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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Sean. Watch and rematch that video. Biggest issue is you're setting up leaning forward. When you pull th slack out of the bar at setup you want to be pulling the bar back into yourself (and up) with the weight on your rear mid foot/heels.


The "pull yourself into position" advice really helped me with the deadlift setup.


btw if you guys haven't tried brining your chicken, you should. It is delicious.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Food poisoning blows.

Four days now and I've lost about four pounds. Went from consuming 3500+ calories daily to barely getting in 500 calories the past four days. I'm really hoping my cravings return soon so that I can start eating again and regain a lot of strength that I'm sure I've lost. :/

Worst part about it is that I have no idea what caused it.


Because it explains the difference between the two and you said hadn't seen SLDL starting from the floor?

I understand the difference between the two (as shown in the links in my original post) what I'm saying is that 99% of the definitions of sldl have it starting at the top.


Food poisoning blows.

Four days now and I've lost about four pounds. Went from consuming 3500+ calories daily to barely getting in 500 calories the past four days. I'm really hoping my cravings return soon so that I can start eating again and regain a lot of strength that I'm sure I've lost. :/

Worst part about it is that I have no idea what caused it.

I told you it was basically eating something bad.
Your body will rarely reject food just because you are consuming too much.
If that was the case there would be lot less fat people.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
We'd need to take a look at your squat. Are you doing low bar?

Hello again, good sir! I went to the gym tonight and recorded all of my lifts. Luckily, the place was pretty empty, so I didn't get any weird looks. I already went heavy on squats yesterday and was still pretty tired out (I usually try to have one or two days of rest between workouts), so I took it easy today and only did 165 lbs. I'm going to post all of my sets, but don't feel obligated to watch all of them. The butt wink was particularly bad (worse than I thought) on the lighter weights, but I think it gets a little better as they get heavier.

Squat with just the bar
Squat at 75 lbs.
Squat at 105 lbs.
Squat at 135 lbs.
Squat at 155 lbs.
Squat at 160 lbs.
Squat at 165 lbs.

Any tips would be appreciated!

Also, since I was already doing it, I recorded a few rounds of dead lifts, too. I didn't have nearly the lumbar curve going into it that I thought I did. If you could offer some advice here, too, I'd be very grateful.

Dead lift at 135
Dead lift at 165
Dead lift at 205

When I recorded my 205 x 5 set, my damn phone fell over, so I didn't capture any of it. I went and did another single rep just to show my form, but I was damn tired at that point.

Anyway, any pointers you can provide would be awesome! If anyone else has advice, please chime in. I'm still a total newbie and am always looking for ways to improve. Thanks!


Food poisoning blows.

Four days now and I've lost about four pounds. Went from consuming 3500+ calories daily to barely getting in 500 calories the past four days. I'm really hoping my cravings return soon so that I can start eating again and regain a lot of strength that I'm sure I've lost. :/

Worst part about it is that I have no idea what caused it.

I'm pretty sure it was chicken in my case. I think I'm about ready to eat normally though. I was only really sick from Wednesday night through the end of Friday. Lost 5 pounds on the dot.


Hello again, good sir! I went to the gym tonight and recorded all of my lifts. Luckily, the place was pretty empty, so I didn't get any weird looks. I already went heavy on squats yesterday and was still pretty tired out (I usually try to have one or two days of rest between workouts), so I took it easy today and only did 165 lbs. I'm going to post all of my sets, but don't feel obligated to watch all of them. The butt wink was particularly bad (worse than I thought) on the lighter weights, but I think it gets a little better as they get heavier.

Squat with just the bar
Squat at 75 lbs.
Squat at 105 lbs.
Squat at 135 lbs.
Squat at 155 lbs.
Squat at 160 lbs.
Squat at 165 lbs.

Any tips would be appreciated!

Also, since I was already doing it, I recorded a few rounds of dead lifts, too. I didn't have nearly the lumbar curve going into it that I thought I did. If you could offer some advice here, too, I'd be very grateful.

Dead lift at 135
Dead lift at 165
Dead lift at 205

When I recorded my 205 x 5 set, my damn phone fell over, so I didn't capture any of it. I went and did another single rep just to show my form, but I was damn tired at that point.

Anyway, any pointers you can provide would be awesome! If anyone else has advice, please chime in. I'm still a total newbie and am always looking for ways to improve. Thanks!

Hey really good job here man for recording your sets. I am not a pro and would like tips on this as well. My form isn't that great.

One thing I noticed is that your chest is forward of your knees at the bottom, is that correct form?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Not a happy panda today, guys. Not a happy panda, AT ALL.

I'm not sure what the heck happened, but I've developed some wrist and forearm pain in my right arm. As a result, I can't seem to do any bicep curls any more (either with a dumbbell or a barbell). Even a ten lber is giving me quite a bit of pain. It also hurts a bit when I rotate my hand.

Though the weird thing is that the pain goes away once I start doing my other lifts, which thankfully I can still do just fine. Also, it doesn't seem to be sensitive to the touch. I can actually hit with the other arm and there won't be any pain.

This has been with me for several weeks now, and I guess I'm gonna have to go see a doctor, but I thought I'd mention it here and see if anyone has any advice. Does this sound like an actual muscle tear issue?


Hello again, good sir! I went to the gym tonight and recorded all of my lifts. Luckily, the place was pretty empty, so I didn't get any weird looks. I already went heavy on squats yesterday and was still pretty tired out (I usually try to have one or two days of rest between workouts), so I took it easy today and only did 165 lbs. I'm going to post all of my sets, but don't feel obligated to watch all of them. The butt wink was particularly bad (worse than I thought) on the lighter weights, but I think it gets a little better as they get heavier.

Squat with just the bar
Squat at 75 lbs.
Squat at 105 lbs.
Squat at 135 lbs.
Squat at 155 lbs.
Squat at 160 lbs.
Squat at 165 lbs.

Any tips would be appreciated!

Also, since I was already doing it, I recorded a few rounds of dead lifts, too. I didn't have nearly the lumbar curve going into it that I thought I did. If you could offer some advice here, too, I'd be very grateful.

Dead lift at 135
Dead lift at 165
Dead lift at 205

When I recorded my 205 x 5 set, my damn phone fell over, so I didn't capture any of it. I went and did another single rep just to show my form, but I was damn tired at that point.

Anyway, any pointers you can provide would be awesome! If anyone else has advice, please chime in. I'm still a total newbie and am always looking for ways to improve. Thanks!

I honestly don't see any butt winking except maybe a tiny bit for your first rep on the 45lb squat because you went deeper than you did for the other reps. I think you're over-analyzing it and you should just keep doing what you're doing.

As for the DLs, your first rep seems to be always different from your other reps; your hips are lower at the beginning and then they're higher for the rest. Some of the reps looked like the DL is broken into two parts rather than one fluid motion. Just a few observations.
Sean. Watch and rematch that video. Biggest issue is you're setting up leaning forward. When you pull th slack out of the bar at setup you want to be pulling the bar back into yourself (and up) with the weight on your rear mid foot/heels.


Thanks for this, being new to the deadlift myself, I needed it. Right now it's a pretty weak lift—last time was 1x5 with 95 lbs. Compare that with my squat which highest is 155 lbs. I'm sure it will skyrocket over the next few months.

I just started Starting Strength last week and previously haven't lifted free weights or been to the gym since sophomore year of high school—we didn't do deadlifts in my school's football training program. That was eight years ago.
Got a PR for my deadlift this morning of 140kg (308lbs) so pretty happy with that. Not bad considering I started deadlifting at the end of November with a 1RM of 105kg.


Still healing nicely, but it seems to be taking forever.

Maybe I'm getting old. Now that I'm over 40, I think at any moment that might start to walking around the locker room buck naked and start random conversations with strangers.

When I start to blow-dry my balls, that will be the point of no return.


Still healing nicely, but it seems to be taking forever.

Maybe I'm getting old. Now that I'm over 40, I think at any moment that might start to walking around the locker room buck naked and start random conversations with strangers.

When I start to blow-dry my balls, that will be the point of no return.

First day back after the new year there was the classic old naked guy with his leg up on a bench.
fucking jets fans

What a rough year. In fact, what a rough couple of years. ;_;

Cutting like a fucking pro.
Containers and pre-determined servings!

I'm trying something new. My chicken has always dried out when I cooked in bulk but I've been told that I should brine my chicken, cook it, and then freeze it. So all those containers you see there are in my freezer. I took one to work today and set it in the fridge and will warm it up after my workout in the microwave. Hopefully, everything will still be somewhat juicy. Dried chicken is the worst tasting thing for me and nothing will kill a cut faster than dried chicken.

how long does this amount last? what other snacks are OK for you at that phase? I need some points, my cutting phase is still a fat phase.

This is just lunch so 5 days. ~10 oz of chicken, cup of white rice, cup of broccoli. As for other snacks, almonds, string cheese, cottage cheese, etc. I don't prescribe into the concept of "clean eating" vs "dirty eating" but this just makes it easier to keep track of my macros. Plus, I've been eating a ton of various fast foods and "junk" foods so this is a nice change of pace for me.

What do you eat for breakfast or supper? Or are you on IF?

Ha. This is gonna sound very brosciencey but this is just me. I like to eat 3-5 meals a day when first starting a cut. So breakfast is eggs, egg whites, raisin bread, turkey bacon, cheese, etc. Dinner can be fish or steak with potatoes, rice, or black beans, etc. After I stall out a bit, I do a week where I eat back at maintenance before switching over to something like IF. If it sounds dumb, it prolly is but it is a mental thing for me. I feel that it works.



A mighty beast has fallen from our ranks BulkGAF.

You know, it is interesting. This bulk has taught me a few things. The first being that I have a weird body. It could be that I am training wrong, could be that I have wrong form but for someone who got to 270, I feel like that I should be a lot... bigger. A lot more wide. Bigger arms, chest, traps, quads, glutes, calves, just everything. Even with the "muscle fat", I feel like things should be more defined.


Like this dood here, he obviously isn't very lean but he is jacked. Traps and chest are popping out. Now I'm not saying I should look like him but I feel like my body should be closer to that than to where I am now. Maybe because of my current body fat? Maybe my training regiment? This leads me to my second point which is that I'm prolly never going to be truly happy with how I look lol. I don't ever feel big which people find crazy. But hey as people say, the day you start lifting is the day you will feel forever small.


Edge I agree. I don't really like the terms clean and dirty either. Food is food. Some foods are better for your macros than others.
In March not sure if I should slow cut or just go all out.

What do you guys do? cut cold turkey or slowly eliminate carbs by meal per week? I know I can shred very fast as this clean bulk didn't put much fat on me. I am half way through this week and see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I have to admit though, bulking is 100x harder than cutting. Mentally and its physically draining. Always worrying if I ate enough and stomach is always full. I can't believe I need to eat in an hour and I am still full from my post WO meal. 1 TBSP of PB, 3 servings of oatmeal and a protein shake. Now I gotta scarf down 2 pieces of tilipia and a serving of brown rice.

I cant wait to start cutting, though I am still lean throughout this bulk.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Anybody use myfitnesspal to keep track of food/workouts? Just started using this today, but how do you modify some of the foods to change some of the info. For instance, I had a coffee from ABP, where do I input the milk and sugar I added to the coffee? Do they have to be separate entries?
What a rough year. In fact, what a rough couple of years. ;_;

I'm a Rams fan, so... I mean we're going in the right direction at least, but this past decade has been so painful.

This week is my deload week for 5/3/1, which I've come to enjoy as a week to focus on improving my form. I'll be starting up my 5th mesocycle next week and so far haven't missed any lifts. It's definitely getting close though. I'm hoping I can keep this up into my 7th or 8th mesocylce without having to reset, but we'll see. Around the week I started 5/3/1, I started eating more and taking creatine, so that has probably helped as I've gone from around 165 lbs to 180 lbs. I'm doing the 3/day a week 5/3/1 routine, so it was all the way back in August or September that I started this all. Fifteen pounds in 4-5 months (with a chunk of that weight gain being from creatine) seems not too insane. Certainly some fat, but I don't look or feel a ton bigger from my before pics.


Are nuts bad for you if you are trying to lose some weight?.

I bought a 2lb pack of mixed nuts, but I'm not sure if the fat contained in the nuts is a major concern while losing weight, specially since i'm cutting some carbs, sugar. and completly cut off sodas.
Are nuts bad for you if you are trying to lose some weight?.

I bought a 2lb pack of mixed nuts, but I'm not sure if the fat contained in the nuts is a major concern while losing weight, specially since i'm cutting some carbs, sugar. and completly cut off sodas.

Half to a whole handful a day isn't too bad.
So long as they aren't nuts roasted in vegetable oils and with added sugar stuff.


Half to a whole handful a day isn't too bad.
So long as they aren't nuts roasted in vegetable oils and with added sugar stuff.

Nah, they only have some salt. I eat them with some blueberries.

I also like fruit jello, it fills your stomach and doesn't contain too much sugar, so it helps me stop my cravings for unhealthy snacks like potato chips.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm serious now! My cut officially begins today. I had a solid 3 days to start the week last week but then sushi sent me into an intense 4 day bulking binge. No more. Time to start melting this fat away.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Nah, they only have some salt. I eat them with some blueberries.

I also like fruit jello, it fills your stomach and doesn't contain too much sugar, so it helps me stop my cravings for unhealthy snacks like potato chips.

This may not apply to you, but in my experience, you only have those cravings because you sometimes do eat unhealthy snacks like potato chips and sweets. I look at processed carbs like cigarettes and alcohol. The more you consume them, the more you crave them when you deprive yourself of them. Cut them out completely and the cravings go away after a while.
Anybody use myfitnesspal to keep track of food/workouts? Just started using this today, but how do you modify some of the foods to change some of the info. For instance, I had a coffee from ABP, where do I input the milk and sugar I added to the coffee? Do they have to be separate entries?

Indeed they will have to be separate entries. What I do, though, is save stuff like that as a "meal" and add it in easily when needed. Good stuff.
I was going to wait until February but decided earlier just so I can do more of a slow bulk throughout the summer. As mentioned, I plan to drop 25 lbs or so. Cut down from 22% to 13ish. Just do what you feel comfortable with. I have a lot more weight to lose than I did last year. Not to mention, I don't want to go very aggressive. I worked hard to maintain my strength. I do not want to lose it.


You know, it is interesting. This bulk has taught me a few things. The first being that I have a weird body. It could be that I am training wrong, could be that I have wrong form but for someone who got to 270, I feel like that I should be a lot... bigger. A lot more wide. Bigger arms, chest, traps, quads, glutes, calves, just everything. Even with the "muscle fat", I feel like things should be more defined.


Like this dood here, he obviously isn't very lean but he is jacked. Traps and chest are popping out. Now I'm not saying I should look like him but I feel like my body should be closer to that than to where I am now. Maybe because of my current body fat? Maybe my training regiment? This leads me to my second point which is that I'm prolly never going to be truly happy with how I look lol. I don't ever feel big which people find crazy. But hey as people say, the day you start lifting is the day you will feel forever small.

It also has to do with the fact that, even though the dude in the picture isn't lean, he is no doubt on tons of shit that makes him look like that. Just look at his traps, chest and shoulders. I'm not even sure if it's possible for those muscles to pop out like that without blasting all the androgen receptors in that area with anabolics.That 3D look is very telling. Plus he has really short T-Rex arms which contribute to make him look bigger.

We have a very warped idea of what's possible without drugs. I think that you shouldn't compare your physique to that of others, specially po wrestlers who are on ton of gear.

You got a lot bigger and you got super strong during your bulk. That's something you should be proud of, and I'm sure you'll look great after your cut. Compare yourself to previous versions of yourself, not to others.


I was going to wait until February but decided earlier just so I can do more of a slow bulk throughout the summer. As mentioned, I plan to drop 25 lbs or so. Cut down from 22% to 13ish. Just do what you feel comfortable with. I have a lot more weight to lose than I did last year. Not to mention, I don't want to go very aggressive. I worked hard to maintain my strength. I do not want to lose it.

Cutting 25 lbs wow, sounds tough. Gluck.

I will have to cut 7-8 lbs only as a comparison. Will start really cutting beg of March.
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