Crappy Bench day. On my heavy set my spotter touched the bar on each rep.
Then on a lighter set I misloaded the bar with a 2.5lb plate on one side when it should have been a 5lb. During the set I was thinking "damn, I knew my right arm was weaker, but not this much weaker".
Anyone here get surgery for gynecomastia? Experiences with getting back into weightlifting afterwards?
Third day into my cut and despite my body still adjusting to IF I got 375x4 tonight for squats. I'm going to call that a success!
Tweak to my deadlift form is finally coming to fruition. Pulled 520 for an easy triple today.
Everything I already went down with you. Mostly simply pulling the slack out of the bar properly.Can you share the specific adjustment?
Btw, what do you guys recommend for farmer's walks between plates, dumbbells, and kettlebells?
I did 3x5 @ 295lb on squats last night. 295 was my 1RM not too long ago. 3 plates is so close I can taste it.
Next week is 300lbs. Will film my set and post it.
Before. Usually on 16-18 hour fast.'Curious, do you lift during your eating period, before, or after?
Before. Usually on 16-18 hour fast.
Everything I already went down with you. Mostly simply pulling the slack out of the bar properly.
I use handle for FWs.
How did you get gyno?
Many people seem to complain about having gyno these days. Now I'm not talking about the him but it would be interesting to know how many really have gyno and how many are just too fat and think they have.
How easy is it to go from benching using a Smith machine to an Olympic barbell? I've never attempted to bench the proper way before as I've only been training since March and I don't always have a spotter. At the new gym I'll be joining, I won't have a spotter at all.
How easy is it to go from benching using a Smith machine to an Olympic barbell? I've never attempted to bench the proper way before as I've only been training since March and I don't always have a spotter. At the new gym I'll be joining, I won't have a spotter at all.
Most people don't have access to a (good) spotter. You just need to know when to call it quits and don't attempt to lift weight/reps you can't handle.
Many people seem to complain about having gyno these days. Now I'm not talking about the him but it would be interesting to know how many really have gyno and how many are just too fat and think they have.
How did you get gyno?
Being poor, sucks. I'm so glad it was taking Amazon a long time to ship my ON whey, because I just looked at my bank account, and if I was charged for ON, I wouldn't have much money left to hold me over until I get paid next Friday.
I was already cutting back to one scoop a day. Now I'm going to lose 50g of protein a day, which means I'm going to get weaker and possibly lose a little muscle.
Well, maybe with the extra $53 I can buy food that'll be cheaper and last longer. =
Tuna, cottage cheese, and eggs. Eat em' up!
I'm going to start eating sweet potato with my chicken breast every day for lunch. I may also add some avocados, too, everyday for the the extra calories.
What about sardines? Anyone eat them?
I already eat pecans and sunflowerseeds everyday, too.
I'm going to start eating sweet potato with my chicken breast every day for lunch. I may also add some avocados, too, everyday for the the extra calories.
What about sardines? Anyone eat them?
I already eat pecans and sunflowerseeds everyday, too.
Deload week for 5/3/1 this week, went all in with my accessories and kicked ass. Got sets of reps doing dips and also started doing reverse pull ups just go help in that area, although it feels insanely awkward and looks silly. I can do 3-4 decent pull ups before my grip gives out, then next set 2-3, then next one 2 max. One of the morning guys came up to me this morning and told me to put my thumb with the rest of my fingers over the bar instead of around it and that really helped.
My legs are pretty great muscle wise, other then my inner thighs. What can i do to get more muscle in that area? Right now my leg workouts are deadlift, squat and calf raises, seems like plenty to me since my legs are very muscular but the inner thigh isn't developed at all in comparison to the rest of the leg.
How easy is it to go from benching using a Smith machine to an Olympic barbell? I've never attempted to bench the proper way before as I've only been training since March and I don't always have a spotter. At the new gym I'll be joining, I won't have a spotter at all.
Yes soreness is very typical. Lifting more will help but it jus comes with the territory.
Yea but it is around right above the elbow on the backside.
I'll be employing everything we talked about tomorrow. Is it weird I go to bed dreaming about my lifts the next day?
Many people seem to complain about having gyno these days. Now I'm not talking about the him but it would be interesting to know how many really have gyno and how many are just too fat and think they have.
Deload week for 5/3/1 this week, went all in with my accessories and kicked ass. Got sets of reps doing dips and also started doing reverse pull ups just go help in that area, although it feels insanely awkward and looks silly. I can do 3-4 decent pull ups before my grip gives out, then next set 2-3, then next one 2 max. One of the morning guys came up to me this morning and told me to put my thumb with the rest of my fingers over the bar instead of around it and that really helped.
My legs are pretty great muscle wise, other then my inner thighs. What can i do to get more muscle in that area? Right now my leg workouts are deadlift, squat and calf raises, seems like plenty to me since my legs are very muscular but the inner thigh isn't developed at all in comparison to the rest of the leg.
I've had it since I was 17, maybe earlier (roughly half my life). Probably just puberty. It's a mild-to-moderate case of it. I'm getting the surgery tomorrow afternoon.
Did you warm up properly before?
Many people seem to complain about having gyno these days. Now I'm not talking about the him but it would be interesting to know how many really have gyno and how many are just too fat and think they have.
i think so. Since this was my first day for practical programming i did 3 sets with the bar only before adding weights.
What weight did you go up to? Depending on ending weight you might need to progressively load your warm ups too.
For instance with BB press, I generally warm up with 1 25 plate (each side), then 1 45 plate (each side). Reps are ~15 and ~12 respectively before I do my working sets.
If my body is still not warmed up, I do an extra set and/or a set of push-ups. Idea is to really get blood/oxygen in those muscles your working on and also loosen up your joints.
I only switched once after the bar. Also do you take the same rest on the warm ups like you do with the regular weight?