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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Speaking of stuck..

When is everyone into the cutting phase?

I have been eating a ton of Rocher in the last days and 5/3/1 has not helped in making me feel like a fat turd.

I need some extra motivation, the bulk is turning into THE EXCUSE to eat whatever I want. And its more nutella then broccoli.
(good gains though)


Speaking of stuck..

When is everyone into the cutting phase?

I have been eating a ton of Rocher in the last days and 5/3/1 has not helped in making me feel like a fat turd.

I need some extra motivation, the bulk is turning into THE EXCUSE to eat whatever I want. And its more nutella then broccoli.
(good gains though)

Beg of march for me!


Incredibly Naive
Cuts going real well, just shedding weight right now and haven't lost any noticable strength. I will say my energy/stamina isn't wher eit was, in that I'm getting less reps towards the end, but it's going well for the most part. Got the heavy bag all set up and doing some serious cardio and it's kicking my ass right now. That and DDR just melting fat :).


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Caramel Cone in a waffle cone at the Häagen Dazs store in Downtown Disney. Great way to end a bulk. I'll see you in 4 or 5 weeks abdominal muscles! Leave the side door unlocked.


Just finished my 1's week. 4th month straight of gainz. Here are my results atm.

Ohp - 170
Dl - 365
Bench - 225
Squat - 350

This is all on skd, 0 carbs used. Before the gym I have a bulletproof coffee and I have enough energy to break through walls while at the gym. I've also finally been able to do dips for reps which was impossible for me not even a month ago. Keto gainz train going to keep pushing ahead.
Tell her to get a damned job. Your gains ain't gonna feed themselves. This train stops for no woman.

LOL, I guess I am being a little unreasonable though, she's trying to get us financially ready for when I go to Physical Therapy school and I won't be able to work for 3 years and we would have to live off of her sole income
This year got off to a good start training wise. The last 3-4 months have been very frustrating since I've had numerous training breaks due to my work, relationship problems and even a small knee injury which kept me from leg training for a month and it feels like I've been stuck with the same numbers for too long. Anyway, I'm finally getting back on track and decided to test my bench max today. Managed to bench 286,6 lb (130 kg) which was one of my goals last year (and an all time PR too) so pretty happy that I was able to reach it now.
Cycle 1 of UD2.0 is complete. 157.6 this morning with a pretty clear 4-pack. I like where this is going although I'm finally starting to think I'm looking a little too skinny up top. This is the home stretch though. 6 weeks to go. I thought I was a big shot going in and wouldn't need a couple weeks to dial it in but I do need to tweak some things, mostly it's just going through the workouts once to find the right weights for everything. Also never do squats first thing in the morning as the opener for a full body routine :p

Power workout I felt as strong as ever, felt badass to put 2 25s on the belt for chinups.

Oh an 85 year old mummy worked in on my warmup sets for deadlift (he got 225!). His form was pretty bad but at that age I say do whatever the fuck you makes you happy.
My girlfriend and i started doing bodyweight circuits. she doesnt think we need rest days in between and i do. Any advice if we should or should not.

10 piston squats each leg
10 L dips
Max Plank
10 chin ups
20 Jump ups ( stair steps with a jump)
L-Sit practice
10 Pushups
20 sit ups
20 straddled squats
10 Pull ups
Max Hanging L
20 Walking Lunges
10 Diamond Pushups

She added 5 inverted toe hand situps
10 ankle hang leg ups ( pulls her butt to her ankles from an ankle hang)
Straddled up to handstands

she did 2.5 sets and and i did 1 set and shoveled a fuck load of snow.


I'm back boys!

Took a month off to let my back heal, then frankly the holiday season just made it hard to get motivated again, and though I went once or twice, today I'm finally back for real.

Hit the gym at lunch. 3x5 squats @ 225lbs, 3x5 bench press @ 185, then 3x18 barbell curls @ 45lbs.

I'm going to do a modified SS given my schedule, it'll be squats and bench on day 1 with OHP and deads on day 2, along with mild accessory work otherwise. Just to spend a month getting my strength back before getting back onto 5/3/1 BBB. Just easier to do my 2 lifts at lunch and still make it back to work on time.


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I'm back boys!

Took a month off to let my back heal, then frankly the holiday season just made it hard to get motivated again, and though I went once or twice, today I'm finally back for real.

Hit the gym at lunch. 3x5 squats @ 225lbs, 3x5 bench press @ 185, then 3x18 barbell curls @ 45lbs.

I'm going to do a modified SS given my schedule, it'll be squats and bench on day 1 with OHP and deads on day 2, along with mild accessory work otherwise. Just to spend a month getting my strength back before getting back onto 5/3/1 BBB. Just easier to do my 2 lifts at lunch and still make it back to work on time.


I don't see why it wouldn't work. Especially if you're taking it slow to ease back in.


I'm back boys!

Took a month off to let my back heal, then frankly the holiday season just made it hard to get motivated again, and though I went once or twice, today I'm finally back for real.

Hit the gym at lunch. 3x5 squats @ 225lbs, 3x5 bench press @ 185, then 3x18 barbell curls @ 45lbs.

I'm going to do a modified SS given my schedule, it'll be squats and bench on day 1 with OHP and deads on day 2, along with mild accessory work otherwise. Just to spend a month getting my strength back before getting back onto 5/3/1 BBB. Just easier to do my 2 lifts at lunch and still make it back to work on time.


Makes sense to me. Re-develop your strength base because your rep PRs are probably all thrown off right now.

You could probably milk this modified SS for a while.

Glad to have you back on the gainz train buddy.


Tell her to get a damned job. Your gains ain't gonna feed themselves. This train stops for no woman.



Top shelf beast mode right here.


Thats some beastmode-ness.

I'm so close to 3 plates, but I get up to 2 reps at 45,45,35, and then chicken out.

Mad jelly.

Why you no record this?

Congrats man. I should be at 400 soon. Did 355x3 right after 350x3 pretty easily.

P2 leather belt from elitefts.

Thanks bros!

Brolic, I left my phone in my locker, it was my first time in the gym in a week and it sort of just happened that I tried to max. I thought I'd be doing my normal work sets, but I felt really good and worked my way up to it, I sat at the edge of the bench for 10 mins before finally making the lift.
About 1 month into my clean bulk and its not bad at all. Probably at 11-13% BF weighing in at 168lbs this morning. Feel lean and stronger. Going to keep going until February 15th than start my slow cut, but if things are still going as smooth I will continue with this bulk till March. It should give me enough time to hit 9-10% by Coachella than hopefully break into 6-8% by May (Memorial Day).

At first I was very against this, but I am happy I stepped outside my comfort zone and this needed to be done to get to the next level. Those feels when you bench 225lbs for reps.


I wasn't able to get 405lbs on bench before the new year.

I got 410x2 yesterday the second rep was kind of half but Im counting it as full one

Impressive. I feel weak now. My max was 355 but I'm cutting again and can barely get 315 for 3.


I'm cutting again. I cut from 260 to 233 and 12-13% body fat. Then I dirty bulked back to 254. Don't even think I gained much muscle....Cutting for the next 3 months then when I bulk it'll be a super slow clean bulk. No more of this dirty bulk business.
I'm cutting again. I cut from 260 to 233 and 12-13% body fat. Then I dirty bulked back to 254. Don't even think I gained much muscle....Cutting for the next 3 months then when I bulk it'll be a super slow clean bulk. No more of this dirty bulk business.

I personally think dirty bulking is a terrible idea and just an excuse for people to pig out like slobs on whatever they like. Its much more beneficial to stick to caloric dense muscle building foods when clean bulking.

Peanut Butter
Sweet Potatoes
**** this BS

Started: 76,5 kg
Right now: 84,5 kg
Time: 6 months

I have not gained any size whatsoever. Where did the weight go? I might as well begin my cut and atleast get a low bf

Should I do Hiit right after my workout or should I do it on seperate days? I'm working out 3-4 times a week

When should I begin the cut?
**** this BS

Started: 76,5 kg
Right now: 84,5 kg
Time: 6 months

I have not gained any size whatsoever. Where did the weight go? I might as well begin my cut and atleast get a low bf

Should I do Hiit right after my workout or should I do it on separate days? I'm working out 3-4 times a week

When should I begin the cut?

I would start making slow adjustments to your diet by week. For example

Week 1 (remove carbs from dinner)
Week 2 (remove carbs from lunch)
keep gradually cutting out carbs by week.

Once carbs are low than start incorporating HIIT into your routine.
Week 1 do 1 session
week 2 2 sessions

just keep adding another session by week

the fat should burn off


I think dirty bulking is only really good for smaller people/newbies. I think its not very efficient at all for intermediates/advanced lifters. This is if you have a more bodybuilder mentality. If appearance/aesthetics doesn't matter to you then by all means, eat all of the things. I would, I have an insatiable appetite.


I have no thoughts Petrie because you know lifting better than I do, but it's nice to see you back

I don't see why it wouldn't work. Especially if you're taking it slow to ease back in.

Makes sense to me. Re-develop your strength base because your rep PRs are probably all thrown off right now.

You could probably milk this modified SS for a while.

Glad to have you back on the gainz train buddy.

Thanks guys. I've stayed away from this thread of of guilt. I've missed you all and missed dem gainz!

I can probably do more than a month or 2 of the linear progress again, but I'll be honest, I know I'm going to get bored of it. These days 5/3/1 and such keep me far more interested.


I think dirty bulking is only really good for smaller people/newbies. I think its not very efficient at all for intermediates/advanced lifters. This is if you have a more bodybuilder mentality. If appearance/aesthetics doesn't matter to you then by all means, eat all of the things. I would, I have an insatiable appetite.

Yeah, I think I'm starting to go with this line of thinking, rather than simply doing a huge bulk and cut.


I think dirty bulking is only really good for smaller people/newbies. I think its not very efficient at all for intermediates/advanced lifters. This is if you have a more bodybuilder mentality. If appearance/aesthetics doesn't matter to you then by all means, eat all of the things. I would, I have an insatiable appetite.

Yeah I think you definitely right. Lesson learned. I mean I was 233 at 12-13% according to my coach it's not like I was gonna be gaining tons more mass without a bunch of hormones.
I think dirty bulking is only really good for smaller people/newbies. I think its not very efficient at all for intermediates/advanced lifters. This is if you have a more bodybuilder mentality. If appearance/aesthetics doesn't matter to you then by all means, eat all of the things. I would, I have an insatiable appetite.

The problem is that all these newbies have no idea what they are doing and than before they know it, they blow up and get fat with little to no muscle gain.


the piano man
but... I thought the thing with bulking was more about reaching your macros, avoid going overboard with it and that doing it clean or dirty played a rather small role.

regardless, I am still not sure what is best for my particular case. Whenvever I have eaten the "right things" I've looked sturdier and more solid but basically at maintenance, muscle growth stalls. When I eat a lot "dirtier", I grow in size, yes, fat will be there but I have a broader back, bigger pecs, traps, ass, even legs. On the other side, I don't have a squared ab section, which would be nice to have.

I'll just wait til Sunday, fly back to Germany, do my regular meals. and train hard/better, I'll stick to the basics and find a middle point: eat well everyday, high protein/carb, low fat and not overthink this, it gets annoying really fast.


What if you put on weight eating 2200 calories of eggs, chicken, vegetables, oatmeal and rice?

As a 5'8 male in the 220lb range exercising 4x a week and now even doing cardio and more farmers walks...that ain't right.

Next couple weeks are really busy but before the end of January I'm getting blood work done.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
What if you put on weight eating 2200 calories of eggs, chicken, vegetables, oatmeal and rice?

As a 5'8 male in the 220lb range exercising 4x a week and now even doing cardio and more farmers walks...that ain't right.

Next couple weeks are really busy but before the end of January I'm getting blood work done.

Kind of unrelated, but Sean, I remember you not having any luck with low-carb. Did, you go high-fat at the same time? Just curious what your diet was like when you tried it.


Kind of unrelated, but Sean, I remember you not having any luck with low-carb. Did, you go high-fat at the same time? Just curious what your diet was like when you tried it.

Yup! I was using lots of coconut oil and frequently eating high fat meats (like steak 3x a week)

I really didn't respond well to it :/

I acknowledge I'm just a weird case all around. If I don't have a thyroid issue, I'll be shocked.

The only time I lost a ton of weight was when I went from no exercise/eating whatever I wanted to tons of cardio and cutting out a lot of sugar and fat. I was eating a lot of things like cereal and sandwiches. Also wasn't tracking anything. I was morbidly obese at that point so it's hard to say what worked.
Yup! I was using lots of coconut oil and frequently eating high fat meats (like steak 3x a week)

I really didn't respond well to it :/

I acknowledge I'm just a weird case all around. If I don't have a thyroid issue, I'll be shocked.

The only time I lost a ton of weight was when I went from no exercise/eating whatever I wanted to tons of cardio and cutting out a lot of sugar and fat. I was eating a lot of things like cereal and sandwiches. Also wasn't tracking anything. I was morbidly obese at that point so it's hard to say what worked.

I would try low fat/low carb and high protein.

You said you were gaining weight at 2200 cals a day, I would adjust that to 1800/1900 cals than go from there

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I would try low fat/low carb and high protein.

You said you were gaining weight at 2200 cals a day, I would adjust that to 1800/1900 cals than go from there

Sounds like a recipe for misery. You're going to be relying on gluconeogenesis to get your energy mostly from protein, which will end up just spiking your insulin about as much as if you were eating carbs, so you're probably not going to see much body fat mobilization.


I would try low fat/low carb and high protein.

You said you were gaining weight at 2200 cals a day, I would adjust that to 1800/1900 cals than go from there

I'm sorry I did 1800 for a couple weeks once and it was hell. I could barely make it through my workouts and any heavy squat or deadlift felt like I was going to die. That's almost as many calories as my wife eats, and she's a 5'5 120 pound woman.


I'm planning on starting Stronglifts 5x5 but I need to get some good cardio in at least two times a week, so when is the best time to do it? Guy on Twitter said he does it straight after the SL workout.


Incredibly Naive
Couple of things

- Anybody work with the heavybag? I'm looking for a good video to get some technique and a program together.

- since my left knee has healed up there is a constant clicking around my knee cap when I bend it. What are some good stretches/exercises to improve my tracking.
Two things:

1. Can anyone recommend a good, relatively inexpensive protein powder? I'm almost out of the one I currently use, and I'm not attached to it.

2. I feel relatively sick this morning after a busy, cigarette and booze-filled weekend, but I'm still tempted to hit the gym. Is this a bad idea? My body from the chest down feels fine but my chest and throat feel relatively shitty. I can't figure out if this is actual sickness or the result of far too much smoking.


Incredibly Naive
Two things:

1. Can anyone recommend a good, relatively inexpensive protein powder? I'm almost out of the one I currently use, and I'm not attached to it.

2. I feel relatively sick this morning after a busy, cigarette and booze-filled weekend, but I'm still tempted to hit the gym. Is this a bad idea? My body from the chest down feels fine but my chest and throat feel relatively shitty. I can't figure out if this is actual sickness or the result of far too much smoking.

1. Which one do you use? Body fortress is really cheap at walmart, but doesn't sit well with my stomach... however plenty of my friends use and love it. I love pure protein. I'm still nooby, but it's cheap, tastes great, and I've had great gains.


I just remembered something that annoyed the hell out of me yesterday. I was waiting on a squat rack to open up, both were occupied. I sat and waited and when one was free'd up this stocky looking guy gets to it and tells me he's about to use it. Fine. I wait on the other rack ask to work in with him, but he's about to finish anyways. I look at the guy in the first squat rack and he proceeds to load up the bar with 485 lbs. Me and the 2nd guy look on in amusement. "he's can't squat that". Dude unracks the weight just barely and 'squats' 1/16th range of motion. I scoffed, and we had a little laugh, making me feel a little elitist. Something in me felt like racking up the same weight squatting it ass to grass. But I'm recovering from an injury, and I'd be no better than him in that I would be putting my ego before actually training. Basically what I'm saying is check the hubris at the door. And don't waste a squat rack for some dumb shit, it's a terrible waste of real estate and other peoples time.
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