Just getting caught up with everyone on this page. Surprised to see this discussion.
Dude, i'm not attacking anyone here... i just made an observation (that was stated in my first post)
Hey man, no worries. I totally see where you're coming from, and I appreciate your honesty. Like others mentioned that pre-bulk picture was after a serious two-month cut that absolutely drained me physically and emotionally and left me feeling shitty pretty much every single day. I lost virtually all my sex drive and things like
walking sucked. It was my stubborn persistence that somehow kept me focused enough to work out under such conditions. When I cut again it won't be at a measly (and quite frankly dangerous) 1600-1800 calories/day like I did.
And while I looked really defined, most comments I got when wearing clothes was, "Damn man, you've gotten skinny."
Most comments I get from people today is, "Dude, you've gotten way bigger. You've been lifting?" I love hearing that and it really motivates me. But then again, I'm the kind of person who latches onto something and tries to exhaust it for all its worth. I cut as much as feasibly possible, and now I want to get as big
and strong as I possibly can, and the
only way to do that is by eating a lot. Yeah, that means losing a lot of my athletic physique, but honestly, I have no doubt I can achieve similar bodyfat levels when I cut again sometime down the line.
Is it time-consuming? Yeah, and that's the annoying thing. I'm not done bulking. This is not my final form (lol). I posted a really shitty mid-bulk progress pic. And while I may be legit fat when all is said and done, at least I'll know I can fucking get fat if I ever need to, and that is awesome to me. haha