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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Isn't this like the eternal discussion?

It's plausible that it's just the CNS that's adjusting to the heavy lifting?
I don't know. I've been lifting a long time. I don't know why my CNS would suddenly adjust after 20 years. Maybe...

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
What I mean is the guy was training for muscle mass for six months, got stronger but no mass
If you're getting stronger but not putting on weight then you need to eat more. If you're eating enough to put on weight and getting stronger you're going to be putting on muscle.


I don't see anything wrong with your squats, other than maybe a slightly too wide stance. Also, don't hesitate to let your knees travel past your toes on a high bar squat, it's an anatomical disposition that's dicated by the fact that you need to balance the weight over the middle of your foot with a more vertical torso.

Lastly, if you want to increase your squats, you are gonna have to gain more weight.

Thanks Noema.
My close friend also pointed out yesterday that my stance is a bit too wide so I tried to see how it feels to BW squat with my feet at different distances apart. I believe my feet are usually 14" apart; 12" feels alright, 10" feels pretty good. So I'll go see how 10" goes under the bar tomorrow after my exam. Is that narrow enough? Continue at 110 or go to maybe 105 to make sure I can get 3x5 with the narrower stance?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Just came back from the gym for the first time in about a week, 2 weeks since I lifted heavy and my shoulders have not improved. Thought some time off would heal them...nope. I can't do DB flys, and I actually had some strain/pain while doing double bicep cable curls.

All that volume from UD 2.0 fucked up my left shoulder, which never experienced any pain. I'll start doing rehab work on them tomorrow, wont stop me from lifting but it's really annoying to have my shoulders be the weak link considering they used to be my go to guys. Surgery is not an option, my friend had shoulder surgery and he said if he had to do it again he would opt not to.

That's horrible news, that really sucks. Any consideration to at least get a consult on what's up with your shoulder?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I think I am beginning to see the problem :p Okay, first step is to buy a copy of Starting Strength, if you haven't already. It's not the perfect be all and end all, but it's probably the best and most valuable book for someone starting out. The squat described in Starting Strength (and in the Mark Rippetoe video in the OP of this thread) is a low-bar squat, which means the bar sits lower on your back, across the backs of your shoulders. This is the squat form that keeps the weight farthest from your neck and (generally) allows you to use the most weight, but it can be uncomfortable/awkward for some. A high-bar squat is more like what Olympic weightlifters use to train; it involves placing the bar above the shoulders on the trapezius muscles and sitting down in between your legs as opposed sitting 'back' more in a low-bar squat.

I'd suggest reading/learning about these types of squats and practising your squat form unweighted (if you can, use a broomstick/curtain rod to mimic the barbell) to see which type of squat you're doing and which feels more comfortable. If you're hurting your neck it's likely that you have the bar placed too high on it, touching the exposed vertebrae, you're leaning over excessively on the ascent making the bar guillotine your neck, or both.

Sorry, should have mentioned it, but I have been going with the SS program. I go to the gym alone so it's hard to see if I'm doing it correctly.

I'll try and do what you said, but I'd still like some alternative workout suggestions if there's any.


Long day. Only ate two large meals. Got to gym at 10pm, which is late for me. Went through motions of deadlifts on 5+ day of 5/3/1. Had little energy in pulling, just stopped at 5 on 355 without trying to go further.

I threw 405 on the bar as a lark, having never gotten a single rep, despite my calculated 1RM being 420. Best I ever managed was the bar to my knees.

Casually walked up to the bar, pulled myself down into position, figured "why not"... pulled 2 at 405 and didn't feel like I maxed out.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Long day. Only ate two large meals. Got to gym at 10pm, which is late for me. Went through motions of deadlifts on 5+ day of 5/3/1. Had little energy in pulling, just stopped at 5 on 355 without trying to go further.

I threw 405 on the bar as a lark, having never gotten a single rep, despite my calculated 1RM being 420. Best I ever managed was the bar to my knees.

Casually walked up to the bar, pulled myself down into position, figured "why not"... pulled 2 at 405 and didn't feel like I maxed out.


Welcome to Planet Flex brother! I hope you stay!
I actually got lightheaded after my session the other day.
Attributed that to coming back after a 1.5-2 week break, and going pretty intensively.

Only weird thing was that it was right after I left the gym that I got dizzy and needed to sit down for a couple of minutes.

And this is why I don't train on an empty stomach.


Junior Member
I'd like a good shake to drink, possibly as a meal replacement. So it should have a lot of nutrients, vitamins and such. I've looked into Shakeology and at $120/month it seems a little steep. I'm not sure though, maybe the product is great and that's a good price. What are your guys' thoughts on it? Is there a better product at the same price or cheaper? If I were to make my own drink what should I put in it? I have creatine, protein powder at home. Omega 3-6-9 pills are something that I take everyday.

Age: 19
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 159 lbs
Goal: 175 lbs
Current Training Schedule: Nothing, but I have beachbody workouts Insanity and T25 on hand. Going to start up T25 here soon.
Current Training Equipment Available: Agility Ladder, 15, 10, 5 lbs dumbbells, jumping rope, training band
Comments: I'm going to start T25, but I'd like to do some lifting and such while I'm at it. I'm not currently joined at a gym.

I've looked at the routines Squiddy put in the OP, novice, for Monday:

Squat - 3 sets of 5
Bench Press - 3 sets of 5
Deadlifts - 1 set of 5
Pull-Ups - 3 sets of 8-15

Squats and bench presses I can do with the weights. Also, I don't really have a bench to do them on. Would a coffee table be okay? Do I need heavier weights to use in the bench presses? What about the deadlifts? Should I switch it out for anything else since I don't have any heavy weights around the house? I also have no door space to put up a pull-up bar. Anything I can do in place of the exercises that need more equipment than what I currently have?

Quoting myself as I'd like some advice! Thanks for the help in advance, Gaf.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Sorry, should have mentioned it, but I have been going with the SS program. I go to the gym alone so it's hard to see if I'm doing it correctly.

I'll try and do what you said, but I'd still like some alternative workout suggestions if there's any.
Starting Strength the program =/= Starting Strength the book. The program is simple as pie and freely available everywhere, but the book is hundreds of pages detailing the basics and form of the major lifts, which is why I recommended it (if you haven't got it already; if you have, reread it). As for alternatives, there is no replacement for the barbell back squat that is its equal for the purposes you need. I feel I should state strongly that going by the information you've provided, your problems with squats are due to form and thus are fixable. You shouldn't be replacing lifts like the squat unless they cause problems even when form is perfect, e.g. due to a disorder or severe injury.

If you can, I'd recommend filming your squats (from side on) for the helpful folks in this thread to critique.
Quoting myself as I'd like some advice! Thanks for the help in advance, Gaf.

Honestly, just grab yourself 5 servings of fruit/vegetables a day (mix them up into a drink if you wish) and you'll be all set so long as you get enough proteins (and take your creatine, fish oil).
Meal replacement drinks tend to be overpriced and/or filled with shitty filler ingredients.

Just eating like 4-5 bananas and a protein shake on the go is better than a shakeology shake.


That's horrible news, that really sucks. Any consideration to at least get a consult on what's up with your shoulder?

It's impingement, everything always ends in the surgery option with these specialists though. So, I'm going to hold off and rehab around it as long as possible. My shoulder feels like it did this time last year, and I was able to fix it but doing all that volume was too much for it.


If you're getting stronger but not putting on weight then you need to eat more. If you're eating enough to put on weight and getting stronger you're going to be putting on muscle.
I think my chest has popped out a little and I may possibly be feeling "new" muscles in my legs (I've only been working out for a month). I'm not sure though. I checked my weight this morning - it looks like I've put on 1 or 2kg but I need to check on Monday since I am aware one's weight fluctuates everyday and it's better to check once every one or two weeks.
Figured out why I had such a terrible workout yesterday. I lost 5 pounds between last saturday and today. Obviously most of that is water weight and bloating but still really surprising. I thought I had been eating fine the past week, just a bit cleaner than usual.
yo damn

this creatine is for real

been loading while cutting and went back to my bulk and lifts yesterday

Completely blew through my PR's and I feel like I have no need for a rest day at all
Quoting myself as I'd like some advice! Thanks for the help in advance, Gaf.

To be perfectly honest, if you don't have the proper weights or don't have access to a gym, I wouldn't do SS at all. Pullups and pushups are fine but to do something like Bench on a coffee table is just a terrible idea. Shakeology is not needed. You can make your own as SquiddyCracker suggested or just get a tub of whey instead.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Quoting myself as I'd like some advice! Thanks for the help in advance, Gaf.

Alright brother let's get happening.

Don't bother with Shakeology unless you have specific needs - and it sounds like you don't have them. You're looking to GAIN weight so don't replace meals - grab some whey isolate and add it as a post workout shake to bump your caloric intake and protein up.

Take your creatine.

Honestly the equipment you have is not going to get you that sort of mass gain you are looking for. For mobility's sake you can do all the exercises with the small weights you have, but let's be real - that shit is SMALL. You're not going to get much stronger, if at all, with them. I doubt mobility is an issue since you've been doing Insanity/etc.

I think of someone pressing on a coffee table and there is no way that table should live through any press session if being done properly.

The weakness is the equipment. Save some money, get a real gym membership, stay away from the Smith machine, and then you can put on the muscle you want. That's just my 2 cents, take it for what it's worth.


Realised I was going too heavy on squats after recording myself, my ass and legs don't meet parallel to the floor. :/ Why do I keep doing stupid things at the gym?


It's not dumb, it happens. At least you know now and you can still correct it.
Just took 20kg off and it still doesn't seem to meet parallel to the ground. Fuck what is wrong there?!

Btw is it ok if you try to keep a straight back during deadlifts but find your back will slightly bend when lifting them?
Probably a stupid question, but is it okay to bench if your lower back is a bit sore? I'm jonesing to get back at it. Got a sore back from trying to DL too much and then work came up and I had to sit in a computer chair for like 14 hours a day for a week, which didn't help much.


Hey FitGAF!

Looking for suggestions here, as well. I had once before joined in the P90X thread here, and got through about 60 days before quitting for really no reason. I was seeing great progress.

Fast forward 9 months, and here I am. I'm not in bad shape or anything like that, I'm actually pretty athletic looking for the most part, but I do have lots of work to do to get to a fitness level and physique I'm happy with. I can provide the rest of my fitness background if it'll help with suggestions, but all in all, I'm looking to get into a non-P90X routine at the moment.

So -- here's what I have:

  • Bench from craigslist that has flat bench, incline and decline w/ olympic bar
  • 150 lbs in weights aside from the 45lb bar
  • Two 20lb dumbbells (also can trade those for two 30lb dumbbells from my cousin)
  • Pullup bar
  • Pushup handles

Any recommendations for a routine I can do at home? So far, I've been doing about 100 pushups a day in sets of 25 for a couple weeks now.

Starting this week, (when I bought the bench), I've done a chest routine on Monday, Back on Tuesday, Arms on Wednesday, Chest on Thursday, and will probably do Back today again. That was just to test out where I was and I felt pretty good with the basics. Probably will do something with legs this weekend, but don't really know many exercises I can do at home)

I do have access to a gym down the street, but it's usually crowded and when me and my cousin go, it takes a while to get access to the machines because we both work bankers hours and can't get to the gym until everyone else is already there but it's still something I can incorporate on weekends.

Annnnnnyway -- any suggestions on a full-body routine I can do at home with the equipment I currently have?

I'm currently 175 - 178lbs (have been for as long as I've been able to remember -- 26 years old now, btw) and between 5'10" 5'11"

Any other questions, I'll be here to answer.


After talking to an expert re my squats, he was saying it's all to do with my hip flexors for the reason being why I can't get my legs parallel, he's saying for me to do body weight squats, practising the correct form before going back to putting weight on them again.
Hey FitGAF!

Looking for suggestions here, as well. I had once before joined in the P90X thread here, and got through about 60 days before quitting for really no reason. I was seeing great progress.

Fast forward 9 months, and here I am. I'm not in bad shape or anything like that, I'm actually pretty athletic looking for the most part, but I do have lots of work to do to get to a fitness level and physique I'm happy with. I can provide the rest of my fitness background if it'll help with suggestions, but all in all, I'm looking to get into a non-P90X routine at the moment.

So -- here's what I have:

  • Bench from craigslist that has flat bench, incline and decline w/ olympic bar
  • 150 lbs in weights aside from the 45lb bar
  • Two 20lb dumbbells (also can trade those for two 30lb dumbbells from my cousin)
  • Pullup bar
  • Pushup handles

Any recommendations for a routine I can do at home? So far, I've been doing about 100 pushups a day in sets of 25 for a couple weeks now.

Starting this week, (when I bought the bench), I've done a chest routine on Monday, Back on Tuesday, Arms on Wednesday, Chest on Thursday, and will probably do Back today again. That was just to test out where I was and I felt pretty good with the basics. Probably will do something with legs this weekend, but don't really know many exercises I can do at home)

I do have access to a gym down the street, but it's usually crowded and when me and my cousin go, it takes a while to get access to the machines because we both work bankers hours and can't get to the gym until everyone else is already there but it's still something I can incorporate on weekends.

Annnnnnyway -- any suggestions on a full-body routine I can do at home with the equipment I currently have?

I'm currently 175 - 178lbs (have been for as long as I've been able to remember -- 26 years old now, btw) and between 5'10" 5'11"

Any other questions, I'll be here to answer.
Why botherwith set 20 or 30 dumbbells when you have a whole set of weights? Just get a few curling bars or w/e theyre called and use your olympic weights to dumbbell any amount you want.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
After talking to an expert re my squats, he was saying it's all to do with my hip flexors for the reason being why I can't get my legs parallel, he's saying for me to do body weight squats, practising the correct form before going back to putting weight on them again.
An expert told you to do bodyweight squats instead of just the bar? Squats are easier to get down with some weight on your shoulders balancing you out.
After talking to an expert re my squats, he was saying it's all to do with my hip flexors for the reason being why I can't get my legs parallel, he's saying for me to do body weight squats, practising the correct form before going back to putting weight on them again.

I've had hip flexor issues too. The problem was actually flexibility. Does he have you stretching them? I believe that will help more- I'm kind of skeptical that bodyweight squats would help at all.


I've had hip flexor issues too. The problem was actually flexibility. Does he have you stretching them? I believe that will help more- I'm kind of skeptical that bodyweight squats would help at all.
No, he hasn't, what kind of stuff would you guys suggest? He was saying my back was arching when I was demonstrating my body weight form. Then he got me practising trying to get my hips back as I was heading towards the ground and to keep practising that before trying to use weights again.

Also, what would be good and effective ab exercises to do? And how many reps and sets for it?

Arm wise I do bicep curls and tricep Pressdowns on Fridays.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Any general tips on improving bench press/overhead press? I seem to be really stalling on these lifts.

Since I started in early July, I've gone from around 60 lbs. on the OHP to 90 lbs. but I can't seem to make the jump to 95 lbs. I can struggle to do three or four reps at that weight, but can't do the fifth.

Same with the bench press--I started at around 80 lbs. and am still able to lift only 120 lbs. reliably today. I've managed to do four reps at 125 lbs. across three sessions now, but keep failing on the fifth rep.

Meanwhile, I've seen much better gains in all other exercises. Both deadlift and squat have both gone up over 100 lbs. since I started, I can do more pullups, etc.

I'm planning to deload, increase the reps, and work my way back up, but is there anything else I can try to build arm strength? I have a feeling that my weak point is my triceps. Are there any good supplementary exercises I can do to help stimulate them?

J. Bravo

No, he hasn't, what kind of stuff would you guys suggest? He was saying my back was arching when I was demonstrating my body weight form. Then he got me practising trying to get my hips back as I was heading towards the ground and to keep practising that before trying to use weights again.

Also, what would be good and effective ab exercises to do? And how many reps and sets for it?

Arm wise I do bicep curls and tricep Pressdowns on Fridays.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XctGjJ4nNYQ seems legit. Also downward facing dog. Also these are great: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5EO8mPonO0&list=PLAB38A74AC1C768D9

Abs: hanging leg raises on deadlift and and crunches on squat days are what I do. You really don't need that many. I lift heavy and am starting to look like a smaller version of cooter lol.


Abs: hanging leg raises on deadlift and and crunches on squat days are what I do. You really don't need that many. I lift heavy and am starting to look like a smaller version of cooter lol.
You mean do hanging leg raise on the same days as deadlift days? Also, I was referring to on Wednesdays in the OP where it says do ab work then.

Thank you for the vids :) very helpful

Soo determined to look big and lean. Been a desire for a very, very long time now. Got depressed when I thought I could never get big. Still do from time to time when I feel I'm not doing some things right.

J. Bravo

You mean do hanging leg raise on the same days as deadlift days? Also, I was referring to on Wednesdays in the OP where it says do ab work then.

Thank you for the vids :) very helpful

Soo determined to look big and lean. Been a desire for a very, very long time now. Got depressed when I thought I could never get big. Still do from time to time when I feel I'm not doing some things right.
Ah you're doing a different routine than I am. yeah sure do them on Wednesdays then. That will work just fine.

But yeah I am just now starting to get a teeny tiny bit of size. It's taking a long ass time though. DOesn't help I've got a small frame.


Why botherwith set 20 or 30 dumbbells when you have a whole set of weights? Just get a few curling bars or w/e theyre called and use your olympic weights to dumbbell any amount you want.

I tried to get a curl bar from the guy that sold me the bench and he said he'd probably be able to get me one for about $40 but I haven't heard back from him yet.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Abs: hanging leg raises on deadlift and and crunches on squat days are what I do. You really don't need that many. I lift heavy and am starting to look like a smaller version of cooter lol.


Ab exercises are THE most overrated thing going. As Qwark said, lift heavy! Really push yourself every week on DLs and squats. The abs will be there as soon as you decide to get your bf% down. I do one, sometimes two ab exercises a week. Four sets of 15 with my legs extended off the ground a few inches and a 15lb medicine ball on my shins. Crunch up. Repeat. Takes about 5 minutes. Abs done!
My fat ass has 2 days dedicated to just abs and calves. I know my body and that in order to have the abs pop, I need to do more than just heavy compounds. Same with arms.


I've been doing planks each week, but think I might move to something more effective.

Also, since the assisted pull up bars are temporarily disabled, what should I do as a replacement, I saw a discussion about doing chin ups.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination

Ab exercises are THE most overrated thing going. As Qwark said, lift heavy! Really push yourself every week on DLs and squats. The abs will be there as soon as you decide to get your bf% down. I do one, sometimes two ab exercises a week. Four sets of 15 with my legs extended off the ground a few inches and a 15lb medicine ball on my shins. Crunch up. Repeat. Takes about 5 minutes. Abs done!


I never do crunches, yet with a low enough body-fat percentage I was rocking an 8-pack (depending on lighting lol). All you need is core work, be it hanging leg raises, planks, squats, deadlifts. My body-fat has gone up now that I'm on my bulk, but my core and abs are much stronger thanks to all the deadlifts and squats I've been doing. So they really do work.



...a bit frustrated at myself for letting my routine fall to shit since going back to college mid-september and not eating enough.

Strength has shot up since i started working out and I have grown all around my body, but I still get regular comments on how skinny I am!

Need to get more strict with myself and GET ON TOP OF THIS SHIT!


My life is now forever ruined.

I was about to watch a random Youtube, and one of Mike Chang's amazing infomercials popped up. Within the first 10 seconds he told me that I will always be puny because it is hardwired into my DNA.

Guys, seriously, what can I do to fix my DNA? Will snorting Creatine help? I accidentally closed the video, so I couldn't get to hear his solution, and now I am scared that I will never get any gains.


After talking to an expert re my squats, he was saying it's all to do with my hip flexors for the reason being why I can't get my legs parallel, he's saying for me to do body weight squats, practising the correct form before going back to putting weight on them again.

I've had hip flexor issues too. The problem was actually flexibility. Does he have you stretching them? I believe that will help more- I'm kind of skeptical that bodyweight squats would help at all.

I have the same issue: it's hip flexor flexibility, or lack thereof. I get about 3/4ths depth before I begin to get tight.

Bodyweight squats (done in a side-lunge style) would be used for increasing flexibility. There's no need to stop squatting. There's a number of stretching exercises to help with this, but to be honest, I've noticed little improvement in two months.

Ironic given how damn flexible I am otherwise.
Wendy's for lunch. Large fries, bacon portabella melt, 3 chicken sandwiches, protein shake.

Gimme all the calories.

Please tell me all 3 of those chicken sandwiches were spicy chicken sandwiches or I'm leaving you. Wendy's spicy chicken sandwiches are truly something to defend to the death.

My life is now forever ruined.

I was about to watch a random Youtube, and one of Mike Chang's amazing infomercials popped up. Within the first 10 seconds he told me that I will always be puny because it is hardwired into my DNA.

Guys, seriously, what can I do to fix my DNA? Will snorting Creatine help? I accidentally closed the video, so I couldn't get to hear his solution, and now I am scared that I will never get any gains.

I conduct genetic engineering as a part of my research here in grad school. If you want to be my lab rat I'll do some weird shit to you and we'll see what sticks.


I conduct genetic engineering as a part of my research here in grad school. If you want to be my lab rat I'll do some weird shit to you and we'll see what sticks.

On the one hand, I do want to get to the bottom of this. On the other hand, I have been on this site long enough to know just what "weird shit" entails.
Please tell me all 3 of those chicken sandwiches were spicy chicken sandwiches or I'm leaving you. Wendy's spicy chicken sandwiches are truly something to defend to the death.


Just went with the 99 cent ones. Didn't want to be dropping $20 at Wendys!
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