That looks like an arm.
I call it a pizza dick, aka cheese and pepperoni Stromboli. Stuffed it way too much with ingredients so it basically exploded out of it's shell. It's probably bulking.
I call it a pizza dick, aka cheese and pepperoni Stromboli. Stuffed it way too much with ingredients so it basically exploded out of it's shell. It's probably bulking.
The only Stromboli I've ever had was from a pizza place in the mall. So good though. Share the recipe pleeeeease.
Is bent over rows a good alternative if you cant do pullups?
Cut is going pretty well, been hungry as hell though eating only protein, really not sure how to beat that hunger.
Make sure you're eating enough fat (assuming you're doing low carb)
So what's more effective for strength? Slow reps or quicker?
Thanks for the fast response. Definitely going to pick some up if that's the case.I swapped the 1/2c (1 stick) melted butter I use for my tomato/sweet pepper sauce to 1/2c coconut oil and I can't even tell any difference, let alone taste any coconut flavor. I'd recommend it as a substitute in every case possible, in my situation that simple switch means this year I will avoid eating 52 sticks of butter. Hooray!
Always go as fast as you can so long as your form and technique isn't affected negatively.
So I'm starting to use extra virgin olive oil for cooking now, and I was also recommended coconut oil. I'm just curious though, does it put a bad taste on the food? My dad told me it adds a coconut water taste to it (which I find appalling), but he's never used it before so I dunno if he's just making shit up.
So what's more effective for strength? Slow reps or quicker?
So what's more effective for strength? Slow reps or quicker?
His advice is fine when applied to heavy lifting, seeing as the question was about strength. You're not going to get much momentum coming as fast as you can out of the bottom of a 5RM squat, but you're more likely to finish it than you would be if you didn't "worry" about speed, one way or the other. For weightlifting and the "power" lifts (e.g. power-cleans, as opposed to the "powerlifts" of squat, dead and bench), speed is essential.Oh god. Where did you get that? Some crossfit credo? Sigh.
That's silly, broscience. In reality, that would increase momentum, which is not often a good thing (stress on muscles, on joints, and makes you work the muscle less).
Just be comfortable, pay attention to what your body tells you through pain, safe and do your best. Don't worry about speed, one way or the other.
Shoulder pains, wrist pain, elbow pain, and so much more.
Darn you fit-Ghost, it all pretty much started a couple of months ago - up until then I never got pains.
Just getting caught up with everyone on this page. Surprised to see this discussion.
Eating. Resting. Consistency. Beards.
Thanks for your reply man, it's great to know how you achieved that lean look, as well as the effort it took, and where your priorities currently stand.
I wish I was able to make myself sleep more. I don't think I get enough of it, I work at 6am and even days off I hate sleeping in because I feel like I'm wasting my free time
Hit 2 plates on bench today, finally. Tomorrow is squat day and new PR, excited. I should mention i am cheating since i've been growing a beard the past 2 weeks and my gainz have exploded.
Yea I got some sleeping problems, always get 5-6 hours of sleep max, I try to eat more and sleep in on weekends to make up for it.
Ive always figured out there are 24 hours in a day. You sleep 6 hours and have 18 hours left. I know that some of you out there now will say, "Oh but I sleep 8 hours or 9 hours, then just sleep faster I would recommend. ~ Arnold
Have you tried taking ZMA? Shit makes me sleep like a baby.
What the fuck are you guys doing?
These past two pages make me gag.
Eating. Resting. Consistency. Beards.
I went and counted how many calories I've consumed today, I've had cereal, half weight gainer shake, lunch and pure orange juice. It added up to 1886 calories (I think..), I still have to eat dinner then the other half of the weight gainer.
I'm having Chicken Curry for dinner (I don't know how many calories that'll give me yet, need to check) then the weight gainer.
The weight gainer in total gives me 1920 calories but I've only had half of it so far, basically by tonight i'll be around 2846 calories + dinner + snacks inbetween.
I'm 180cm tall
Skinny as FUCK (ectomorph)
Primary goal is to gain weight obviously
I'm pretty new to all this, although I did post in a Fitness thread a long time ago about gaining weight, just sharing.
what gainer you use?
What the fuck are you guys doing?
These past two pages make me gag.
I saw a Dr Oz episode where he was all like brown rice protein, soy protein....what do I need? In fact do I even need it?