You and Galen happen to like swords, I see.
If we do get a fencer of some kind, I'm switching so fast.
So, at min 8.58.. Ilberd is clearly a Red Mage. D:
(secret job for 3.0?)
It should simply be a preview of future PLD en-spells.
Too bad the game design is not suited for a jack of all trades RDM. RDMs in FFXI could tank, heal, or dps.
I was disappointed when I first started this game and saw there was no sword wielding DPS class.
Looks like they had to trade out one of the WoD bosses due to Hildebrand's story.
FYI, FFXIV for PS3 and PS4 is on sale for the new Playstation Anniversary Sale that's going live now.
But a question. It seems you could buy the PS3 digital version and upgrade to PS4. Does the free 30 days you get per platform client stack? Would you end up getting 60 free days by logging in on PS3 first, then performing the PS4 transfer via Mogstation?
The upgrade to PS4 is free(until march or so iirc?), you don't need to buy the game. I guess if you bought the game instead, you'd get 30days, it's the same for PC when you buy the PC box to get PC access on your account, it adds 30days. I'm not 100% sure though about that.
You only get 30 free days once for your account regardless of how many versions you buy.
You get 30 days per platform license you buy. I got a free month when I added the PC version to my existing PS4 copy.
You only get 30 free days once for your account regardless of how many versions you buy.
You get 30 days per platform license you buy. I got a free month when I added the PC version to my existing PS4 copy.
I don't think I got anything for free when I bought PS4 version in addition to PC. Maybe it doesn't work in this direction then.
I got a free month added to my account when I added a PS3 copy to my account.
GLD already had a Fire (Red Lotus) and light based (Luminous Spire or whatever) attack in 1.0.
We've had en- spells too.
We also had a number of other skills that didn't make much sense and really don't fit BUT FUCK IT ALL ABOARD THE RDM HYPE TRAIN.
So will the WoD gear be at max item level? My Monk is due for an upgrade
So will the WoD gear be at max item level? My Monk is due for an upgrade
So will the WoD gear be at max item level? My Monk is due for an upgrade
So will the WoD gear be at max item level? My Monk is due for an upgrade
Based on a CT/ST, gear will be 120. Weapons will be ?????
Depending on secondaries some of the WoD could be pretty strong pieces, tho.
No chance due to raiders complaining, even though they will complain about welfare carbons anyway. It will all be 120 and will have the weekly gear lockout as the last 2 have.
CT/ST never got weapons.
CT/ST never got weapons.
Were they getting weapons?
Nifty, hopefully it's not skill speed speed on everything again.
Trailer was kind of boring outside of chocobo racing but I don't know why I expected different.
Dragoon is mad fun you guys
CT and ST had 3+1 bosses too, I guess someone had to go.
So about that Directx11 and Mac client......
Looked like 5 to me. Ahriman, twin-headed dragon, atomos, Cerberus, and CoD.
The full WoD BiS SMN dream
All WoD weapons will have skill speed and spell speed. That is "and" not "or"
The music is everything was phenomenal though.
On this subject, been trying to convince folks in my Static to wait a week to see how good the Summoner/Bard WoD gear is, before getting crafted gear. I don't think I've convinced them. <_<;;
DX11 was 3.0ish wasn't it?