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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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It's a new month and I want to try turning over a new leaf, again.

Mainly I need help with meal ideas or weekly shopping list. I'm trying to cut back or eliminate my fast food intake, because currently that's all I eat. I'd like to budget for around $50 per week.

Alongside this I plan on cycling every night I can around the neighborhood for some cardio. Any suggestions on basic in-home routines would be helpful, such as push-ups, crunches, etc.

Basically, I need a first step plan. I'm more here for weight loss and toning than muscle gain. I know this is all "Read the OP" type stuff, but I'm just at a loss in terms of meal-planning, such as "This is what I eat, everyday of the week. Here's what I buy every Sunday and it will feed me until Saturday" type stuff. I typically only eat once or twice a day, but that will obviously have to change :-/

Thanks in advance!

Well, just a general guideline:

Breakfast: Something calorie rich like oatmeal, with chopped up fruit and raisins (no honey or sugar sprinkled on top), and/or eggs.
Snack: Yes, you need to eat more than 3 times a day if you want to eat well, and it'll also help keep your bloodsugar levels more stable - which will make you less prone to snack unhealthily impulsively. For the snack, eat a high fiber fruit, like an apple, or a protein flapjack.
Lunch: Protein time. Can be fish, chicken, beef, whatever - just eat a lot of it, and get some green veggies in. You can cook your lunch in advance, like sear a chicken along with some green veggies before popping it into a tupperware container to bring to work.
Second snack: Perhaps a protein shake?
Dinner: Same as lunch.

Input what you eat into a calorie tracker (can be an app, or a site like myfitnesspal), and try to hit X calories (where X has been calculated beforehand using a calorie need calculator).

Here's a good video on what to buy when you go out for groceries next time:
It's a new month and I want to try turning over a new leaf, again.

Mainly I need help with meal ideas or weekly shopping list. I'm trying to cut back or eliminate my fast food intake, because currently that's all I eat. I'd like to budget for around $50 per week.

Alongside this I plan on cycling every night I can around the neighborhood for some cardio. Any suggestions on basic in-home routines would be helpful, such as push-ups, crunches, etc.

Basically, I need a first step plan. I'm more here for weight loss and toning than muscle gain. I know this is all "Read the OP" type stuff, but I'm just at a loss in terms of meal-planning, such as "This is what I eat, everyday of the week. Here's what I buy every Sunday and it will feed me until Saturday" type stuff. I typically only eat once or twice a day, but that will obviously have to change :-/

Thanks in advance!

My input:

You're doing yourself a grand disfavour not signing up to a gym and training with heavy weights. They accelerate muscle/strength growth and fat burning much faster, and much more effectively than bodyweight exercise.

Also, there's no such thing as "toning", it's just a buzzword thrown around by salesmen fitness coaches and corporations.

If you want to build muslce and slim down: lift heavy shit and eat healthy/responsibly.

One last tip: if you have soda - even "diet" soda in any form - in your food inventory, I'd toss it outta the window further than a homerun. Shit is poisoning for your body's natural digestive system.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Thanks for the response. What were you in prison for? And was this an actual prison prison, or a county jail type thing?

Lol all I could think of reading that is Brolic Gorilla being locked up in a zoo with his friends and family smuggling beefaroni in to feed the beast.


Quick questions guys, I realized this from checking pics of Arnold doing the stomach vacuum poses (I was mirin'), can doing this type of exercise help in maintaining a flat stomach or distended stomach after eating a large meal?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
First post in FitnessGaf. I haven't worked out in what feels like ages. Lost job, lost money, lost love, lost friends, lost family relationships and for a short time there it felt like the downward spiral was never going to end. I put on about 45 lbs in the span of about 3 months eating anything I could because frankly I felt like I couldn't give a shit anymore. I snapped out of it once I started getting palpitations again (I'm only 25) and realized a heart attack could just be around the corner for me. I've had family die early because of the high blood pressure that runs in both sides of my family and some of them were barely overweight.

Cut to today. I finally got hired after months and months of job searching and while I should have snapped out of this funk long ago, it finally happened when someone decided I was worthy of a paycheck again.

I'm not too new to working out. I used to go to a crossfit type gym where I lost some weight while eating paleo and doing the workouts. I say crossfit type gym because the trainer there didn't allow the stupid and excessive movements and it became more like sprint training plus weights.

With my first paycheck I will be getting a gym membership and workout with weights with the occasional running/sprinting. I'm hoping to become better than I was before because right now, it feels like I've seriously let myself down.

I'm always interested in reading about people's progress so I'd also like to share my own. I'm female, 25, 5' 6" and 255 unfortunate lbs. Waist is about 48 inches. People have told me I look about 210-220 but I think they just didn't want to offend.

front squat - 205 x 3
back squat - 210 x 3
bench - 150 x 4
overhead press - 150 x 3
overhead jerk - 165 x 3
deadlift - 315 x 5

Wish me luck. Hopefully I'll have some actual progress to post soon.


I pop in and read the stories in here and what you guys are doing because it's truly inspirational to loose weight and change your body.

I'm just again sharing my story because I was a legit fat kid for most of my life until I finally decided to get off my ass and do something about it. What worked for me is not routines and counting calories but just not eating shit. I ate mostly grilled chicken, and veggies with water and made sure to stay away from ...well things that tasted good lol.

more "recent" me:

I've kept it off for going on 4 years now, and let me tell you it's not easy I can find myself somedays noticing if my diet isn't working with me my body will show it.

What WORKED for me is group fitness classes that make me want to go to the gym...to me the gym is boring as fuck. However, these classes always make me interested in going, and I have some friends that come too. See if theres some in your area, and try them out for 3/4 classes...Honest to god these are what god me in good shape, and if I can make the gym "fun" for you guys too then join in!



I pop in and read the stories in here and what you guys are doing because it's truly inspirational to loose weight and change your body.

I'm just again sharing my story because I was a legit fat kid for most of my life until I finally decided to get off my ass and do something about it. What worked for me is not routines and counting calories but just not eating shit. I ate mostly grilled chicken, and veggies with water and made sure to stay away from ...well things that tasted good lol.

I've kept it off for going on 4 years now, and let me tell you it's not easy I can find myself somedays noticing if my diet isn't working with me my body will show it.

What WORKED for me is group fitness classes that make me want to go to the gym...to me the gym is boring as fuck. However, these classes always make me interested in going, and I have some friends that come too. See if theres some in your area, and try them out for 3/4 classes...Honest to god these are what god me in good shape, and if I can make the gym "fun" for you guys too then join in!


My gym has lesmills too and it's definitely fun. The music playlists are pretty neat and as you said, doing it with friends is even better.
I have only joined Body Pump, Body Attack and Body Combat a few times because I mostly use the dumbbells and barbells around. But back when my wife used to go to the gym with me, I would join her class so she could have more fun than just going alone, and it definitely showed.


My gym has lesmills too and it's definitely fun. The music playlists are pretty neat and as you said, doing it with friends is even better.
I have only joined Body Pump, Body Attack and Body Combat a few times because I mostly use the dumbbells and barbells around. But back when my wife used to go to the gym with me, I would join her class so she could have more fun than just going alone, and it definitely showed.

dude Body Combat is the SHIT. I lost so much weight going and looked forward to the classes. Body Pump toned all the right areas too. No shit all I did was those classes for a year and became a different person. I'm glad you can attest to how fun it is.

Sadly the PD put me in an area with such crazy hours and location that no more Les Mills is by me so I do them in my house Combat, crazy fun.
I pop in and read the stories in here and what you guys are doing because it's truly inspirational to loose weight and change your body.

I'm just again sharing my story because I was a legit fat kid for most of my life until I finally decided to get off my ass and do something about it. What worked for me is not routines and counting calories but just not eating shit. I ate mostly grilled chicken, and veggies with water and made sure to stay away from ...well things that tasted good lol.

more "recent" me:

I've kept it off for going on 4 years now, and let me tell you it's not easy I can find myself somedays noticing if my diet isn't working with me my body will show it.

What WORKED for me is group fitness classes that make me want to go to the gym...to me the gym is boring as fuck. However, these classes always make me interested in going, and I have some friends that come too. See if theres some in your area, and try them out for 3/4 classes...Honest to god these are what god me in good shape, and if I can make the gym "fun" for you guys too then join in!


Really great transformation brah.

But I can't help imagine what you would be looking like if you started exercising. Just looking by what you accomplished by eating right, makes me wonder how far you'd get if you were weightlighting big numbers. You got some awesome potential.


Alright FitGAF friends. Looking for a bit of advice.

I've been out of the gym for about a month due to issues with my upper back, but rest and ice has it feeling good now, a bit tight, but In think that's simply it needing to be worked again. I was doing 5/3/1 BBB, but I'm not going to jump right back into that, instead thinking a SS style program or something would be ideal to ease back in.

Where would you guys begin for weight? I'm thinking drop by like 30% from my former work weight and then go up from there, using the next month to get back up to my former numbers, and then hopefully hit 5/3/1 again come January, but any and all advice is very much appreciated, as this is new territory for me.


Really great transformation brah.

But I can't help imagine what you would be looking like if you started exercising. Just looking by what you accomplished by eating right, makes me wonder how far you'd get if you were weightlighting big numbers. You got some awesome potential.

He is exercising.
With my first paycheck I will be getting a gym membership and workout with weights with the occasional running/sprinting. I'm hoping to become better than I was before because right now, it feels like I've seriously let myself down.

I'm always interested in reading about people's progress so I'd also like to share my own. I'm female, 25, 5' 6" and 255 unfortunate lbs. Waist is about 48 inches. People have told me I look about 210-220 but I think they just didn't want to offend.

front squat - 205 x 3
back squat - 210 x 3
bench - 150 x 4
overhead press - 150 x 3
overhead jerk - 165 x 3
deadlift - 315 x 5

Wish me luck. Hopefully I'll have some actual progress to post soon.

I am surprised this got glossed over because despite being very overweight you are, IMO, stupid strong for a female. If you're dilligent about tracking your calories and patient about the fat loss you will look awesome in a year with only minor strength loss if there even is any.

Read everything on www.bodyrecomposition.com about fat loss, nutrition etc. and keep us posted. Good luck!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Alright FitGAF friends. Looking for a bit of advice.

I've been out of the gym for about a month due to issues with my upper back, but rest and ice has it feeling good now, a bit tight, but In think that's simply it needing to be worked again. I was doing 5/3/1 BBB, but I'm not going to jump right back into that, instead thinking a SS style program or something would be ideal to ease back in.

Where would you guys begin for weight? I'm thinking drop by like 30% from my former work weight and then go up from there, using the next month to get back up to my former numbers, and then hopefully hit 5/3/1 again come January, but any and all advice is very much appreciated, as this is new territory for me.

I'd go even lower tbh, maybe 50% for the first return. SS is fast as you know, and you'll quickly get back to your previous work weight. Also it has the benefit of making form even better when you drop weight, so I'd use this opportunity to your advantage.

First post in FitnessGaf. I haven't worked out in what feels like ages. Lost job, lost money, lost love, lost friends, lost family relationships and for a short time there it felt like the downward spiral was never going to end. I put on about 45 lbs in the span of about 3 months eating anything I could because frankly I felt like I couldn't give a shit anymore. I snapped out of it once I started getting palpitations again (I'm only 25) and realized a heart attack could just be around the corner for me. I've had family die early because of the high blood pressure that runs in both sides of my family and some of them were barely overweight.

Cut to today. I finally got hired after months and months of job searching and while I should have snapped out of this funk long ago, it finally happened when someone decided I was worthy of a paycheck again.

I'm not too new to working out. I used to go to a crossfit type gym where I lost some weight while eating paleo and doing the workouts. I say crossfit type gym because the trainer there didn't allow the stupid and excessive movements and it became more like sprint training plus weights.

With my first paycheck I will be getting a gym membership and workout with weights with the occasional running/sprinting. I'm hoping to become better than I was before because right now, it feels like I've seriously let myself down.

I'm always interested in reading about people's progress so I'd also like to share my own. I'm female, 25, 5' 6" and 255 unfortunate lbs. Waist is about 48 inches. People have told me I look about 210-220 but I think they just didn't want to offend.

front squat - 205 x 3
back squat - 210 x 3
bench - 150 x 4
overhead press - 150 x 3
overhead jerk - 165 x 3
deadlift - 315 x 5

Wish me luck. Hopefully I'll have some actual progress to post soon.

Strong as FUCK. Badass. As it always is, diet is key. You can cut aggressively but keep your power, which is awesome, for the most part. I'd recommend focusing hard on diet, while maintaining your weights. As the weight drops and you're lighter, HIIT sounds like it'll be the key to kickstart that plateau that happens when you start dieting after the great first couple months and it slows down.

Bad fucking ASS numbers. STRENGTH.


I'd go even lower tbh, maybe 50% for the first return. SS is fast as you know, and you'll quickly get back to your previous work weight. Also it has the benefit of making form even better when you drop weight, so I'd use this opportunity to your advantage.

Good call. You're right I should probably take it even easier, I just hate feeling like I'm getting weaker and smaller.
Wish me luck. Hopefully I'll have some actual progress to post soon.

Good luck! You're already strong as hell, but I hope you reach your overall goals; I suspect things will fall into place pretty easily once you get back into a good routine and keep track of what you're eating. I think 90%+ of all people I know have gone through periods of rough times where they end up going to food for comfort (or just simply not giving a shit anymore, as in your case). It's a tough cycle to break, but it's absolutely doable.


Alright FitGAF friends. Looking for a bit of advice.

I've been out of the gym for about a month due to issues with my upper back, but rest and ice has it feeling good now, a bit tight, but In think that's simply it needing to be worked again. I was doing 5/3/1 BBB, but I'm not going to jump right back into that, instead thinking a SS style program or something would be ideal to ease back in.

Where would you guys begin for weight? I'm thinking drop by like 30% from my former work weight and then go up from there, using the next month to get back up to my former numbers, and then hopefully hit 5/3/1 again come January, but any and all advice is very much appreciated, as this is new territory for me.

Someone you might know had me drop my squat by 65% ;)

Different circumstances but maybe around 50%? Like sunflower said it doesn't take long to get back. I'm at about 80% of my old weight now and feeling fine.


Still having trouble making an appointment for all the tests I want done. In the mean time I'm thinking 1700 on rest days. 2200 on lifting days. Belt and pants and shirts getting too snug :/
Schattenjäger;92098339 said:
Shoulder tendinitis is the worst - won't be able to lift for at least 2 months :(

This would make me very sad, sorry bro. Can you do anything at all leg related, even just bodyweight squats or something to keep you from going crazy?


Gabriel Knight
This would make me very sad, sorry bro. Can you do anything at all leg related, even just bodyweight squats or something to keep you from going crazy?
Yea been doing legs - but that still isn't enough - I guess i can increase it to two leg workouts a week. Being limited to legs and cardio is depressing.
I'm kind of hestitant on using protein powder for my cut - and in general... just bought 1 kg of Vanilla protein powder today, so I hope it works out in the longer run.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm kind of hestitant on using protein powder for my cut - and in general... just bought 1 kg of Vanilla protein powder today, so I hope it works out in the longer run.

The devil is in the details - if its nutritional makeup is sound, then watch what you mix it with. I go equal mix of unsweetened vanilla almond milk + water.
The devil is in the details - if its nutritional makeup is sound, then watch what you mix it with. I go equal mix of unsweetened vanilla almond milk + water.

Cool. Whats the consensus on this:

/contents by a 100 gr

1707 kj/ 406 Kcal

fat: 6,5 gram
Carbs: 7 gram
Protein: 80 gram

Does that sound decent enough? One scoop is about 27 gr of protein.

I'm planning on mixing it up with water.
Good shit swollenedge

Thanks. It was weird, the weight felt heavy but it wasn't heavy... if that makes any sense. I honestly think I psyched myself out due to the fact that it was 3 plates and it was something that I have never lifted before. In any case, I have achieved my goals for the year.

315 bench
425 squat
505 DL

Question for you, Brolic, or anyone else who does heavy singles/doubles/triples. What is the routine you guys are using? Or are you using anything at all? I would like to start doing these as I feel like they would give me a bit more feel on how "heavy" the weight is so when I go for a true 1RM, I'm not caught off guard at the weight. I think for the final 2 months, I want to do heavy singles/double/triples and then a BB like routine. I just want to get a bit bigger. I'm weighing in at a constant 260 and if I can hit 270 by Feb, that be fantastic but I think 265 is more realistic.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Seems like costco (at least my local one) carries Musclepharm cookie and cream whey. I think it was like 5 pounds for 40.00?

Mine runs about the same, still eating the Arnold iron cut whey I found for 30ish in this thread. Good shit especially for the price.
Almost forgot... glad to share with FitGaf that yesterday I crossed the 6 months milestone for my progress:

(Træning = training :p)


First post in FitnessGaf. I haven't worked out in what feels like ages. Lost job, lost money, lost love, lost friends, lost family relationships and for a short time there it felt like the downward spiral was never going to end. I put on about 45 lbs in the span of about 3 months eating anything I could because frankly I felt like I couldn't give a shit anymore. I snapped out of it once I started getting palpitations again (I'm only 25) and realized a heart attack could just be around the corner for me. I've had family die early because of the high blood pressure that runs in both sides of my family and some of them were barely overweight.

Cut to today. I finally got hired after months and months of job searching and while I should have snapped out of this funk long ago, it finally happened when someone decided I was worthy of a paycheck again.

I'm not too new to working out. I used to go to a crossfit type gym where I lost some weight while eating paleo and doing the workouts. I say crossfit type gym because the trainer there didn't allow the stupid and excessive movements and it became more like sprint training plus weights.

With my first paycheck I will be getting a gym membership and workout with weights with the occasional running/sprinting. I'm hoping to become better than I was before because right now, it feels like I've seriously let myself down.

I'm always interested in reading about people's progress so I'd also like to share my own. I'm female, 25, 5' 6" and 255 unfortunate lbs. Waist is about 48 inches. People have told me I look about 210-220 but I think they just didn't want to offend.

front squat - 205 x 3
back squat - 210 x 3
bench - 150 x 4
overhead press - 150 x 3
overhead jerk - 165 x 3
deadlift - 315 x 5

Wish me luck. Hopefully I'll have some actual progress to post soon.

With stats like that you'll be shooting thunder bolts outta your ass before you know it. You might think you're lv 5 - but you'll get closer to lv 50+ fast within a few months.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Six months is really great to hit when you realize in the past (if you did this) you'd go to the gym religiously for like 2 weeks. It's unreal, the times I went back in the day, how I had expectations for it and didn't put in JACK SHIT. It's a long road, but the best road.


I had a dream that i attempted 4 plates on bench and as i was going up i nearly guillotined myself. Im such a gymrat.

Thanks. It was weird, the weight felt heavy but it wasn't heavy... if that makes any sense. I honestly think I psyched myself out due to the fact that it was 3 plates and it was something that I have never lifted before. In any case, I have achieved my goals for the year.

315 bench
425 squat
505 DL

Question for you, Brolic, or anyone else who does heavy singles/doubles/triples. What is the routine you guys are using? Or are you using anything at all? I would like to start doing these as I feel like they would give me a bit more feel on how "heavy" the weight is so when I go for a true 1RM, I'm not caught off guard at the weight. I think for the final 2 months, I want to do heavy singles/double/triples and then a BB like routine. I just want to get a bit bigger. I'm weighing in at a constant 260 and if I can hit 270 by Feb, that be fantastic but I think 265 is more realistic.

I know that feeling exactly. I do this to myself with pretty much all uncharted territory for weights. Its like some sort of mental barrier. Once you get under the weight its like"this is heavy but it aint so bad"
Six months is really great to hit when you realize in the past (if you did this) you'd go to the gym religiously for like 2 weeks. It's unreal, the times I went back in the day, how I had expectations for it and didn't put in JACK SHIT. It's a long road, but the best road.

The furthest I ever got was 2,5 ~ 3 months on a terrible diet, wrong nutriention values/priorities and terrible resting.

I don't see it as a road anymore, but a lifetime commitment.
I know that feeling exactly. I do this to myself with pretty much all uncharted territory for weights. Its like some sort of mental barrier. Once you get under the weight its like"this is heavy but it aint so bad"

It really is all about finding the right way to slap yourself in the chest. I hit the right combination of mental mantra, quietly restrained yelling and music the other day for squats and the bar felt like nothing, compared to the warm-up sets where I was starting to get that "blah this is gonna be brutal" feeling. The ol' CNS just needs a lot of encouragement.

Favorite psych-up quote: Rocky in Rocky III to Clubber Lang: "C'mon, you're not so bad! You're not so bad!"

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Thanks. It was weird, the weight felt heavy but it wasn't heavy... if that makes any sense. I honestly think I psyched myself out due to the fact that it was 3 plates and it was something that I have never lifted before. In any case, I have achieved my goals for the year.

315 bench
425 squat
505 DL

Question for you, Brolic, or anyone else who does heavy singles/doubles/triples. What is the routine you guys are using? Or are you using anything at all? I would like to start doing these as I feel like they would give me a bit more feel on how "heavy" the weight is so when I go for a true 1RM, I'm not caught off guard at the weight. I think for the final 2 months, I want to do heavy singles/double/triples and then a BB like routine. I just want to get a bit bigger. I'm weighing in at a constant 260 and if I can hit 270 by Feb, that be fantastic but I think 265 is more realistic.

Good shit bud.

I've pretty much started to do my own thing now that I pretty much understand what's going on. The underlying template that I'm using is iron sport strength method though.

As for heavy but not heavy. I touched on that in a post I made a while back about how weight feels different as it gets to be more. What might feel "too heavy" might just be how that weight is going to feel now and not indicative of your ability to move it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Not yet... it's way too early to call a win brah. Once I've fulfilled the remaining 6 blocks in my workout plan, I'll know for sure that I'm heading towards victory.
Nonsense. That post told me all I need to know. Fitness is now ingrained into your being. You may not have accomplished certain goals yet but you will. No doubt. You win!
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