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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Really interesting... I do about 220-240g of protein a day including whey. I also drink coffee before gym as well.

I wanted to get more energy from another source like BCAA as well.

Well, it's your money and if you've taken them and felt a difference more power to you. 220-240 is a solid amount and while I don't know your weight/LBM, I would just ask yourself what benefits you expect to see from a few extra grams of 3 specific amino acids when you're already getting tons of them through your normal diet?

Are you after like a short-term stimulant effect or more of a sustained energy thing?

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
Reposting for the new page since no one responded :/

My lower back has been a bit inflamed recently, and it's been bothering me as I'm setting the bar back down on deadlifts (but strangely not at all on the way up). Would I lose much out of the exercise if I just drop the bar from the lockout position? I'll be using bumper plates in this case.

J. Bravo

Reposting for the new page since no one responded :/

i drop the bar from my hips on the last rep every time. i somewhat control the drop on the reps before because i found that if I drop it every single time, it's hard for me to complete the set. it's easier for me to keep my feet in the same position and just regrip if need be.


Well, it's your money and if you've taken them and felt a difference more power to you. 220-240 is a solid amount and while I don't know your weight/LBM, I would just ask yourself what benefits you expect to see from a few extra grams of 3 specific amino acids when you're already getting tons of them through your normal diet?

Are you after like a short-term stimulant effect or more of a sustained energy thing?

I weigh 155-160lbs and looking to gain so I try to shoot for 1.5g of protein by lb of body weight. Roughly 3500 of calories a day as of now ('clean' bulk).

I am looking for some extra boost for when I start to cutting calories and carb cycle in a few months. Help with keeping up the working weight for when carbs are lower for example and also to recover faster. I know I'll lose some size when I cut, so I want to help counter it as much as possible.

I really appreciate your response and insight on this. This is only my first year of really working out and still learning.


the piano man
I weigh 155-160lbs and looking to gain so I try to shoot for 1.5g of protein by lb of body weight. Roughly 3500 of calories a day as of now ('clean' bulk).

is this on workout days or every day?

my stats are more or less the same as yours and the calculator said over 3000 on workout days and 2000 cals on rest days. which apparently is at a deficit so I don't know exactly who the plan works.

J. Bravo

quick creatine question. I take 5g every day + 3g that is in my mass gainer. 8g isnt going to kill me is it? just need to drink a ton of water, right?


is this on workout days or every day?

my stats are more or less the same as yours and the calculator said over 3000 on workout days and 2000 cals on rest days. which apparently is at a deficit so I don't know exactly who the plan works.

I try to hit this every day actually during this time. It'll fluctuate depending on if I've meal prepped adequately and actually have the time to eat due to my work.

But yeah I try to hit that daily. It's helped me gain 8lbs in last couple of months and it is extremely hard for me to gain weight. =/

Pete Rock

I'm always sore and in some form of pain.

There's your answer.
Yuuup! I was feeling awful from a head cold on Wednesday, couldn't smell or taste anything, mild headaches at random points, sinuses clogged to the point of a crackling sound in the ears when yawning, etc. Started talking like a whiny babby to my gym buddy and he said "fuck that, it's ohp & deadlift day, gym will cure you".

Pressed 125 x 8 and pulled 280 x 14. Hit the sauna afterwards. Cold is obliterated, going to crush it tonight.

Had I skipped, I would probably still be sniffling and boo-hoo'ing the universe. Rise up!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Well, the slice of pizza turned in to a massive sushi dinner, Ben & Jerry's, and a bowl of Cap n Crunch! No rush to cut I guess...


Well, the slice of pizza turned in to a massive sushi dinner, Ben & Jerry's, and a bowl of Cap n Crunch! No rush to cut I guess...

I'm supposed to be cutting a bit now but my girl is going away for the weekend meaning I could just play video games, eat pizza, and nothing else.

I wonder if the cut should wait?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm supposed to be cutting a bit now but my girl is going away for the weekend meaning I could just play video games, eat pizza, and nothing else.

I wonder if the cut should wait?
That sounds like a damn awesome weekend! I think you already know the answer.


Well, the slice of pizza turned in to a massive sushi dinner, Ben & Jerry's, and a bowl of Cap n Crunch! No rush to cut I guess...


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I couldnt lift that in my life even with Chucks's on, so props's are due. :(

haha still a major dumbass

Don't be so sure. There's no telling what that mess actually weighed.


Incredibly Naive
Any good stretches for elbow tendonitis? Getting some pretty significant tightness on my right elbow, particularly with lateral raises.


I'm supposed to be cutting a bit now but my girl is going away for the weekend meaning I could just play video games, eat pizza, and nothing else.

I wonder if the cut should wait?

As a heads up, with diets and cutting in general. There is always something that comes up again. I'm sure you know this already, but a lot of people say ehh well I have a party or that the holidays are coming up. There will always be some reason to wait, but now is as perfect as ever to start.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
255x2.5 ohp today. Stalled halfway up. Back was pretty fatigued from deadlifts/shrugs still though. Still think I got 290 next month.

Oh well. Off to work I go.


just a heads up, the videos on op dont work anymore.some of them.

I informed Squiddy about that a few months ago. I usually link people my Evernote note of YouTube fitness videos when they need videos on how to do certain exercises.

Road back to back where I was before break is going well. 3x5x120lb squat, 3x5x85lb BP, and 6/5/5 banded pull-ups done today.
I informed Squiddy about that a few months ago. I usually link people my Evernote note of YouTube fitness videos when they need videos on how to do certain exercises.

Road back to back where I was before break is going well. 3x5x120lb squat, 3x5x85lb BP, and 6/5/5 banded pull-ups done today.

Ah, yeah, forgot to do that.
Putting your link in the OP :p
255x2.5 ohp today. Stalled halfway up. Back was pretty fatigued from deadlifts/shrugs still though. Still think I got 290 next month.

Oh well. Off to work I go.

I can't imagine ever being this strong, congrats man

Going to Buffalo Wild Wings tonight, can't decide if I should be good and have naked chicken or say fuck it and get some extra crispy hot bbq wings


Finally gonna be back in the gym again, feels good. Ever since I started working I haven't had time but since it's slow in January I have time now. Gonna try and go every day since it's open for 24 hours.


Need yalls help-

My parents (early 60s) wanna lift. They're unauthentic and no lifting background, but at healthy weights and have sports backgrounds way back. What programs best for them/safe?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Need yalls help-

My parents (early 60s) wanna lift. They're unauthentic and no lifting background, but at healthy weights and have sports backgrounds way back. What programs best for them/safe?

Why not start with the OP/Starting Strength? I don't see why their being in their early 60s would disqualify them. Sure, they won't come close to making the kinds of progress a twenty year old can, but I'm sure they can improve their health with a program that focuses on the basics and steadily ramping up the weight.


Why not start with the OP/Starting Strength? I don't see why their being in their early 60s would disqualify them. Sure, they won't come close to making the kinds of progress a twenty year old can, but I'm sure they can improve their health with a program that focuses on the basics and steadily ramping up the weight.

I'll read more about it. As someone who did SS some of the stuff gives me pause like squats and deads, Altho deads can prob be swapped out for something else.

I also might just be underestimating them.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

I'll read more about it. As someone who did SS some of the stuff gives me pause like squats and deads, Altho deads can prob be swapped out for something else.

I also might just be underestimating them.

As long as you start with the bar and just the bar, I bet they'll be OK. With squats and deadlifts, assuming they are at healthy weights and don't have any injuries in the necessary areas, I bet they can handle it fine. They may not be flexible enough at first if they haven't done much squatting in their lives, though. It might be a good idea to start with air squats, or even squatting with support (like propping your back against the wall and slowly squatting down).


As long as you start with the bar and just the bar, I bet they'll be OK. With squats and deadlifts, assuming they are at healthy weights and don't have any injuries in the necessary areas, I bet they can handle it fine. They may not be flexible enough at first if they haven't done much squatting in their lives, though. It might be a good idea to start with air squats, or even squatting with support (like propping your back against the wall and slowly squatting down).
This is great, thanks for the tips.

Ima try a few lifts w them Tom. Appreciate it bro

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Need yalls help-

My parents (early 60s) wanna lift. They're unauthentic and no lifting background, but at healthy weights and have sports backgrounds way back. What programs best for them/safe?
The Olympic weightlifting club at my local community sports hall is mostly middle aged men and women, some with little to no training history. It's a small room with little more than some platforms, a power rack, a bench, a squat rack and weights, but two of the most useful items are dowel rods for working on mobility and technique and shorter/lighter bars.


200g of protein in for the day @ 7pm! Will easily hit 40 more before bed.

Tried some new leg workout exercises today and mixed things up a bit. It was hard to walk around gym after and I drive a manual car too lol



So my first week since ACL and meniscus repair surgery has been slow and boring. I'm really nervous this recovery is truly going to take seven months until I'm able to start playing sports and truly strength training again.

I just was cleared for firematic duty a few months back, I had PRs in all four of my main lifts, and I was just getting back into running again before my ACL tear, and now it's all going to be gone.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm throwing a pity party. I guess I'm just looking for some assurance from others who have gotten ACL or Knee surgery before, and have been able to squat and deadlift afterward.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
So my first week since ACL and meniscus repair surgery has been slow and boring. I'm really nervous this recovery is truly going to take seven months until I'm able to start playing sports and truly strength training again.

I just was cleared for firematic duty a few months back, I had PRs in all four of my main lifts, and I was just getting back into running again before my ACL tear, and now it's all going to be gone.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm throwing a pity party. I guess I'm just looking for some assurance from others who have gotten ACL or Knee surgery before, and have been able to squat and deadlift afterward.

Don't ever apologize about venting over injuries. They fucking suck and just know that you have at least one person who completely and utterly sympathizes with you right now. I know when I had rotator cuff tendinitis I was out of commission for a month, which felt like forever at the time. But you know what? Here I am today and it's just a blip in my training career. Hardly memorable in the grand scheme of things. Obviously an ACL tear is worse, but just know that there are still exercises you can continue to do to say in shape until you're ready to come back, and you will come back and it might take a month or two to return to your original state after you've recovered, but you will have done it and in a few years it'll hopefully just be this tiny little blip that you'll just kinda forget happened.


Don't ever apologize about venting over injuries. They fucking suck and just know that you have at least one person who completely and utterly sympathizes with you right now. I know when I had rotator cuff tendinitis I was out of commission for a month, which felt like forever at the time. But you know what? Here I am today and it's just a blip in my training career. Hardly memorable in the grand scheme of things. Obviously an ACL tear is worse, but just know that there are still exercises you can continue to do to say in shape until you're ready to come back, and you will come back and it might take a month or two to return to your original state after you've recovered, but you will have done it and in a few years it'll hopefully just be this tiny little blip that you'll just kinda forget happened.

Thanks Oogie.

How'd you tear your rotatory cuff, and I know you've mentioned some in previous posts, but have you had any side effects or twinges while training?


So my first week since ACL and meniscus repair surgery has been slow and boring. I'm really nervous this recovery is truly going to take seven months until I'm able to start playing sports and truly strength training again.

I just was cleared for firematic duty a few months back, I had PRs in all four of my main lifts, and I was just getting back into running again before my ACL tear, and now it's all going to be gone.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm throwing a pity party. I guess I'm just looking for some assurance from others who have gotten ACL or Knee surgery before, and have been able to squat and deadlift afterward.

I had my ACL on my left knee replaced in Dec 2012 and it took a good full year to start to feel normal again. I am back lifting full time and I am still working in my squats slowly. I am doing sets at 185 where I was doing sets of 3x5 at 325 before the injury. It's going to be frustrating but use the time to focus on a upper body workout in the beginning and slowly incorporate lower body workouts. But it's going to take minimum of 6 to 8 months before you can start doing things like squats with weights.

J. Bravo

So my first week since ACL and meniscus repair surgery has been slow and boring. I'm really nervous this recovery is truly going to take seven months until I'm able to start playing sports and truly strength training again.

I just was cleared for firematic duty a few months back, I had PRs in all four of my main lifts, and I was just getting back into running again before my ACL tear, and now it's all going to be gone.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm throwing a pity party. I guess I'm just looking for some assurance from others who have gotten ACL or Knee surgery before, and have been able to squat and deadlift afterward.

i had a compound fracture in my right tibia and i'm deadlifting 410x4 and squatting 285x5. easily. this was back on feb 28th i broke it. lifting 6 weeks after. make sure you are faithful to the rehab tho lol.


I hate working out in a health club some times, no body EVER take off their plates when they've finished and I've seen all kinds of scary 'workouts' this January. That comic strip posted earlier really sums mah feelin!
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