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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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I peruse the diet and fitness threads that pop up every week. I am tempted to respond, but for everything I've learned and all the studies I've read there's a hundred people willing to hang on to every newspaper clipping and old wives tale without a lick of anything to back it up.

I might just make a few "best-of" posts and more or less copy-paste them where applicable.


But what's your TDEE? I'd be interested to know how these numbers are calculated. How big of a deficit were you on? Because your intake was still quite high but I guess your maintenance requirements are pretty high as well? At least on lifting days. If someone would like to try something like this, I'd guess he would have to try to figure out the numbers for him/herself first. Also how was your split programmed?

I need to drop around 20lbs before summer and I'm still figuring out the best way to do it..

Maybe I'll just do Lyle's Ultimate Diet 2.0 since I have it figured out already. I have the spreadsheets for the workouts and foods already listed for every day. Anyway it's super easy since Lyle tells you exactly what to do. There's no second guessing and I love it since I tend to think these things too much sometimes. Last time I tried it it got cut short (made 1,5 weeks in but had to stop due to various reasons) but this time I could take it all the way. Seemed to work like a charm though. Never felt so strong in the gym as I felt during the Power Workout after the carb load.

Yeah I was giving it as an example this was from my "coach" or whatever you call him and is tailored to me. The only thing that would change person to person is the calories and macros but that's not too difficult to figure out on your own. He gave me a whole plan with what foods I can eat for each and every meal, what workouts he wants me to do etc. It worked great. Lyle McDonald is great and knows his stuff. I just never liked UD because I don't like modifying my workouts as much as they have you do. It's just a bit overly complicated for me.


I peruse the diet and fitness threads that pop up every week. I am tempted to respond, but for everything I've learned and all the studies I've read there's a hundred people willing to hang on to every newspaper clipping and old wives tale without a lick of anything to back it up.

I might just make a few "best-of" posts and more or less copy-paste them where applicable.

IMO not worth it posting in those threads. For a similar effect you may as well go bang your head against a wall and save some time.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
IMO not worth it posting in those threads. For a similar effect you may as well go bang your head against a wall and save some time.
I agree. Everyone knows best and any bit of info you post from person experience is irrelevant to them. Wait, you don't eat for 18 hours? That's really unhealthy dude! Whatever buddy...
I peruse the diet and fitness threads that pop up every week. I am tempted to respond, but for everything I've learned and all the studies I've read there's a hundred people willing to hang on to every newspaper clipping and old wives tale without a lick of anything to back it up.

I might just make a few "best-of" posts and more or less copy-paste them where applicable.

IMO not worth it posting in those threads. For a similar effect you may as well go bang your head against a wall and save some time.

I've studied nutrition and food for long enough in my life that I guess I have some sort of guilty satisfaction with going into those threads. I try to stay out of it for the most part, but I'll usually step in for a few posts to clear up some general nonsense.
I am starting what I think to be my first legitimate "cut" so I'm posting in thread for any advice.

I've read the OP and lurked this thread for sometime, putting in a fair bit of reading. I started doing SS a little less than a year ago or so with some starts and stops. I'm 5'10' 230lbs 23% BF according to caliper multi site test. I think 18% BF is a pretty reasonable target I'd like to reach.

Training wise I am doing the GSLP, with a few assistances movements and some light Steady State cardio.

Nutritionally I am starting Standard Keto at the moment but may go to Cyclical Keto and throw in a refeed once in awhile if I feel like that improves my strength/muscle gains. I am eating 2000-2100 calories a day roughly 10% carbs/ 45% fat/ 45% protein at the moment.

Does all of this seem like a solid plan? Does 18% BF down from 23% seem like a pretty reasonable goal for a first time cut?
I am starting what I think to be my first legitimate "cut" so I'm posting in thread for any advice.

I've read the OP and lurked this thread for sometime, putting in a fair bit of reading. I started doing SS a little less than a year ago or so with some starts and stops. I'm 5'10' 230lbs 23% BF according to caliper multi site test. I think 18% BF is a pretty reasonable target I'd like to reach.

Training wise I am doing the GSLP, with a few assistances movements and some light Steady State cardio.

Nutritionally I am starting Standard Keto at the moment but may go to Cyclical Keto and throw in a refeed once in awhile if I feel like that improves my strength/muscle gains. I am eating 2000-2100 calories a day roughly 10% carbs/ 45% fat/ 45% protein at the moment.

Does all of this seem like a solid plan? Does 18% BF down from 23% seem like a pretty reasonable goal for a first time cut?

Dude, you can easily get down to 10-15%, especially if you keep on training.
How long is UD2.0 suppose to last?

6-8 weekly cycles. There's also an 8-day variant that's supposed to be closer to ideal but obviously it only works if you can train and alter your diet on any day at any time.

Hop on the scale holding it and then just weigh yourself.

I would totally do this if all the scales weren't in the locker room, downstairs, at the opposite end of the building XD

Cool. What I think I will try to do is drop down to 15% and then use UD2.0 as a "part 2" of my cut.

It's a good plan, if you're patient a reasonable deficit and maintained intensity will get you there quickly enough. Definitely buy the book, read it several times, and scour the forums if you're interested in UD2.0. I'm actually logging my experience on the diet there (it's a good distraction when you're suffering through the low carb days): http://forums.lylemcdonald.com/showthread.php?t=27570

long story short - it's really not that hard once you get through the depletion workouts. It's exhausting as hell though.

I am starting what I think to be my first legitimate "cut" so I'm posting in thread for any advice.

Patience and pretty much any non-retarded diet can get you to at least 15% BF (if not 10%) if you're in a deficit, continue to train hard, and are patient. Don't be afraid to drop a set or two from your workouts as you drop cals and get leaner - keeping the same weight on the bar is the most powerful "PRESERVE THE MUSCLE" signal you can send to your body. and make sure you continue to track what you eat.


Is one warm up set fine for each exercise? And can i do it with no weights each time since it's just a warm up?

Normally one should do 3-5 warm-up sets depending on the exercise. The weights should increase with every warm-up set.

For example:

10 reps x 40% (or only with the bar)
5 x 50%
3 x 70%
1 x 80%
Work sets 3 x 5 (100%)

Though for example with the DL you can't really start with just the bar under normal conditions.


Crappy workout. Could only manage 2x3 @ 285lbs on squats. I did my snatch grip Deads after but my lower back feels incredibly tight and pressurized. I think I need to back off heavy squats for a while :/ I don't want to re herniate anything.

Might move to 5/3/1 and start pretty low. Like start my 1s week at 225 or even lower and only add 5 pounds a week.

Another idea is to do light back squats on deadlift day and then move front squats as my main compound on squat day.



Lui Marco has a new segment where he interviews some people who talk about their experiences with gear. Pretty interesting, one thing they all had in common is coming off they become emotional messes and liken themselves to women or cry at the drop of a hat. One guy actually developed crohn's disease after using for a few months. Out of of the 4 he's interviewed only the newest one had anything positive to really say. To be fair most of these guys went into what they were doing blind and didn't or don't know what the fuck they're doing.
6-8 weekly cycles. There's also an 8-day variant that's supposed to be closer to ideal but obviously it only works if you can train and alter your diet on any day at any time.

I would totally do this if all the scales weren't in the locker room, downstairs, at the opposite end of the building XD

It's a good plan, if you're patient a reasonable deficit and maintained intensity will get you there quickly enough. Definitely buy the book, read it several times, and scour the forums if you're interested in UD2.0. I'm actually logging my experience on the diet there (it's a good distraction when you're suffering through the low carb days): http://forums.lylemcdonald.com/showthread.php?t=27570

long story short - it's really not that hard once you get through the depletion workouts. It's exhausting as hell though.

Patience and pretty much any non-retarded diet can get you to at least 15% BF (if not 10%) if you're in a deficit, continue to train hard, and are patient. Don't be afraid to drop a set or two from your workouts as you drop cals and get leaner - keeping the same weight on the bar is the most powerful "PRESERVE THE MUSCLE" signal you can send to your body. and make sure you continue to track what you eat.

I'm wondering if I should go lower on calories since 2000 seems to be right around maintenance for me. My biggest thing is going to be sticking to the "diet" and tracking on the weekends because they've pretty much been a free for all up until this point.


Crappy workout. Could only manage 2x3 @ 285lbs on squats. I did my snatch grip Deads after but my lower back feels incredibly tight and pressurized. I think I need to back off heavy squats for a while :/ I don't want to re herniate anything.

Might move to 5/3/1 and start pretty low. Like start my 1s week at 225 or even lower and only add 5 pounds a week.

Another idea is to do light back squats on deadlift day and then move front squats as my main compound on squat day.


I've been doing front squats for a month or so for pretty much the same reasons. I'm recovering from an injury and won't go back to back squats till I'm sure I'm back to 100%. I try not to do deadlifts at all, but I find myself doing them anyways but I try to make it a point to do 5 reps or so.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Lui Marco has a new segment where he interviews some people who talk about their experiences with gear. Pretty interesting, one thing they all had in common is coming off they become emotional messes and liken themselves to women or cry at the drop of a hat. One guy actually developed crohn's disease after using for a few months. Out of of the 4 he's interviewed only the newest one had anything positive to really say. To be fair most of these guys went into what they were doing blind and didn't or don't know what the fuck they're doing.

Jesus... I look up his channel and the video that auto plays is of a dude lactating (apparently as a result of steroid use). Not something I wanted to see.


Is one warm up set fine for each exercise? And can i do it with no weights each time since it's just a warm up?

Like despire said, it's generally 3-5 warm-up sets. I use this spreadsheet (File -> Make a copy) to calculate the amount of weight for each warmup set. That being said, for now no weights on the bar should be fine since you're just starting.


the piano man
in preparation for my flight back home in the next days, I am trying to come up with a nutrition plan with a macrospilt that would help me reach my goals.

my stats right now:
Height: 5'5 (1'69)
Weight: 154.8 (70.4 kgs)
The goal is to get bigger/clean bulk til the end of march/spring and then start my way back to a BF% of around 12-14.

Using the calculator in the opening post of this thread, I came up with the following result and I'd be grateful if you guys could give me some opinions about it, maybe I am missing something here.



.- is it advisable to go for a 40/40/20 split on rest days and 50/30/20 on workout days? I am making carbs on workout days a priority because they provide the energy I need to reach my strength goals.. right?

.- is the jump between ~2000 cals on rest days and ~ 3000 workout cals days realistic? Under this plan, I am supposed to go to the gym 5 days out of 7 so I am basically eating 3000 calories almost every day. (God, this will be hard)

.- regarding what my workout plan looks like so far, It's the standard split routine (Back, Chest, Legs, Shoulder) with strength goals on main compounds (one each day) and complement that with bodybulding oriented assistance.

.- now, what is the deal with the cardio in all of this? If I decided to make my 5th day a, say, cardio/abs day with 45 mins on a treadmill... does this mess up the proposed nutrition plan? the calculator says nothing about cardio...
.- I don't want to go over 200 grs of protein a day, no matter the day. At 154 lbs weight, it seems a bit overkill as it is.

by March 25th, about 2 months from my starting point (next week) Ill be here:

.- BF%18, which is the highest I'll ever allow myself to be. At my current 17%BF, my body is telling me the time to say goodbye to my current size of pants is drawing near. there is no fucking way I am buying new pants cause I went overboard with this and I don't think they'll fit with more than the 4.5 lbs of weigth I am plannning to attain.

.- from that point on, prepare for summer and cut BF to 12-13% and I'll try to take appropite measures regarding programming if necessary.

I will be very thankful If you guys say anything, even if it's just a "yes, do it" line. I hope this is a sensible plan but the nutrition topic makes me very insecure.


Crappy workout. Could only manage 2x3 @ 285lbs on squats. I did my snatch grip Deads after but my lower back feels incredibly tight and pressurized. I think I need to back off heavy squats for a while :/ I don't want to re herniate anything.

Might move to 5/3/1 and start pretty low. Like start my 1s week at 225 or even lower and only add 5 pounds a week.

Another idea is to do light back squats on deadlift day and then move front squats as my main compound on squat day.


I stalled three times doing SS and just started 5/3/1. Going lower with the weights has helped me clean up some technique I think and I'm way more sore weirdly enough.

I dig it.
(I'm doing the Beginner formula via http://blackironbeast.com/ )
Like despire said, it's generally 3-5 warm-up sets. I use this spreadsheet (File -> Make a copy) to calculate the amount of weight for each warmup set. That being said, for now no weights on the bar should be fine since you're just starting.

Does it need to be for each exercise even if they target the same part? For example the bench press also touches the arms and pull/chin ups as well.


Jesus... I look up his channel and the video that auto plays is of a dude lactating (apparently as a result of steroid use). Not something I wanted to see.
Dude keeps it real though. He's not so much against it as he'd rather scare young impressionable bros straight. Some people just need to be exposed to those sorts of things to get perspective.


in preparation for my flight back home in the next days, I am trying to come up with a nutrition plan with a macrospilt that would help me reach my goals.

my stats right now:
Height: 5'5 (1'69)
Weight: 154.8 (70.4 kgs)
The goal is to get bigger/clean bulk til the end of march/spring and then start my way back to a BF% of around 12-14.

Using the calculator in the opening post of this thread, I came up with the following result and I'd be grateful if you guys could give me some opinions about it, maybe I am missing something here.


.- is it advisable to go for a 40/40/20 split on rest days and 50/30/20 on workout days? I am making carbs on workout days a priority because they provide the energy I need to reach my strength goals.. right?

.- is the jump between ~2000 cals on rest days and ~ 3000 workout cals days realistic? Under this plan, I am supposed to go to the gym 5 days out of 7 so I am basically eating 3000 calories almost every day. (God, this will be hard)
.- I don't want to go over 200 grs of protein a day, no matter the day. At 154 lbs weight, it seems a bit overkill as it is.

by March 25th, about 2 months from my starting point (next week) Ill be here:

.- BF%18, which is the highest I'll ever allow myself to be. At my current 17%BF, my body is telling me the time to say goodbye to my current size of pants is drawing near. there is no fucking way I am buying new pants cause I went overboard with this and I don't think they'll fit with more than the 4.5 lbs of weigth I am plannning to attain.

.- from that point on, prepare for summer and cut BF to 12-13%

.- regarding what my workout plan looks like, It's the standard split routine (Back, Chest, Legs, Shoulder) with strength goals on main compounds (one each day) and complement that with bodybulding oriented assistance.

.- now, what is the deal with the cardio in all of this? If I decided to make my 5th day a, say, cardio/abs day with 45 mins on a treadmill... does this mess up the proposed nutrition plan? the calculator says nothing about cardio...

I will be very thankful If you guys say anything, even if it's just a "yes, do it" line. I hope this is a sensible plan but the nutrition topic makes me very insecure.

I would keep the workout short and get rid of the cardio day especially on a cut. Your goal should be maintaining muscle and losing fat will be performed by the diet.


the piano man
I would keep the workout short and get rid of the cardio day especially on a cut. Your goal should be maintaining muscle and losing fat will be performed by the diet.

Sorry, I put the comments in the wrong order, the workout I posted there is for gaining weight between now and March, it's not a workout plan having a cut in mind.

Will Edit accordingly.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Does it need to be for each exercise even if they target the same part? For example the bench press also touches the arms and pull/chin ups as well.
Don't do warmup reps for bodyweight exercises; the point is that you're performing the same movement with lower resistance than your working sets. If you get to the point where you're doing weighted pullups it might be worth considering though.

If you're squatting and deadlifting on the same day you can get away with a reduced warmup for deads, but as the weight increases you'll need to scale that up a bit.
I've been eating a lot of these.

Love em, they taste good and are cheap. These are healthy enough right?

There's a lot of random stuff in them, but fuck it, they're delicious and I can routinely get them for $1.00/ea, if not a bit lower. They're one of the few protein bars that don't seem to have nuts in them, which is good for me as I'm unfortunately allergic to tree nuts. Tried the S'more once and I never looked back.
I really feel like just going on a cut now but I'm still putting size on my calves, chest, and arms. I don't want to stop that progress.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Crappy workout. Could only manage 2x3 @ 285lbs on squats. I did my snatch grip Deads after but my lower back feels incredibly tight and pressurized. I think I need to back off heavy squats for a while :/ I don't want to re herniate anything.

Might move to 5/3/1 and start pretty low. Like start my 1s week at 225 or even lower and only add 5 pounds a week.

Another idea is to do light back squats on deadlift day and then move front squats as my main compound on squat day.

This would depend on your mobility, form and strength curves. The upright position in the bottom of the front squat requires a lot from your core/back. I assume you're doing low bar squats? Do you reckon it's the movement itself messing up your back or just the weight? It might be worth considering doing only one big lift that hits that area per day as fatigue is more likely to cause injury than weight (assuming your form isn't compromised).
I peruse the diet and fitness threads that pop up every week. I am tempted to respond, but for everything I've learned and all the studies I've read there's a hundred people willing to hang on to every newspaper clipping and old wives tale without a lick of anything to back it up.

I might just make a few "best-of" posts and more or less copy-paste them where applicable.

Not worth the effort. People argue in favor of their preconceived diet and exercise notions with religious fervor.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I just ripped open a half inch callous on my 4th set of deadlifts at 405. Bleeding everywhere. Couldn't complete my 5th set of 455. I am not happy!


Honestly this is the reason I hate fitness/health shit.

Just had a physical therapist tell me not to do squats or deadlifts anymore so it doesn't mess up my back/knee/elbow any more than they already are. I assume Power Cleans are included in that list, and have no clue what to do at the gym tonight. Maybe go to a push/pull routine that doesn't involve squats or deadlifts?


I've been eating a lot of these.

Love em, they taste good and are cheap. These are healthy enough right?

I always get the three flavor pack at costco. The chocolate and peanut butter one taste great, the purple (chocolate chip?) one is horrible. It's like 24 bars for maybe 18 dollars though, so I'll suck it up
6-8 weekly cycles. There's also an 8-day variant that's supposed to be closer to ideal but obviously it only works if you can train and alter your diet on any day at any time.

It's a good plan, if you're patient a reasonable deficit and maintained intensity will get you there quickly enough. Definitely buy the book, read it several times, and scour the forums if you're interested in UD2.0. I'm actually logging my experience on the diet there (it's a good distraction when you're suffering through the low carb days): http://forums.lylemcdonald.com/showthread.php?t=27570

long story short - it's really not that hard once you get through the depletion workouts. It's exhausting as hell though.

Cool cool. Sounds good.

And I think I will start my cut here soon. A couple of weeks for sure. I'm sitting around 270 and it is a fat 270. I wish I worked my calves harder but that is something I can work on later. I want to do a cut then a slow bulk throughout the summer.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Only 2 days into my cut and my gut doesn't hang quite as much as it did. Amazing how my body responds to IF, low calories, and high protein so well.


Only 2 days into my cut and my gut doesn't hang quite as much as it did. Amazing how my body responds to IF, low calories, and high protein so well.

How low are your calories? What I love best about IF is it allows huge tasty meals in the evening when cutting. Going without during the day is fine, but I'll be damned if I'm going to sit there feeling hungry when chill o' clock evening time rolls around.


Trying to reduce the amount of fat gain (so that I can continue bulking longer) by incorporating a low calorie diet day every now and then. Basically it means that every 9th day or so (before my `light day´) I'll eat a PSMF diet during that day. Eating around 1200kcal for a day should allow some serious fat burning to happen without interfering too much with my lifts (I hope).

Hopefully this allows me to burn the bodyfat that is accumulating (and a little extra too) without interfering with my gains too much. That's why I'm planning on having it before the easiest day in my powerbuilding schedule and two days after any previous lifting..


I've been doing front squats for a month or so for pretty much the same reasons. I'm recovering from an injury and won't go back to back squats till I'm sure I'm back to 100%. I try not to do deadlifts at all, but I find myself doing them anyways but I try to make it a point to do 5 reps or so.

This would depend on your mobility, form and strength curves. The upright position in the bottom of the front squat requires a lot from your core/back. I assume you're doing low bar squats? Do you reckon it's the movement itself messing up your back or just the weight? It might be worth considering doing only one big lift that hits that area per day as fatigue is more likely to cause injury than weight (assuming your form isn't compromised).

Thanks for the input guys. Bird, I think it's the weight...I talked it over with my friend. I'm going back to 5/3/1 on it but lowering my starting weight quite a bit. Keeping front squats on deadlift day.
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