a necessity for a true player
I meant more about what does having a zeta get you in the new relic
Also do the maps give 5 Alex for sure or just up to five? And would giving my reliv garbage materia have any effect on the new one?
You poor soul.If I'm a Bard who wants to be a Machinist
At this point there's no reason to bother with the old relic.I'm at the point in the relic quest where it says to "obtain an amdapor glyph," should I finish the quest or has it been made obsolete in the last year of patches?
If I'm a Bard who will have Heavensward pretty soon and wants to be a Machinist and I'm at the point in the relic quest where it says to "obtain an amdapor glyph," should I finish the quest or has it been made obsolete in the last year of patches?
You poor soul.
Is there something wrong with machinists? My Bard is the only class I got to 50.
it just doesn't flow as well
I think this is the first time I've seen somebody say the jankfest that is Minuet Bard flows better than MCH. I don't really know what to do with that.
(Both classes function, but going from Minuet to GB and procs was a revelatory moment of "Oh, that's how this is supposed to work.")
I really don't have any issues with BRD besides Empyreal Arrow that's neither here nor there.
This isn't necessarily what I'm talking about, but it's pretty close to it. Yeah, mechanics. However, the dps check + the mechanics check makes the fight relatively unforgiving for a larger amount of people than those who were stonewalled by Final Coil, yes? It feels this way, anyway.This narrative bothers me, because it ignores what shows up in most progression streams and what based on Yoshi P's actual A3S advice around 3.1 is really happening: The number of groups that can successfully execute A3S mechanics to see enrage but absolutely cannot meet the DPS requirement to clear is pretty much dwarfed by the number of groups that just cannot do the mechanics consistently enough to survive.
EA is a major component of the issue, but the 'feel' of Bard in HW being off has been the popular complaint for a while. Going from ARR Bard to HW Bard, there are a lot of things that just don't fit smoothly and EA's weird cast time oGCD nature sort of highlighted that.
Both can be played and enjoyed effectively, but the common complaint with Minuet has always been that it never felt designed for Bard, and nothing hammered that home for me more than trying out MCH and having everything click together.
I mean part of the reason my initial group has trouble with A1S was because of the damage required. We weren't hitting the numbers. We weren't close. Is that an encounter problem? Is that a player problem? I think it's both. However, our DPS spread was good enough for Final Coil but we were sorely (10+ percent enrage) off of the Savage DPS check.
It's not just mechanics that are an issue, but the idea that there are a lot more people not capable of putting up the numbers required than not.
Well, found the problem. I didn't play 2.x BRD.
2.x bard was more fun. Fuck being a caster.
I mean part of the reason my initial group has trouble with A1S was because of the damage required. We weren't hitting the numbers. We weren't close. Is that an encounter problem? Is that a player problem? I think it's both. However, our DPS spread was good enough for Final Coil but we were sorely (10+ percent enrage) off of the Savage DPS check.
All this anti Bard talk and my own feelings like I'm not playing it perfectly make me think of switching classes, but I only have a few others that are average around 15 and I wonder how long it would take to get to 50.
I guess once I get Heavensward I should at least give Machinist a shot? I have to say, I am surprised they took away the aoe attacks occasionally removing the cool downs of the other aoes.
Getting to 50 on a second class is pretty easy.
I'd say try MCH out just because why not? Also turrets <3
And the AOE change for Bard is actually a good one--you no longer get the Quick Knock -> RoD -> WV proc chain, but instead you can use Rain of Death for free whenever Bloodletter is up (River of Blood resets the CDs on both, both are oGCD and 0 TP now.) So instead of spamming AOE to get a proc, you do the normal DoT things up to get procs, and hit RoD instead of Bloodletter now
Last question for awhile: is the iLVL progression so I can get high enough to do story based dungeons still do a duty roulette per day to get soldiery and then take it to Mor Dhona?
It's not even remotely like BLM, that 1 second window is a huge boon. Eh. I like it more than mashing Bloodletter.
Edit: It feels similar to healers, actually, because all single-target cure spells have lesser cast time than recast time.
2.x bard was more fun. Fuck being a caster.
Grand Company Hunting Log. Click on your GC symbol after pressing H.So I was premature in saying Fates were the biggest annoyance. I now need to get 2,000 seals in order to purchase a Chocobo Issuance. I've used up all my allowances so company levequests are out. So the only way to get 2,000 seals right now is to run around and do Fates. Does anyone know of a faster way to get seals given my situation?
This isn't necessarily what I'm talking about, but it's pretty close to it. Yeah, mechanics. However, the dps check + the mechanics check makes the fight relatively unforgiving for a larger amount of people than those who were stonewalled by Final Coil, yes? It feels this way, anyway.
The mechanics are one thing and the amount of damage needed to be done is another. Even in A4S the DPS walls are rather high and strict for each of the legs. Unless they really did intend this raid tier to be only really doable by a scant percentage of the population, there's evidence to be shown that they grossly overestimated the amount of damage players were capable of especially when they say that healer DPS wasn't taken into account in Savage.
Please note that I'm not saying "dps check 2 high" or that the reason people can't clear a3s is because of dps, I'm just saying that it's rather clear that when you really sit down and look at what the team said about these encounters and how we play them that there's something that doesn't add up. It's not just mechanics that are an issue, but the idea that there are a lot more people not capable of putting up the numbers required than not.
I mean part of the reason my initial group has trouble with A1S was because of the damage required. We weren't hitting the numbers. We weren't close. Is that an encounter problem? Is that a player problem? I think it's both. However, our DPS spread was good enough for Final Coil but we were sorely (10+ percent enrage) off of the Savage DPS check.
Just because you can outgear DPS checks and stuff doesn't necessarily mean that they aren't a gate of entry for a lot more people. So when some point out the scant percent of raiders/people clearing it's because the Faust Entry Procedure is set too high for the commonfolk. Not saying it's good or bad, but saying that it also exists alongside the other problems that Alexander Savage brought with it. If we're talking about how the team probably doesn't test these fights properly, this is just more fuel to the fire. That's pretty much all I meant to imply.
Re: Bard
Also Heavensward Bard is more or less a metric to find out how comfortable you are about missing GCDs and the test of a good one is minimizing how many GCDs you lose over the course of a fight. A+ design.
Complaining about the game is what this thread is for. And probably because, like many people, they're unhappy with the state of the game.unknown soldier idk why you post in this thread when all your posts are complaining about anything and everything the dev team do.
unknown soldier idk why you post in this thread when all your posts are complaining about anything and everything the dev team do.
also: pew pew pew
unknown soldier idk why you post in this thread when all your posts are complaining about anything and everything the dev team do.
A3S isn't people hitting enrage every lockout for weeks. It's people dying before that point, looking at the boss HP %, saying "Well it'd have enraged anyway", and deciding the key is to focus on maxing out DPS.
When you finish all the currently available content. If you're new and have never done Coil, you can at least experience that for the first time.At level 55 right now. Still going through Heavensward story. At what point will I hate the game?
I will say, never having set foot in A3S that bad DPS and messing up mechanics often go hand In hand. Faster DPS means the battle goes faster, a lot of times it means faster phase pushes and in general less chance to mess mechanics up. So in something like A3S lowering the HP to allow faster pushes and overgearing becomes a soft mechanics nerf. It's been like that in battles In the past, but as I said I've never seen it so A3S may not be that type of fight.
I do want to say though that I see this:
Way too often which leads to dps tunneling and further mechanic screw ups.
At level 55 right now. Still going through Heavensward story. At what point will I hate the game?
Well he might not be doing the moogle sidequests. Didn't they make the hide and seek ones easier too?if you arent hating it now, you're doing it wrong
At level 55 right now. Still going through Heavensward story. At what point will I hate the game?
I will say, never having set foot in A3S that bad DPS and messing up mechanics often go hand In hand. Faster DPS means the battle goes faster, a lot of times it means faster phase pushes and in general less chance to mess mechanics up. So in something like A3S lowering the HP to allow faster pushes and overgearing becomes a soft mechanics nerf. It's been like that in battles In the past, but as I said I've never seen it so A3S may not be that type of fight.
What are the odds of this game going free to play in 2016?
What are the odds of this game going free to play in 2016?
They're still charging for FF11 in 2015.What are the odds of this game going free to play in 2016?
If you're having trouble, don't hesitate to ask in the in-game fc chat.Okay I'm getting a little frustrated. I got my company issued chocobo. But I can't summon it. I'm right outside of New Gridania and it say cannot execute at this time. What am I missing?
Edit: nevermind. I looked it up and I have to blow the whistle first. Found the whistle buried in my inventory.
I'm starting to think MMOs aren't for me. I knew there would be work. But some of it feels very tedious.
It will get worse. Tedium is the MMO bread and butter. Ideally you find a good enough group of people you like playing with that ends up making the tedium worth it, until you reach the tipping point and drop the game. Such is the MMO life cycle.I'm starting to think MMOs aren't for me. I knew there would be work. But some of it feels very tedious.
Context?Ha, not even a Temp Ban could keep me away from the OT forever!![]()
Frankly, regarding the Bard, we don't have many options:
I decided to stop playing Bard and just level up SMN ("they want me to play a caster? I'LL PLAY A GODDAMN CASTER!" - I ragequit BRD to be honest). Turns out it was a smart choice, since I discovered that I really love playing the Heavensward SMN.
- Keep playing a job we possibly no longer like.
- Find another job to play.
The only downside was that I still had to level up Bard to level 60, because my main retainer was one. Once I did that, I just unequiped my whole BRD stuff and gave it to my retainer.
It is important to have fun while playing a job. I'm still a little sour about the Bard, but it gave me the opportunity to discover other jobs that I really enjoy playing. Also, now that we have EU servers, I can finally play Ninja without messing up Ninjitsu because of the lag (really, this is a game changer), so I think I'll give that job a try (I stopped at level 50 and never really played it, since I couldn't play it optimally).
So, I was wondering: what are your favorite Heavensward jobs? I'm hearing that the Warrior is becoming a very interesting Tank job (I used to play PLD in 2.0... and, frankly, I found the job to be boring to play). I decided to forgo SCH, since it is a little difficult to master (and, well, I main SMN now), so I'm interested by WHM and AST (but, sadly, it seems that AST isn't quite tuned yet from what I've read - best looking LB3 though).