im stuck at 185 squat. i hate it 
pwo appetizers
pwo meal
mmmmmmmmm delicious
im stuck at 185 squat. i hate it![]()
im stuck at 185 squat. i hate it![]()
im stuck at 185 squat. i hate it![]()
Tell her to get a damned job. Your gains ain't gonna feed themselves. This train stops for no woman.
Speaking of stuck..
When is everyone into the cutting phase?
I have been eating a ton of Rocher in the last days and 5/3/1 has not helped in making me feel like a fat turd.
I need some extra motivation, the bulk is turning into THE EXCUSE to eat whatever I want. And its more nutella then broccoli.
(good gains though)
I've felt like that since Friday. Walking or just kneeling down has been agony lol.I don't think I'm ever getting out of this chair after squats today.
Tell her to get a damned job. Your gains ain't gonna feed themselves. This train stops for no woman.
Tell her to get a damned job. Your gains ain't gonna feed themselves. This train stops for no woman.
This thread makes me ridiculously hungry.
I'm back boys!
Took a month off to let my back heal, then frankly the holiday season just made it hard to get motivated again, and though I went once or twice, today I'm finally back for real.
Hit the gym at lunch. 3x5 squats @ 225lbs, 3x5 bench press @ 185, then 3x18 barbell curls @ 45lbs.
I'm going to do a modified SS given my schedule, it'll be squats and bench on day 1 with OHP and deads on day 2, along with mild accessory work otherwise. Just to spend a month getting my strength back before getting back onto 5/3/1 BBB. Just easier to do my 2 lifts at lunch and still make it back to work on time.
I'm back boys!
Took a month off to let my back heal, then frankly the holiday season just made it hard to get motivated again, and though I went once or twice, today I'm finally back for real.
Hit the gym at lunch. 3x5 squats @ 225lbs, 3x5 bench press @ 185, then 3x18 barbell curls @ 45lbs.
I'm going to do a modified SS given my schedule, it'll be squats and bench on day 1 with OHP and deads on day 2, along with mild accessory work otherwise. Just to spend a month getting my strength back before getting back onto 5/3/1 BBB. Just easier to do my 2 lifts at lunch and still make it back to work on time.
Tell her to get a damned job. Your gains ain't gonna feed themselves. This train stops for no woman.
Top shelf beast mode right here.
Thats some beastmode-ness.
I'm so close to 3 plates, but I get up to 2 reps at 45,45,35, and then chicken out.
Mad jelly.
Why you no record this?
Congrats man. I should be at 400 soon. Did 355x3 right after 350x3 pretty easily.
P2 leather belt from elitefts.
I wasn't able to get 405lbs on bench before the new year.
I got 410x2 yesterday the second rep was kind of half but Im counting it as full one
I'm cutting again. I cut from 260 to 233 and 12-13% body fat. Then I dirty bulked back to 254. Don't even think I gained much muscle....Cutting for the next 3 months then when I bulk it'll be a super slow clean bulk. No more of this dirty bulk business.
**** this BS
Started: 76,5 kg
Right now: 84,5 kg
Time: 6 months
I have not gained any size whatsoever. Where did the weight go? I might as well begin my cut and atleast get a low bf
Should I do Hiit right after my workout or should I do it on separate days? I'm working out 3-4 times a week
When should I begin the cut?
I have no thoughts Petrie because you know lifting better than I do, but it's nice to see you back
I don't see why it wouldn't work. Especially if you're taking it slow to ease back in.
Makes sense to me. Re-develop your strength base because your rep PRs are probably all thrown off right now.
You could probably milk this modified SS for a while.
Glad to have you back on the gainz train buddy.
I think dirty bulking is only really good for smaller people/newbies. I think its not very efficient at all for intermediates/advanced lifters. This is if you have a more bodybuilder mentality. If appearance/aesthetics doesn't matter to you then by all means, eat all of the things. I would, I have an insatiable appetite.
I think dirty bulking is only really good for smaller people/newbies. I think its not very efficient at all for intermediates/advanced lifters. This is if you have a more bodybuilder mentality. If appearance/aesthetics doesn't matter to you then by all means, eat all of the things. I would, I have an insatiable appetite.
candito is strong as fuckYeah, I think I'm starting to go with this line of thinking, rather than simply doing a huge bulk and cut.
candito is strong as fuck
Impressive. I feel weak now. My max was 355 but I'm cutting again and can barely get 315 for 3.
I think dirty bulking is only really good for smaller people/newbies. I think its not very efficient at all for intermediates/advanced lifters. This is if you have a more bodybuilder mentality. If appearance/aesthetics doesn't matter to you then by all means, eat all of the things. I would, I have an insatiable appetite.
What if you put on weight eating 2200 calories of eggs, chicken, vegetables, oatmeal and rice?
As a 5'8 male in the 220lb range exercising 4x a week and now even doing cardio and more farmers walks...that ain't right.
Next couple weeks are really busy but before the end of January I'm getting blood work done.
Kind of unrelated, but Sean, I remember you not having any luck with low-carb. Did, you go high-fat at the same time? Just curious what your diet was like when you tried it.
Yup! I was using lots of coconut oil and frequently eating high fat meats (like steak 3x a week)
I really didn't respond well to it :/
I acknowledge I'm just a weird case all around. If I don't have a thyroid issue, I'll be shocked.
The only time I lost a ton of weight was when I went from no exercise/eating whatever I wanted to tons of cardio and cutting out a lot of sugar and fat. I was eating a lot of things like cereal and sandwiches. Also wasn't tracking anything. I was morbidly obese at that point so it's hard to say what worked.
I would try low fat/low carb and high protein.
You said you were gaining weight at 2200 cals a day, I would adjust that to 1800/1900 cals than go from there
I would try low fat/low carb and high protein.
You said you were gaining weight at 2200 cals a day, I would adjust that to 1800/1900 cals than go from there
Two things:
1. Can anyone recommend a good, relatively inexpensive protein powder? I'm almost out of the one I currently use, and I'm not attached to it.
2. I feel relatively sick this morning after a busy, cigarette and booze-filled weekend, but I'm still tempted to hit the gym. Is this a bad idea? My body from the chest down feels fine but my chest and throat feel relatively shitty. I can't figure out if this is actual sickness or the result of far too much smoking.