee/tanks and HW jobs to at least 40 to see what I want to play in the expansion(thinking PLD/DRK and maybe SMN main again). I am very longtime progression raider in MMOs and once I'm done with my casual moment and getting leveled up, I'll most likely be looking to jump into endgame again. I just did the whole MSQ 2.1 - 3.0 beginning(holy shit what a grind).

The reason that I'm posting is, that I'm on Excalibur because of a bunch of friends playing here at ARR launch. I stopped as everyone around me was losing interest and moving on, and I just wasn't in the mood to make completely new friends all over again. I have been thinking about maybe transferring to Ultros and applying to the GAF FC. A couple questions:

1. Are there active people with similar interests to me(getting through old/leveling content atm)?

2. Is Ultros still a decently sized server? The last census I could find is from last year.

I'm not looking for a free ride through anything, I'm self sufficient. Just wondering if I might find a lot of people to play with or if I would be in the same boat as staying on my current server.


I got a queue for Ultros but logged in fine.

To the people above: Ultros is a medium sized server and the population on it is fine. It never feels empty to me. However, GAF FC activity feels like it's been in a lull the last week or so. 25-35 people on during primetime.


I just returned to the game about 5 days ago after not playing since 2.0(to give an idea, I think that I was working on Turn 4 and Blue Gartr had just gotten either World 1st or NA 1st Turn 5 in the first Binding Coil). I have all the ARR casters at 50+ and I'm currently working on getting all of the ARR melee/tanks and HW jobs to at least 40 to see what I want to play in the expansion(thinking PLD/DRK and maybe SMN main again). I am very longtime progression raider in MMOs and once I'm done with my casual moment and getting leveled up, I'll most likely be looking to jump into endgame again. I just did the whole MSQ 2.1 - 3.0 beginning(holy shit what a grind).

The reason that I'm posting is, that I'm on Excalibur because of a bunch of friends playing here at ARR launch. I stopped as everyone around me was losing interest and moving on, and I just wasn't in the mood to make completely new friends all over again. I have been thinking about maybe transferring to Ultros and applying to the GAF FC. A couple questions:

1. Are there active people with similar interests to me(getting through old/leveling content atm)?

2. Is Ultros still a decently sized server? The last census I could find is from last year.

I'm not looking for a free ride through anything, I'm self sufficient. Just wondering if I might find a lot of people to play with or if I would be in the same boat as staying on my current server.

I'm sure there are still people in GAF leveling new jobs /returning as well. I'm still going through the path to 60 (lvl 58 atm) and i've still gotta level Monk and Dark Knight.


Ok really this game is like the best kept secret in gaming. It's incredible.

Coming back after 3 years has had that same effect on me. I can't believe I forgot how great this game is. I've never been so tempted to level every class and do all the side stuff in a game, let alone an MMO, as much as I am in this one.


Finally got the Black Mage set... And of course I need to be lvl 50 to use it.
If you just did the 45 quest, you get 2 sets of armor: One set is equippable now, and the other was previously endgame currency armor at the launch of ARR, which is why it's level 50 armor.

You don't get the chest piece until you do the level 50 job quest, though.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
If you just did the 45 quest, you get 2 sets of armor: One set is equippable now, and the other was previously endgame currency armor at the launch of ARR, which is why it's level 50 armor.

You don't get the chest piece until you do the level 50 job quest, though.
Im not too sure about that. They only gave the 50 gear without the chest. Unless i get the 45 later, i dont get what you said.


Our WAR does close to 1200 as OT in A6 and that's without TA and HC. As I said, depends on the fight, most Midas fights have too many swaps and downtime to analyze whole floor OT DPS anyways.

I might just be spoiled by our dps whore WAR too in which case ignore me lol

WAR is special.

Eh, not really. He does that at active phases. His DPS is around 900 ~ 1000 in A6S. And he's really good. But he managed to get 1500 on Fausts/Hummelfaust last week.

Man the Moogle dance is the BEST THING EVER.


Yes, it is.

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