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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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I hate working out in a health club some times, no body EVER take off their plates when they've finished and I've seen all kinds of scary 'workouts' this January. That comic strip posted earlier really sums mah feelin!

I hate when people don't unrack their shit. It's a waste of my time to have to de-rack, and I don't care what other people think, I like to warm-up with just the bar for basically all barbell movements.


...hate me...
Welp, yesterday I was taking off all the plates on my bar because I just got new 20kg plates... and just imagine the horror on my face as the bar slowly tipped to the loaded side and I couldn't do anything about it.

I thought it would shatter the floor and break a couple of plates. But it ended up just making a couple of deep scratches on the tiles and ruining a clamp. So that was cool.

I wonder how it would fly at a gym, haha.
Yeah buddy!.. Finally managed to hit a new PR in OHP: 4 x 70 kg (154,3 lb). It's been 2,5 months since my last PR in the press so it's been a long time coming. Feels good.

OHP absolutely destroys my delts though. I only did three heavy sets and two lighter sets and my fronts delts felt trashed for the rest of the workout. Sometimes even driving home from the gym is painful since my delts still feel like they are on fire.


I hate when people don't unrack their shit. It's a waste of my time to have to de-rack, and I don't care what other people think, I like to warm-up with just the bar for basically all barbell movements.

Something I have discovered in my gym is that basically everyone either young (college kids) or old (the moms and pops) have no clue how to behave in a gym.
They walk through the path I'm pushing the sled, they go in between sets into my squat rack to do pull ups (without eye contact or asking), they never clean the stuff they used and of course, do not have a towel.

It's a big miss on the part of whoever showed them the gym in the first place to not tell them the proper way to handle yourself in that environment.


I hate when people don't unrack their shit. It's a waste of my time to have to de-rack, and I don't care what other people think, I like to warm-up with just the bar for basically all barbell movements.

Yeah I've gotten odd looks when working in on the bench and telling them I want to start with the bar.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Thanks Oogie.

How'd you tear your rotatory cuff, and I know you've mentioned some in previous posts, but have you had any side effects or twinges while training?

I was doing some weird shit on some parallel bars in a park. Going from a handstand slowly into a planche. Put too much stress on my rotator cuff and I sprained it.

It hasn't really been an issue for me except for one specific exercise: wide-grip pull-ups. Which really sucks because I always prefer to do wide-grip pull-ups as they'd work my lats really hard, but I can't do them anymore without discomfort.


Yeah buddy!.. Finally managed to hit a new PR in OHP: 4 x 70 kg (154,3 lb). It's been 2,5 months since my last PR in the press so it's been a long time coming. Feels good.

OHP absolutely destroys my delts though. I only did three heavy sets and two lighter sets and my fronts delts felt trashed for the rest of the workout. Sometimes even driving home from the gym is painful since my delts still feel like they are on fire.

Great job man!! I hope to get up there soon!

Pete Rock

Yeah I've gotten odd looks when working in on the bench and telling them I want to start with the bar.
I try to balance it out by shooting odd looks to those who throw on plates for their first set, because undoubtedly there is generally no chance they are doing a legitimate progression that ends up with work sets at 315+, which is what should be happening if that is your starting warmup set.

Unless I am mistaken and there is a codified clownshoes routine that says "warmup with 60% of your max weight followed by a few random sets of 185 or 205 and call it a day"

In my gym the absolute worst offenders are the people who do rows with a barbell. Near the short wooden deadlift platform which is in the corner of the room, there is a gouged out hole where the cinder blocks meet at the floor. I'm assuming it was first created by one of the original cavemen native to the area and it grows in size as more utilize it. They shove an end of a barbell in there so it can't roll anywhere, then they stack on at minimum five 45lb plates and grab the bar between their legs, stand up, and do rows that way. Those motherfuckers NEVER clean the plates off. Ever. Not once. Never seen it. Then they just leave it all resting on the corner of the platform because they're cool like that. I do a Charlie Brawn "Aughhhh good grief" every time.


I try to balance it out by shooting odd looks to those who throw on plates for their first set, because undoubtedly there is generally no chance they are doing a legitimate progression that ends up with work sets at 315+, which is what should be happening if that is your starting warmup set.

Unless I am mistaken and there is a codified clownshoes routine that says "warmup with 60% of your max weight followed by a few random sets of 185 or 205 and call it a day"

In my gym the absolute worst offenders are the people who do rows with a barbell. Near the short wooden deadlift platform which is in the corner of the room, there is a gouged out hole where the cinder blocks meet at the floor. I'm assuming it was first created by one of the original cavemen native to the area and it grows in size as more utilize it. They shove an end of a barbell in there so it can't roll anywhere, then they stack on at minimum five 45lb plates and grab the bar between their legs, stand up, and do rows that way. Those motherfuckers NEVER clean the plates off. Ever. Not once. Never seen it. Then they just leave it all resting on the corner of the platform because they're cool like that. I do a Charlie Brawn "Aughhhh good grief" every time.

Damn. I feel like a total gym-bro now, I always start my warmups w/ 45s.



the piano man
in my gym it's an unspoken rule or convention that nobody deloads the barbell when they are done and nobody gets upset about it.

there are very few guys that are doing true heavy weight compounds so that I literally take no more than 30 seconds to empty the bar.

There's this one powerlifter who leaves the loaded bar there in the floor with what seems like 450 lbs after deadlifting and that sucks. He is nice as a person but his gym behaviour is fucking awful.


in my gym it's an unspoken rule or convention that nobody deloads the barbell when they are done and nobody gets upset about it.

there are very few guys that are doing true heavy weight compounds so that I literally take no more than 30 seconds to empty the bar.

There's this one powerlifter who leaves the loaded bar there in the floor with what seems like 450 lbs after deadlifting and that sucks. He is nice as a person but his gym behaviour is fucking awful.
Our gym convention is to reload to 45s, since most people start w those I guess.


Our gym convention is to reload to 45s, since most people start w those I guess.

All well and good until someone leaves the bar on the very top spot and there's no way for someone short like me to safely bring down the plates.


the piano man
Our gym convention is to reload to 45s, since most people start w those I guess.

you mean, two 45 lbs plates, one on each side?

135 lbs/ 60 kgs all together as starting weight for a first warm up set?? on what exercises?

Only elite/advanced lifters on a hurry would use that as their first warmup set on anything,

unless you specifically mean a deadlift, in which case disregard this post.
The worst is when you have guys that use the leg press machine and leave like 5-6 45lb plates on each side.

This bothers me a lot recently. The worst part is that our leg press has an adjustable seat, so guys will push the seat back really far so their range of motion is super limited; they basically start with their legs 75% stretched forward. Then they do these 25% range of motion presses for 1 set of 3 with 600 lbs and leave the shit there. Really?

I rage so hard.


you mean, two 45 lbs plates, one on each side?

135 lbs/ 60 kgs all together as starting weight for a first warm up set?? on what exercises?

Only elite/advanced lifters on a hurry would use that as their first warmup set on anything,

unless you specifically mean a deadlift, in which case disregard this post.
People leave that everywhere, bench, rack, etc.

It's not ideal I guess- Altho I do warmup w the 2x45s on everything.


45s for me too. The bar is too light. Might as well do some air bench press.
Yup. It's more of a weird psychological trick for me- I want 135 to feel light/base-level, so I start w it.

^total bro science, but it's worked for me.


you mean, two 45 lbs plates, one on each side?

135 lbs/ 60 kgs all together as starting weight for a first warm up set?? on what exercises?

Only elite/advanced lifters on a hurry would use that as their first warmup set on anything,

unless you specifically mean a deadlift, in which case disregard this post.

135 could be a warmup for bench/deadlift/squat for me and I'm not exactly an advanced lifter.

After a couple months of working out, I figured my squat form would fix itself but it hasn't. It seems I have a strength imbalance in my shoulders because when I squat, the bar leans pretty heavily to one side and isn't balanced evenly. I can't really tell this is happening when I'm squatting and only found out thanks to a gym buddy (and recording my squats after). This doesn't have to do with the weight being extraordinarily heavy or anything as this happens even when warming up with just the bar.

The video above perfectly illustrates my problem. The guy in the video recommends these stretches but I was wondering if anyone knows anything else I can do to help rectify this.
Bought these at Albertsons just now. They taste amazin

120 cals
3.5g fat
15g carbs
12g protein

Not a bad replacement for the usual protein bars I snack on.

Pete Rock

This discussion confirms my suspicion that leaving plates on the bar or laying haphazardly everywhere but their proper home on the weight tree is a social phenomena related to the broken window theory. If I have to clean a bar left filled by someone else, shouldn't the next guy have to as well? It's only fair, right? I have been guilty of it myself a few times when I was a beginner, but now I honestly make a point to always leave things not how I found them, but in a better state than when I got there.

Be the stronger bro at heart, break the cycle! Also, only you can prevent wildfires. Don't let Smokey down!


Hi GAF, is it bad that I usually focus on a single muscle group a day? Such as..
Monday - Biceps
Tuesday - Chest
Wednesday - Triceps/Shoulders
The exercises I do for each usually work more muscles than just the ones listed but those are the primary ones.


Hi GAF, is it bad that I usually focus on a single muscle group a day? Such as..
Monday - Biceps
Tuesday - Chest
Wednesday - Triceps/Shoulders
The exercises I do for each usually work more muscles than just the ones listed but those are the primary ones.
A- how long have you been lifting for/how advanced are you?
B- it's probably bad, you especially don't need a just biceps day
Hi GAF, is it bad that I usually focus on a single muscle group a day? Such as..
Monday - Biceps
Tuesday - Chest
Wednesday - Triceps/Shoulders
The exercises I do for each usually work more muscles than just the ones listed but those are the primary ones.

Didn't you start SS recently? Why did you quit?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Hi GAF, is it bad that I usually focus on a single muscle group a day? Such as..
Monday - Biceps
Tuesday - Chest
Wednesday - Triceps/Shoulders
The exercises I do for each usually work more muscles than just the ones listed but those are the primary ones.

Seriously though, with only three days a week, why do a split body routine? I highly doubt each individual part needs an entire week of rest after your workouts.


Hi GAF, is it bad that I usually focus on a single muscle group a day? Such as..
Monday - Biceps
Tuesday - Chest
Wednesday - Triceps/Shoulders
The exercises I do for each usually work more muscles than just the ones listed but those are the primary ones.

What are your goals? It really depends. I prefer compound movements over isolated movements. Both has its benefits however.
Hi GAF, is it bad that I usually focus on a single muscle group a day? Such as..
Monday - Biceps
Tuesday - Chest
Wednesday - Triceps/Shoulders
The exercises I do for each usually work more muscles than just the ones listed but those are the primary ones.

Before I start I want you to know that this isn't your fault. OK? It's not.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. It's NOT ok. Don't do this! No. No. No. Don't even think about doing this.


Get it? No, I don't think you get it. Don't do this. EVER.

As someone who wasted months of "working out" doing crap like this, I can tell you that you will have minimal gains at best, and chances are that you will be extremely discouraged when you don't grow after three months of this. Trust me. Start with the compound lifts and progress using those. I used to do 4-6 different types of accessory exercises on my chest days to "speed progression up." No. Waste of time. Stupid. Idiotic. No, just no. I used to do incline dumbbell bench, flat dumbbell bench, triceps rope pushdown, dips, machine flyes, single arm tricep pushdowns, seated tricep extension machine, and sometimes I'd even throw in decline barbell bench. I was dumb. Now I do some tricep rope pushdowns to warm up my tri's then warm-up with my barbell bench press or incline dumbbell bench and go to work. I'm finally seeing solid progression on my lifts. So...

No. Don't do that.
Hi GAF, is it bad that I usually focus on a single muscle group a day? Such as..
Monday - Biceps
Tuesday - Chest
Wednesday - Triceps/Shoulders
The exercises I do for each usually work more muscles than just the ones listed but those are the primary ones.

Splits are a valid workout pattern but generally biceps don't need their whole day. That's why people do stuff like push/pull splits.

Also the people Iknow who do heavy compounds tend to stick with he program for longer and make more progress than people who do body-part splits with mostly of isolation moves. It feels like alll my friends who do so just kind of don't get anywhere. You need to find some marker of progress like adding reps or adding weight and consistently push that shit.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Before I start I want you to know that this isn't your fault. OK? It's not.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. It's NOT ok. Don't do this! No. No. No. Don't even think about doing this.


Get it? No, I don't think you get it. Don't do this. EVER.

As someone who wasted months of "working out" doing crap like this, I can tell you that you will have minimal gains at best, and chances are that you will be extremely discouraged when you don't grow after three months of this. Trust me. Start with the compound lifts and progress using those. I used to do 4-6 different types of accessory exercises on my chest days to "speed progression up." No. Waste of time. Stupid. Idiotic. No, just no. I used to do incline dumbbell bench, flat dumbbell bench, triceps rope pushdown, dips, machine flyes, single arm tricep pushdowns, seated tricep extension machine, and sometimes I'd even throw in decline barbell bench. I was dumb. Now I do some tricep rope pushdowns to warm up my tri's then warm-up with my barbell bench press or incline dumbbell bench and go to work. I'm finally seeing solid progression on my lifts. So...

No. Don't do that.

I endorse this belief. I believe a large majority of natural lifters over train week after week and that it impedes progress. I used to do 4 exercises for chest and while I saw progress it was nothing like the progress I encountered when I dropped it to only two. Volume is not always the answer. If you choose to go the heavy volume route you better be eating like your life depends on it!

EDIT: No need for a new post. I was going to wait until the cut is over before throwing a post bulk pic on here but what the hell! I'm about 200 here.



I firmly believe high volume is the way to go unless you're working on a body part twice a week. I like a mixture of compound, isolation, strength and hypertrophy exercises to ensure all the parts of the muscle is being hit.

Example, for chest day: BB bench (strength), DB incline, pec deck, incline DB fly, Hammer strength incline, hammer strength flat, chest dips and cable crossovers.

Is that wrong? Sure I end up doing a lot of sets, but I feel that I hit my upper, inner and lower parts of my chest. BCAAs are big parts of my supplements intake so I make sure muscles recover.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I firmly believe high volume is the way to go unless you're working on a body part twice a week. I like a mixture of compound, isolation, strength and hypertrophy exercises to ensure all the parts of the muscle is being hit.

Example, for chest day: BB bench (strength), DB incline, pec deck, incline DB fly, Hammer strength incline, hammer strength flat, chest dips and cable crossovers.

Is that wrong? Sure I end up doing a lot of sets, but I feel that I hit my upper, inner and lower parts of my chest. BCAAs are big parts of my supplements intake so I make sure muscles recover.
More power to you but that is a ton of stress you're putting on your chest. Stress is good for growth but that is a LOT! You can probably do this until you're 35 or 40 but after that I would scale it back.


Shitty deadlift day. The gym was extremely humid I was sweating like a pig warming up and my feet were slipping on the floor.

Now last week I got 335x5. I knew something was up when my warmups felt heavy.

Was obviously shooting for 345. Only got one rep and then was like nope. Went for a second single and taped it. I feel like my form is really breaking down at heavier weights. So please, critique away.


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Holy shit, Cooter. That really went to your face!

Your stomach still looks pretty slim, though, and I wouldn't call you fat unless I saw your before pics.


More power to you but that is a ton of stress you're putting on your chest. Stress is good for growth but that is a LOT! You can probably do this until you're 35 or 40 but after that I would scale it back.

Thanks for the advice. You're looking like a beast in that pic btw. Dem forearms.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Holy shit, Cooter. That really went to your face!

Your stomach still looks pretty slim, though, and I wouldn't call you fat unless I saw your before pics.
7 weeks. I know, it's crazy. And lol at my stomach. Must be the angle because it's about 12 pounds heavier!

Thanks for the advice. You're looking like a beast in that pic btw. Dem forearms.

Ha. yeah, they are out of proportion. Must be due to all the forearm work I did from 13-17. I was a baseball player and strong forearms meant increased bat speed! I pounded those things way way too much. Young and dumb I guess but at least I was dedicated and consistent!
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