I wasn't able to get 405lbs on bench before the new year.
I got 410x2 yesterday the second rep was kind of half but Im counting it as full one
I wasn't able to get 405lbs on bench before the new year.
I got 410x2 yesterday the second rep was kind of half but Im counting it as full one
I'm so close to 3 plates, but I get up to 2 reps at 45,45,35, and then chicken out.
Does he have a penis workout too?
did you take pics? some before/after comparison?
I really need to look into this, my small calfs are what make my legs look so skinny
what are your recommendations on weightlifting belts
Also, was talking to Sunflower. Says he misses you guys alot and is on a cut which he hates. He will be back with us soon <3
My inzer belt shits all over every other ones I've tried.what are your recommendations on weightlifting belts
I wasn't able to get 405lbs on bench before the new year.
I got 410x2 yesterday the second rep was kind of half but Im counting it as full one
what are your recommendations on weightlifting belts
I wasn't able to get 405lbs on bench before the new year.
I got 410x2 yesterday the second rep was kind of half but Im counting it as full one
Why you no record this?
Congrats man. I should be at 400 soon. Did 355x3 right after 350x3 pretty easily.
Cunts the lot of you!
I can't bench or press for shit anymore :'(
All I can manage right now is 308x5 cgbp and 100-110lbs db should press, my shoulders feel like exploding.
Did squats then finished off with 308x10 pause (1-2sec.) at max depth, 6" off floor, shit was brutal...really feel it stretch out my hip flexors, so tight right now. Also doing stretches with the BB on my knees while in squat position.
Finally got around to doing BB rows in my apartment, LOL, I typically let the bar drop and it's noisy so I have to hold the bar back on the decent now and "deposit" it on my foamy mats...sucks. Did a 30x dead hang pullup set after and that gave a pretty good pump.
Underestimated how many calories were in this meal...a pound of lean ground beef is ~800+ calories...
~3000+ calories here.
Peter Rubish does a mashed potato + ground beef mix as his diet and I've been trying it out, I added 2 avocados and broccoli to the dish lol
I feel like I've asked this before, but have you tired external rotations, face pulls, and band pull a parts for your shoulders?
Also my wife makes me that beef and potato dish. Also we do something called potato tacos. Mashed potatoes and ground beef inside a tortilla. Fry it in oil the. Top it with avocado, tomato, an onion all crushed Into a paste.
I have no bands so I've only ever done external rotators with light DBs like Poliquin recommends. Maybe I should order some bands and try that stuff out...Right now my shoulders feel good even during/after the pullups and I managed to sleep on my back all night which helped. I get pain from sleeping on my sides, I'll roll over at night, and doing overhead stuff at work.
That sounds delicious...I was so full after that meal I was nauseous LOL
I guess protein shake is not for me. Every time i drink them my stomach feels pinched and just not right. I drink it with milk. Should i just stop taking protein shakes?
Try it it's delicious. And yeah I'd get some bands they saved my shoulders.
I've been going up on squats and deads at about 5 lbs every week or two recently. Is it a bad idea if I'm only going up in 1rep maxes for those two lifts? I'm positive I can keep these increases going for several more weeks, but I'm debating as to whether or not it is smarter to just do something like 531 and relegate myself to 5 lb gains every month.
I'm not as worried about bench because I have been going up every week in 2x2s.
You can do 5/3/1 and do more than 5lb a week as well.
You can do 5/3/1 and do more than 5lb a week as well.
Ya I might give it a try.
Gonna shop for bands thanks!
Yeah, that was some good eatin'. This was from Disneyland.
You'll be doing farmers walks in that, right?
Im not sure where to ask so I figured id ask here. Are there any good gnc coupons this month?
Do you have a link to one? Im about to go there now and see if it works, which hopefully it does.Majority of my GNCs banned or put tight restrictions on those coupons![]()
Can I get some opinions on carb backloading and the paleo diets? Didn't see them mentioned in the op.
I've been going up on squats and deads at about 5 lbs every week or two recently. Is it a bad idea if I'm only going up in 1rep maxes for those two lifts? I'm positive I can keep these increases going for several more weeks, but I'm debating as to whether or not it is smarter to just do something like 531 and relegate myself to 5 lb gains every month.
I'm not as worried about bench because I have been going up every week in 2x2s.
Nobody? Fuck it, 1 rep maxes every week it is!
Are you recovering strength from a setback or just progressing normally? Are you actually performing 1RMes every week or just basing your numbers on them? If the former, I'd be very wary about maxing out so often. I have a friend who trained like that, very strong guy with good mobility and form, but that level of stress can wreck anyone; he ended up hurting his back and it stopped him training properly for at least a year, if not 2.Nobody? Fuck it, 1 rep maxes every week it is!
Shoveled snow. Beard froze. So spent. Would link pics but I can't from Facebook on iPad.
The wife is complaining that we don't have enough money to support all the food I eat and that I have to cut back, fuckin hate being married sometimes