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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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So tomorrow leg curls are listed as squat assitance for 5/3/1 but I'm considering subbing it for something else. Any suggestions? Off the top of my head I'm thinking I should just do good mornings instead. Have never done them before though. Also if I start with good mornings, I'm also unsure about the weight so I'm thinking just the bar or maybe add a 5 or 10 lbs.

I'd do RDLs instead, at least for a bit. Start light, with 115lb maybe.
So tomorrow leg curls are listed as squat assitance for 5/3/1 but I'm considering subbing it for something else. Any suggestions? Off the top of my head I'm thinking I should just do good mornings instead. Have never done them before though. Also if I start with good mornings, I'm also unsure about the weight so I'm thinking just the bar or maybe add a 5 or 10 lbs.

I've never in my life suggested a machine-based lift to anyone, but I recently have enjoyed added leg presses as an assistance lift for 5/3/1. I keep the volume relatively high (3 sets of 15) and it seems to be helping me. Only been with it for a month or so now though so not enough time to know for sure. I will say, it's hard to recommend these over RDLs as Noema suggested. Might be worth giving leg press a try though.


5's week is done for this session. No exaggeration, the 5s week is always the toughest for me. I almost bonked out at the end of my squats, i got my 5th rep while my legs were turning into jelly, and then put the barball on the power rack, then got very dizzy. I will need to up the amount of carbs before the gym on my 5s week from now on.

Also feels so good not worrying about the scale weight anymore. A guy at work told me i was getting too muscular too fast, he doesn't realize that as im cutting more of the muscles already there are just showing. Good problem to have anyway.

Also, since getting back to going 4 days a week vs 2, my attitude has improved severely. Really a lot more upbeat and not as grouchy anymore.
Haven't been squatting for the past 2 weeks and that trend will continue for the next two weeks. Still going hard on legs but more of a focus on hamstrings and glutes. The plan is to attempt my 1RM for DL next week, prolly take a week off, then 2 cycles of Smolov Jr. for Bench.


I've been through that the last weeks, after big work stress and an illness that knocked me out of the gym.

I try to turn off my brain and just go and do what I can, we know better days will come if we stick to it...until then, don't give it much thought, just go and do your best.
Thanks for that sphinx :) I felt better after sleeping and reading your post. We'll get through this brah.
In the overall picture, this is a small step back compared to the amount of progression we will be making past this. I'm slightly happy with my progression since last month but I'm just not satisfied.


Do we have a running list of all the fallen warriors of FitGAF since OT6 has been formed? I'm just curious. Gotta be something like 20+ injuries so far, ranging from minor illnesses to straight up out for months due to surgery.
Does fuckarounditis count?


Junior Member
My PT said it was probably a case of my strength exceeding the load my back could actually handle.

My PT ended up being a 68 year old former competitive power lifter. Really helped me out.
That sucks man, and injuries like that scares the crap out of me. How much were you pulling?

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
From June when I was 212lb and hadn't started changing my diet nor started strength to October when I've been on SS for four months and have changed my diet. Down to 183. Cannot wait to take my 1 year progression picture to see where I am. I'm getting there folks!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
600lb deadlift in two years.. that's some Viking shit right there.

"pretty good," he says.

For some reason my gains came really fast not sure what it was but the common consensus of people who see me lift is that it's due to my form usually being pretty tight. I guess I just got blessed to be able to get shit down pretty fast.

Now if only my squat didn't suck ass.

Does fuckarounditis count?

I've actually got a few things going on, but I don't report them back to this thread.

People need to realize, if you're REALLY into this shit, you're gonna be in pain all the time from SOMETHING. It's just a matter of how much pain and if it's a legit injury or not.

Not a day goes by anymore that something doesn't hurt.

If you want a pain free life, this isn't the shit you should be doing (the strength/bodybuilding game).

Now if you're just lifting to look good and not pushing the limit, that's a whole other thing.

I'm personally in it to be the strongest biggest motherfucker on the block.
Took my first atempt at 105 KG / 231 lbs squat today! *phew* feels good man, but I gotta work on it though.

Also pumped about going 52,5 KG / 115 lbs OHP on next wednesday.

Also, my stomache aches are gone. So I'm feeling better again.
Now if you're just lifting to look good and not pushing the limit, that's a whole other thing.

That more or less sums up my goals, although I'd probably rank it more like: 1) health 2) functional strength 3) aesthetics; functional strength being that I'm stronger and have good conditioning that makes me damn useful when people need heavy shit moved. Those are my personal goals in order of most important to least important. I'd guess that most of us have those 3 goals in mind, just in a different order and with a significantly different emphasis for each. Because my emphasis is less on hitting my physiological maximum, I suspect that has had two major effects on me: 1) I progress relatively slowly and 2) I have had basically zero injuries in my history since I started barbell training. I love #2 and can tolerate #1 as long as I'm still making progress to some degree.

I will say, I admire the giants among us here in FitGAF. It's not a lifestyle choice I want to make personally, but it's impressive all the same.
Man, it feels good to be pressing some decent weight above my head... still nowhere near Brolic's epic OHP strength but I can finally rep with 70 kg (ca 154 lb). Managed to hit three reps (PR) and the fourth rep wasn't that far either.


the piano man
That more or less sums up my goals, although I'd probably rank it more like: 1) health 2) functional strength 3) aesthetics; functional strength being that I'm stronger and have good conditioning that makes me damn useful when people need heavy shit moved. Those are my personal goals in order of most important to least important. I'd guess that most of us have those 3 goals in mind, just in a different order and with a significantly different emphasis for each. Because my emphasis is less on hitting my physiological maximum, I suspect that has had two major effects on me: 1) I progress relatively slowly and 2) I have had basically zero injuries in my history since I started barbell training. I love #2 and can tolerate #1 as long as I'm still making progress to some degree.

I will say, I admire the giants among us here in FitGAF. It's not a lifestyle choice I want to make personally, but it's impressive all the same.

I am still undecided as to what kind of philosophy I am going to go follow over time... I've realized that weightlifting has two philosophies: Strength vs. Bodybuilding.

Very much like Ice Hockey vs Figure Skating, Ballet vs Modern Dance, Jazz Piano vs. Classical piano, etc.. two things that require very similar basic training but that over time go exactly in the opposite direction...and sooner or later everybody will be forced to decide on which side of the fence they stand.

I believe that any novice or beginner should go for strength and then decide over time if it's size/definition or strength the main goal but as I gather more knowledge and continue on my path, I am having a hard time making up my mind, I want both things and I know that working towards strength would bring the novice gains I still can get in this first/second year of training but I definitely want size and a nice body, I want a strong core, obliques, defined legs and calves, which is glamour stuff, as petrie called it, lol, but I don't care if it's frivolous, I want it,

maybe I should change programs according to philosophy every 4 months or so and keep flipping between a bodybuilder routine and a strength based routine?? not sure here.


Junior Member
This is probably such a stupid thing to say but my upper body is so lean yet my lower body (i.e. my ass) is just so big and flabby in comparison. Is it possible to lean my ass without making it huge. It's probably big because I pretty much sit down all day D:
This is probably such a stupid thing to say but my upper body is so lean yet my lower body (i.e. my ass) is just so big and flabby in comparison. Is it possible to lean my ass without making it huge. It's probably big because I pretty much sit down all day D:

Lol. I have the oppesite problem.

My butt even gained a cleavage recently, from what I can tell. :p


I am still undecided as to what kind of philosophy I am going to go follow over time... I've realized that weightlifting has two philosophies: Strength vs. Bodybuilding.

Very much like Ice Hockey vs Figure Skating, Ballet vs Modern Dance, Jazz Piano vs. Classical piano, etc.. two things that require very similar basic training but that over time go exactly in the opposite direction...and sooner or later everybody will be forced to decide on which side of the fence they stand.

I believe that any novice or beginner should go for strength and then decide over time if it's size/definition or strength the main goal but as I gather more knowledge and continue on my path, I am having a hard time making up my mind, I want both things and I know that working towards strength would bring the novice gains I still can get in this first/second year of training but I definitely want size and a nice body, I want a strong core, obliques, defined legs and calves, which is glamour stuff, as petrie called it, lol, but I don't care if it's frivolous, I want it,

maybe I should change programs according to philosophy every 4 months or so and keep flipping between a bodybuilder routine and a strength based routine?? not sure here.

Try doing PHAT, it incorporates both power training and body building.

I trend more towards bodybuilding now, don't get me wrong I like throwing heavy ass weights around but it's mostly so I can rep higher weights.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm deadlifting twice a week now with one day being a heavy 5x5 and the other a hi rep day. I do regular DLS both times but have been considering rotating sumos every other week. What are people's thoughts on that?


I'm deadlifting twice a week now with one day being a heavy 5x5 and the other a hi rep day. I do regular DLS both times but have been considering rotating sumos every other week. What are people's thoughts on that?

I used to do it twice a week, never had any problem with it as long as you eat enough and get the rest. Just switching over to sumos on one of those days shouldn't be a hassle, you should be able to keep at it with ease.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Wrote an open letter to Jim Wendler on the EFTS Q&A. Time will tell if it gets posted.

here it is.


I have to preface this by saying please read this and no it's not a troll. I am a concerned fan/follower.

I've heard you, Dave and many other big named lifters say you like it when you have people who will call you on your shit instead of people standing around nodding their heads, yes men so to speak. Well I have a huge issue with the route you are going. It seems since you left EFTS you've begun a route of whoring yourself to the lowest bidder. In your books you've told us time and time again, we are being lied to. To stay away from internet forums, gurus and fitness snakeoil merchants. That there's no substitute for hard work, real food and heart.

You're presenting yourself as exactly what you told us you despise and what we were supposed to avoid.

It began when you created a paywalled forum to have access to you, in your defense you've still be available both on EFTS and facebook, but none the less you're actually running and charging for a fitness forum, one of the things you despised.

Now you're peddling snakeoil for a popular fitness website. This is exactly against everything you've preached. It comes off as completely disingenuous. I actually read that article and when I saw "5/3/1 stack" I damn near lost control of my bowels. You then went on to peddle the snakeoil of said website in conjunction with selling your method/book. At least when I went down the supplement guide it seemed forced, but man, what the hell happened? When did you become exactly what you hate? Or is that Jim Wendler gone?

This is not the Jim Wendler I thought I knew.

"You are being lied to" has a whole new meaning brother, please don't lose yourself.
Wrote an open letter to Jim Wendler on the EFTS Q&A. Time will tell if it gets posted.

here it is.

I don't really see the problem - many celebrities endorse products they don't really believe in. Can you really berate someone for that, especially in a sport as low paying as powerlifting? At least he still has the same training philosophy, which is the important part.
I don't really see the problem - many celebrities endorse products they don't really believe in. Can you really berate someone for that, especially in a sport as low paying as powerlifting? At least he still has the same training philosophy, which is the important part.

I think the complaint comes from Jim once being vehemently against pushing random supplement stacks, forums (paid or free), and so forth. Now, only a few short years from the time of him writing 5/3/1 (and a few expanded versions which reiterated those philosophies) he's done a 180.

I mean, sure, it's probably not farther than him getting paid to do so, but it still undermines a significant portion of his previous philosophy.


That sucks man, and injuries like that scares the crap out of me. How much were you pulling?

Not a ton. My 1rm was 375. I was doing BBB and adding in power cleans, it was just a stupid combo.

I'm pretty much "fine" now. Lower back gets really tight every once in a while but who knows, that could just be me sore from lifting


I'm personally in it to be the strongest biggest motherfucker on the block.

Wrote an open letter to Jim Wendler on the EFTS Q&A. Time will tell if it gets posted.

here it is.
The letter means more coming from the biggest motherfucker from the
Thankfully from the other side of the bars

Even if he doesn't answer you in public I hope he is willing to give at least a partial answer to some of our shared concerns. Thanks for taking the time to write that.


the piano man
the guy needs/wants more money and notoriety, a broader public, it seems.

kind of like Nintendo doing the Wii to please the grandmas and toddlers after a "hardcore" oriented console like the gamecube and Microsoft with Kinect.

jim will answer "yeah I do believe in this but I also believe in that too" at the end he will stick to what sells more.

on another note.... yesterday I saw a guy using the Leg curl machine to do some neck exercise, he'd lay face down on the machine putting the back of his head on the foam roll and proceed to push upwards... is that....something?? never seen that before.

Try doing PHAT, it incorporates both power training and body building.

I trend more towards bodybuilding now, don't get me wrong I like throwing heavy ass weights around but it's mostly so I can rep higher weights.

thanks, I'll look into this.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I don't really see the problem - many celebrities endorse products they don't really believe in. Can you really berate someone for that, especially in a sport as low paying as powerlifting? At least he still has the same training philosophy, which is the important part.

If you don't see a problem I have to question that you even know who Jim Wendler is.

The letter means more coming from the biggest motherfucker from the
Thankfully from the other side of the bars

Even if he doesn't answer you in public I hope he is willing to give at least a partial answer to some of our shared concerns. Thanks for taking the time to write that.

Yeah, I doubt it will get posted, I just hope he sees it.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Wrote an open letter to Jim Wendler on the EFTS Q&A. Time will tell if it gets posted.

here it is.

Watch yourself Brolic I could see you pushing some products too.

"From the first time I touched a barbell there is only one product I swore by for Gainz and you should too.."


1/1/2013: 251 pounds
10/26/13: 209 pounds

Feels fucking awesome, man.

Damn over 40lbs that is fucking awesome dude, nice job.


the guy needs/wants more money and notoriety, a broader public, it seems.

kind of like Nintendo doing the Wii to please the grandmas and toddlers after a "hardcore" oriented console like the gamecube and Microsoft with Kinect.

jim will answer "yeah I do believe in this but I also believe in that too" at the end he will stick to what sells more.

In my opinion there's a difference between going out of your niche market and appealing to a larger audience and just plain selling out and plugging shit.

What Wendler is doing would be like Nintendo putting out F2P Facebook or smartphone games that have you buy shit and bug friends to keep playing.
If you don't see a problem I have to question that you even know who Jim Wendler is.


Yes I know who he is and yes I know what he has said about endorsements before. But at the end of the day, almost everybody has their price, and it is quite easy to ignore the supplement "advice" and follow his training methods which are still sincere.


Hit PR's on all the main lifts this week.. Getting close to two big plates on the Squat and Deadlift..

But holy hell.. I have NO clue how that is going to work. I barely am able to do it now..
I see a deload coming..

And HUNGER! I had lunch an hour ago and I could eat the same amount again.
Training is working or I got infected with the Z virus.


How much do you guys drink? I very rarely do, but last night I had 3 pints and I got invited to a party tonight with free liquor... not sure if I should go though. :p

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
OHP is on a steady gain train. 225x5 today. I'll take it!

In my opinion there's a difference between going out of your niche market and appealing to a larger audience and just plain selling out and plugging shit.

What Wendler is doing would be like Nintendo putting out F2P Facebook or smartphone games that have you buy shit and bug friends to keep playing.


Yes I know who he is and yes I know what he has said about endorsements before. But at the end of the day, almost everybody has their price, and it is quite easy to ignore the supplement "advice" and follow his training methods which are still sincere.

Yeah, no.....

How much do you guys drink? I very rarely do, but last night I had 3 pints and I got invited to a party tonight with free liquor... not sure if I should go though. :p

Rarely ever.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Top 5:

Cookie dough
Double Choc chunk
PB Supreme
Apple Pie

White Choc Rasp dropped way down the list. The more I had the worse it tasted.
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