Great work man.
Thanks. I just showed my wife and she said holy shit. Feels good. Still so much more I want to do but I need to listen to my body. Haha.
Great work man.
Yeah dood, I would eventually just take a week off and relax. Let you body recover and then reevaluate how you feel. In the end, only you know your limits and what you are capable of. Sometimes that rest is what you need more than anything.
Dynamic stretches have saved me soooo many times.
realized the new 9-5 will make doing IF much more feasible should I choose. can eat all I want later in the day instead of working. may give it another go.
got through my first day, but man, being at work from 8-5/7-4 seems to kill most of my day. I'rm so used to most of my shifts being 5-6 hours max that it seems like I have no time at all once lifting gets in there.
may see if I can fit it into my lunch hour. what do you guys think?
realized the new 9-5 will make doing IF much more feasible should I choose. can eat all I want later in the day instead of working. may give it another go.
got through my first day, but man, being at work from 8-5/7-4 seems to kill most of my day. I'rm so used to most of my shifts being 5-6 hours max that it seems like I have no time at all once lifting gets in there.
may see if I can fit it into my lunch hour. what do you guys think?
realized the new 9-5 will make doing IF much more feasible should I choose. can eat all I want later in the day instead of working. may give it another go.
got through my first day, but man, being at work from 8-5/7-4 seems to kill most of my day. I'rm so used to most of my shifts being 5-6 hours max that it seems like I have no time at all once lifting gets in there.
may see if I can fit it into my lunch hour. what do you guys think?
got through my first day, but man, being at work from 8-5/7-4 seems to kill most of my day. it seems like I have no time at all once lifting gets in there.
Switch to 3 day a week two during your weekend and one during the work week before or after work. Boom done.
ok here are my squat form videos. explain to me what type of squat I'm doing (if you can), and what I'm doing wrong.
Yeah, went after work today but going at 5 was hell with crowds.
my gym is only 5 minutes away though, and I could fit my 5/3/1 lifts in pretty easily on lunch, I dunno. Guess I'll see what happens once I have a few weeks under my belt. Ideally I can skip damn lunch hour, leave earlier, and hit the gym like nobody's business. that or I'll likely cut down to a 2 or 3 day program. we'll see. What I know for sure is going right after work will not work long term, too many people. damn.
Guess getting up at 5ish might be my best option. we shall see.
this is not a bad idea at all. my girl sleeps far later than me so pretty easily done. hmm
It's what I'm doing and it works great.
what routine are you using to work on that schedule?
Training Three Days/Week You can use the 5/3/1 method by training either 3 or 4 days per week. This is determined by your schedule and what works best for you. Training four days a week seems to fall in line with most training programs. In my experience, either way works well. When I train three days per week, I get much more motivated to train the lifts, and I recover much better. Heres how to do it:
Week 1
Military 3x5
Deadlift 3x5
Bench 3x5
Week 2
Squat 3x5
Military 3x3
Deadlift 3x3
Week 3
Bench 3x3
Squat 3x3
Military 5/3/1
Week 4
Deadlift 5/3/1
Bench 5/3/1
Squat 5/3/1
Week 5
Military/Deadlift - Deload
Bench Deload
Deadlift - Deload
Week 6 (Begin cycle over again with new maxes)
Nothing changes with this program. Assistance work stays the same as it would with any normal training routine. Dont try to overthink this.
How have your midnight gladiator workouts been Alien? You getting used to it?
Form check for squats please.
Some reason this fucked me up today.
1st set. 225 lbs.
3rd and final set. 195 lbs.
'Preciate any advice folks.
those are high bar, right?
You are rounding your back at the bottom, and by a fair amount. Keep your chest up!
It seems like everybody does high bar whether they mean to or not and then Noema comes in and tells them that they're applying low bar mechanics to high bar squats. Nothing wrong with that, but it's crazy how common that is.
On the ethics of meat eating:
Okay, have you ever been around chickens? They are stupid, uncooperative, inconvenient, ill-tempered creatures. They get what they deserve. Fuck chickens.
Testosterone levels peak in our mid-twenties, hold relatively steady for another decade, and then begin to fall like womens clothes at the kinds of parties we dont get invited to any more.
I just received my 3rd edition in the mail, haven't started getting into it yet but in the preface Mark says that they made many additions and changes to it from the 2nd (which I have not read).Is there anything essential in the 3rd edition of Starting Strength that I'd be missing out on if I bought one of the cheaper, earlier editions?
I just received my 3rd edition in the mail, haven't started getting into it yet but in the preface Mark says that they made many additions and changes to from the 2nd (which I have not read).
Hm, alright. I hope some of it is useful introductory stuff and not just targeted at hardcore lifters who've been doing this forever.
I'm going to attempt a muscle up with 25lbs hanging tomorrow! What the hell? I'm lean and mean right now. It's worth a shot. Wish me luck.
I like the way you roll! I'll video it for you.I'm gonna be a dick and say you can't do it
I like the way you roll! I'll video it for you.![]()
Hm, alright. I hope some of it is useful introductory stuff and not just targeted at hardcore lifters who've been doing this forever.
You don't know me well enough to know how ridiculous that sounds. It will be clean!no kipping
we don't want slap tears
Nah man it's meant as an intro to lifting. It's broken down nice and simple with great illustrations to aid in understanding of the movements.